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Best Water Type

Raviel the Phantom

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Whenever I play through Pokemon, having a Water-type on the team always seems to be a must. And Reborn is no exception, but it seems that the pickings are a bit slim on them, at least early on in the game. So I beseech you, and of course this is obviously opinionated, which is the best Water-type to tackle the region.

Personally I like the fact that Kingdra was added, though I'm debating on using a Sharpedo.

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The thing with water types: the get the most HMs which you need to get around.

but we are now just getting these HMs in the current episodes.

Surf can be learned by various non Water-types

Dive on the other hand is only for Water-types im I recall correctly...

So until you actually get/need to use the HM you don't really need a water-type

I currently use Swampert as my Water/Ground type with Surf and maybe Waterfall later on... but I will teach Dive another Pokemon since it seems (until now) that there aren't that many spots to use it and most of them we already visited.

But the *BEST* Water type might be Gyarados, since it wrecks everything when setup with Dragon Dance (that's why it got removed from early game)

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There are actually quite a lot of Water-types to choose from even early game, which is why I don't really feel pressured to choose a Water starter...

Azumarill is probably the best you're going to get, so long as it has Huge Power. I'm personally quite fond of Swampert, too, myself. Things with Shell Smash (Omastar, Carracosta and Barbaracle) are always nice choices too, so long as you watch for that x4 Grass weakness.

And, while everyone says Eeveelutions aren't that useful in Reborn (besides Jolteon), I quite enjoyed using Vaporeon. Using Wish with that thing especially is going to be healing anything quite a lot.

...Oh, and of course someone was going to mention Gyarados. It's not obtainable anymore, but if you have access to an older episode, Dragon Dance + Moxie is... well, you can probably guess.

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Best Water type is Seaking, but make sure you get one with Lightningrod. It's incredibly useful against Dr. Geezer and his Electric minions, and can dish out a bunch of damage with it's relatively high Atk.

Also, free Waterfall, yay :3

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I have fished a lightningrod seaking (with almost perfect IVs (the only one under 30 is spA)) and it can be really useful early game. As soon as you get to Route1 it stops being so special.
If you need a special attacker, Ludicolo is always a choice

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...Oh, and of course someone was going to mention Gyarados. It's not obtainable anymore, but if you have access to an older episode, Dragon Dance + Moxie is... well, you can probably guess.

I love how everyone always mentions Dragon Dance + Moxie, but i'll give you a brief history of ze past:

During episode 10 and 10.5, Moxie was broken. A Gyarados with Moxie = Gyarados with no ability there.

My Gyarados never had Moxie, it still has Intimidate. And as you know, i'm one of the people that always praised Gyarados. ALWAYS.

And it was during episode 10 that Gyarados saved me the most... yeah...


Also, let me just say that every Water type poke is good, as long as you are nice to it xD

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Metal Penguin is depressed. What the best Water type is depends on your team, sure, but depending on what you have Empoleon can be the absolute best. It's got crazy Special bulk, very good physical bulk, a great typing (only Magnezone has more resistances) and great Special Attack. Although you need E12 for it's best set: Panpour>Floatzel>Remoraid>Empoleon gets Empoleon Agility, Ice Beam and Scald. Drill Peck, especially with Defiant, is a great 4th move which gives you neutral coverage on all but Rotom-W, Lanturn and Empoleon itself.

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why haven't anyone mention mah nigga quagsire?

not the best but it's a good support with yawn and it gets earthquake at early levels

Swampert also gets Yawn and has overall better stats. When a move is acquired doesn't matter since it seems OP is looking for something to use in the long run.

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I've been playing around with sharpedo....

But he's not really my type~

Get it type lol I'm funny.

But really though, sharpedo is super frail so unless I can hit them with one shot I get pummelled~ not that I mind that.

I'm considering azumarill because it's also a fairy and huge power is even better than a huge...

Amount of speed~ I swear that was the end of my sentence.

So azumarill gets my vote! <3

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Swampert also gets Yawn and has overall better stats. When a move is acquired doesn't matter since it seems OP is looking for something to use in the long run.

Quagsrie gets Recover and the ability unaware, so setup sweepers can't wreck you such as Serra's Cloyster and Luna's Tyranitar. I'm not saying Quag is 100% better but it does have a niche.

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