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I don't know how I feel about it. I actually started out with the second and then went to the first. Both decent games, but the presequel just seems so... basic and identical to the second that it kind of turns me off from it. I was thinking about it. Let me know if you enjoy it though. I'd be glad to be convinced otherwise

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  On 10/8/2014 at 7:58 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:

I don't know how I feel about it. I actually started out with the second and then went to the first. Both decent games, but the presequel just seems so... basic and identical to the second that it kind of turns me off from it. I was thinking about it. Let me know if you enjoy it though. I'd be glad to be convinced otherwise

Like I said, It's pretty much a glorified expansion. I liked the 2nd, though it had it's faults, so this looks to be quite good.

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  On 10/8/2014 at 8:26 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:


xbox360 ;-;


Nuuuuuuu, it's like we're in different families ;~;

And before anyone even thinks, no PC master race joke

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  On 10/8/2014 at 8:27 PM, A Lucky Elf said:

And before anyone even thinks, no PC master race joke

I do what I want. PC master race.

I don't actually have a top end PC, but mine is decent. I've never been into console gaming though.

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I'm getting it today and i totally don't care if it's just a "pseudo expansion" it's freaking Borderlands! The only shooter i actually liked (thanks to all the jokes) and come on it has lasers LASERS!

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but those lasers aren't on friggin sharks, so it doesn't quite make it. I'll hold off on getting this game for when I'm on cooldown from Smash, Theatrhythm, Destiny, and P4U. But I'll eventually get it. On the same note, I doubt I'll get ORAS when it comes out.

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  On 10/15/2014 at 12:14 PM, Maelstrom said:

but those lasers aren't on friggin sharks, so it doesn't quite make it. I'll hold off on getting this game for when I'm on cooldown from Smash, Theatrhythm, Destiny, and P4U. But I'll eventually get it. On the same note, I doubt I'll get ORAS when it comes out.

Inb4 it does get laser sharks. also, it hurts that you guys get it earlier than us in Europe

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Sooo what character you will choose for the first playtrough and why? I will use Claptrap, i know that many people don't like him but he has 2 advantages imo, the first is that he doesn't need oxygen like the others vault hunters and the second is his ability which i like very much (random is fun)

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