Aurorix Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 "Yea, I'm ready, heck I'll even chose my first pokemon." Slade said as he gripped one of the balls on his belt and threw it. "I choose you TX 101 Zeta!!" The ball flew across the battle field then he sprung out creating sparks around him. "Who's your choice going to be?" Slade said with a confident expression. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 "Well aren't you sweet." Ryan give Kage another small punch in the arm as he grabbed a burger. "Not like I can say any different. There is something about you that's rather... attractive." Ryan sat silently after that, chewing on his burger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Jacob paused. He'd been sure that Slade was going to lead with Flare. Hmm... I don't want to send Chalchi out to get KO'd, but if I send in Teo I'll look like a jerk for picking a Pokemon with such a huge type advantage, he thought to himself. This is a tough decision, but there are BP on the line. I'm going for the victory, he decided. He grabbed a Poke Ball off of his belt and took a deep breath. "Sorry to do this to you, Slade, but you asked for it by sending in TX-101 first! Teo, come on out!" he shouted, launching the ball into the air. When it opened its capsule released its visual effects, producing a cloud of deep red sand that sparkled in the sunlight as it drifted down to the ground. Teo landed on his feet. "Trapinch!" he said excitedly, hopping between his feet. "Since you have the type disadvantage you can move first," Jacob said, ready to battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Slade smirked, 'He fell straight into my trap card!' Slade though to himself. He became even more fired up from before, so much that you might think he'll spontaneous combust at any moment. "Okay, 101 use magnet bomb on the standing still trapinch, then use lock on on your magnet bombs!" 101 started to glow then small bombs emerged from his body and got attracted to trapinch. They were sent at super fast speeds straight for trapinch. After that 101 locked on to the bombs going after the trapinch Edited October 10, 2014 by EXLink32 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Colin arrived a little after Evan in the group, Cel hanging from his shirt and Kyte in tow, running and jumping as always.He looked around for the people in there: Dani, the guy he´d bumped on and a girl with a face flushed red as a strawberry (during the class period he ended up learning their names were Mareek and Lana). He didn´t talk much with the last two yet, as they seemed to be of the introverted type... But hey, any time is good to start, isn´t it? "Heyo guys! What´s up? Hyped ´bout the excursion?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted October 10, 2014 Author Share Posted October 10, 2014 DarkLight, Jory, EXLink, Stratos and Notus “H-he didn’t cause me any trouble,” Lana said with a soft voice. Being around Evan, even though she knew him, made her nervous. She shifted around a little with her feet when Colin joined the group. She knew his name from class but that was about it. While she tried to figure out what to reply Evan’s Cleffa drew all the attention towards her. The little fairy jumped on its trainer’s head and yelled ‘Cleffa’ in an excited way to answer Colin’s question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Henry saw Shiro was excited to be fixing everyone a meal. "I'm going out for some training. If you need anything, you'll know where to fine me." He doubted Shiro heard him, but he really didn't care. He headed outside and was a bit annoyed seeing trainers make fireworks instead of trying to prepare for what could possibly become a dangerous journey. Henry settled over to a spot quite a ways away and pulled out a dodge ball and some oran berries. "Alright, we're going to do some quick practice. First, I want to make sure you guys have that one strategy down." Henry threw the Oran berries straight at Gypsy, but were suddenly stopped in mid-air and dropped to the ground. She was taken off guard by an incoming kickball heading her way. Zuko was fortunate enough to intervene with his Faint Attack. The ball now was in mid-air and Gypsy released a purple powder around it. "As long as we get that powder out, I think we'll be fine." Henry watched as his Venonat celebrate her victory by chowing down the Oran berries, her favorite. "You two do have an issue though. Whenever I'm not giving orders, the two of you can't seem to keep it together. I know you may not like each other too much, but you have to work together." Henry picked up the kickball. "The goal here is to keep the kickball in the air for a minute and a half. Don't think this is going to be easy as I'm going to intervene to throw you off. Just remember that if you fail, both of you are eating bland poke food the whole trip." The two Pokemon shuddered at the thought and began trying to communicate to one another. Shortly after, they looked at Henry prepared for his challenge. The two pokemon started out by bouncing the ball back and forth using their heads. That didn't last long as Henry nailed the ball far away. Zuko quickly chased after it and dove to just barely save the ball. The Venonat the held it in the air with Confusion giving enough time for her partner to recover and bounce it back to her. The two kept bouncing it back until Henry tried spiking it to the ground. To his surprise, the Venonat caught it with Confusion inches before scraping the ground. She kicked it back up with her foot and launched it with a Tackle. It wasn't over yet as Henry had one last trick up his sleeve. He knocked the ball so that it was high above his head. His Pokemon quickly reacted with Gypsy biting down on Zuko's tail to be flung up in the air. She used Henry's head as a platform and knocked the ball back over to Zuko, but she didn't hit it quite far enough. Zuko charged toward the ball, but he fell and watched the ball bounce against the ground. "One minute; 29 seconds," Henry said as he looked at his stopwatch. "So close." He watched his pokemon who seemed quite disappointed despite their hard efforts. "I'm just kidding. It's actually 1:45, but I wouldn't have punished you no matter what happened. I just wanted to show you that you can accomplish quite a lot when you're not trying to get on each other's nerves." Henry paused for a moment before continuing. "I try my best to give orders based on my judgement, but I won't always be able to. When we get stronger, it'll be a lot harder hearing my voice so I want you guys to be able to adapt to unexpected situations similar to what I did to that ball. That's all for training today so feel free to relax a bit." The two were quite surprised as they were use to much longer and more difficult workouts than a simple ballgame. "Although I should return this before I get in trouble." Henry picked up the ball and the three quietly returned the dodgeball to its rightful home. They then decided it might be fun watching that little battle from afar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Danielle got her act back together when Colin arrived to join the party of spectators. "Hi, Colin! Just finished training and---" "Cleffa!" Danielle jumped as the peppy little fairy was sitting on Evan's head. Yes, it's not going to kill her and Cleffa was the savior of Evan's match with Alvin, but the coordinator was still nervous around it, nonetheless. She unconsciously inched closer to Lana while giving it a wave. Seeing Danielle's less dramatic outburst at the innocent Fairy-type gave Avis and Corona a sigh of relief. During the past six weeks in school, Avis, Corona and the rest of Danielle's friends (mostly Jacob, Slade and, to a lesser extent, Lana and Claude) have been trying to stop Danielle from freaking out about Electric and Fairy types. The first battle with an Electric Pokemon the two fought didn't go over too well: Corona was left to fend for herself while Danielle almost cried. This was shortly followed by a battle with a Flabébé where Danielle hid behind Jacob. It took approximately two weeks of exposure to such Pokemon until Danielle was finally showing more notable signs of improvement. Not only did her fear began to dwindle down, her BP also began to rack up more quickly. Then again, it was probably because Danielle bet more on those trainers that preyed on her to get back her fair share. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 "Hehe, I know you are, little one!" Colin answered the hyped Cleffa. "Fairies love to play with dragons don´t they?" The boy joked a bit about the type match-ups. He had been working very hard on the battle classes, and had spent most of the week either reading and checking the pokédex, battling other first years (although some were close calls, his record was still 0 defeats.) or doing specific training with his Pokémon. Actually, he was a bit worried that Kyte had not yet evolved after all their hard work, and sometimes wandered if he had made something wrong... But up to now he was happy to keep his optimistic point of view and wait for things to happen naturally. As everybody, he had noticed Dani´s weird behavior around certain pokémon, and thus decided to take the fairies out of the subject for a while. "What about you Dani? Avis and Corona are looking great! You´ thinking of a new buddy to them already?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Danielle smiled meekly, still not moving away from Lana. She was glad that Colin decided to change the subject, even if it is only a little less relevant. "Merci, the work is done by those two, mostly. And yes, I will have to. My team is way to weak to Rock types and I still don't have a good option to deal with Fairy types... So, I am going for that Steel type that can deal with both those weakness and my fear. Go figure, right?" She chuckled a little at the irony. "Cel and Kyte are looking well too. Any plans for your new member?" Edited October 10, 2014 by DarkLight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Jacob laughed. He has no idea what he's up against. "Teo, get underground! Head straight for TX-101!" he shouted. Teo complied, immediately burrowing into the sand and heading straight for the Magnemite. The Magnet Bombs harmlessly hit the ground above him, unable to break through the thick layer of topsoil that the Trapinch was under. His Trainer began counting, and once he hit three he gave the order. "Teo, Sand Tomb! Lock that Magnemite in!" he said loudly. Suddenly, a huge plume of sand flew out of the ground underneath the enemy, surrounding him in a swirling vortex of sand. Edited October 10, 2014 by Jory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Reveal hidden contents "NOW TX USE SONIC BOOM!" Slade yelled at the top of his lungs. True the bombs didn't hit the trapinch but that wasn't their purpose, they were still attracted to him even though he was under ground showing where Teo was. 101 shot 3 waves right where the sand tomb was emerging and stopped it before it could surround him in addition it shot up the sand from the ground and launched Teo in the air a good distance, about 10-11 feet in the air, "Now use a sonic boom while he's in the air!" 101 quickly shot 3 more sonic waves straight at Teo. Edited October 10, 2014 by EXLink32 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Kage raised an eyebrow. "What would that be?" As he waited for a reply, he tossed some more sushi back. He handed a roll down to Lucas, who munched on it contentedly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted October 10, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 10, 2014 Claude had been wandering around, playing with Doux as he puffed fairy wind around the place, when he noticed the flame rings in the sky. well, looks like there's fun going on over there. Claude noted it, but carried on, playing with Doux some more. I definitely know how to use my time well *** After some time, Claude decided to check out the shenanigans. When he came by, he saw a group of familiar faces, and a battle going on. "Bonjour my B-E-A-Yootiful friends!" Claude greeted. Doux was bopping up and down on Claudes head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Teo gave a startled cry as he was launched into the air by the attack. Two of the three sonic waves hit the Trapinch, beginning a spin. Jacob smiled broadly. "Teo, use Glass Castle!" he ordered. Teo slowed himself in midair and dropped quickly back to the ground. A funnel of sand rose up to greet him, firing him quickly into the ground. Suddenly, a huge wave of sand rose up and collapsed inward, trapping the Magnemite from all directions. "Now finish him off with your newly learned attack, Dig!" Jacob shouted. Teo began burrowing toward the Magnemite while underground, his whereabouts unknown. Jacob began to count under his breath. "1... 2... 3..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 "Heh, we won't go down so easily. 101 turn sides ways and use sonic boom on both sides!" 101 turned in such a way that his magnets were facing at the incoming sand above and the ground. He shot a hole in the falling sand big enough for him to fit through and then use the other sonic boom to launch himself through the hole. Whether or not it hit Teo was no concern he just needed to escape. High above the field 101 had a great view of the field. "Now use a lock on magnet bomb to find out where Teo is hiding, then prepare to strike!" 101 shot the bombs from the sky and locked onto them, he slowly floated down due to him always floating from magnets. TX 100% Moves used: Sonic boom: to escape the falling sand Magnet bomb: to find where Teo is Lock On: makes next move 100% accurate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Danielle perked up at the words "Glass Castle" before Claude greeted them with his glorious entrance, as usual. "Bonjour, mes amis! Glad to have you join us watch this spectacular battle!" she chimed. "How are you?" Avis broke out of her thoughts and crowed her two friends. Her feathers immediately flattened out as she flew over to Doux, eager to see him again. Corona also chirped happily, but stayed in place. The Larvesta wanted to see how a Magnemite could get out of the Glass Castle that caused her so much trouble the first time she faced it. Danielle and her team were impressed as TX shot out of the castle unscathed. Since that battle with Jacob, Danielle has been allowing Corona to practice getting out of the castle with the use of her Flame Charge and String Shot, but it was still a difficult feat. She was curious to see how this can really play out for Slade, since he is still at a huge type disadvantage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted October 10, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 10, 2014 "Why thank you for asking my dear, I am perfectly, happily fine. Though I have been rather stumped as of late, but no matter. What, may I ask, has incited this battle?" Claude responded. He began watching the battle closely. He still had no clue how the fuck that Magnemite did what it did on the rare occasions he saw it fight, so e figured one more chance to work out it's strategies couldn't hurt. Doux was flitting about, more playful than usual. Whether this was because of the impending trip, no one knew, not even Doux himself Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 "Well, my jovial friend, unfortunately, I didn't hear get to hear who initiated this friendly battle. By the time I found out about this, the battle was already initiated. I was busy trying to perfect those fire rings and Avis' aerial dive." Danielle responded as she continued watching Jacob and Slade's battle. "Are you sure you're alright, Claude? You know I don't mind hearing you out. I mean, it's the least I could do after you helped me with my fear." Avis flew around Doux, puzzled by this sudden playfulness. Normally, Doux would just settle himself on her head or come down and talk to her and Corona. Avis glanced at Corona, inviting her to join the speculation. Danielle's Larvesta crawled to Avis and Doux, glancing at the battle every once in a while. She is not worried about leaving Danielle there; Danielle has her friends with her now so nothing bad could happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted October 11, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 11, 2014 Claude took a second, debating internally to share his "woes". "Well, you see, I think I and my oh-so-cuddly friend Lancelot may have a problem. I have no clue how to make my soon-to-be knight in shining armor, well, shine. But, that is a trouble I must solve for myself. Maybe I'll find the answer on our excursion, eh?" Meanwhile Doux was having quite the fun. So much fun in fact, that he started to spray just the slightest amount of stun spores in a barely perceptible golden shower. When the spores reached Corona and Avis, the two began to have the most violent sneezing fits... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 Ryan flinched for a second. "I'd be lying if I said your eyes weren't the most gorgeous I've seen in my life. I get lost in them, and then I'm struck with guilt and sadness that you can't even see how much I adore them. To be blessed with eyes as deep and gorgeous a blue as those and not be able to use them is a crime against humanity. And that slightly flirtatious way you get around me always brings a smile to my face. And you just always know what to say at the best and worst times and I just find that being without you is far less satisfying than being with you." Ryan gulped and wiped a small tear from his newly scarred eye. He took a deep breath and sighed. His thoughts were released, the weight off his chest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 Kage was somewhat taken aback. He wasn't shocked, exactly, but he hadn't really ever had to respond to someone saying something like this. Oh, he'd been in a couple relationships, but no one had said anything like that to him before. "This might sound a little weird, but this is something I've been wanting to do for a while. Could I touch your face?" Kage's cheeks flushed slightly upon asking the question; this one was something he had done before, but really only with family. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) Jacob sighed. "Teo, defensive maneuver 'Dig to Kanto'" The Trapinch complied, digging far down into the sand and staying put, waiting for further orders. Jacob snapped his fingers, having figured out what to do about the problem. "Teo, use Sand Tomb and Dig to ascend!" A large bulb could be seen forming in the sand. Suddenly, Teo shot out of the ground, a pillar of sand propelling him far faster than the Magnemite's ascent. The Trapinch quickly advanced up the sand pillar toward the Magnemite, protected by the massive onrush of sand from a potential attack. "Use Dig as the sand reaches it! Go!" Jacob shouted, encouraging his Pokemon. The sand pillar rapidly reached the Magnemite's elevation, with the oncoming Trapinch not far behind. Edited October 11, 2014 by Jory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 Ryan was taken aback slightly. He'd laid his heart in front of a loaded gun and somehow dodged the bullet. "Whatever you want. I won't bite." Ryan was shaking. He'd never felt so nervous. But he looked into Kage's eyes and his worries faded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) "Hurry 101 use magnet bomb on his accent!" 101 quickly used the move and launched many bombs towards Teo. Edited October 11, 2014 by EXLink32 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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