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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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Hydreigon vs Salamence

Evan face palmed. His suspicion that he was surrounded by idiots became true. “Doesn’t anyway here use their heads? First there was the idiot with the Ralts who kept attacking Hydreigon and now you two,” he turned to Danielle. “Yes, humor me and run away. Hopefully if you get hit by an attack it might awaken some brain cells… Who the hell runs closer to danger in order to get away from it?” He then realized who the girl was; Lana’s roommate. He heard some things about her and apparently she was miss popular that liked to surround herself with male attention. “My bad, I forgot I was talking to someone that flirts with every guy she sees. Maybe one of your boyfriends might get you out of this one. That is if he has a working brain cell.”

In the meantime Salamence kept up its attacks. It wasn’t going at full power since it didn’t want to hurt his opponent too badly. Truth to be told he knew about his opponents past and understood its reaction, but Salamence couldn’t allow Hydreigon to attack students. The brutal Pokémon on his part had enough of being hit by Dragon Claw and spun around releasing smaller, but multiple, dragon pulses. One of them hit very close to the pit were the students were arguing, making it unsafe to leave.
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At the end of Evan's first sentence, everything was fitting in a very shocking way. "Wait, kid with a Ralts? Shiro! I thought he left the forest back when we STARTED looking Salamence." That was his scream Robert heard. Why didn't he try and find the source! Just when he was thinking of leaving to find him, a Dragon Pulse hit right by the enterance of the hole. "Well, looks like we're stuck in the hole for now. So, now that your done with your 'Everyone else's an idiot' rant, did YOU have a plan to get out of this hole, or did you just react to the situation like us?"

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Shiro stopped in his tracks all of a sudden. He just realised he had left Henry and that other guy on their own... What if... what if they needed help? But he couldn't go back, it was too dangerous... He would be risking his li-, no, he was more worried about Shun than himself. But... if his roommate was to die here, he could never forgive himself.

Shiro picked through his pocket, taking out a small red and white ball. "Tal..." He whispered to his Pokemon. "Please..." And with that, he released the Ice type.

She was his only hope of doing something.


Shiro ran until he finally dropped from exhaustion. He had sent Tal to help Henry and, strangely, she listened to him. At that moment he just shrugged it off, but not that he got a chance to think about it, Tal was acting really strange by doing so. And what was up with that ice skating thing she did? Where did she learn to do something like that? Anyways, he had to find help for Shun, he had to find Devin soon, so he got back up on his feet.

He had to find the professor...


Tal arrived at the scene shortly after Shiro has released her. She wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't mentioned Henry. She has taken sort of a liking on him.

Anyways, she jumped from her ice onto the moist soil below Henry's feet and tugged his leg with her cone. She was glad he was apparently fine, but the issue with the dragon battle was still present. "Runt!" She cried out to him, hoping he would hear her and tell her what to do.

(commander, please do bunny Tal ~)

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Hydreigon vs Salamence

“Me?” Evan said sarcastically. “You know, I’m just enjoying myself in this hole.” He dropped the sarcasm. “For your information it was your friend that forced me in this situation. I could’ve left him and Henry behind but I decided not to. And don’t you think I would’ve left this hole a long time ago if I knew a way out? If we go out there we’re practice targets for that Hydreigon and I don’t have a Pokémon that can get us out of here.”

Evan’s words were followed by even more dust and rubble flying around and falling in the hole. Hydreigon was almost going at full power. The destruction it brought made the previous damage look like Childs play.

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Kenny and his Team went even further from the Battle when it increased in intensity, retreating deep into the Forest and finding a new tree under which they could relax their tensed-up nerves. it took them a few minutes to relax enough to get some rest, Ryu and Zorro on either side of Kenny. this time, they were under a large Oran Berry Tree, and there were several small pathways through the bushes to the small clearing, as well as some medium-sized pathways, and a couple Large Pathways, all of them having been made by Pokemon.

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Jacob stumbled as he was showered in rubble, falling forward and threatening to land on Teo. He released his Trapinch and tucked his head, rolling over the Pokemon and, somehow, ending up on his feet. He reached down to his belt and clicked the return button on Teo's ball, calling back the Trapinch as he watched from his new vantage point. The Salamence's blows were landing harshly and on target, but the Hydreigon's blasts were the truly dangerous part of being a spectator for this match. I may have underestimated how dangerous this was going to get! he thought frantically as he dove behind a rock, narrowly avoiding another of the Hydreigon's smaller Dragon Pulses. Even its weak attacks are blasting holes in the ground! he thought to himself, shielding his face as he was once again showered in dirt and pebbles. At least I'm a little safer here... he thought, breathing easy for the moment. He peered out from behind the rock, seeing the Salamence and Hydreigon rather close to him. I'd best stay still. Don't want to draw too much attention to myself.

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"You see? It was nothing. You are so brave. " Sissy said, with a smile in her face. She could realize that he was still scared of what happened.

A loud noise was coming from nearby, giving the hint that a battle was going on, making Sissy thrilled to see what's going on.

"The noise sounds like a battle is occuring nearby. Do you guys want to check it out?" She said looking at both the boys.

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There was no denying what Evan said, as he knew all to well that they'd be fodder for the Dragon-crossfire above. 'Well, he does have a decent point. I guess he had reasoning to be angry from what he said before. Atleast he's a good person, otherwise he wouldn't have delt with what he said.' After which, he took a chance to realize that he was the only one of the group to trust Danielle. 'And that makes things even worse. Not only are we stuck in a hole near some battling Dragons, but the guy that seemed to know her the most, as well as the one who seemed to trust her the most, not only didn't follow us, but he was carrying a ground type out in the open, which would've been our ticket to somewhat safety. Just great.'

After thinking to himself, Robert let out a sigh and decided to apologize. "Okay, I guess you have good reasoning for being pissed if that IS what you've had to deal with. Anyway, how about we just wait to yell at eachother until AFTER the battle's done up there. Don't wanna draw more attention than we already have." Robert put his hand out, hoping to try and get his words off as sincere as possible.

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It took a while, but eventually Claude forced himself to Calm down. Sissys words helped with this. He gave a brief smile of thanks "Uh, right, I suppose we should go. Come on you two." Claude said to the two pokemon stuffing their faces. Doux floated up and perched itself on Claudes head, and Lancelot scrabbled up to his shoulder, ready to go.

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"Yeah, let's go. But first. . ." He ran a few steps toward the Tyrantrum. "Could you come with us? It sounds like a nasty battle over there, and we could use some help," he called out. "There's something good for you in it, too." Kage offered another Pokeblock to the dinosaur, hoping to entice her to come with them.

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Henry saw a Snorunt tug on Henry's pant leg. "Sorry, but there isn't anything we can do. I barely escaped unscratched...well except for the dirt." Henry tried brushing the dirt off his shirt and his Pokemon followed, but they were still tainted in the brown color. "Your trainer committed an act that the Hydreigon viewed as a threat. I think that Salamence is trying to calm it down, but this is something only Devin can handle at this point. Find Shiro and give him this note. You're the fastest one of the four of us." The Snorunt understood Henry's orders and grabbed the piece of paper that read, "Find Devin." She then skated off while avoiding the battle.

Henry then watched the battle start heating up. He saw the idiot running around finally take cover. "I'm not sure about Evan, but those three are trapped there now. Sorry I couldn't scream 'GET BACK!' at the top of my lungs to warn them. I just enjoy living too much. We just have to stand here and..." Henry took a few steps to avoid an incoming Dragon Pulse. "Hope for the best."

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"Excusez-moi?!" Danielle shrieked in anger at Evan for accusing her of being a flirt. She was already irked at Evan's attitude, and NOW he is accusing her of being a man-user? "Listen you, nobody--"

She was then silenced when Robert mentioned Shiro and Shun who, if Evan is correct, caused the Hydreigon to go insane. Seconds later, she was forced to duck again as a Dragon Pulse sailed above them. There was no way out, just like Robert pointed out. As Evan and Robert continued arguing, Danielle slowly removed her hands from her head; her heart was beating rapidly and her body was visibly shaking. However, as she turned to look at the raging battle once more, her excitement from watching the battle was gone. She only noticed now how close they were to the dragons. 'Why did Avis lead us here?' Danielle thought, piecing the puzzle together. 'If Shiro angered the Hydreigon, which caused Evan to hide here in the hole... Damn it Avis, you crazy bird. And, of course, I followed her because I wanted to see the epic battle too. Wooh, go me.' Danielle thought sarcastically to herself as she slid back into the hole; her the effects of adrenaline have now worn off, allowing her to think more clearly.

"Robert, you're right," Danielle started; she figured he will be more reasonable than Evan at this point. "I followed Avis while not paying attention to where I was going. If I just took the time to figure out where she was leading us, perhaps I would have just ran back to the forest instead. I let own curiosity get the best of me and it's because of that we are stuck here with nowhere to run. Sorry for putting you here, man. As for you," she turned to Evan, "You made a good point. Perhaps I am an idiot after what I have done." She thought about this crazy scene and the rejection from earlier as she spoke. "But I will disagree with you on the other points. So, calm yourself and let's have a reasonable discussion. Otherwise, you will probably make the same mistakes I made." She shielded herself once again as several more Dragon Pulses shot near them. "You asked this: "Who the hell runs closer to danger in order to get away from it?" Well, as you can see, we can't really run away because, I quote, "I will get hit by an attack" and "It might awaken some brain cells.," end quote. Unfortunately for you, you really don't know me well enough. What a shame~" she sighed, her regular humor coming back to her. "First of all, an attack of that size will only kill more brain cells, not awaken them, as we learn in our beginning Biology courses. If you think I'm a dummy now, I don't know what you will call me when I get hit. Second of all, I did try to run away from danger a long time ago, without much success." Danielle told Evan. "Running away solves nothing for me; it only made my "danger" look even more dangerous to me. I discovered, throughout my time here, with both my, and I quote, "boyfriends," end quote, and girl friends, that running into said danger will only solve my problems. And, strangely, it is working out. Go figure, right?" she chuckled. "I mean, hey, we are safer here in a hole than we would be if we decided to stay a few feet back in the trees."

Then, she pondered on how to address the last point. "As for your last point... Do you know how I get to be so popular with guys? It's simple, really: Experience. I just talk to everyone back in my hometown." she said plainly, as if it's not anything spectacular. "It's like studying for exams or training your Pokemon. You get better with more practice; the same idea goes to social life. Actually, anything could be improved with practice and experience. So what if I failed and made a mistake? It gives me a chance to learn not to do it again. This," she pointed to the battling Hydreigon and Salamence, "Is no different. Like I said, I have never seen how vicious their battles can get until I came here. You do, because you were in the middle of it when I arrived. Now I know not to do it again. My friends and I laugh at it, but we are learning nonetheless. I am willing to admit that I make mistakes. So, what's the problem with me being with everyone? Unless, of course," she said with a mischievous grin, "You're jealous of my talent~?"


Avis, still on the same tree branch, was glaring at Evan as he insulted Robert and Danielle. Her eyes seem to bore into him as her body grew hot with anger. 'You dare insult my master? You don't even know her past... If only I was a Honchkrow, oh the things I could do to you.' Unbeknownst to everyone, including Avis herself, the corners her beak seemed to be surrounded by a dark, black aura for a few seconds before it dissipated...

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Hydreigon vs Salamence

“At least you seem to understand now,” Evan said to Robert. “I can’t say the same about your girlfriend over there.” He stopped listening to Danielle’s rant halfway through when she started to quote him. “Apparently nobody taught Miss Popular what sarcasm means,” he mumbled, not interested in her entire explanation. He had a hard time understanding why anyone would want to be around this girl. She was just so annoying and appeared to be one of those types that couldn’t keep her mouth shut for more than 5 seconds.

Evan peeked over the edge of the hole. Hydreigon had his back towards them because Salamence stopped moving around. It hovered at the other side of them, apparently luring Hydreigon into an attack. The students didn’t realize Salamence spotted them earlier and wanted to give them a chance to escape. It took a big risk by stopping to move around and probably wouldn’t be able to stall for long periods of time. However he would last long enough for the boy behind the rocks to escape and maybe one of the students in the hole could get away in time. The other two would be forced to stay a little longer.

Evan noticed the stand still. “Quick, while Hydreigon is distracted, one of you gets out of here! If we all go at the same time he might turn around and attack!”

Elf, Murdoc and Tses

The mother Tyrantrum looked back before turning her head towards the noise. She recognized it and stared at Claude, Kage and Sissy for a while. The little Tyrunt’s also stopped moving and waited for their mother, who pushed them forwards with her nose. She gave a short growl and the little ones left. After she was sure they wouldn’t follow, she walked in front of the students towards the battle.

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Jacob peered over the rock, stifling a gasp of horror as he realized the Hydreigon was almost directly in front of him with its back turned. This was a bad idea, he thought to himself. Maybe I can get out of here while it's distracted, though. Jacob looked over the rock again. Salamence seemed to have maneuvered the Hydreigon into that position specifically to give him and the students in the hole enough time to run. It's now or never, he thought, praying to Arceus that he would be able to make it out alive. With that and his newfound resolve, Jacob pushed off the rock and sprinted with his head down away from the Dragons and toward the hole. He stopped briefly at the top of the hole, only long enough to hiss, "Danielle, run!" at his friend before resuming his fast exit, getting behind another rock that was substantially furher back from the other one in order to continue watching the battle and see what happened to the other students.

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It took them a while, but eventually the group reached the area of the two Dragonic titans. From where they were, they couldn't see much, but the sight was thrilling all the same. Claude was rendered speechless at the sight of these two monoliths of power clashing.

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'Welp, I tried. You can't win them all.' Danielle thought, unfazed by Evan's last remark. With that, she put her own hands up to surrender the argument and shrugged at Robert to indicate that she has no idea what gotten into him. 'What's with Evan all of a sudden? I don't remember myself making fun of him before, so why is he acting like he has a stick up his a**?'

“Quick, while Hydreigon is distracted, one of you gets out of here! If we all go at the same time he might turn around and attack!” Evan suddenly announced.

Danielle spun around and found that what Evan said was true. The Salamence was at a stand still with the Hydreigon; no attacks were coming from either side. She instantly jolted to the other side of the hole, readying herself to climb out. The urge to run grew when she heard Jacob whispering for her to run. Wait... Jacob ran by? "Jacob, wait! There's two more of us here! Jacob!" she hissed back, but it was too late. He was already out of sight. She turned back to the two boys. "Okay, look. Someone is going to have to go and get some help. Avis can help me, or anyone, find him quickly since she's up above and probably saw the whole thing. The question is: Who wants to get out first? I'm fine with either choice."

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Kage could tell what was going on pretty clearly without assistance from his Pokemon. He really wasn't sure what to do; the Pokemon here were supposed to be friendly, but this Hydreigon obviously missed the memo. "Claude, we should get out of here and find help. I. . . can't remember the way anywhere, so you should lead the way, but we need to get a teacher over here as soon as possible." He turned his head to his Pokemon. "I know it's hard, but could you send out a psychic signal? Maybe one of the teachers will pick it up." I gotta get out of here, but I have a feeling that running is just going to attract unwanted attention.

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Evan was right, the dragons were at a standstill. Just then he heard Jacob yelling out, telling Danielle to run. Through hearing Danielle's speech, Robert knew exactly what could happen. "Okay, so I doubt that we should all just go one by one, or even that there would be time to, but that guy that just yelled out, his Trapinch might be able to dig us a safe tunnel way. Personally, I think you should be the one to do it, being that you know eachother the most." Robert put his back to the pit, signaling to have Danielle use him as enough of a boost-up to get out of the pit. 'If all goes as planned, that Trapinch can dig whoever waits a safe way out. Let's just hope this comes close to the plan.'

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Tal reached Shiro rather quickly using her ice skating. He was sitting next to a tree, gasping for air, still holding Shun in his hands. He still has not noticed Tal's presence.

"Runt!" Shiro turned in her direction as he heard her cry. His face immediately streched into a smile as he got up and walked to his Snorunt.

"Tal! What are you doing here? I sent you to take care of Henry..." He asked her curiously. He started getting a bit worried that she might not have listened to him when he saw a piece of paper sticking out of her hands. "What's that?" He reached with his hand to grab the paper from her grasp, but she frowned instantly and gave a snort, making her trainer flinch and pull back his hand.

"Runt!" She cried again and threw the paper on the floor without even glancing at Shiro. She then ran off, leaving Shiro alone with the paper.

"Tal, wait up!" He tried screaming after her, but she paid no attention. 'What was that all about?' Shiro thought to himself. 'She may have gone back to help Henry, I suppose... I just hope she gets back... What's that though?' He kneeled over to pick the paper. It read "Find Devin." in a particular handwriting he recognized as Henry's.

Without wasting much time, Shiro got back to his feet. 'Henry needs my help!' He began glancing at the forest around him. He had no idea where he was and no ida where Devin's house was, if he even was in his house... But he didn't want to just stand there. If he finds the house, he could probably get Shun some medical attention along with geting help for Henry so he picked a random direction and started running that way...

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Danielle nodded before giving a pat on Robert's shoulder. "Great idea, Robert! Just what I can expect from one of my boyfriends~" she teased before returning to her serious mode. "Don't worry, I wasn't serious about the second part. Expect to see a tunnel shortly after I leave. And don't worry, I'm not heavy~" Danielle then both pointed at Jacob's direction and nodded to the trees before she climbed onto Robert's back. 'Thank goodness I don't ever wear heels.' With a leap of fate, she managed to land onto higher grounds without any injuries. "Thanks again, Robert!" she quickly said before making a dash towards the dense forest that will envelop her from view once more.


Avis had, as Danielle predicted, already known where Jacob had went to get a safe view of the battle. She also saw Danielle's signals and prepared to take flight, ready to be by her side the moment she landed into the thick brush below. She was still bitter at Evan, giving occasional glares before Robert told Danielle about the plan, but master's safety comes first above all else.

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Claude was nodding his agreement, about to voice it too, when he saw a fleeting glimpse of a girl fleeing towad the forest. "Wait, was that Danielle? Are there other people in the middle of that?1" Claude asked aloud, worried for his classmates. He wanted to do something if there was people there, he knew couldn't do anything though...

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As Kenny and his Team slept under the shade of the Oran Tree, a few Wild Pokemon started to come out from the Forest. Most of them were young Dragon Types of miscellaneous Species, but some of them were Normal Types and Flying Types. Among the Normal Types was an Eevee that had a small scar over it's left Eye from a previous Battle against another Wild Pokemon, and it curled up next to Kenny after getting an Oran Berry from the Tree. As time passed, more and more Pokemon appeared in and left the Clearing, but none of them attacked Kenny and his Team or the Eevee.

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"A water specialist, eh? alright... just hope you can move a lot better in water than you seem to do on land... jagged rocks aren't exactly as forgiving if you bump into them at full speed as people are."

Colin scratched the back of his head, a bit embarrassed. "Oh yeah, sorry about that again mate... I didn´t have enough time to apologize properly the other day. But rest assured, I don´t do this kind of stuff in the water!" The boy laughed a bit and decided to get to know the other guy a bit more. "So, I saw you training sometimes during the week. Your Scyther looks really strong, are you thinking in evolving it to a Scizor?"

((Yay, back in the game! =D Thanks a lot Chim, you played Colin to perfection!))

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