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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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Yup, skipped right over the dragon question...and keeps trying to change the subject. Whatever. Mareek again chimed in his thoughts. "Eventually, yeah," he said in response to Collin's question. "Though, obviously I'll need to find a metal coat somewhere before that'll be possible." Java hovered over and nudged him on the shoulder just then, as if trying to remind him of it's own evolutionary requirement. "And I'll have to get an up-grade for this one," he continued, nodding to the porygon. "Though I already have a pretty good idea of who might be able to help me with that...."

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Henry began to whack himself with his walking sticks. "The Hydrigon is blind, not stupid. It'd take a miracle for it to not have heard that stupid boy sprint right next to the hole. Whoever is in that hole is a goner now." Henry then saw a girl run out of it. "Am I really the only one with a brain around here? At least their out of the way...I better make sure they don't do something else that'll get me killed." Just then he saw a Snorunt run back to him. "Oh Tal, perfect timing. Get those idiots over there back towards me before they do something stupid. Please be careful because I don't have your poke ball, okay." The Snorunt nodded and skated off try to impress Henry with the amount of skills she learned.

Henry then saw a big Dinosaur come in on the other side of the battle with a couple of students behind it. "Please tell me that dino has enough brains to keep the students back. If not, it's not my problem what happens to them."

((Darklight and Jory, you can actually see Henry if you look back right. He's just a little over 12 feet back from where Jory is.))

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"I think I can help out all of us. Until we reach Devin's house many things can occur, so we don't have much time." Sissy said looking at the battlefield. She reached her bag, where her pokeballs where, and grapped Miffy's. "Well, let's see if our training gives off. MIffy come out." She said holding Miffy's pokeball. A Flaaffy appeared in front of her in seconds with a yawn in her mouth.

"Okey girls, this is real not training. I want you to focus on what we trained the previous days at the academy. Take it as we are on stage and giving our performance." Sissy said looking at both her pokemon. "Flaaaa ffyy" was Miffy's answer, making the yawn dissapear, while Miss nodded ,with a smile, back at her trainer.

"Okey then lets do this. Miffy use thundershock on yourself to static up your body." Sissy said with her Flaffy following her orders. Many sparks where coming out of Flaaffy's body making her wool doublesized while gathering electricity in it.

"That's perfect. Now use Iron tail and focus some of the electricity you gathered at your tail, while you Miss use confuse ray, sending it on Miffy's tail." Her pokemon quickly followed the instructions. Miffy's tail started becoming as hard as steel and at the same time starting glowing, giving out small and many sparks. Miss at the same time sent the balls of ray at Miffy's tail, which had as a result to emerge with each other making her tail a pillar ,surrounded with rayballs who were connected to each other through electricity.

"It's time to finish this. Miffy sent the balls flying into the sky and use thundershock one more time. Miss combine your psywave attack with Miffy's thundershock to hit those balls." Miffy in seconds sent the balls flying. Once they reached the highest they could, sparks came out of her body giving a strong thundershock due to the electricity that was gathered in her wool. Miss ,seeing Miffy using her thundershock attack, started glowing with a light blue color outlining her, releasing a wave of energy out her body. Then multiple light blue tentacles come out ,from the glowing outline, and fired them on the thundershock created by the Flaaffy.

Both attacks collided with each other ,creating many glowing tentancles covered with electricity, hitting the balls of ray in the sky.
"Well, let's the fireworks begin!" Sissy said ,with a smile on her face, looking into sky.
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Hydreigon vs Salamence

The fireworks spooked Hydreigon and it went on a rampage again. The three heads all fired of a Dragon Pulse in different directions. The pulses were still smaller then when it combined the full power, but this way it could deal with more enemies. One pulse stranded right in front of the hole Evan and Robert were in, another one was aimed at Salamence and the last flew directly at Sissy, Kage and Claude. The mother Tyrantrum saw this and immediately interfered by using head smash. Even the Rock Head ability couldn’t protect her from taking some damage. She stepped back, roared silently at the students under her protection in order to get them away from the battle.

Notus and Surge

Devin was on his way back when he noticed the fireworks. Hydreigon must be causing problems he thought. He started to run and quickly ran passed Colin and Mareek, who also could’ve heard the fireworks, and saw Hydreigon and Salamence fighting it out in the distance.

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The Explosions from the Fireworks woke up Kenny, his Team, and the Eevee. Kenny and his Team then decided to head back to the others. As they headed back, the Eevee followed them in the Bushes, because it had seen the close bond between Kenny and his team while he'd been wandering the Forest, which had led it to decide that Kenny would be its' new Trainer. It had Deserted its' Previous Trainer a couple years ago because its' Previous Trainer had treated it extremely poorly. it had been roaming in a large Territory ever since, waiting to find a Trainer that would be kinder than the last one. Eventually, the four of them reached the Battle between the Salamence and Hydregion, and saw Devin running towards the Area.

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Claude did not need to think to obey the Mother Tyrantrum. He spooked, and fled the area quickly. However, those fireworks and how sissy pulled them off, his curiosity in her persisted despite the terror. Claude grabbed Kage on the way, taking the other boy with him, confident that Sissy would take action herself.

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Before Claude grabbed him and dragged him off, Kage took out his Pokeballs and withdrew Lucas and al'Thor. Inwardly, he grumbled about being dragged around constantly like this, but there were more pressing concerns at the moment, so he let it slide.

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Mareek stared off as the fireworks died down in the distance, watching Prof. Cadmus as he grew smaller and smaller, running towards the area. "Looks like someone's gone and done something stupid," he sighed to Collin. "The fact that the professor was running rather than walking probably proves it." then to Java: "Get the Dex, Java... guess we might as well follow him and see what's going on."

The Porygon responded by using a low intensity Psybeam on the pokedex over on the rock, drawing it back towards Mareek through the air like a makeshift tractor beam. The young trainer snatched it up the moment it was in reach and stowed it back into his pocket. "Are you coming, or what?" he asked Collin, walking off in the same direction that the professor had just ran, Java hovering close behind.

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Sissy was looking at the fireworks with awe. I guess the training gave off. You are amazing girls. She thought, while her thought suddenly dissapeared due to the Tyrantrum's roar. She ,then, realized that the noise of the fireworks had spooked the Hydreigon that was on the battlefield. Making it go on rampage.

"I don't think we can handle this big guy ourselves. Miffy return. Miss get inside your hiding place. Both gave an excellent performance. I will treat you, once we are safe and sound." Sissy said holding Miffy's pokeball. The Flaaffy dissapeared, returning inside the pokeball, while the Misdreavus went straight into Sissy's hair.

"Now, it's running time. Miss Tyrantrum you need to get away from here too." She said and started running towards the path from where they came.

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As the fireworks died out from above her head, Danielle immediately dived for the nearest tree as she heard the Hydreigon fire off more Dragon Pulses. As she catches her breath, Avis flew down and landed on her shoulder while keeping an eye out for the dragons. "That... was... way too close. To be honest, I don't know... If that was a good idea to get help... Since now Hydreigon is back to rampaging again... But, it was really pretty~" she thought out loud. After a few seconds, Danielle peered out from behind to find the next best route to find Jacob. "Avis, where to?" The Murkrow flew off to a tree branch just a little ahead of her so that Danielle wouldn't lose sight of her Pokemon. As the coordinator came closer to Avis, the black bird would fly a little further more until they reached Jacob's hiding spot.


Avis soon landed beside Jacob and Teo, who are hiding behind a big boulder. She tried to relay the message first to Teo as Danielle ran over to them. "There you are!" she whispered. "Jacob, Robert and Evan are still in the hole and they can't get out because of those blasts. Robert thinks Teo can dig a tunnel through to them. Do you think--" Before she was finished, Danielle heard skating sounds from behind and found Shiro's Snorunt calling them. "Hey, Tal, nice skating there." Tal seemed happy with the compliment before pointing to their right side and skating off in that direction. She stood a few feet away from them as if she was waiting for Danielle and Jacob to follow. 'That's odd, she listens to Henry and not Shiro?' When Danielle looked up, she saw Henry with a crutch of some sorts, having a very annoyed expression as he looked at them and... a Tyrantrum? "Um... nevermind that plan... Come on, Jacob, maybe Henry might have an idea or two." With that, she began following Tal as the coast, making sure the Hydreigon's attacks didn't come too close to her first. Avis trailed behind her master. After that little mishap from before (and Henry's not-too-friendly expression), it would be best to stay by her master right now.

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Shiro heard a loud bang from the opposite direction and he instinctively turned around frantically, half expecting to see a big dragon looming over him. Instead, he saw what appeared to be fireworks high above the forest canopy.

He was unsure why, but he felt it would be best if he ran in that direction. He was pretty much lost anyways and there was a chance maybe the fireworks were professor's doing.

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"Are you coming, or what?"

"Hell yeah, I am!" Colin answered, whistling to call Kyte and Cel before following Mareek and Professor Devin. "Whatever is happening we might as well help out! Cel here is itching to test her Aurora Beams on some of these dragons."

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Jacob followed Danielle over to Henry and the Tyrantrum, thinking about what Danielle had said about using Dig to get the others out of the hole. I think a hole that big that shallow might collapse, but if Teo were to just dig a little crevasse they could walk underneath Hydreigon's line of fire, he thought to himself, remaining silent to hear what Danielle had to say.

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"Really? Does anyone here have a brain? Surely Devin knows what's going on after THAT performance." Henry mumbled a bit about the stupidity before facing Danielle and Jacob. "Did any of you hear Shiro screaming like a girl while running away or Evan and I trying to get away? I'm surprised that blind Hydreigon didn't blast at least one of you to bits. Nevermind about that because we have a bigger problem. Until Devin gets here, that Hydreigon is going to attack anyone who makes noise. I know you're probably worried about your friend down there, but please stop trying to help. Every time someone helps, it just makes things worse."

Before Henry could continue, he saw Zuko act a little funny by moving his paws up and down slowly before darting back an forth. Henry then translated, "Big man...coming in fast. Well that's convenient. Still, you might be a good idea to send that Trapinch to the hold to make sure you're friend is safe down there."

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"Actually, I didn't hear Shiro at all. Robert did say he saw him running, but I couldn't recall a scream.." Danielle said sheepishly as she kept her voice low while scratching her head. "I'll admit that that was a dumb move on my part to run into the hole like that. Avis didn't really help, as you probably saw." Danielle tapped Avis' beak as a reprimand. Avis bowed her head low in response, uttering a small "krow." Danielle shook her head before addressing Henry once more. "Robert isn't the only one down there though; Evan is there too when Robert and I ran there... Wait, did you say the Hydreigon is blind?" The coordinator did a facepalm and groaned, annoyed at herself for missing that detail. "So much for digging a tunnel then... That dragon would hear it no matter what..."

Once Zuko delivered his message to Henry, Danielle was relieved that Devin was coming. Maybe he could quiet down that ferocious Pokemon. "But, even if we send Teo down there to check, wouldn't that just make Robert and Evan targets again? Since Hydreigon is blind, its hearing is probably amplified to make up for its lost eyes."

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Tal suddenly jumped up from a bush near Henry and Danielle. She showed him how she didn't have the note anymore. "Runt!" She snorted as she rose her nose up high, expecting a praise from Henry.


(I'm waiting for Devin to arrive at the scene before I can write Shiro getting back there ~)

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"Good girl, Tal." Henry tossed Tal a Poke Block which she was delighted to receive. Good thing I thought ahead because Zuko and Gypsy hate these things. Henry then turned his focus back to Danielle. "While that is true, you could also use the violence here to your advantage. That's how I got away from an up close experience I never want to relive. That right there is a good example why I don't like dragons. But yes, you are correct. That thing is completely blind, but very well trained. It easily dodged a poison trap I tried using to get away. It's funny how a simple misunderstanding turned into this utter hell." Henry then noticed the bird bowing. "By the way, sorry about confusing your bird there. I tried warning her to pull everyone back, but she misunderstood me. I was kind of forced to make as little movement as possible."

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Hydreigon vs Salamence

Devin arrived in time to see Hydreigon go on a rampage. He must’ve seen the students as a thread he thought while analyzing the situation. He saw his Tyrantrum protecting students and some others that had taken cover. He averted his gaze once more to the battle and found 2 students trapped in a hole and immediately took action. Hydreigon heard someone approach from behind and turned around, leaving its back wide open for Salamence. “ENOUGH!” Devin interfered before either Pokémon could finish another attack. Salamence obeyed and hovered back to the ground and replenished energy by using Roost.

Hydreigon was still levitating in confusion. It recognized the voice and now it focused on the footstep it recognized Devin. But why did he sound like Hydreigon was the one at fault? After all he was being attacked first by these pesky humans.

Devin walked over without any hesitation and patted the Hydreigon. “Calm down, my friend, no one wants to hurt you. It must’ve been a misunderstanding. I’ll heal you up in no time,” he stroked all three heads and started spraying some medicine on the wounds inflicted by Salamence. He then turned around and gave Evan and Robert the signal everything was safe.

He still stroked the heads before asking a question in general. “Can anyone tell me exactly what happened?” Hydreigon was still on guard but didn’t do anything now Devin was there.

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Kenny spoke up when Devin asked his Question.

"I'm unsure as to what happened, seeing as I wasn't here for the most part, but i believe that we can find out from the Pokemon themselves."

Kenny then turned to Zorro, and gave him some instructions.

"Zorro, find out what happened form the Hydregion, but be careful."

"Got it."

Zorro then headed over to the Hydregion, preparing to ask it about the Sequence of Events.

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"I may as well since Evan and I are the only two here who saw it all." Henry used his cane to walk over. "While I was searching for the Salamence, Evan and I were standing here when the Hydreigon approached us. When Evan broke the stick, it became a bit hostile towards us so I assumed it was ready to attack. I tried distracting it so that Evan could run and get help, but he stayed and tried driving the attacks towards himself so that I could get away. I quickly realized this was a misunderstanding and told Evan we needed a way to try to convince that Hydreigon we weren't enemies." Henry took a deep breath. "This where things get bad. Shiro came out of nowhere and started attacking the Hydreigon head on. We knew we had to get help then so Evan saved Shiro while I planned to find Salamence to get him and Shiro out of there. Fortunately, the Salamence came to us and held the Hydreigon back. I used this time to gain distance while those ding-dongs decide to get a little too close. A loud bang and people retreating pretty much summarizes the rest. Fortunately, no one was hurt...except your two dragons of course." Henry hated talking, but he knew he had to. "I'm sorry for my rashness and I'll take whatever punishment I deserve."

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Evan sighed when Henry mentioned his name. He stepped forward, took a deep breath, and started talking. “I was talking with Henry when Hydreigon came out of the woods. We thought he was hostile and Henry’s Venonat got spooked so it used Poison Powder as a defensive move. It failed and Hydreigon thought we were enemies and got angry. That’s when Henry figured out it was better if we tried to prove we weren’t, but a certain idiot with a Ralts showed up and kept attacking and sending thunder wave at Hydreigon, making it even angrier. Things started to go downhill very fast, but Salamence saved us. Shiro and Henry escaped but I didn’t. That’s when some idiots ran head first into the battle to have the best seat in the house,” he glared at Danielle when saying that. “She just got out and the two of us were still trapped.”

In the meantime Zorro approached Hydreigon who completely ignored the little dark type.

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Danielle nodded as Henry offered his advice on dealing with Hydreigon, although she doesn't get how violence can change the tide of a battle. "It's not your fault. Considering what we were up against, I could see why you wouldn't be able to make a sound. I think I understand why Avis got confused though. Since you pointed her to the hole, she probably flew over there and found Evan running into the hole. Because of that, Avis thought you wanted to notify us to get him out of the way too. Of course, she was probably also curious about the battle so it made sense for her to get us there as well..." Danielle gave her black bird a pat on the wing. "Like you said, Henry, it was all a misunderstanding~ Although Evan seems to blame it on my "popularity issues..." Don't ask me what made him bitter at me all of a sudden; I never really talked to him so I have no clue what set him off besides when I ran into the hole." Danielle added at the last part, waving her hands as if she was surrendering. Avis crowed to confirm what Danielle said, giving a glare at Evan.


A loud, commanding voice suddenly halted the dragons' battle. Danielle saw that Devin has arrived to calm the situation. As Robert, Evan and the rest of the students came out, she also came into the clearing to explain the situation, allowing Henry and Evan to reply first before giving her own account. Danielle resisted the urge to make a smart comment, she learned from back home that authorities would not look upon you with more respect if you insult your attacker back. So, instead, she turned to Devin, not expecting Evan to hear her explanation regardless of how sane it may be. "Professor, I admit that it was foolish of me to run into the hole; I was following Avis, my Murkrow, who misunderstood a signal where Henry tried to warn us about them without using sound. Avis misinterpreted it as "Get Evan out too" because she saw Evan running into the hole. Of course, curiosity also got the best of her and myself so those two reasons fitted perfectly for Avis to tell me to go there. When I had a chance to get out, I wanted to ask Jacob to ask Teo, his Trapinch, to dig a tunnel to get both of them out safely, and... Then you came to calm down Hydreigon. I'm sorry for my foolishness," Danielle apologized. Avis also crowed her apology to Devin before glaring at Danielle's attacker.

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After Devin had arrived, Robert followed Evan right out of the hole, seeing that it was finally safe. Through Evan's explanation, he knew how 'random' it would've been seen to jump in the hole by Evan's description. He was more than ready to describe his side until Henry, and then Danielle stated theirs. Seeing Danielle's explanation as whatever he could've tried to explain was already stated, he decided to just stay silent for now, thinking to himself. 'Well, atleast the important reasonings were covered. So Avis signaled us to the hole from a misunderstanding to get Evan out of there. Well there's good reasoning behind that. Not like I wouldn't have tried the same. Heck, I did something close to the same thing with the Haxorus's from earlier, nothing I can blame the Murkrow for.'

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Kenny saw the Hydregion completely ignore Zorro, who returned to Kenny's side and spoke.

"well, it was worth a try, but that Hydregion is just not talking."

Kenny then responded to Zorro.

"Oh well..."

Kenny then noticed the Eevee standing next to him, and turned to it.

"Oh, hello there."

The Eevee looked at him and smiled, having finally been noticed by Kenny.

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Shiro was soaking wet from all the sweat once he reached the battle site. He was surprised at the sight of all the students gathered out there and the two dragons, which appeared so wild and rabid not so long ago, who were now apparently calm and under the professor's command. 'He is really impressive...' Shiro thought to himself as he slowly limped towards the group, but he kept a safe distance from the dragons.

The prof was speaking to the others about how it all began at the time Shiro arrived and both henry and Evan have already finished their testimonies. Seeing his Snorunt at Henry's side, Shiro sneaked around him while all the attention was focused on Danielle's story. He waved to Tal, at which she just snorted once again and turned around before he whispered into Henry's ear, asking him what was going on.

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