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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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"Well, one day your Snorunt watched me train...oh, you're talking about the other thing." Henry caught himself hoping Shiro wouldn't catch on. "We're just explaining what happened. By the way, it's your turn. Have fun running away from Evan." Henry pushed Shiro in front of him so that Devin and the others would catch his attention. Henry felt this was a fair way of getting revenge on Shiro almost killing him since he didn't mean to do it.

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Mareek made his way into the area as Devin calmed down the raging Dragon type and started questioning the other students. He glanced around at the craters and various small fires that burned in them around the place, sighing at the sheer destruction that his Classmates had doubtlessly had some part in starting; They had to have done something or had some hand in this, otherwise, why would they be anywhere around here if it was just some random fight between dragons? Yeah...they've definitely gone and done something stupid here. He thought to himself. And They must have really pissed something off to cause all this mayhem.

"Eh, Water Guy," Mareek called behind him, not knowing Collin's actual name and not really caring at the moment. "Come see this; it pretty much explains what we saw and heard back at the pond."

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'Wait, what, Tal?' Shiro was baffled at what Henry said. 'What did...'

"Ah, nonono!" He tried to retaliate when his roommate pushed him into the center of attention but his exhausted body was unable to do much. He collapsed on his knees right in front of the professor's intimidating posture. The boy looked up at the old man with his two dragons, feeling smaller with each passing second... He had to say something, everyone was staring at him...

But what?

"Uhm... I just wanted to help..." He muttered to Devin. "I- I didn't know..." His eyes shifted through the crowd, searching for some support. Tal was laughing at him, Henry was apparently angry at him and the other guy looked like he wanted to kill him...

Shiro's persona suddenly collapsed as he began crying in front of everyone. 'Why... what...' His tears slid down his cheeks and onto the knocked out Shun. He felt alone even with all the people around him. Veryone was blaming him for the situation... he almost got them and Shun killed... And now they were probably even gonna laugh at him for this scene...

Edited by Bfroger6
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'And I thought I was on Evan's "To die" list,' Danielle glanced at everyone around her, gauging their reactions. 'Now that I think about it, Evan seems to get pissed off easily, even more so than Henry. Hmmm...' Despite hearing Shiro cry, Danielle stood rooted in her place. As much as she would like to comfort him, she figured Devin would probably do a better job than her at this point in time. Plus, she was still waiting for her own punishment for her own mistake.

Avis, however, flew over to Shiro and pat him with her wing. She gave a cry to try and encourage him to tell his side of the story.

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Henry moved closer to Shiro, but kept his eyes on Devin. "As you can see, my roommate there has a hard time controlling his emotions and staying calm, something I had issues with a long while back. He saw us in danger and tried to rescue us. Please let him off easy because he really didn't mean for this to happen. Besides, I was the one who first attacked Hydreigon, not him. Evan over there claims it was an accident, but I try to give orders with yelling attacks and that poison powder was intentional. Shiro was just trying to protect us, but had no idea what he was doing."

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"Come see this; it pretty much explains what we saw and heard back at the pond."

"it´s Colin mate." Colin told Mareek when he arrived, realizing he hadn´t introduced himself yet. The boy then looked around with wide eyes and let out a whistle. He had heard the end of the explanations, and judging by how big the destruction on the ground was, it looked like his classmates had been in reeeal trouble but at least everyone seemed to be all right. Shaken, but at least with all members seemingly in place. "Holy hell. Are you guys hurt?" He asked everyone with a worried tone.

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Jacob grinned sheepishly as the others recounted their versions of the tale. You know, I really didn't feel like I was in that much danger... he thought to himself, rolling his eyes at Henry's abrasive descriptions of the events. Upon hearing everyone else's responses, the young Trainer shrugged and smiled, calling out Teo and scooping the Trapinch up into his arms. "I'm not even mad. I finally got to see two high-powered Dragons going at each other, and although the reasons weren't right I think I learned a lot from it. There's no way Teo'll be able to hang with those things' power. He'll have to focus on speed, right buddy?" Jacob asked his Pokemon, who gurgled affirmatively in response.

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Just as Robert was headed to check with Shiro, who had seemed to have broken down, he was only able to get up after Avis and Henry were already at him. Just hearing Henry's words, it was good that he got whatever anger out that was stored up from the Hydreigon threat. Seeing as Henry was more-so focused on giving Devin 'background' details, he decided to go straight to Shiro to try and calm him down, placing his hand on Shiro's back. "It's okay dude, we've all been through a lot. Just take some deep breathes." He hoped that Shiro would respond well to his words of encouragement, willing to support him where necessary.

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Kenny heard Colin speak up.

"I'm fine. i only just got here."

Kenny then noticed the Scar over the Eevee's Eye. he spoke to it, slightly mystified.

"you've had quite the past, haven't you?"

The Eevee nodded in response. Kenny then felt a deep pang of Sympathy as he remembered how he had met Ryu.


Ryu had been heavily Injured by another Wild Pokemon, and he'd limped out to the Main part of the Ranch, where he'd collapsed. Kenny saw him lying on the ground, nearly unconscious, and quickly got an Oran Berry from the Supply Shed on the Ranch, and gave it to Ryu. When Ryu got up, the first thing he saw was the concerned look on Kenny's face. Kenny had helped Ryu regain his strength for the next month, and the two of them were close friends from that day forwards.


Kenny decided that he'd take care of the Eevee. He then spoke to it.

"Well, you're safe in my care now."

The Eevee seemed relieved at this, and a small tear of joy rolled down the side of its face as it knew that the hardships of the past three years were over, and it remembered that fateful day from five years ago.


The Eevee ran through the Bushes, fleeing its' Trainer. it hid in the Forest, keeping away from the one who'd abused it for the past six weeks. It had made several escape attempts in the past, but those had all failed. Today, however, was different. It's Trainer was unfamiliar with the Terrain in this area, since they hadn't been there before. It had hidden in the bushes as it saw its Trainer fruitlessly search for it before giving up and heading back due to lack of both light and time. A few months later, it had got a wound that left a Scar over its' Left Eye, one that would still be there long after that day.


Kenny spoke to the Eevee.

"I don't have a Pokeball at the moment, but i'll be sure to get one as soon as i can."

The Eevee nodded at this, as if it understood.

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Devin let out a big sigh of relief. “I’m just glad you’re all safe. Mistakes are bound to happen and I rather have it happen in my garden then in the wild. That’s also why we’re here.” He walked over to Shiro and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “No need to cry; everything worked out fine. Here, use this Revive to heal up Shun,” he said gently while handing over the medicine.

He turned back to Hydreigon and Salamence and looked around to see if everyone was gathered. The commotion and the fireworks were big enough as everyone, not including Slade and Ryan, was present. “I see everyone is here except from the two that went back to the Academy,” he started. “I guess it’s about time I reveal the true reason we came here.” He laid his hand on Hydreigon’s middle head. “This Hydreigon is the reason. As you all can see he’s blind and has a rather… violent nature by the lack of a better word.” He paused a minute and looked at the Brutal Dragon. In the meantime Salamence walked over and found a place in between some students and lied down. “In class I told you Hydreigon is classified as a dangerous Pokémon. It’s because easily angered and attacks everything it sees as an enemy, like some of you experienced, but they can be friendly if you know how to treat one. Take my Hydreigon for example. Normally I train my Dragons from the very beginning. That way I can teach them everything and be sure to handle the difficulties their personalities bring with them. However this one is the only exception. In my earlier years I’ve trained a few Deino and let them grow into Hydreigon without any problems. In fact I can call them over here and none of them will react like this one.” Hydreigon let out a small roar to get some attention from Devin. The Elite Four Member started to stroke the Dragons back, but his mind was with his story. “It all happened 15 years ago. I received the title Strongest Elite Four Member when a friend of mine called. There was a problem in the Boulder Hills.”

Year 105, June 28.

“What’s the problem, old friend?” a 33-year old Devin asked. He felt tired. He just experienced the longest weeks of his life. He didn’t want all the attention that came with an Elite Four spot. Hell, he even reclined requests for years, but only yesterday he was chosen as Elite Four Representative. Sure it sounds fancy but it’s nothing more than a marketing strategy.

“You know I keep an eye out on the local Dragon population, right? Well recently I discovered Dragons are missing!” Alastair said. The man had short black hair, strong arms with burn marks, and looked short next to Devin. In reality he was 5’7” and knew Devin from when they were kids. They grew up together and shared the same passion about Dragon Types. They started their journey together; Devin as a trainer and Alastair as a breeder.

“What do you mean that they are missing?” Devin asked surprised. The fatigue he felt was gone.

“Yesterday they were here and now they are gone. Mostly young and small dragons, but I even found an empty nest. Eggs are being stolen and the dragons that protect them disappear or worse…”

Devin’s eyes widened at that remark. “You can’t mean…?” he couldn’t ask the question, but the eyes of his old friend said enough. Alastair walked over the shed behind him that was often used by the local rangers as a store room for emergencies. He pushed the door open and took a step back. Devin looked inside and saw a giant blanket covering up a silhouette. He knew what it was all too well. A mother dragon that was killed while protecting her nest was lying there. And Devin knew the only reason they didn’t took her as well was because she was either too strong to hold down or there simply wasn’t enough money to earn by taking her. Dragon eggs were popular on the black market, mother Garchomp wasn’t. A tear rolled down Devin’s cheek. Anger and sadness completely overwhelmed him. “Where?” was all he managed to say.

Alastair didn’t respond but gave him a map of the Hills. Short red circles showed the places that were already targeted; a red X marked the scène of the cold blooded murder that took place earlier that day. A bigger circle was drawn to show the only place the Hunters didn’t hit yet; the Hydreigon nest.

Devin arrived just in time to see a Hunter loading in little Deino’s in his truck. A bit further was a giant crate with a wounded Hydreigon that seemed to be drugged. Another one with eyes that saw nothing was levitating around. It heard Devin approach and turned its heads. Eyes white as milk, body filled with scars, screams of agony. Devin knew this one wasn’t a wild one. This particular Hydreigon was mistreated and raised to fear its masters in order to make money. After all hunting was much easier if you had a powerhouse that could knock your target out.

Hydreigon’s roars alerted the Hunters. One was bald, appeared to be in his mid-forties and was fat. He almost rivaled Devin’s height. The other one wasn’t much shorter with thick brown hear and ditto beard and mustache. He also had a scar running over his left eye. The fat one cursed, ordered Hydreigon to eliminate the witness and told his fellow hunter to hurry up with the Hydreigon cage.

“Let the Dragons go,” Devin ordered. His tone left little to the imagination. He never felt this angry before and his voice sounded even deeper, more threatening. He had a Pokéball in his hand and swiftly pushed the button. A giant Salamence appeared and hovered in between Devin and his targets. It let out a mighty roar before the very first clash between the powerhouses started.

Current day

“I defeated them easily and up to this day they are in jail. Hydreigon however is the one that’s still suffering. Up to this day it considers humans as beings that want to hurt it. The mental scars run deep and that’s why I never use it in battle, even though this one is my second strongest Pokémon. He gave the Hydreigon another pat, but had a sad smile on his face. I keep him in my garden to let it live the life it never had and Salamence keeps an eye out. That’s why people think Haxorus or Flygon is my ace while in reality it is these two..."

"Do you understand his reaction now? Ever since he was a Deino it lived a life of fear and punishment. When it finally could see they took away its eyes in a way to show who was in charge. The scars it has aren’t battle scars like you’ll find on every Hydreigon. These scars run deeper and are made by humans…”

Devin paused for a moment. “Now you all know why I became a teacher and am far more active in the spotlight these last 15 years. I do everything I can to make sure horrors like that won’t happen again because people like that are still around. I try my very best to let students handle their Pokémon with responsibility and friendship. And I hope that in the future Dragons won’t be seen as a cause of destruction anymore. I sincerely hope that one day people will understand them and give them the respect and love they deserve.”

His speech was ended by a small roar let out by Hydreigon who nudged Devin in the face.

((It’s almost 1 AM so I’ll leave Jacob’s questions for tomorrow. That’s when I’ll move everyone along.))

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Kage removed himself from Claude's grasp and moved closer to Devin in time to hear the story of the blinded Hydreigon, avoiding the debris strewn about from the clash. "Damn. . ." he breathed, forgetting that the teacher nearby probably wouldn't appreciate the foul language. "And I thought. . ." it was pretty terrible when I lost my vision. He finished the sentence mentally, aware of the risk of exposing his deception. Who would do that to a Pokemon? The fact that it had been done was horrifying enough, but it was done to an animal. Not only an animal, but one that was intelligent to understand the malice and cruelty behind the action. Whether that made it worse, Kage wasn't sure of, but it didn't make it better.

"I almost want to give him a hug, but I don't know if he'll understand," Kage said aloud. "I know a lot of Pokemon can understand us, but it can't be easy to forget about humans doing something like that to you."

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"I almost want to give him a hug, but I don't know if he'll understand," Kage said aloud. "I know a lot of Pokemon can understand us, but it can't be easy to forget about humans doing something like that to you."

"Don't worry. I don't think it'll attack with Devin here. After all, a Pokemon would only attack humans if it feels threatened or the trainer shuts its heart. I'm sure at least one of you have heard of the infamous Ein Files. Abused Pokemon are a very common sight in Orre because of the very imbalanced economy. Take Zuko over there for example. His original owner tried to teach him Heat Wave as a baby, but likely abandoned him for failing. That's when one of my friends, Citrine as you might have heard me call Lana, took him in and cared for him. She pretty much left him in my hands since I'm the only one who can control him. The last thing she told me was 'he's the reason I'm all alone' before completely disappearing." Henry didn't seemed bothered at all by the story. "As for Dragon Eggs, never seen one in a black market before. Then again, wild pokemon are hard to come by in Orre anyways."

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Jacob listened in shocked silence. He had never even considered the remote possibility that Pokemon poachers would be active in a place like Ymora. I guess even safe places have their issues sometimes, he thought to himself, careful not to disturb the people around him. He looked down at Teo and patted the Trapinch's head, putting the nervous Pokemon at ease. If I ever saw someone hurting a Pokemon like that I don't think I'd show any mercy, the young Trainer resolved, looking up at Devin. So he really is worthy of my admiration. I want to learn everything I can from him, he continued, smiling to himself. With a teacher like him, we'll never lose!

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"Despicable..." Mareek muttered as he listened to the Professor explain the Dragon's story. he had left the Collin guy at the woodline in order to move a little closer to hear. "Simply Despicable; People viewing pokemon as nothing more than mere tools for profit..." He honestly wasn't very surprised though. He had known full well for a very long time that there were people like that, and much worse, in the world. Those few but numerous enough individuals who pursue their own ambitions with no regard to the cost or harm that might come to others, constantly causing conflict and strife for everyone who just so happens to get caught in the consequences. And their was something even more interesting; throughout recent history, whenever these type of people would band together in order to further pursue their Idealogies through violence and Illegal activity... who was it who ultimately stopped them? the Police? the Military? The Government? No. None of the above. So far it had always been a young trainer, or several trainers in the most recent scenarios, whom steps up and actually does something.

He had read, re-read, Studied, and eventually memorized the news over the years, He knew of every major Terror Organization that had arisen prior to the LT system being introduced, Their founders, de facto heads, ideology, Area of Operation, Estimated strength in numbers, how they funded themselves, what major acts they all committed, all of it; from Magma, Aqua, Galactic, Plasma, Flare, and The Rockets... Especially the damn rockets. The only question in his mind: Why the everloving fuck was it always some young trainers who had stopped them all? Where the hell had the actual authorities been when these children, some of them younger than himself, had been fighting Gangsters and Mofiosos and Criminals who would have no issue just killing them and dumping them in a ditch somewhere? The way things worked in the world simply made no sense the way they were...And that's precisely why he wanted to go into government when he got older... to try to fix some of this utter, inexcusable incompetence and absolute Tauros shit on the part of the Authorities that so commonly is found acceptable by people...

"What?" he questioned angrily when he felt Java nudging his shoulder, breaking him out of his thoughts. The Porygon backed up a little in the air after seeing his face, a concerned look in it's eyes. He realized how just how his expression must look right now, if even Java, who didn't seem to be phased by much, was deterred from getting too close by it...

"Return..." he sighed, recalling Java to it's capsule and trying to calm himself down, though he knew full well it wasn't working. The smoldering anger he still felt remained plainly visible in his dark blue eyes. That's when something that another of his Classmates just said sparked his attention. Orre?

He turned to face the young man who had mentioned it. "So...you're from Orre?" he asked Henry. "Former base of Operations for the Terrorist cell known as 'Cipher'?"

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As Devin finished his story, Robert was on the brink of tearing up. Thoughts of 'How could they do that.' and such running through his head. That Hydreigon... No wonder it's so aggresive. How could grown adults be so reckless, dark, EVIL. Robert knew that some people were ignorant of others, willing to follow what they truely saw as the right path, but to go to the point of Poaching pokemon, even Mistreating your own Pokemon in the search of Dominance. 'Some children were bad enough, not being raised with a moral code, but grown adults! They deserve to have their hopeless targets treat them the same way. They're the monsters.' Robert did his best to hold it in, keeping himself from snapping and yelling out, and clenched a single fist behind his back and holding back as many tears as he could. He hoped that someone would change the subject to him, just to change his mindset.

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Kenny tried to say something, but found himself at a loss for words. When he found the words to speak, he said something of a more thoughtful nature.

"It's people like Devin, people who care about the well-being of Pokemon, who will lead us to a brighter future, for both People and Pokemon."

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Avis had flown into Danielle's arms in order to hear Devin's story about that ferocious dragon. As the dragon tamer recounted Hydreigon's tale, Avis could feel her master's head on her head feathers, hugging the bird close to her chest. Avis crowed an understanding once Devin finished the poor dragon's story; the Murkrow looked at Hydreigon calmly, understanding the pain she must have been through with those horrible poachers.

"Poor Hydreigon," Danielle commented softly as she hugged her bird Pokemon. "He's been through so much pain and suffering, kind of similar to Avis." Henry's similar tale in his hometown of Orre made Danielle almost made her heart break. 'Those poor Pokemon didn't deserve such pain and suffering. How could these people have the heart to do such a thing?!' As she tried to wrap herself around the sad stories, Kenny changed the subject to an uplifting setting. His words brought back the fire that fueled her reason for coming here to Ymora in the first place: To make her elders appreciate Avis. Feeling that the others are thinking the same way about Devin's heartbreaking story, Danielle spoke up, trying to keep it as succinct as possible. "K-Kenny is right. I'm sure, despite our differences, that we all agree that what those poachers did was horrible. Hydreigon is one of the few lucky Pokemon to have encountered such kind people like you, Professor Cadmus, who will stand up to these disgusting acts of violence. Unfortunately for many of these poor Pokemon, we may not be able to change their cruel past, but Professor, you taught us that we can still change the future and try and prevent these people from causing more harm to Pokemon. I will definitely do my best to prove to them that all Pokemon deserve the same respect and care that we all strive for in life!"

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Henry was a bit surprised when someone mentioned the name Cipher. "So you know about them. Cipher may be dead, but their ghost still haunts the region. Because of them there became an opsession of power. Some people abuse their pokemon for the glory, but others to live another day. It's pathetic when you watch trainers have to almost kill their pokemon just to eat. That's why Shadow Pokemon haven't died out. That's why people like my dad have jobs to find and rescue these pokemon from their trainers. Even so, authorities cannot even take action on any abuse other than shadows. I'm sure you have your own share of experiences of trouble if you know who Cipher is. Or you're a fan of police work. Quite impressive nonetheless."

Henry became quite interested in the boy. There was definitely something odd about him because Cipher's name was pretty much lost in history. Henry knew most of their records were stolen or erased, meaning this boy had to have done his research.

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Devin’s attention was drawn towards Kage. There was something about this kid that he couldn’t quite put his finger on yet. Over the past few weeks Kage caught Devin’s attention. There seemed to be something more going on between the boy and his Ralts. Not to mention little strange things he noticed. He watched Kage come closer and noticed his eyes. Could it be…?

He looked at his Hydreigon and back to Kage while other students started talking about the story he told earlier. Maybe this boy understood what Hydreigon went through better than anyone else that met Hydreigon during the past 15 years. Only Redwood and Alastair were allowed to approach and it stayed far away from the loud Phoebe. Not because he feared her but more because she made his ears rang every time. Kage could possibly be the fourth person Hydreigon would accept. “Yes, you can hug him Kageharu,” the dragon tamer said. Hydreigon let out a small roar to protest but Devin held him back. “I’m here as well aren’t I?” his words calmed the dragon down for now but it was still on guard as it turned all three heads towards Kage.

“As for the rest of you I have to thank you all,” he said. “Your generation gives me hope that one day people will be more aware and take a stand to stop mistreating of Pokémon.” He nodded towards Danielle and Kenny to thank them. And hopefully those with power to change things stop turning a blind eye…

He cleared his throat. “I believe I still own you an answer, Jacob,” he said. “You asked me why Dragon types feel warm. The answer is simple; their normal body temperatures are higher than humans, but of course lower than a Fire Type. This is why Ice attacks are super effective. Furthermore their natural built is closest to nature to nature and the elements. That’s also the reason why elemental Pokémon aren’t very effective on them. The combination of their body and body temperature gives some dragons, like Haxorus, a warm feeling. In fact Haxorus is the easiest to feel the difference because their bodies are like armor and store that body heat.”

His eye fell on mother Tyrantrum. “Because Dragons are so close to nature they were worshipped as kings by ancient nomads. Tyrantrum over there is the best example. They were seen as a force of nature to keep balance and peace, but also as the punishers when someone disgraced nature. That indirectly led to the problems that arose later when the media started keeping records. Many inexperienced trainers or those that wanted power turned to dragons but couldn’t handle them. While it is true that they used to be the strongest ones around, Pokémon evolved and certain types started to show immunity and Fairy types were discovered. But I think that’s enough history for now. We will be going back to the Academy in an hour. Until then I’ll stay here with Hydreigon.”

Edited by Chimchain
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"Thank you." Kage hesistantly walked toward the Hydreigon. He reached up toward the central head, murmuring soothingly as he did so. His voice was pitched so that only someone really close - like Hydreigon - could make out what he was saying. "Come on, buddy, it's cool. I kinda know where you're at, though you've had it worse than me." He stroked the neck gently, feeling the remnants of old wounds, then reached up with his other arm and hugged the dragon. He was still kind of tense, definitely enough for Hydreigon to notice the feeling, but it stemmed mostly from nervousness.

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Shiro accepted the small yellow gem Devin gave him. He glanced it it with a confused look on his face, still sobbing. "Uhm... how do you use this?" He looked up at the professor, but he had already resumed his story. Shiro muttered 'Thanks...' to the teacher before helping himself up and retreating to the edge of the group. He didn't feel like talking to anybody at that moment, so he just stared silently at Devin.

When he told them about of the Hydreigon's past, it just made Shiro feel even worse. He attacked a clearly disturbed and tortured animal... it was to be expected it would retaliate. The boy glanced at the Dragon. It gazed with its blank eyes into the distance as Devin slid his arm down its back. That was the first time he even noticed the scars on the Pokemon's body. He must have overlooked them during the fight. They really were terrible... and made him wonder what kind of a monster would even do such a thing to a helpless animal?

'Thankfully we won't ever have to meet those people...' He thought to himself as he put the gem into his pocket. He wiped his tears once more when Devin's story ended and everyone began gathering around him. He just stayed by the side, unnoticable and translucent in the cacophony of questions and statements... 'Some of these things they say sound really corny though.' He giggled.


Tal kept herself at Henry's side during the whole commotion, not even paying a slightest bit of attention to Shiro. What a puny human her trainer was.

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Claude really had no clue what the fuck was going on, especially when someone could actually hug a pokemon categorised as the "Brutal" pokemon. "Well, I do dare say today has been bloody Hectic." Claude griped, to no one in particular.

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Danielle beamed when Devin gave her and Kenny a compliment. It made her more determined to succeed in bringing out the beauty of her Pokemon through their unique skills. 'I promise I won't let you down Professor!' As the students slowly dispersed, Danielle recounted what dragons she has seen so far. 'Haxorus, Druddigon, and Hydreigon from Unova, Flygon and Salamence from Hoenn, Tyrantrum is Kalos, Kingdra from Jhoto was back at the pond... Where's Kanto?' She walked up to the tall Professor, determined to find the last remaining dragon. "Professor, in this last hour, is it possible for me to see any dragon from the Dratini family?"

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Hydreigon felt awkward when Kage hugged him and turned to Devin to ask for help. He let out a small growl. Devin chuckled a little. “Don’t worry about it. It’s time you realize not every human wants to hurt you.” He gave it a pat on the back and decided not to held his dragon back anymore. Hydreigon levitated a bit away from Kage, unsure how to deal with the hug.


In the meantime Devin turned his attention towards Danielle. “Dratini and Dragonair are usually around the pond,” he said. “Dragonite should be around somewhere. I have a few but one in particular likes to tease people…” he whistled a strange tone and heard something moving not far from them. “There he is. Apparently Dragonite was already around,” he said pointing to the spot where Evan was having a stare contest with it earlier before Hydreigon appeared. “It’s just behind the first trees.”

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"Merci, Professor!" Danielle bowed her thanks before she walked briskly towards Dragonite's direction. She was excited to see the first known dragon species; Danielle was so overjoyed that she almost tripped on her way past the trees.

Avis gave a cry that sounded like a laugh before flying off to greet the said Dragonite. A mischievous Dragonite versus a mischievous master is definitely something the bird would like to see. As soon as Avis spotted the dragon, she flew towards his face so that they are at eye level with one another.

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