Support Squad Felicity Posted October 23, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 23, 2014 Claude had just walked off the bus and into the achool, when he saw the rather eye catching tree with Danielle, Ryan, Jacob and Kage underneath. He wandered over as Kage was talking about their little adventure. "I was yes terrified" Claude admitted "But if a giant monster like Tyrantrum just appeared, any sane person would scream in fright." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Danielle giggled at sight of the two lovers embracing each other. "D'aaaww~ You two are just adorable! It makes me feel bad for being here." she gushed. "So, I'll make it short and sweet. Jacob and I were sent to find Salamence to stop Hydreigon, which worked out perfectly..." she glanced quickly at Jacob before continuing. "Then, we decided to follow Salamence and found ourselves caught in the middle between their battle. Although, it's not as exciting as I thought. We almost lost our lives there as they kept attacking each other... But then Professor Cadmus showed up to calm down the situation and everything was bright and cheery again~" Danielle then turned to Kage. "Your boyfriend was here for the rest so I'll leave it to him to explain Professor Cadmus' story on Hydreigon. Although, I have to admit, monsieur, I cannot seem to remember your name. Do forgive me for not addressing you properly earlier. You know me as Danielle, but what shall I call you?" ---------------- Avis saw him plugging the headphone jack back into a small machine before Slade asked for Danielle. With a cry, she began hopping/walking off towards the ice tree waiting for Slade to follow her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Shiro slowly made his way through the campus, carefully picking his path so that he would avoid contact with all of his classmates. Shun was back on her feet, running along his side with a wide calming smile on her face which made Shiro feel utter relief. 'Thank god you're fine, Shun.' He thought to himself as he entered the dormitory. His motive was clear. He was exhausted, humiliated, sweaty and dirty from the trip, so in other words, his body was aching for a good, healthy rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboAura Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Once they arrived at the Academy, everyone else seemed to have poured out of there. By the time Robert got out of the bus, he noticed that Shiro was gone, Danielle was already leading a group somewhere else, and Henry... Well, Robert knew well enough not to pester Henry without good reason. After walking for a bit, he decided to sit in the shade of a tree, somewhere between the dorms and where they were just let off at, and let Kiai out to enjoy the shade aswell. (K_H, go ahead and say Kenny found him. He'll just be in the shade.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "My name is Tsukihashi Kageharu, but you can just call me Kage. Now, for Hydreigon. As Drake explained it, it was abducted as a Deino by some poachers. They used it to hunt with. When he grew up to be a Hydreigon, they blinded him to make him fear them or something. Doesn't matter why they did it, it's disgusting. Anyway, now Hydreigon fears and pretty much hates humans other than Drake, andl he thought we were attacking, so he fought back." Kage shook his head. "Makes you wonder why people are so cruel." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Ryan's face turned red at the mention of his affection towards Kage. Buy he listened carefully to the stories. "Wow, looks like you two had the greater ends of the stick." Ryan sighed. "They said I could still go on the excursion, so that's always good. And Glacien and Feroces learned a new trick." Ryan gestured with his right crutch to the frozen tree. "Well, I think we've all had a long day, so who would be up for a home cooked meal courtesy of me!" Ryan beamed, happy to be reunited his love and friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "A pleasure to meet you, Kage, aka Ryan's love," Danielle gave a slight bow, since a curtsy in pants would just be plain weird. "It's a good thing that you still be able to accompany us on the trip, Ryan! Glad to know that the ankle won't keep you down!" Danielle said cheerfully at the good news that Ryan had delivered. She took a more careful examination of the glowing tree as Ryan offered a home-cooked meal. It kind of makes her want an Ice type for a future partner. She quickly turned her attention back to the lovely duo though. "My dear friend, as much I would love to try out your lunch, I'm afraid I would have decline. I don't want to be a third wheel~ Plus, I kind of wanted to explore the lab before we head off to the mountains." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Shiro dropped the backpack next to the couch and yawned. "I need to rest for a bit..." He said to Shun as he sat on the couch. "Wake me up around 3 pm, okay?" Shun nodded in agreement and took a seat next to her trainer's feet. Shiro pat her on the head and smiled. "Thanks." He tok off his shoes and raised both his legs on the couch. "Oh, and Shun... I'm sorry for what happened." Shun just shook her head. She didn't mind. Besides, Pokemon are far more durable than humans, even small ones like her. Her reaction brought about another smile on Shiro's face. "I'm glad you're not angry." He turned around. The soft surface of the couch really felt wondrous at that moment... He could feel all the hairs on his body raise like a porcupine's as his body slowly relaxed... as the couch took away his weariness... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "Well, in no way would you end up being a third wheel, Danielle! You could be a third wheel with Claude." Ryan chuckled. "I understand though. Enjoy yourself at the lab. I'll save some food just in case." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted October 23, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted October 23, 2014 "Actually, I have some plans myself. Lancelot aand I were struck with inspiration before the, ah, incident with Mother Tyrantrum. Make sure you two boys enjoy yourselves though!" Claude said with a wink. After that, Claude walked off to a training area. Once he got there he released Lancelot from his pokeball and crouched down t the small pokemon. "Now, I want you to listen to me carefully Lance..." And after Claude explained, they began their training. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Kenny found Robert relaxing under the shade of a tree with Kiai, and headed up to him, Ryu, Zorro, and Eve following him. "Hey, Robert. Guess what just happened?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Kage gave a good mock sulk when Ryan mentioned saving food for Danielle. "Fiiiiine, I won't eat ALL the food." He laughed. "I think you're just fattening me up so you can use me in one of your dishes, but I can't complain about the process. Just make sure to season me pretty heavily when you decide to stick a fork in me." He adjusted his grip on Ryan, just happening to go a bit lower on his back. "So, shall we? Head back to the dorm, that is, not stick a fork in me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Mareek sat under the shade of a tree just outside the Main building on Campus, diligently writing quick notes on everything The boy from Orre had told him earlier about cipher, trying to retain every detail as that he transcribed it into the small, beaten leather journal he had kept over the years. It was the resource he had used to keep every detail on all the groups he'd ever studied... It was his Bestiary of Terror, for lack of a better term. He was so intensely focused that he didn't even notice when Java's capsule came loose on his belt and fell off, rolling into the middle of the path leading to the doors of the central building. He'd had this issue before a few times; The Porygon's capsule had a rather wonky magnetic clip and wasn't as stable or firmly attached on his person as Erce's was... then again, he had always taken care of Erce's capsule since the day he got it. Java simply had the slight disadvantage of being the second banana, and one who hadn't even been with Mareek for all that long really. It's wasn't that he didn't care, it was simply that he had only noticed the capsule's defective clip a week or two ago, and hadn't yet gotten around to fixing it yet. Either way though, Java's ball was still sitting there in the middle of the walkway, it's trainer so focused on his vendetta that he was oblivious to it... Danielle would probably notice it as she headed to the building in order to head up to the lab. Reveal hidden contents ((Take the bait, Soldier... I want some of that sweet, sweet eviolite for Java. And Mareek needs to get that damn defective clip fixed.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboAura Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 After hearing Kenny's voice, Robert turned to him, seeing Kenny, Zorro, An Eevee, and... Ryu? "Well, just looking, I can see that you have a new Eevee. And that Ryu evolved. Guess your getting a lot of great news there." As Robert was talking, Kiai was... Surprised at the least, though it kind of made sense being surprised that a comrade-of-species evolved earlier. Kiai decided, excitedly, to observe Ryu's new 'aspects,' to get a better look at his own future form. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "I don't see why not ." Ryan smirked and nuzzled himself into Kage's shoulder slightly. Ryan released himself from the hug and began to slowly propel himself towards the dorms, trying to stay next to Kage the whole time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Slade followed Avis until caught up Danielle and over heard her talk about going to the lab again. He tapped the shoulder on the opposite side of him to trick her. He waited a bit then said, "Welcome back, hopefully nothing too bad happened when I left. If ya want I can come with you." Slade said with a smile towards Danielle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 (edited) "I don't even want to hear your advice on health. You probably had the freedom pick and choose whatever you wanted to eat, unlike me." Henry got back on his feet and turned away from the girl. "Why do you keep bothering me? If it's battling advice, I'd look to someone else. I'm sure most trainers could give much better tips." Henry pulled picked up his stick and signaled his pokemon to follow him. "Thanks to you, I'm going to have to find a much quieter spot. Quite a handful of people haven't got the memo of when to let me be." Henry took a quick glance at the damage on the tree. He remembered quite well when he made those marks. Now where the hell can I go that no one will bother me? Edited October 23, 2014 by commander218 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Jacob smiled at Danielle and Slade, averting his eyes slightly. Although the fresh wound still smarted, he was finding it easier and easier as the day progressed to see either of them. I need to make sure I can handle myself. Maybe now would be a good time for a test run, he thought to himself, picking up Teo and stroking the Trapinch's head. "Hey guys, if you don't mind I think I'll tag along to see the labs. After all, I can't very well go back to my room if Kage and Ryan are going to be there," he said, trying not to think too hard about the last part of his statement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "Thanks Ryan! I'll see you later. Don't do anything I wouldn't do~" Danielle teased as Kage and Ryan walked back to their dorm room. "Time to find Avis then," she started when she felt a tap on her left shoulder. She turned to address... The air? "Welcome back, hopefully nothing too bad happened when I left. If ya want I can come with you." Danielle's jumped in surprise at the newcomer that is on her other side. Of course, she turned to find Slade, of all the people to tease her. "Where did you come from?!" "Murkrow!" "Of course," Danielle said as she looked down at her feet. Avis was looking up at her, swaying from side to side* as if she was pleased with the world, or expecting a reward. Danielle shook her head as she scooped up her Murkrow and placed Avis on her shoulder. Avis crowed delightfully and settled into her perch. "Avis got to you again, I see. Sorry about that." Danielle turned her attention back to Slade. She had a nagging feeling that her Murkrow did it on purpose though. Luckily, Jacob joined them just in time to take her mind off of Avis. "Of course you two can come along, Jacob and Slade! You know, Jacob and I might as well tell you what happened while we go to the lab~" With that, she walked off to the main building with her two best friends. "So, basically, after you left with Ryan, Jacob and I found Salamence and delivered the message about Hydreigon. Thinking we would have a fun battle to watch, we both followed Salamence, only to be cornered when the two dragons were facing off. Hydreigon was firing Dragon Pulses everywhere so it made it hard for us to leave without a scratch. We were trapped if it weren't for Salamence, who let us escape, and Professor Cadmus; he came to stop the situation. Professor Cadmus then told us the reason why the poor Hydreigon was attacking us: He was scared of humans. The Hydreigon suffered so much pain ever since it was a Deino under the hands of poachers. Those poachers blinded him - literally, the dragon cannot see! - in order to make Hydreigon obey them and do horrible stuff, like killing dragons just to steal their eggs! Isn't it--? Hey, isn't that a Pokeball?" As they were walking on the walkway of the main building, Danielle's foot stepped on the Pokeball that is now underneath her shoe. Luckily for the Pokemon inside, she didn't put her full weight on it, allowing Danielle to quickly step back to pick it up and examine it. "Huh, this clip is weird, isn't it, guys? It must have fallen out somehow. I'm surprise its trainer didn't notice..." With that, she expanded the small capsule and pressed the middle button, releasing the said Pokemon. 'Maybe it can tell me who its trainer is. It'll be easier to find him, or her, then.' As the bright light dimmed, the Pokemon was revealed to be a floating Porygon. "Ohhh, a Porygon! Hi there, little guy~ I'm Danielle. Umm... I, or rather we, happened to find your Pokeball here. The clip seems to be screwed up, so it might be why you are here and your trainer is... somewhere else. If you want, we can search for your trainer first. We are just going to the lab on the 7th floor." ((*Think of Murkrow's animation in X/Y)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 "Those poachers blinded him - literally, the dragon cannot see! - in order to make Hydreigon obey them and do horrible stuff, like killing dragons just to steal their eggs!" Slade felt disgusted at the men who treated a pokemon like that just for a quick buck. "Teh, despicable, that's no different than how they treated Flare but at least he doesn't have any lifetime injuries." Slade muttered angrily. "Ohhh, a Porygon! Hi there, little guy~ I'm Danielle. Umm... I, or rather we, happened to find your Pokeball here. The clip seems to be screwed up, so it might be why you are here and your trainer is... somewhere else. If you want, we can search for your trainer first. We are just going to the lab on the 7th floor." 'Hmmm, I've seen this porygon before.' Slade thought to himself. "Hey by any chance are you Mareek's porygon? Ya know, quiet, not social at best, can be quite a downer." Slade said asking the porygon which had been floating there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 Java simply stared at Danielle for a moment, then turned his* attention to where Mareek was sitting under a nearby tree. It had obviously happened again, it's capsule's clip had stopped functioning. And Mareek was just sitting there, completely oblivious. It's ridiculous really, he had noticed it was broken over 2 weeks ago, why was it that he had still yet to do anything about it? Java figured though, that if that oversized mantis he cares about so much had an issue with her pokeball, he'd drop whatever he was doing to go get it examined and repaired. Interesting, no, really, It truly was. All Java had seen that damn scyther do was fight battles and train, while he himself had helped Mareek PLAN the strategies he used and Theorize about potential party members and coverage tactics... that stupid bug would be no where near as effective in a fight if not for Java. And she couldn't even talk. He could...well, at the very least, he was able to communicate in English. And yet, honestly, how much appreciation had he gotten over the last six weeks he'd had Mareek as his trainer? Not a sound was made as Java used psybeam on the journal in Mareek's hands, using it as a tractor beam like he had back at the Pond in Devin's garden. The thing came flying over, landing at Danielle's feet. The porygon's eyes held a look of anger. It was time to demand proper respect from this kid he had been busting his hump for all this time. Mareek noticed immediately as a Psybeam snatched the his journal right out of his grasp and flung it threw the air along with his favorite pen. "Really?" he said, taking out Erce's capsule from his belt, not noticing that his hand didn't brush against Java's while he did it. "Well, guess someone just issued a challenge." Before he could enlarge the capsule to full size and send out the Scyther, though, his Pokedex blazed to life in his pocket, making the signature glitching sound that he had come to know as Java'smakeshift message chime. He took it out, seeing a rather angry toned segment of text: YOU AND I HAVE MUCH TO SPEAK OF. BUT FIRST THINGS FIRST; GET OVER HERE NOW. "Get over here?" the trainer asked, wondering what Java could possibly be talking about... he was right here on his belt, wasn't h- Oh, no. he was not... it was that damn defective clip again.He looked around, quickly spotting his Porygon glaring angrily at him, floating in front of Slade and the two other students he'd seen earlier in the day before the Garden Visit. along with his journal and pen. "Eh, Sorry about not noticing that Java," he said as he walked over to his Co-Strategist, picking up his book and pen from the ground and returning them to the inner pockets of his jacket. "Here, since we're already right outside the main building, why don't we go see if anyone at this Lab I've heard about can help with the clip issue? Where's your ball, by the way?" Java was a bit surprised at how easy that had been... though this probably wasn't going to change anything in terms of getting equal respect, at least he wouldn't go rolling off with his capsule anymore whenever the Magnetic Clip suddenly stopped working. He fired another low intensity Psybeam, this time at his Capsule, still in Danielle's hands. it shot through the air, shoving itself right into Mareek's palms as another message appeared in his Pokedex: .... Fine. "Okay then," his trainer said, stowing the ball in his pocket for the time being. "Now there's just one problem... I don't really have any idea where in this place the Lab is..." He turned to Slade and Jacob and Danielle for the first time since walking over, the names popping into his head the moment he saw Danielle's and Jacob's faces "Danielle, was it?" he began. "Jacob? I'm fairly certain that if I don't have clue where the lab is, then Slade here probably won't either. But do either of you two happen to know the way?" Reveal hidden contents ((*- I'm just going to justify this Gender identification by Java being some AI or something, since in alot of Fiction involving advanced computers and whatnot, AIs are commonly given either male or female personas rather than being left as generic.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 (edited) 'I'll take that as a yes.' Danielle thought as the Porygon, Java if she heard correctly, glared at Mareek as he came over to retrieve his book and pen. Java's Pokeball then levitated out of her hand and was placed, rather unceremoniously, into Mareek's. Java still looked angrily at him even though Mareek said he would get his Pokeball fixed; something must be wrong... "Luckily for you, Mareek, I do~ I remember one of the Professors saying that it was on the 7th floor, so we just need to take the elevator there~" Danielle replied, indicating the elevator with her thumb. "If you don't mind me asking, though, what happened between you two? Java was fine when I was talking to it, but when he saw you..." Edited October 24, 2014 by DarkLight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 While Henry was walking, he overheard a conversation between Danielle, Jacob, and a group of other kids. Really, it's not that big of a deal. Though Devin did sugarcoat it to make it look like poachers are evil. Some of those people don't have much of a choice and really do have good hearts. Henry then watched a whole scene play out with Mareek's Porygon. Looks like someone needs to let that Porygon know it's place. Then again, intelligent Pokemon are a pain to work with. Henry then decided it'd be better to find walk away and find and area without any trainers to bug him. Henry found a nice quiet tree eventually and sat down by it. He pulled a black folder out of his backpack and looked at some strange looking papers. The notes on them would likely look like gibberish, but Henry spent much time learning the language of these two scientist. He look through page after page trying to find something in them. He was so focused, he didn't realize Gypsy had snuck into his backpack and ate the whole supply of berries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 "I...don't really know," Mareek admitted. "Back at the Professor's Garden, he didn't seem to have anything to be mad about. The only thing I can think of for him to be miffed about right now is that his Capsule's still broken." The Porygon nodded, as if to say 'Go on.' "Sorry about putting it off for this long," he continued, turning his attention to the creature. "I just never got a good opportunity to get it done inbetween classes and training and our strategy sessions every day. But there's nothing to stop us from getting it out of the way right now." Java's glare softened considerably at hearing the apology. He barely had to even do anything to coax it out of the boy... maybe he was wrong. And afterall, Erce has apparently been with Mareek for years and years now, he'd only been for a good month or two. Of course it was obviously going to take a while before Mareek was going to start treating him with the same absolute regard he did with the oversized mantis. He still couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy for the bug type... Regardless, however, he'd just have to wait a while, continue to prove how useful he was. Java finally decided; he'd do just that. It wasn't that there wasn't any respect in his and Mareek's Trainer-Pokemon relationship; simply that more time was needed to get the amount he felt he deserved for his work... all he'd have to do is bid his time... Accepted, popped up on the Screen or Mareek's pokedex, along with Now get going before something comes up. "I think I just hit the nail on the head then," the boy said, putting away his dex and turning back to Danielle. "If you wouldn't mind leading the way now..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 "You know I could lead too." Slade said with a pouty face, "I mean, I literally was just there an hour or so ago." He stated trying to proove to Mareek that he wasn't a dope. He put his hands behind his head and sighed, "Fine, whatever just go." Slade said realilzing that there's no point in fight over who's in the lead to something a couple steps away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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