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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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Thank Arceus almighty for her human interpreter on this situation! Avis couldn't have been more pleased as Mareek told Slade outright about this news. She is going to have to discreetly thank him when the two lovebirds aren't around. And Lana deserves most of the credit for pointing it out; Avis is definitely going to pay her back. As they boys went outside, Avis made sure to fly just behind them before they reached outside. She gave a grateful nod to Mareek before flying off to find her place with Danielle once more before Slade found out that Avis was missing.


Danielle considered Jacob's statements before speaking. The thing about Kristen caring about Sofia is a respectable attribute for the redhead, although she did feel a disappointed when Jacob mentioned that she's cute. 'I guess I could tell him. Perhaps it can be for the best...' "Perhaps you are right. She can't be all bad if she cares for somebody. I guess her jealously is getting in the way." She then took a deep breath as she got into this last part of the conversation. She decided to whisper it into his ear, instead. "I was trying to say that she'll insult me if you're not around. Kristen told me she has a crush on you."

As if to confirm her statement, Avis landed on Jacob's shoulder and gave a cry. She then gave a worried look to Jacob. It was clear that Avis doesn't approve of the redhead. Danielle quickly stepped back, startled by her Murkrow's sudden appearance. "Nothing fancy, Avis?" Avis shook her head towards her master, hiding the news she had just found.

"Hey guys how are you doing, oh Jacob how nice of you to join us. So you guys wanna talk over food? I smell pasta and me likey pasta"

Danielle had to grin when Slade came over to announce that dinner is ready in his strange way. She was finally back with her two best friends; her world is complete. "Why not? I need a break after this long day. We could talk about what we have been through over pasta." She then began walking towards the pasta table, although she waited for her two guy friends should they happen to fall behind. Avis also found her place with Danielle once more, leaving Slade to make the first move.

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"Why not? I need a break after this long day. We could talk about what we have been through over pasta."

"Welp, I'ma hungry for'a pasta right now'a," Slade said now sporting an Italian voice, "Hurry up'a Jacob or there won'ta be any pasta left'a for you." Flare then followed Slade as he went right besides Danielle with a big grin on his face. He went over and filled his plate with tons of pasta and grabbed a bowl of pokefood for Flare, but he hid an oran berry on the bottom of the bowl for Flare. He found an unoccupied table and reserved it by sitting there, then waited for his friends to drop by.

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Jacob looked from Slade to Danielle, then gave Slade a knowing wink once Danielle was turned away. "Actually, I think I'm gonna go find Kristen and apologize for snapping at her like that. Who knows? Maybe she's not as bad as we thought," he said calmly, trying not to give anything away. He then walked toward the girls' cottage and knocked politely on the door, then took a few steps back and called Chalchi out of her ball, taking a seat on her back as he waited for someone to answer the door.

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Mareek nodded as his roommate finally got the message and went out to follow his advice and Flare followed out with him. Cubone nodded at him in turn, holding up his bone in approval of the speech he'd just delivered. Mareek honestly didn't pay him any mind though, simply sitting on the bed that Slade had just gotten up from.

"A sadistic bitch indeed, Irony..." he finally verbalized dejectedly. "I'd honestly be feeling a little less shitty if my advice hadn't worked just now...but eh, just because I have to go through this doesn't mean I should drag down other people along with me... it's my issue, after all, and not their burden." all Cubone could do was sink back a little, a tad sad that Mareek was back like this again... it seemed he really hadn't helped his trainer at all. then his attention was drawn back up when Mareek rose and headed to the door, an unreadable look on his face. "Come on, we're heading back outside..."

Cubone followed behind quietly as his trainer exited the cabin, noticing the bird he'd seen earlier fly out after them and give a subtle nod to Mareek before flying away, though the boy didn't even notice it. Mareek toke note that dinner was being served... but he honestly didn't feel that hungry. A secluded area near the edge of the rise that the Campsite was on was the place where the boy finally stopped, sitting down and prompting for Cubone to do the same beside him. IT wasn't long before he was lying down in the sand, staring up at the sky, propping the back of his head up on his arms. Cubone figured he should probably follow suit, putting his club done beside him, making sure it was still within reach.

"A lot's happened today, you know..." he sighed, staring into the waning evening light of the sky. Cubone only glanced at him. "A lot indeed... but there's something that honestly bothers me... you still don't have a name. both Erce and java got one the first day they joined me... but here we are, it's almost nightfall now, and you're still the black sheep of the team." he paused for a moment, considering that choice of metaphor. "Sorry, didn't quite think how that probably sounded before It was out of my mouth. Anyway, my point is, you need a name, and we're running out of time."

So this was what he was getting at? Cubone only now noticed that his other two team mates indeed had special names his trainer always called them by... he had just never thought he himself would get one. but now that he was faced with the prospect... he really did want a denotation to call his own. Mareek laid there for a few moments longer, racking his mind for potential nicknames... nothing came to mind, the creative spark he usually had was nowhere to be found right now. Maybe there was a reason though...

"I...can't think of anything." he finally admitted to cubone. "But maybe that's because... there is no nickname that will ever suit you, nothing that'll ever fit just right." Cubone was a bit sad at that... until Mareek said. "So why don't we just call you what you really are? why not... Nemo?" Nemo... Cubone... freaking loved that name. just the way it sounded and flowed, simply perfect. he looked over at Mareek, nodding eagerly, his eyes sparkling.

"Good to see you like it," Mareek said. "Nameless it is then, you're officially a part of the team now." With that he stopped talking altogether, just looked right up at the evening sky. Cubone respected the silence, reveling in the fact that now he had a name of his very own; regardless of how ironically ironic it was.

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"W-What about your dinner?" she called out, but Jacob had already left for the girls' cottage. "I hope so... For your sake," Danielle said quietly, resigning to the fact that he is gone. Avis also crowed after him before Danielle pet her head. "Perhaps he could change her, who knows~" Danielle said out loud, although it was more for herself to hear than to her Murkrow. Avis looked worriedly at Jacob before she finally nodded. Avis had faith that Jacob will not be easily fooled. Perhaps he has a plan. Avis snuggled against Danielle's head and gave a cheerful squawk, prompting Danielle to laugh. "I get it, I get it, Avis," the human girl responded with a cheerful voice of her own.

Danielle proceeded to pick up a plate of pasta and two bowls of Pokefeed before heading towards Slade's table. Once she was settled, Danielle put the food down by her feet and released her sleepy Corona from her capsule. She could hear a confused chirp from the Larvesta. "It's dinner time, Corona. I'm sure you would want to wake up for that~" she told her firebug softly. Corona blinked a few times before she realized what her master was saying. Once she registered the word "dinner," Corona looked at a plate of food that Danielle had placed and gave a cheer before digging in. Avis also flew down to join her partner in the feast, looking up at Slade once in a while as if she was expecting something.

"So, Jacob decided to ditch us in order to apologize to the nasty Kristen. He's way too nice for his own good..." Danielle started. "Should we save some dinner for him in case he doesn't come back?"

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"Oh yea, I almost forgot." Slade remembering he forgot someone. "Be right back!" he said as he rushed towards the pokefood section and got another bowl of food. He came back and set the food down by the already eating Flare and grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "OK Xemnas, time to eat!" he said as the ball opened in his hand and out came the pokemon who said, "Gible." as he got out of the ball. "I don't think you two have been introduced," He said looking at Danielle, "This here is Xemnas, an unexpected party member, not that that's bad or anything." Xemnas then let out a friendly, "Gible!" and waved to Danielle and her group.

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Avis looked up from her food to give her own greeting as well. Corona, however, began to shake before Avis calmed her down. Once she got over her shy demeanor, Corona then chirped a welcome to the newcomer as well as an apology for her sudden reaction. Danielle looked down at the cute dragon as it waved happily to the girls. "Aww, hello there Xemnas~" Danielle greeted the polite dragon. She then reached out to pet the Gible, only to recoil after coming into contact with its Rough Skin. "Ow... I forgot that Gibles can get Rough Skin..." she looked at her chafed hand.

Corona was about to lend her assistance when Avis stopped her with her wing. The Murkrow motioned to Slade with a nod of her head to get her point across to Corona. The Larvesta looked up at Slade for a bit before she nodded eagerly.

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"Xemnas, it's not nice harm people." Slade said to the Gible who was laughing but stopping seeing as his joke wasn't met well. If you didn't know pokemon with rough skin can control whether or not it's rough at will. Xemnas was probably playing a joke on you." Xemnas looked guilty, He felt bad about harming her so he went by her and let a sad "Gible..." to say he's sorry. "Xemnas it's ok, you didn't know you do and I'm sure Danielle agrees." Slade said giving a smile to Xemnas then turned his focus towards Danielle, "Are you ok. does it hurt?"

(Check the in the anime section in this page for proof if you need any http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rough_Skin)

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"Don't worry about it, Xemnas. Slade is right, I know you didn't mean it~ How could I be mad at a cute thing like you~" Danielle said, accepting the Gible's apology with a smile. She turned back to examine her hand, which was getting red on the sore spot that touched the Ground/Dragon type. "It's not too bad... I think..." she raised her hand to show Slade. "At least it's not my writing hand!"

Avis facepalmed onto her wing. Why Danielle decided not to flirt at this time was definitely beyond Avis' reasoning. It was the perfect opportunity!

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Slade examined the hand, "Well, its probably just a scrape, like skidding your knee after falling off your bike." Slade said trying to not have Danielle worry, "I'm sure it'll heal right up!" Slade said with a smile on his face. Xemnas turned happy after Danielle accepted his apology and he went back to eating his food. 'I guess this is as good of time as any to ask the big question' Slade thought to himself "Subject change, remember yesterday when you and Jacob wanted some privacy," Slade paused for a moment, "Are you two a thing now, I mean are you dating each other?" Slade said scratching the back of his head, "I mean if you are that's fine, I just wanted to know why you two wanted it to be so private. Was there a reason to why you didn't want me to hear it?" Flare immediately stopped eating to hear what Danielle had to say though he did it to where no one would notice and unsuspiciously.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 12:44 AM, TacosAndFlowers said:

Ryan squeezed Kage, appreciating his boyfriend's embrace. "I'm alright now. I get to see you again, there aren't people yelling at me, I haven't emotionally hurt anyone today. So yeah, sounds perfect to me." Ryan let out a hollow chuckled and turned to see the tables with spaghetti and the smaller table for pokemon. "If you want we could discuss our days over dinner. Or does that make us sounds like an old married couple?"

"I think that's what your supposed to do in a relationship. Now, an old married couple would do something like arguing about soup, or that THEY should be the one to buy groceries, or something like that." He released Ryan from his arms. "But yeah, today was kind of interesting. Let's go get something to eat; I'm sure you appreciate not having to make dinner for once."

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Ryan laughed, this one actually wholeheartedly. "You're getting the groceries next time though." Ryan poked Kage on the shoulder, chuckling a little bit. When they arrived at the table, Ryan grabbed a plate of spaghetti, and placed it at a table to eat. Without a moment to lose, Ryan leapt onto the plate, devouring the strands of spaghetti like a ravenous monster. He looked back up at Kage, a look of pure joy on his face. "It always tastes better when someone else makes it."

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"Can't argue with that," Kage said with his mouth half-full of spaghetti. Lucas and al'Thor levitated their plates over to sit beside Kage, though he wasn't entirely sure how, exactly, the Beldum was eating the food. "Oh, I can't believe I forgot you guys!" He sent out both of his new catches. Kage rubbed the Tyrunt's head before she had a chance to run off. "How does the name Reina sound?" The dragon chuffed a sound of approval, then walked over and grabbed a dish of food for herself. She held it delicately in her powerful jaws, bringing it over to sit by her. The Axew, on the other hand, didn't wait for her trainer, and simply made a mess out of a bowl as she pushed it along the ground. "I'm not sure what to call you, yet, little Axew." He looked up at Ryan. "Any ideas?"

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"Oh how could I be so careless." Ryan released Glacien and Feroces, and sent them off to grab their food. "Well, if you haven't noticed, most of my pokemon's names come from latin words that describe them. For example, Feroces is latin for ferocious. This little one seems brave and not one for rules, per say. Perhaps... Virtes? Latin for bravery." As Ryan finished, his sentence, Feroces and Glacien, returned with their bowls. However, Glacien being the hungry monster he is, rolled over to the Axew's bowl and began chewing on some of the pellets that had fallen out of her bowl.

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"Oh, that sounds good," Kage replied, gesturing at Ryan with his fork. He leaned toward the dragon in question and spoke. "How does that sound, Virtes?" The Axew ignored him, though. She was too busy glaring daggers at the Spheal stealing her precious food. The undersized Dragon-type let a low growl come from the depths of her throat, promising pain if Glacien continued to eat her food.

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While everyone was panicking about Ryan, Henry used this time to slip away from the crowd. He headed towards a wide open area with a folder now in his hand. The four pokemon following behind him wondered what was going on. The Togepi, being naive as ever, was excited about going on this little trip. Henry bent down and looked at the little Pokemon. "I honestly don't know why you chose me. The only times I've been happy are when others are suffering. You seem to find joy in my own suffering which kind of feels like a paradox, but that's not the best word to use. Meh, I kind of like the sound of it. You don't mind the name Paradox, do you?" The Togepi responded gleefully at the new name she acquired, but she likely would've responded the same to any name.

"I think I finally realized why I couldn't order Zuko to use Ember earlier. It's all because I just don't want to hurt anyone." Henry laughed a little bit after saying that. "It doesn't matter though because it seems someone around me always ends up hurting themselves whether I'm nice or not. I just need to stop caring, that's all." The Vulpix then looked at him worried again. He hadn't seen Henry this bad since the second day at the academy.

"And then we have this little thingy right here. I finally solved this unsolvable riddle. Pain. Strength cannot exist without pain and pain causes the heart to darken. Shadow Pokemon really are the strongest forms of Pokemon...but I'm not power hungry like the rest of the region. It's funny how people would pay millions just to see these files. Too bad they're half way around the world with me." Burrows now looked at Henry with an odd look. He didn't know about this side of Henry, but it kind of scarred him. He picked the blissful Togepi up and stood back a few feet.

For a few moments, Henry then looked back at the campsite where they were at. "Danielle, I know your intentions are well met, but they're only words. Those words are worthless to someone like me. Someone who is so cowardly he slowly lost his feeling little by little. He even tricked himself into believing there was still a chance, but it's all a lie. I can't even look someone in the eye who is crying...pathetic. These feelings need to disappear forever." Henry whipped the folder around and watched the papers all fly out. "Zuko, Heat Wave." The Vulpix managed to follow the order and surprisingly whipped up a powerful spinning fire from his mouth. The papers gracefully floating in the air were quickly burned into nothing but ashes. After the attack was done, the Pokemon felt a little tired, but mostly shock. "So it really was me all along that was the problem, not you. Don't worry, I'm not going to make you use that attack anytime soon. Both of us have gone a long way since coming here."

The Togepi jumped up and down with the quite impressive show the duo put on. She had never seen anything like it before. Henry then looked over at the little Togepi. "Sorry if you misunderstood the kind of person I am. If you want to leave, I hold no objections." The Togepi stood there not even understanding what the human was saying. "I thought so. We've wasted enough time here already. Let's get back to camp before anyone notices that we disappeared." Also because I need to burn whatever this nice guy impression people have on me down to the ground. I spent too much time turning myself into this and there's now way I'm going to let that little slip bring me down.

Henry returned to the scene noticing diner was ready. He grabbed a plate of spaghetti and distanced himself from almost everybody. For quite an observant person, it was odd he missed the Litwick who had been following him around for who knows how long.

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Having finally gotten through the line, Robert carried his plate of spaghetti and two of the Pokefood bowls, having Kiai carry the other 2. Once they set the stuff down at a seemingly empty table, Jet flew straight down to his bowl and Robert released Voltage and Nikki to their's. They all happily dug in, especially Nikki who seemed to be face first in her bowl, SEEMED only because of how she was so round and the eating made it hard to focus enough to put that kind of attention in. Having already finished, Nikki moved herself by Robert's leg, cuddling for whatever attention whenever the plate was empty.

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"W-What?" she stammered, almost choking on her water. This subject change was definitely not what she was expecting out of the usual, carefree Slade. "N-No, we're only friends! The only reason it was private was because Jacob was... Confessing his feelings for me... And he wanted to talk about it alone... To clear up the whole situation..." Danielle then lowered her gaze, fiddling around with the strands of spaghetti. "I feel bad for turning him down, though, but I'm just not into him that way..." 'Because I like someone else...' Danielle suddenly jerked her head back up, realizing that something was not quite right. "Hold on a sec, is everything alright? I never thought you, of all people, would suddenly be concerned about these things."

Avis and Corona had returned their attention to their food while Danielle was clearing up this tangled mess of affairs. They have an idea of where this is going to go by now.

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Yellow eyes followed the strange boy as Lucifer looked on, even more intrigued by this character. Initially, the Litwick had assumed, by the snark, personality and apparent wit of this person, that Henry had no soul-- or at least, that it was completely bland and tasteless. This time, however, he didn't have to probe too far to actually taste a hint of life force-- it was just a little bit more than faint, as though it were hidden, as though it were never meant to be exposed. How interesting Henry was... maybe he oughtn't devour his soul, after all. It was something that the Litwick hadn't quite observed in the other students-- so far, anyway. Just now, what did he see? Henry threw some papers, some things that were extremely important to other people apparently, and burned every last bit of them. Curious, curious indeed... Perhaps it'd do to follow hi-- *GRLRGRLGLRG.*-- buuuuuut, it would probably be best if the Litwick went to find a soul to feast on for dinner... or he could find Raiza instead.

Having chosen a nice, big boulder to sit on and have spaghetti at with Lana, Raiza ate quietly. The night sky was more beautiful out in the mountains-- you could see the tiniest, innumerable specks of dust that were probably gigantic stars and systems in their own worlds, high, way high and way far above this one. A cool, gentle breeze blew, and how great it felt after a long day of trekking, and just how much better it would feel after a refreshing shower and a change of clothes. Nevertheless, it had been a wonderful day, even after the fiasco earlier, whatever the heck it was.

"Wick, wick!"

"Oi, there you are, sweetie," scolded Raiza, monotonously, though she smiled at her beloved Litwick soon enough. How could she stay annoyed at her little baby boy? "Come over, pon, the spaghetti tastes delicious." Rogue and Toothless both had their own plates of food, the former glancing up to see the candle-like Pokemon appear, the latter focused wholly on his dinner. Maybe he'd taste the flat thing that held his food too.

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((Cubone's nickname has been changed to "Nemo"))

"Hm...?" Mareek was awoken from his bit of nodding off by the sound of Nemo's growling stomach, the cubone sitting up and looking out over the horizon hungrily. "Oh, that's right... just because I might not be hungry doesn't mean that you guys aren't."

He reached down to his belt and released Erce from her Capsule, sending the mantis out into the sand, where she stood beside Nemo. Her own stomach rumbled a little. "Then I guess that settles it," he said. "Come on, let's go get some food for you." A moment later he sprung up from the ground, hands in his pockets. Nemo and Erce followed behind him as he picked up two bowls of poke-food and walked it back over to them, not far from where Slade and Danielle were sitting at a table. He sat down on the far end of the bench, back turned to them as he watched his team start eating. His choice seemed random at a glance, but it was anything but. He figured he'd sit here to be able to make sure Slade didn't screw anything up; that he'd actually go through with the advice Mareek had given him. He leaned back though, giving no indication he could hear the conversation the two were having further down the table.

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Lucky Elf and TurboAura

“Oh great,” Evan mumbled not far from where Claude was. The Snorlax still stood behind him, drooling.

“SNORLAX LAAAAAX!” the sleeping Pokémon grumbled loud enough for the close students to hear and actually notice the Snorlax.

Evan got up, refusing to let the Snorlax steal his precious spaghetti, and backed off. His place balanced on one hand while he carried a sleeping Cleffa with the other. The little Fairy grabbed his shirt with her little hands when Evan’s movements woke her up. “Cleffa!” she yelled happily when the Snorlax followed her trainer. Maybe this big Pokémon wanted to play?

The drooling Snorlax chased Evan and soon students close by started to laugh, but not for long. He led the hungry Pokémon directly to them and in a few confusing moments everyone scattered. Snorlax didn’t know who to chase and gave up after a few steps because it found another target. The action repeated a few times until it saw a student standing still, gazing into the greenery. Heavy footsteps came closer to Claude and only had a few more steps to take. “Claude, watch out!” Evan warned him.

Robert could see the whole thing perfectly.


Kristen opened the door. “What?” she asked coldly. Even though it was Jacob, she couldn’t care less at this point. Not after what happened earlier with his friends who were acting like Ryan did nothing wrong.

Suddenly a little voice squeaked from below. A little Togepi was grabbing Jacob’s ankle and didn’t want to let go.


Lana ate her spaghetti quietly while watching her Pokémon eat. Queen, her Nidorina, ate quietly just like her trainer and actually showed some manners. Rhy on the other hand had his face buried into the bowl and shrugged everything down, creating a mess. “You know,” she said to Raiza, “I never managed to teach him table manners. I hope my future members won’t behave like that.”

Stratos (Galen)

Somewhere far away, in the RoG base, Teach was evaluating the reports of the past night. He sighed and felt a little disappointed. He had high hopes for some of them, but apparently he overestimated them. In the end only 5 members passed the test and would become full fletched RoG agents. The rest of them would be stuck with guard duty or paperwork while some others were sent off do to harsh work. He knew Verna Glover, aka Mist, would treat them like slaves. Not that he cared. Someone had to get the work done.

He took a seat and waited for Galen’s arrival. At the desk next to him Melody was screening RoG agent files at the computer. She didn’t say anything as three files popped up. “Want some coffee?” she asked after a few minutes of silence.

Teach nodded and watched her leave the small room. There was only one door and a one way mirror that was used to observe the battle skills new recruits possessed. Three computers were placed behind it and only the far left was active. Aside from the desk there was only one other wooden table with two wooden chairs. Teach was sitting on one of those when he heard a knock on the door.

“Come in, Galen, we have a lot to talk about.”

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"Hold on a sec, is everything alright? I never thought you, of all people, would suddenly be concerned about these things."

"Yea, everything is alright." Slade before taking another bit of spaghetti and swallowing it, "I just wanted to know what was so important that you had to keep it secret from me. I guess assuming you and Jacob were dating or Jacob confessed his love to you was a lucky guess." Slade chuckled. Flare when back to his food, 'What's taking him so long! Just ask her already!' Flare thought to himself. Xemnas however has no idea whats going on, 'What's going on here? That's a weird subject to talk about. Hopefully it doesn't stay silent for too long.' the Gible then continued to eat seeing as there's still food there. "Anyways back onto a better topic," He said while spinning some spaghetti on his fork. "Did anything note worthy happen today? Any pokemon catches, situations?" Right after that a loud groan could be heard, it was a Snorlax. This one seemed aggressive too it's best if they leave now. "Danielle, I think we need to continue this conversation elsewhere for now seeing as now a Snorlax is here."

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Jacob began to open his mouth to apologize when he felt a small amount of pressure on his leg. He looked down and much to his surprise there was a Togepi clinging onto his leg. He looked up at Kristen, very confused, then back down at the Togepi. "Uhh..." he managed to get out, having been caught completely off guard. He sighed and knelt down, prying the Togepi off his leg and gingerly lifting it up in the air. The egg Pokemon waved its arms and cried out in happiness from the ride. Jacob couldn't help but laugh at the cute little Pokemon's antics. He looked the Togepi in the face. "Hey, buddy, do you have a Trainer?" he asked it. The Togepi shook his head and Jacob smiled at it. "Can you give me a minute to talk to Kristen here and I'll deal with you in a second?" he asked again. The Togepi nodded his head and Jacob grinned, holding the Togepi like a baby.

"Well, now that that's dealt with... Kristen, I want to apologize for what I said to you earlier. I know you were just upset with Ryan because of the way he acted toward Sofia. It was wrong of him to lead her on and it was wrong of me to get so upset with you for defending your friend," he said, a sad undertone in his voice. "I just want you to understand that I snapped at you for the same reason that you snapped at Ryan. I hope you can forgive me," he added, looking the redheaded girl in the eyes. "I don't want you to think that I'm a bad guy or anything, you know? That's why I came to apologize."

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  • Support Squad

Claude turned to see the hungry goliath, shocked. He really didn't know what to do. Seeing that Claude had frozen, Colere stepped forward, Inhaling deeply and then releasing a mighty Roar far too loud for her small frame.

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Seeing the Snorlax's little 'rampage,' Robert just gave a little laugh at what he saw, being one of the lucky people that wasn't targeted by it, being distracted enough from his own food to notice Nikki's attention seeking. "Wait distracked by food... That might just work! Nikki, come with me. The rest of you can keep on eating." Robert trailed over to table with the spaghetti, placing a plate on top of Nikki's head and piling spaghetti and sause on top of the plate, as much as would stay on the plate. "Okay Nikki, I want you to catch the Snorlax's attention however you can and lead it as much towards the outside of the camp as you can. Make sure you Protect as soon as the Snorlax gets too close. We don't want the Snorlax thinking your a big meatball." Of course, Nikki was scared by the last statement, but Robert couldn't possibly be putting it in harms way, could he? "How about this. If you do this, I'll give you your own Spaghetti pile, not as big ofcourse, and rub you while your eating. Fair enough?" With the promise of Food AND attention, Nikki smiled and went off to distract the Snorlax.


(Go ahead and bunny Nikki, the plan's set.)

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