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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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"We can go a little closer, if you don't mind." She said and started walking. "This battle can teach you something. After all it's the first one you see." She smiled at the Swablu in her arms. The little bird pokemon gave a small cry and started observing the two pokemon battling.

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Spitfyre looked up at his Trainer, a huge smile coming across the lizard's normally stormy face. "Awesome job, Spitfyre!" Jacob said happily. He finally got a victory! Now he'll be that much more willing to listen to me in the next fight. "See? When we work together, we can do anything!" he said excitedly.

Jacob grinned, looking down at the excited Gible. "Hey, buddy, you want to battle us too?" The young Trainer looked down at Teo. "What do you think, Teo? Is this Gible strong enough for you?" The Trapinch nodded his huge jaws, imitating the Gible's leg to leg hopping. "Good." This should be a good fight. Teo's never gone up against a Dragon before, Jacob thought to himself. Teo took a ready position across from the Gible, raring to go after watching Spitfyre's match against the wild Trapinch. "We're ready when you are, Gible!"

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"Here you go~" Danielle handed over her tree bark piece after she managed to write her initials on the bottom right hand corner with Rebecca's pen. "The honey may still be a little wet, so be careful not to get it stuck to your clothes." She then handed over the camera back to Professor Redwood's assistant. "There are also pictures of that collage in here just in case something happens to it." With a polite wave goodbye, Danielle walked back to her trio of Pokemon, who was observing the Altarias and the Swablus up in the treetops.

'Now what? We still have time before we go back to camp...' Danielle considered her options for a moment; she could get a little practice round in for Avis and Corona or she could find out what Zared's capabilities are. A chill ran down her spine at the last thought; she would rather train with her first two Pokemon but it would be foolish of her to not consider her new party member's strengths, especially since she would have to battle with him later... 'No, I need to get to know him first. If I know his strengths and weaknesses, I won't fear him and the other fairies anymore.' "Hey, you three! Since we still have some time, I want to get something done to prepare ourselves for our battle ahead. Is that okay with you?" Her Pokemon immediately ran, or in Avis' case, flew, back to her side and looked up at her with an expectant gaze. Zared was practically bouncing up and down at the possibility of a battle. Danielle knelt down to their level. "Well, I want a chance to see how a pair of you could work together but, in order for that to happen, I think I need to see how Zared performs his moves first..." A loud, upbeat cry could be heard from the Mawile who then ran a little ahead of her to give some distance between them. There is no doubt that he was ready to show off what he could do. Danielle gave a small smile; it was touching to see so much enthusiasm, even if it did come from her worst nightmare. As soon as Avis and Corona went over to a safe place to observe, Danielle stood up and turned towards her Mawile. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she spoke the first of her many commands.

"Alright, Zared. Show me your Fairy Wind first!"

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Gible immediately stopped hopping around and glared at his opponent. The dragon tilted his head a little. He had battled with different Trapinch’s before but this one seemed a little different. Was it the trainers influence? There was only one way to find out. Gible opened his giant mouth and fired a Dragon Rage at Teo.

Surge and Lucky Elf

The Fury Attack hit mark a few times without doing all that much damage. To be frank Torkoal found Lancelot really annoying, tucked in its shell and started spinning at a fast rate to throw the bug off.

As soon as the spinning stopped Torkoal popped out and fired a flamethrower at Java, but forgot to check where Lancelot was.


“If you say so…” Evan said while looking at the Venonat. He faced Henry again when the boy mentioned the water stone. “No thanks, I’ve decided to return the stone to its owner. They will come looking for it sooner or later.”

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Lancelot, flung off by the spin, once more skipped across the ground. but now he was behind the Torkoal, as he launched a flamethrower at his team-mate. Claude thought furiously, he wasn't working with Mareek, and Lances constant contact with the Torkoal prevented the porygon from attacking effectively... "Hey, Mareek, that Torkoals defence is far too strong, we need to figure out a way to hit it hard, or wear it down. Can your porygon lift Lance? I'm thinking we let Gravity and a bit of Psychic propulsion help Lance attack that thing." Claude suggested

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Surge (Galen)

Teach followed Galen over to the monitor. “Take a look at your new team. They’re young, raised within our organization, and strong. We took them from the streets and raised them up within our ranks. Still, as you know, they were my second choice because they will definitely cause some trouble. I preferred to give you a team that could blend in and lay low but these guys… well it will become clear once you see their profiles.”

The first profile that popped up was that of a male agent. He had long blond hair that reached his shoulders and deep blue eyes. His smile showed bright white teeth and for some reason he seemed to love the camera that took his picture. Additional information gave away he stood at 5’7” and that he was already 15 years old. Down below in the right corner were pictures of a Ponyta, Roselia and a Floette.

Teach sighed. “Meet Pierre Deborsu. He’s from the Kalos Region and without a doubt a pain in the ass. He loves standing in the spotlight and drawing all attention on him. That’s why we decided to put him into the Coordinator Program. Remember to keep him in line when the time comes because he’s easily swept away in the moment.” Teach gave Galen an apologizing look. “I promise the other two aren’t as… flamboyant as this one. I just figured I started with the troublemaker first.”

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That last line sounded odd. Why would someone go looking for something given to him? More importantly, you could easily grab one from the lab. Maybe Venus's outrageous theory wasn't so crazy after all. Nothing has been proven so far, but it'd make a lot of sense. I'll have to keep my eyes out. Henry looked over to Evan one more time. "Well, good luck with that. Hopefully there won't be any trouble. Can't say the same for myself because I seem to be a magnet for it."

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Jacob grinned as the Gible fired off a Dragon Rage. Why am I not surprised? he thought to himself, "Teo, burrow under the ground to dodge it!" he barked at his Trapinch. The large-jawed Ground type obeyed immediately, firing himself into the earth and narrowly avoiding the Dragon Rage. Jacob sidestepped it calmly, the flaming blue ball sailing harmlessly past him. "Now, retaliate with all your Strength!" he ordered. A small mound of dirt appeared between the Gible's legs and then Teo shot up and out of the dirt, swinging his heavy jaws like a club at the Gible.

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Victoria was angered that she hadn't defeated the Heracross yet. This is so, incredibly frustrating! Lose already! She screamed out in pure rage, kicking Hera's legs repeatedly. She cringed when the Night Slash smashed into her thick head. Had it been anywhere else, that might have finished her. But she felt stronger now. Sure she was close to being done, but her strength had definitely increased. Out of blind anger, Victoria was dazed and confused. She began to spew Dragon Rage from her mouth but accidentally set her teeth on fire at the same time, lunging at Hera in an attempt to finish her off.

She used rage, just so you know, that was what made her feel stronger.

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"Java," Mareek said expectantly. The Porygon was on it after intercepting the flamethrower with a Tri-Attack, going on to fire off a low intensity psybeam and lifting up the Karrablast with it. Mareek couldn't help but think to himself as Claude pointed out the very obvious fact of Torkoals high defense "Of course it does, you nimrod... why the hell do you think I've been using nothing but Special Attacks, that I even chose Java to go first at all? And if you realize this enough to go pointing it out, why don't you switch the freaking Karrablast out with something that doesn't have to make physical contact?" His verbal filter prevented him from saying that though, and instead it came out as "I know that already, Claude... it's why I chose Java for this" noticeably missing the criticism on the other boy's choose of party lead.

Java meanwhile had lifted Lance up high enough and released the Psybeam, allowing the bug to enter into freefall towards torkoal. Mareek wasn't done yet though... "Psybeam, as strong as you can muster." He ordered in Japanese. "Flip that torkoal over onto it's back." The porygon nodded, seeing what his Trainer was thinking of. Another Psybeam was fired off, this one much stronger than Lance had gotten, curving at an angle and heading to towards the Torkoal from the side with the hopes of sending it toppling on it's shell...


"He shouldn't be too much of an issue for me," Galen remarked confidently. "I've dealt with a few trouble makers before; If I just make sure to either toss him a bone or two every once in a while or just flat out break him, I can probably get the kid to stay in relative line. Did it all the time in Rocket with morons who thought they could do what they wanted regardless of Giovanni's orders, all just a mater of establishing who really runs the show. Now, show me the next two, if you would."

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Despite wanting to snark back in response to Mareeks words, Claude instead yelled a command to Lance. "Ok, try to aim downwards, use peck, see if you can reproduce Bullet Bug again!" Lance tried to do so, orienting himself downwards, but unable to spin like he could the first time they tried the move. His horn, however, was still aimed directly at the Torkoal as he fell.

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Whatever Raiza did to placate the angry Scorpion Pokemon didn't budge it one bit, as it kept nipping and snapping at the girl. Unfortunately the curious Deino had bounded over to sniff the strange new Pokemon. "Toothless, don--" A guttural cry of pain sounded as the Skorupi had managed to nab the poor Deino right on the snout. Indignant, Toothless snarled at the mean Pokemon, backing away just enough as though he were ready to fire. He seems pretty focused right now, though. It looks like the nip was a blessing in disguise. Hm... I can use this! "You wanna get 'er, bud? All right, let's do this, pon!"

So the Heatmor and this stupid Deino wanted a fight, then? Skorupi hissed and raised her claws defensively. She would show these two!

Both Deino and Skorupi glared at each other from across the battlefield as the Horsea, Goomy, and Bidoof watched during this break. They hadn't really seen a Skorupi before and watched it carefully, as one would a new and suspicious object. The Skorupi moved first, and quickly, firing what looked like little stingers from her tail. "Toothless, blast them with Dragonbreath!" A hot blast of energy came from the Dark-Dragon type's mouth, destroying the Pin Missile attack and continued to engulf the Poison-Bug type, who bore the attack defiantly. When the breath attack had passed, she emitted a shrill noise, making both Raiza and Toothless wince. "Ignore it, Toothless, and use Earth Power!" The ground cracked and spewed soil up into the air towards the Skorupi, who immediately climbed up a tree and leapt off it towards her target, chirping a war... chirp as she went. "That's really reckless of you, you know, pon?" Raiza called out. "Toothless, Fire Fang!" Sparks jumped from his fangs before they burst into flames as he chomped down on the airborne Pokemon, who cried out in pain.

What were they still doing over there when there was a battle over here?! Lucifer hovered over impatiently, seeing the battle. Wanting to get Raiza's attention, he bumped into her multiple times from different directions before knocking her bag upside, some items like Potions, Berries and a Poke Ball falling out. "Lucifer!" the girl cried out, reaching down to pick all her things up before anybody could snatch them up. Toothless gave a cry of surprise, making his Trainer look over to see where the Skorupi was, a Pokeball sat instead, rocking in its spot. Then it gave off the distinct ding, indicating a successful capture. Sighing, Raiza picked the ball up. "Uhm... Well... Looks like you're part of the team now, pon," she said, and released the Skorupi from its ball. Refusing to meet her new Trainer's eyes, the Skorupi kept her tail up in the air. Toothless, in turn, took one sniff in her direction and snarled. "This is going to take some work," Raiza said, deflated.

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Gible was surprised by the power and flung high into the air. The little dragon turned it’s big head down and fired three consecutive Dragon Rage’s after each other. All three would hit a different spot but were really close together.

TurboAura, Tses and Tacos

Hera barely dodged the wild Dragon Rage but couldn’t avoid the fire fang. The power of the fire move hurt even more and a burn became visible on her arm. “No, Hera!” Alvin screamed. He didn’t think the battle would go this way. “Use Night Slash again!”

The fighting bug obeyed as her horn had a dark aura surrounding it. She threw herself at full power at the Bagon in an all or nothing attempt.

Surge and Lucky Elf

Torkoal almost fell over but proved to be just a little too heavy to completely flip on its shell. Infuriated by the annoying bug, that managed to hit him once again, the tortoise released another set of scarlet flames. ((Lava Plume))

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"Victoria, use Dragon Dance to escape!" Ryan warned the Bagon as quickly as he could, but she was slightly late. As she began her dodge, the Night Slash struck Victoria's leg and she fell to the ground, very hurt. Victoria shed a tear, the pain proving a bit too much for her. Ryan ran out onto the field, wanting to help her. She seems so helpless, does she even want to do this anymore? Why did I put her in such a situation? When Ryan got closer, Victoria looked him directly in the eyes. A smal. fire burnt in her eyes She was not backing down just yet. What would she have to prove to her trainer then? Ryan gave her a look of sympathy before turning his back to walk to where he was previously. He whispered, "Go get him, girl." The Bagon slowly stood up, favoring her left leg, making sure it didn't touch the ground. Even with an injured leg, her speed and strength were incredible after 3 Dragon Dances and 2 hits taken after Rage. She was lethal. She dove upon the Heracross, attempting to hit another Fire Fang.

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((bear with my typos here. I'm typing on my phone in a car))

Jacob winced as he saw the Gible's Dragon Rages flying toward Teo. The Trapinch looked to the sideline for instructions, so Jacob said the only thing he could think of. "Teo, Dig straight down now and fire a Sand Tomb up behind you! You'll get hit, but not as hard!" The Trapinch nodded and began to dig down, burrowing as far as he could before impact. As he dug a sand twister began to fly upward toward the Gible, the two attacks passing each other in midair.

Finally the Gible's attacks hit the ground, throwing up a cloud of dirt and flinging the Trapinch out of his burrow. The Trapinch looked battered but still in fighting shape, standing up ready to fight. "Burrow again and when that Gible lands, hit it with a Strength attack again!" The Trapinch burrowed once more, lying in wait for the airborne Gible to come down.

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Lance pinged off of the Torkoal after hitting it, and was almost out of reach of the flames, he scrambled to avoid them, somewhat shielded by the carapace on his back, though the heat was excruciating to the small bug.

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The strength attack hit Gible as soon as the little dragon landed rather roughly, sending him tumbling on the sand. Gible winced and one eye was closed for a moment before it regained composure and dived underground.

TurboAura, Tses and Tacos

Heracross fell when the fire fang hit her. She struggled to get up again and Alvin quickly recalled her. He didn’t want Hera to risk her health too much considering she was already burned. The bug admirer stared at the Pokéball in his hand. “Sorry Hera, I let you down. Next time we’ll win for sure.”

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Watching the rest of the battle a bit behind Sissy, Robert saw it as being a very close one, even though the Heracross had started it off without Alvin's knowlegde. Having watched the whole thing, his team was happy for the 'close' ending, while Jet was pondering why something like this happened with those two. Jet would've been more than up for a challenge, so he questioned why Robert wasn't starting a challenge on his own. He let out a couple of cries to get Robert's attention, signaling at the finished battle.

"Hmm? Oh, did you enjoy the battle?" 'Did I enjoy the battle? All we did was watch! How could he be satisfied with that?' Jet had no intention of watching the battles just pass by him, doing his best to 'point' at the Bagon that just won. "Oh, I think I get it. You want to be in a battle yourself, am I right?" Jet nodded, happy that he was understood. "Well, I guess we did have to skip over our 'morning training' due to the limited personal space. Okay, I'll try and get you a battle, but be patient for it. I don't really think you'd want just ANY battle." 'Ah, now he gets it. A good, soon challenge.' With that, Jet grinned and landed back on his shoulder, with Robert and the others happily turning their attention toward's Ryan and Victoria.

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Ryan ran over to Victoria, scooped her up and spun her around. "You did great, Victoria! I'm so proud of you!" Ryan held a Sitrus Berry out in front of Victoria. She took one look before swallowing the berry whole. Ryan walked over to Alvin. "That was a great battle, thank you for the oppurtunity... What was your name?"

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"Teo, finish this! Use Sand Tomb to get that Gible out of the ground, then hit it with Strength one more time!" Jacob ordered. The Trapinch stomped on the ground, causing a plume of sand to shoot out from the Gible's burrow. Teo lay eagerly in wait near the burrow, ready to hit the ascending Gible with his attack.

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The Gible’s inexperience against a trainer showed. Both attacks hit it at full power and sent the small dragon tumbling. It laid down on its back panting heavily, close to a group of female Gibles, and failed to get up again. As soon as the losing dragon saw the group it added some extra comical drama.

TurboAura, Tses and Tacos

“I’m Alvin,” the bug fanatic answered. He sounded a little disappointed he lost but didn’t say anything about it. “Excuse me; I’m going to see Professor Cadmus. I didn’t bring any Burn Heals with me so I hope he has some.”

Edited by Chimchain
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Jacob laughed and approached the wild Gible, lifting it off the ground and placing it back on its feet. "Hey, little guy, you did an amazing job! If I weren't so dead set on having one Pokemon of every type, I'd take you with me right away! So let's make a deal, alright buddy? You make sure you grow up big and strong and every time I come back here we'll battle. How does that sound?" Teo nodded his head in agreement with Jacob, gurgling happily at the small Dragon-type. Looks like Teo has a rival! his Trainer thought happily.

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“Giiible!” the little dragon nodded excitedly. It even flexed its arm muscles to show Jacob some determination that Teo would surely lose their next battle.

Surge and Lucky Elf

Torkoal started to pant. These two opponents were more annoying than it thought and to make things worse the white smoke started to clear. The temperature dropped a little, it was still hot, and reduced the power behind the fire type attacks a little. The Tortoise decided to end the battle and fired another Flamethrower at Lance, leaving itself wide open for an attack from behind.

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"Java," Mareek said, seeing the turtle still focusing on going after Lance. "Use Psybeam to get Lance out of the way, then follow it with a Tri Attack on the Torkoal. It's about time this stops." The porygon nodded, using a low intensity beam to grab hold of Lance Psycho-Kinetically and drag the bug type out of the path of the flamethrower right before the blast reached him, setting him down near Claude's side. Then he turned back to his opponent and prepared a triangular field of energy suspended between three spheres of red, yellow, and blue light, taking aim and then launching the attack off...

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“Team Skarmory reached their destination,” a voice popped up from the remodeled Pokédex hanging from a tall man’s belt.

“Team Tangrowth is almost ready. Two minutes until we reach destination.”

“Roger that, stand by. Wait for my orders Tangrowth.”

“Got it; over and out.”

Surge (Galen)

Melody started typing a code and clicking with the mouse. The screen showed two new profiles.

The one on the left was a girl. Sarah Jones, a normal looking girl with curly brown hair and green eyes. The rest of her biography showed her age (14) and height (5’2”), mission history and her team. She trained an Espeon, Horsea and a Tynamo. She was born in Hoenn.

The agent on the right was a 14 year old boy from Unova. Matt Cooper looked older than he actually was and had a thick eyebrow that stood out. It gave him an intimidating look. His short black hair and grey eyes completed his appearance. He stood at 5’5” and had muscular arms for someone his age. His team contained a Tauros, Sandile and a Bronzor.

Teach pointed to the boy first. “Matt Cooper is quite the opposite of Pierre Deborsu. He’s quiet and likes to work-out but is quickly angered and picks fights with anyone if he feels insulted. He never heard of the term sportsmanship the Academy is so keen on so make sure he doesn’t lose his calm and go 2 or 3 Pokémon versus 1.”

He took a sip of his coffee and continued. “The girl is a bossy one and likes to order the other two around and give them a hard time instead of you. She’s quite capable and smart but easily sidetracked. We put her and Matt in the Trainer Program.” It was a quick summary but there wasn't more to tell. Galen had to experience their behavior first hand.

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