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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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"Skaaaar.... mory?" The Trainer turned to see a metal bird leaning into their conversation. "Oh, hi there, sweetie," she crooned, raising her hand to pet the Skarmory. "Aren't you... uhm... what's his name-- Evan! Aren't you Evan's Pokemon, pon?" She wheeled around looking for the Trainer in question... and there he was with a palm to his face. "Ah, there you are," she called, leading the Skarmory over. "She's yours, isn't she, pon? Lovely girl." It took her a while to remember that this was the same kid who got knocked over the rails. "Oh, wait, wow, that's some fast recovery if you're able to walk already." She'd figured that the first things to break would've been his legs from a fall of that height, but...

And then the sun came up. A certain Ghost-Fire type popped out of his Pokeball to bask in the sun's heat; Achlyx and her Trainer didn't enjoy it as much as Lucifer did. The day got even better; here was some soul food, breakfast, for the Litwick!

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"Ok man, I'll keep it quiet. Different people have different styles." Delilah began using rollout in an attempt to dodge the rain of fire spins coming from Zuko. One ended up singing the back of her head, and the nasty effects of Fire Spin would surely finish her off soon. In a desperate attempt, Delilah rolled Zuko, spinning around him and constantly changing directions before jumping at his back.

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"I was hoping to save this for your next Pokemon," griped Henry. He watched as Zuko dashed across where Burrows had dug underground earlier. The Vulpix was surprised when the ground then began to collapse and formed a giant crater in front of thim. Zuko turned around and then saw a round blue object charging towards him rather quickly and fired another Fire Spin this time waving it around him a little bit to hopefully finish it off. The Vulpix figured out Henry's little plan. If the Phanpy were to somehow survive the attack, he could just jump in and out of the hole making his foe and easy target to pick off.

Edited by commander218
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Delilah rushed headfirst into the Vulpix, her rollout speed increased due to having used defense curl twice throughout the battle. However, as she got to the Vulpix, the Fire Spin reached her and she collapsed as she flew past Zuko, not aware if she had actually hit him or not. Ryan sighed. "You did well, Delilah. Next time." Ryan grabbed her pokeball and the fainted Phanpy was absorbed in the white flash of light. Ryan paused. This next part is going to be tough. Victoria can't fight this thing at all. Feroces has no sort of advantage over him, aside from his pure strength. Glacien has the type advantage, but that's partially nullified due to that thing's ability. At least the sun will have to retreat at some point. Those abilities don't last forever.

Ryan made his decision and grabbed his frontmost pokeball. He tossed this one out with a bit more enthusiasm and spunk. When the ball collided with the field, the light formed a ball type shape that was revealed to be Glacien. He hopped out and gave a goofy grin towards Zuko. "Impenetrable Wall, Glacien!" Glacien knew the combo well enough. They had practiced it a few times. A dozen aquatic rings began spinning around Glacien, leaving him incredibly refreshed as the minimized in size, preparing to to take effect at another time. He then began to glow a deep purple as his size grew parallel to his defensive stats (Stockpile).

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"This battle is no longer in my control," spoke Henry. "Zuko, release your grip on the sun and let if fade when it wants to." The Vulpix was rather surprised by his trainer's actions, but he followed them anyway. "Now, don't use any move other than confuse ray and stay as far away from the thing as you can." He watched the Vulpix move quite close to the boundary of the field seeing a very tiny round ball in front of him. From there, he released a ball of light that hovered all the way across the field.

"That Stockpile makes any of Zuko's attacks pretty much useless. However, I doubt it'd be easy to move with all that weight added on. So here's something I'd like to ask. How far are you willing to push your Pokemon?" Henry had a bit of a smirk on his face. Trainers, at least the ones he'd seen battle always pushed their Pokemon hard, maybe even beyond their limits. He doubted this one would be any different.

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Evan raised an eyebrow when Raiza approached her. He had no idea who she was, apart from Lana’s friend. “The Skarmory isn’t really mine since I didn’t catch her. She just started to follow me around… And I was lucky I didn’t break anything. I just have some minor cuts and bruises,” he lied. His entire body still hurt like hell, especially his head and ribs, but he kept it at bay with painkillers. As long as he could keep the charade up he was sure Devin wouldn’t drag him to the hospital.

Lana was oblivious to the entire conversation between Evan and Raiza. She was busy rooting for Mareek and hoped he could make a comeback.

Bfroger and Tses

In the meantime Tyron, with the help of his Pokémon, cleared the outside breakfast area. The result was a third battle ground in the middle of the cottages that was as big as the other two fields. He signaled over to Alastair who nodded and looked down on his paper. He already marked a place further down the list of names and was planning to move those battles first. That way he didn’t mess around with Devin’s schedule too much.

“Shiro Advent and Sissy McLake; you can both go over to Professor Silva (Tyron). He made space for your battle to happen.”

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The girl blinked. The Trainer in front of her didn't give away any signs of limping... anything at all, really. "Well, at any rate it is lucky that you didn't break any limbs, or suffer internal bleeding or anything worse," she said while petting the friendly Skarmory. "She's a darlin', pon. She got a name yet?" Raiza glanced behind her to find Lana immersed in the battle on the field with the Lapras and a Porygon. Wasn't Henry battling too? Craning her neck a bit, she then caught a glimpse of the Trainer over at the other field. A Vulpix was pitting his own against Ryan's Spheal. Well, he seems to be doing better today, she thought, remembering the day before reluctantly.

"Wick," Lucifer cried, hovering around Evan. In all honesty the Litwick found this soul interesting too. Funny mix of flavors... although today the flavors seemed to conflict with each other. How strange.

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Robert was simply watching the two battles infront of him, watching as they each used much more than 'attack' strategies. Different languages, actually changing the field's structure for an advantage. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was simply if HE could reach this kind of strategy. Before he even thought about using that kind of strategy, he heard to names being called to a third field, those two names being ones that he knew very well by now.

"Shiro, and Sissy? Well, I can't really pass this up. I'll just go there until I'm called for my own battle." With the simple statement to himself, he headed to the third field, ready to watch the battle take place.

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Shiro, when he heard his name, walked over to the freshly made field where the prof was standing. Sharph and Shun both stood by his side and, out of the three, Shiro was the only one showing signs of reluctance. He didn't know much about Sissy or her Pokemon, so he could only hope this wouldn't be a difficult battle and it made him nervous.

"Uhm... I- I'm here." He said to the prof.

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Sissy was sitting, not close at the battlefields, when she heard her name. I guess, I can't avoid it. I hope Sherlock can handle another battle in such a sort time period. She stood up and start walking with her thoughts going back and forth, until she reached the new battlefield.

"I'm here too." She said looking at Tyron. She then turned at Shiro. "Let's have a nice battle. Although I'm not really that good at battles as I am at performances."

Miss, came out, only to see her trainer in the battlefield. She looked at her trainer, waiting to see what she will do.

"Miss, you will not participate in this one." She said, petting the ghost pokemon. The Misdreavus letted out a dissapointed cry and sat on top of Sissy's head.

"Ladies go first, right?" She said at Shiro without waiting a reply in return. "Sherlock, I hope you don't hate me after this." She said throwing Sherlock's pokeball in the air. The Slowpoke appeared in front of his trainer, ready for the battle.

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"O- okay." Blood rushed through his veins as Sissy sent out her Slowpoke. It has begun. "Sharph, you're up."

"Rawr!" The small Druddigon rushed quickly when it heard the command.

"Shun, you'll be second, okay?" With a downward motion of his hand, Shiro let Shun climb up on his shoulder where she sat down to enjoy the view. She couldn't miss any opportunity to see any event in which there was even a slightest chance of that Druddigon getting smacked around. "Uhm... You're first, right?"

((Sharph's not much bigger than the Slowpoke cuz he's still a young Druddigon))

Edited by Bfroger6
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"A Druddigon, huh?" Sissy said looking at the dragon. "I guess, yesterday's battle will pay off today. Sherlock water gun straight at the dragon." Sissy said, trying to figure out a plan on the current battle.

Sherlock opened its mouth releasing a water beam straight at the Druddigon.

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"Hmm,some of these matches seem quite interesting...it's getting me all powered up for mine!"James said as he saw the battle between Shiro and Sissy begin.The Slowpoke seemed to be quite large for its species,while the Druddigon looked nothing like the large species he had seen in Unova.

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The Water Gun hit Sharph directly, bursting into a flurry of water drops upon contact with his hard head, but he didn't even flinch. He just shook his body like a dog to dry himself up a little and let out another roar.

Shiro wondered why would she attack a Dragon type with a Water move... He was almost sure she was going to use a status move or a Psychic type move like Confusion. The only explanation that made some sense to him at that point was that she was planning something, and the thought of that made his guts twirl.

"Sharph...." 'The best way to go now would be to prepare and take out that Slowpoke before it can do anything.' "Use Hone Claws, and then... follow with a Slash."

Sharph nodded and dug his long claws into the ground next to him. Then the Dragon began rushing towards the Slowpoke as fast as it could, dragging the claws behind himself and raising a cloud of dust as the soil was crushed.

"Now!" Several feet away from the Slowpoke, Sharph jumped up with his claws now coated in white light. The crumbled soil surrounded him like a cloud as he swung the, now blade-like, claws at his adversary.

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Great. He fell for the trap. Sissy smiled as the Druddigon was coming closer to Sherlock.

"Sherlock, use Confusion on yourself to levitate and dodge the attack.Once you land, follow it with Yawn." Sherlock started glowing, while seconds later he had successfully dodged the incoming attack, landing next to the Druddigon. Once he landed he opened his mouth with multiple small bubbles coming out from it.

Perfect close range yawn. Let's see how he can dodge this. Sissy thought looking at Shiro.

"You see, Sherlock is quite slow on him own."She said looking at Shiro. "I needed to think a strategy to make him as quick as most of his opponents until he evolves. With the self-confusion, he can dodge some of the incoming attacks with ease." She paused for a second. "Also that Water Gun was part of my plan to lure you closer."

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"Mareek, do you have eyes?" he asked in disbelief. "Your Porygon is on the ice too!" Jacob shouted as his Lapras was hit with a powerful Discharge that hit the entire field. The Lapras stayed upright but was on her last legs (flippers?), panting heavily. However, the Trainer looked toward the Porygon. "You can't use a full-field effect attack and expect it to NOT hit your own Pokemon if you've decided to electrocute the whole dang puddle, you dolt!" He shook his head. "This is exactly what I meant. You didn't even think that through fully, did you? Or did you only think about the offensive potential of the attack?" He sighed. "Chalchi, use Freeze Dry on the Porygon." A pale mist once again emanated from Chalchi, enveloping the Porygon as well as the now-melted water around it and flash-freezing the small area once again.

After the exertion of her last attack, the Lapras collapsed to the ground breathing heavily. "Chalchi, return," her Trainer said quickly. He was still shaking his head in disbelief at the utterly reckless tactics that Mareek had employed. "Alright," he said more quietly. I can't use Teo since I have to use a new partner. So I guess it's up to him. "Spitfyre, let's go!" he said as he threw the Charmander's ball onto the field. He looked in disgust at the wet ground and then back to his Trainer. "Sorry, bud, but we'll have to make do. Be ready for anything."

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"So you have me framed for the cliche type of trainer who will do anything to win. Well, you've got that partially right. It's almost like you don't expect a teenage boy to be lazy. And maybe that rubs off on his partners. Hey Glacien, wanna have a slip-n-slide?" Glacien looked back to Ryan and gave him the toothiest grin. He then turned back, and began spewing water all over the surface of the field, before instantly freezing it to transform the previous field into an icy one. Glacien then took one jump and threw himself across the ice in the direction of Zuko, his momentum helping him slide faster. As he approached Zuko, he shot a large, rapidly-moving ball of water in her direction (Water Pulse).

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Sharph's enormous claws dug deep into the ground where the Slowpoke has been standing just a few seconds ago. The Yawn attack launched by Sherlock hit Sharph succesfully.

"Also that Water Gun was part of my plan to lure you closer."

"I knew something was odd..." Shiro watched helplessly as the young Druddigon's movements became sloppy and directionless. The shining glow around his claws faded and his eyes began to close, but he was shaking around, trying his best to rid himself of the sleepiness. Shiro's knees began to shake a bit. It was his first time battling with Sharph, and he was about to lose... He could not help but think that way, even though a part of him was relieved that the battle was coming to a non-violent end. "I- I thought... Sharph..." A dark cloud of doubt fell upon his mind, his arms automatically moved up to his chest...

'Should I forfeit? I should, right... I was never good at this to begin with, and it got my friends hurt in the past, so I should just give up... Yes... No... Right?


No... I can't give up. Didn't I come here in order to overcome my problems? If I give up at this point, it would be like I ran away from them again...' Shiro bit his lip. 'Yes, that's right... I won't lose this fight, I just refuse to lose right now!'

"Sharph!" Shiro rose his head up for the first time since the beggining of the battle. "Snap out of it, Sharph! We can't lose this! So-" The Druddigon was looking straight at Shiro. His eyes cleared up and filed with that glow once again. He let out a roar, and turned towards the Slowpoke. Shiro couldn't keep himself from smiling. "Yes!" For a moment, his nervous demeanor dissapeared, replaced by boiling hot blood of a trainer. "Sharph, let's beat them! Use Bulldoze."

'I thought Bulldoze wouldn't be useful since our opponent is a slow Pokemon, but now, after I've seen it in action... He won't be able to use Confusion so easily if he's laying under a pile of dirt!'

Sharph jumped up again, but this time, instead of targeting the Slowpoke, he targeted the ground around him. The soil would collapse unto itself and over Sherlock if the attack hits correctly.

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The Yawn barely did something. And now he uses Bulldoze? But Sherlock is already too slow. Sissy's thought dissapeared once she saw Sharph starting his attack.But it was to late to give a commant. Sharph's attack hit the ground around Sherlock making him fall into a kind of small pitfall, with a pile of dirt on top of him. No more confuse dodge for the moment. How can we get out this situation now?

"I was going to go easy on this battle since it's the second Sherlock gets in a short time period." She paused for a second, and then continued. "It seems, we will have to give it our all." She looked at Shiro full of determination. "Sherlock use Water Gun down on you feet!"

The pile of dirt started shaking and Sherlock came out from it flying into the air from the pressure of the water he released. "Now follow it with Disable and a full force air tackle." Sherlock eyes started glowing and then he took position looking straight at the Druddigon. Due to his weight, his downfall was increased in speed, making him a dreadfull attacker at the moment.

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"They got out!" Shiro shouted as Sherlock propeled himself into the air. The Disable locked away Sharph's Bulldoze, but it didn't matter, as the strategy failed anyways, so there was no need to use it again. Besides, they had bigger problems to face now. The Slowpoke was falling down right at Sharph with full force! Actually, this could just end in a tie now, since Sissy's Slowpoke would reieve massive damage after falling straight onto Sharph's spiked hide, but Sharph would also get hurt from the blunt force of the impact. Unless...

"Sharph, guard yourself with your arms!" The arms would abosrb most of the impact while still dealing serious damage 'cause of the spikes if positioned right. They could get hurt though... But if it all goes right, maybe Sharph could bounce Sherlock away... It's worth a try. "Now!" Sharph raised his arms above his head, kneeling on the ground as he did so, bracing himself for impact.

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"This isn't good." Sissy said when she saw the defence position of the Druddigon. What happened yesterday will happen again today. I guess we tried though.

Sherlock kept on falling, until he collided with Sharph. The tackle attack sure was strong, but the defence that the Druddigon was pulling was also strong. Sherlock was knocked back after the attack, falling at the ground. He managed to stood up, for a second but fell down again. The spikes that Sharph had in his arms, hitted Sherlock when he made the impact. The Slowpoke lied down there for a second before dissapearing in a flash of light.

"I leave this win to you. I don't want him to get any further damage." Sissy said holding Sherlock's pokeball. "You did great. Now get all the rest you want."

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Slowpoke collided fiercely with Sharph, but he managed to keep his stance even as the full weight was on his arms. Shiro watched with his eyes wide open how the Slowpoke struggled to get up before being called back into his Poke ball by Sissy.

"D- did I win?" His face sprouted an enourmous smile as he rushed to Sharph and pat him on his rough head. "You were awesome!" The Dragon nodded joyfully, but Shun frowned, her horn blinking green out of envy. It wasn't like that big lump of muscle did anything special. "Erm, so now we have to battle with our second Pokemon, right?" Shiro turned to Sissy.

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"I guess so." Sissy replied back at Shiro. She searched he pocket until she found the pokeball she was searching. "I hope you are not sleeping." She said holding Miffy's pokeball. A Flaaffy appeared in front of Sissy with a yawn in her mouth. She is not in a battle spirit at all. Sissy sighed looking at her pokemon.

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"Okay then." Sharph dussapeared in a white flash when Shiro clicked the Poke ball. "Shun, you're up. I'm feeling lucky, so let's win this!"

"Ruru ~" Shun jumped down from Shiro's shoulder with a happy chirp. Stupid lizard was gone now.

"Uhm, so I will start this round." Shiro returned to his post. 'Battling isn't so bad.' He thought to himself as he pointed his finger forwards. "Shun, let's see what they can do! Let's go with a contest combo, use Astral Breaker!" Shun's horn shone a deep purple as she focused her energy into her right fist and feet, which also began shining, although faintly. "Go!" Shun rose her head and... in a flash, she dissapeared from her spot in a purple blitz. In fact, she launched herself using Confusion and was rushing at Miffy with full speed achieved by that, prepared to strike her with her fist boosted by the same move, Confusion.

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