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Question for Ame...


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So this is something that won't be a concern for quite some time, and you may not have an answer for this because of that.

But lets say you finish the game completely, story wise and post game content. Then several months later, generation 7 (or whatever would be the most recent at the time of this game's end) comes around with new Pokemon, Moves, and the whole deal...

Would you update the game even if its already finished? As in, throw in all the newer Pokemon and update trainers/rivals/meteor grunts/and gym leaders?

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On the contrary I think it will be. If I remember correctly there are 20 episodes planned. Or 19, I don't remember. That means there are 6-7 episodes to be released before the story is completed. Assuming a release time of 1 episode every 1.5 months, that's 9-10.5 months before the completion of the story.

Pokemon generations are released every 3-4 years, and it hasn't even been one since gen 6 started. There's no way reborn won't be done by gen 7.

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The question wasn't really about "will she include gen 7?" assuming she finishes everything related to the game before then, but does she plan to keep the game alive after its completion date by keeping up with any new generations to come.

Again, it's a pretty far off question that likely isn't being worried about at the moment, I was just curious if that was something she was thinking of.

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I've thought about this a bit. First, let's assume Reborn is done by the time Gen 7 comes. If that's not the case, I will probably spend the next fourteen years crying softly to myself in a dark corner far away from the rest of the world.

There are two concerns for this. One is the sprites for Gen7. I am really not looking to sprite a whole generation again even now, and I doubt I will be up for that later. Second, adding new Pokemon if we have sprites, is easy, but if they come with a lot of new abilities and moves and such, which, obviously they will, then that's where it's going to be iffy since that stuff won't be in the scripts.

Neither the sprites nor the scripts are light commitments so I'm not going to promise anything. On the other hand if a game doesn't have all the Pokemon I kind of feel like, why bother with playing it? So... we'll see.

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