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Good lord, Luna, what the hell?


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Okay, so I finally worked my way through the valley with the crystals (I do really love this game). So I roflstomp the creeper dude in the dark and then reckon I'm about ready to take on Luna. My team below.


So, I engage. Her team I can deal with. But, the second she throws that damn Umbreon, it's GG. Up until about five minutes ago, I was playing Epi 11 and now I realise in 13 it's actually gotten HARDER because instead of being 68 it's now 70. Any time I get the thing even remotely wounded it moonlights back to full and then wipes the floor with me. Now in my Y game I have mostly the same trouble with umbreons, so I've got no real idea how to get by it except to spam potions until it runs outta moves.

I'm sure there's something I'm missing here, but I can't see it. I'm not exactly new to the worlds of pokemon, so it's... frustrating for this tiny little girl in a dark room to mess up my face so much.

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^ That. Depending on when she wants to go into Sableye, a Heracross with guts/moxie will 6-0 her team nice and easy for you.

You want to hit that Umbreon hard in order to kill it. That means super effective physical attacks. Azumarill, Granbull, Heracross, Escavalier, Scolipede, Durant, Machamp, Emboar, Scrafty, and Chesnaught should all be obtainable, and your favorite of these is probably your ticket past her.

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So, from what I understand you need help with Luna...

As Hilda said, you're probably better off getting a STAB Fighting user. Heracross works like an absolute gem, as pointed out once again. If you're lucky enough to get the Ability Capsule going, whip it on and hopefully you get Moxie, so you can use it in the lead up and including Umbreon.

If you're lucky enough, you could get a No Guard Machamp, not too sure at what level it leanrs DynamicPunch, or if it's a TM but, regardless, even if you have Cross Chop, you can deal with it.

Fighting types are the best option against Luna, you just need to find the right one to use :]

Good luck

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As of ep. 12 all of Umbreon's attacks were special attacks so i was able to have my infernape 'Vegeta' outlast him by using calm mind when he wasn't asleep and moomoo milk, 100hp for only $200. It was a last ditch panic strategy since I ran out of fighting moves and ethers didn't work at the time. I'm not sure if it helped that Umbreon was the last of Luna's mon left since my Mawile and Camerupt mowed through the others.

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