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Exodus: Beyond Eden Chapter 1: Into the unknown [IC]


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"We're here, sir." A lone pilot said as he eased back on the controls. All around him the cockpit instruments were blazing to life as he initiated the landing procedures, shutting off the engines and reducing their speed enough to not burn up upon touch down. Sitting beside him was a man of high Military rank, his shoulders covered with silver epillets and a host of medals adorning his broad chest. He stood from his seat, gazing at the ruins visible in the distance, shrouded partially in the dense vegetation of the sprawling forest. The setting sun cast a bright glare against the glass, giving the ancient site a beautifully lit silhouette in the evening light.

"Excellent," he said simply, glancing over his shoulder at a young man sitting behind him. "Major Bane... deploy."

"Yes sir," was all the other man said, standing up from his own seat and moving to the tiny door at the back of the cockpit. It slid open smoothly the moment he approached, revealing a short corridor leading to the Personnel bay. The high ranking man spoke up again before he could exit however.

"And do not come back to Esperanza without the objective."

"Understood sir," he said, barely even acknowledging the older man. "I just pray that there'll be an Esperanza to go back to once we get it." Then before the official could comment on that, he removed himself from the room, his monochromatic boots echoing with every step off the metallic floors of the Flyer.


In the Personnel Bay

​The personnel bay of this troop transport Flyer was relatively large compared to most. Made to accommodate fifty or sixty heavily armed soldiers, barely a fraction of that capacity were situated in the room. The benches built into the ship's wall were small and somewhat stiff, made of steel and synthetic leather... though, them being that way was meant to further discipline soldiers by preventing them from falling asleep so easily while en-route to a target. Bright flood lights came on in the space as a deep shuddering filled the air, followed by stillness.

The ten Esperanza Ranger Core operatives sitting inside the bay had just felt the sensation of the craft's landing. The flood lights decreased in intensity a little after several seconds; they too were meant to prevent Sleeping soldiers during the trip, hard to sleep when it's so bright, afterall. The stillness and silence in the air was broken by the smooth click of the two doors at the end of the bay sliding open, revealing an individual wearing a Black and White Exo-suit, the mark of a Special Forces Agent... strange, now that any of the soldiers actually thought about it. Why go with ERC operatives for such a crucial mission as this one? They were several cuts below the Esperanza Special Forces, that much had been proven time and time again over the years. So Why_not assemble the entire team from ESF agents? why just send the one?

"Prepare for Immediate Deployment, Soldiers..." The Agent said, his voice morphed into an authoritative sounding command by his Helmet's Commlink system as it buzzed into the ear of each of the assembled individuals. at the back of the large space an outline of outside light appeared. A thick grinding sound echoed out as a pair of large rectangular doors opened and the Boarding ramp extended out, making contact with the grass covered clearing with a THUMP. the ESF drew a strange looking rifle from it's place on his suit's belt, loading a single clip into the bottom and cocking the weapon.

"And if you have any last minute questions that weren't covered in your briefing," he continued as he walked past all of them and stopped just short of the Docking ramp. "That's tough then; you should've asked back when you had the chance to still back out." with that he marched off of the Aircraft into the evening light, leaving the group to make any last minute preparations before joining him outside.

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Zero sighed getting up from the bench he was sitting on. He adjusted one of his four tonfa blades (2 on each side) to a more comfortable position for walking. He checked the stave on his back to see if there was any noticeable malfunctions with it. 'seems ok for use.' Zero thought to himself then put the stave on his back and hands resting on the grip of the tonfa blades. He walked straight towards the exit, not being interested in socializing with his unit.

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Jack went over his Pre-Deplyoment Checks in his head.

Pistols: Armed and ready to fire.

Tranquilizer Guns: Armed and ready to fire.

Medpacks: Ready to use at a moment's notice.

Exo-suit: Fully charged and completely intact.

Overall Status: Ready to Deploy.

Jack then stowed his weapons and walked towards the Exit, not being all that interested in socializing with his Unit.

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Ooh, these arc casters are sooooooooooo nice, but I simply can't--- oh wait, what did I do with my tazers?! Oh duh, there they are, right next to the combat drones, duh. I'm so silly at times! These were some of the thoughts that went through Sarah's mind as she anxiously tugged on her Exo-Suit. Why is this so skin tight? "GAH!" she exclaimed before quickly looking around. "Sorry, sorry, I mean gray isn't even a good col-- oh, but you all don't know what I'm talking about," she babbled, quickly moving a piece of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. "I'm Sarah, nice to-- WAH, wait up! Don't leave me behind!" she called as a couple people walked out of the room, completely forgetting that she had been introducing herself to the others. With that, she jogged out of the room in hopes of catching up to the others.

As she tried to catch up, her mind wandered, and her normally perky smile dampened for a moment. Mom, dad... I love you, and I'll save you... While learning about me as well. That, I promise.

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Big gave a small grin inside his Exo-Suit helmet. He always did that when the door opened before any mission, no matter how dangerous it was, the exhilaration of seeing new things and places filling his soul. Making the sign of the cross with his index fingers before his chest (another old habit), the man stood up and stretched his arms upwards, glad to be out of that hella unconfortable bench.

Big had a dominating presence, to say the least. Almost two meters tall, and strong as a bull, it was easy to see how he earned the nickname. Sum that with the Exo-Suit's size and the heavy weaponry he carried, and it would be enough to intimidate any regular people... Except for that ever present smile.

Three people had already gone outside, so he figured he could damn well be the next.

"Well guys, so the party begins!" The Tank said with a purely happy tone in the Commlink. "Dunno about you, but I'm ready and hella sore from these damn small benches, so I'm going to stretch my legs already. See you out there!"

Finishing that, he walked calmly off into the wild.

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"That's my kind of plan." Kyahnna checked the settings on her rifle once more before bounding outside after the positively huge Tank. You could only do so many tweaks on a rifle and a pair of pistols. Both were tuned to put shots exactly where she wanted them, but one had a large magazine with smaller rounds, ideal for relatively soft targets, while the other only held four rounds and could probably punch through the average building with ease. She hadn't tried it, though. Tends to get one yelled at.

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Kenshin heavily breathes behind his helmet as his eyes silently observes his surrounding. The engineer sighed as he looks at his exo-suit, which is rather huge for a kid his size.

so this is the exo-suit....meh i've seen better, its software is outdated and its system is bound to fail, i'll be surprise if this suit lasted a day, the only thing that this suit is good at is its combat capabilities. maybe i can tweak and upgrade this suit to its full potential if i have a spare time. the young engineer sighed as he criticize the suit that is given to him.

"lets get this over with" the boy said, lacking of enthusiasm. "Bolt, lets go, initiate safe mode..." the young engineer commanded his orb drone sitting by his side. "Affirmative, system online, disabling weaponry." the ball comply as it begins to hover, Kenshin stands up as he walks towards the door with the drone following and hovering around him like the fairy from zelda.

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Garen let out a long sigh as he watched the others leave, most of them without saying a word.

"Looks like it'll be some time before we can really work as a team, at this rate."

There were four of them left in the transport: Himself, another scout, a blast trooper, and a sniper, judging by the rifle she carried. He ran over his own equipment quickly, making sure he had everything he needed. Two pistols, one deadly and the other filled with tranquilizing ammunition. Recon drones. The shotgun slung across his back. And finally, his most prized possession, a hunting knife, sheathed and hooked onto his belt. He didn't like carrying the guns and drones, finding machinery to be too artificial for his own tastes. He carried them because they would help his comrades, not because he liked them. The knife however, was another story. The smooth silver blade gleamed as he unsheathed it, and he gripped the familiar leather handle. It had been a gift from his parents for his 13th birthday, and he carried it on him at all times. It was the one piece of equipment he felt he could truly rely on. He returned it to its sheath, taking a step towards the others who had yet to unboard.

"Hello," he began simply, his voice deep and gruff. "It looks like we'll be grouped together for a while now. I figured it would be best to get to know you now, rather than later." He extended a hand, unsure if any of them would take his handshake. His green eyes shone brightly. His beard and ponytail made for a gruff exterior, but his eyes shown with companionship. "My name is Garen."

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Arieta was very excited and anxious. "Man, I'm going to a real adventure!!!"-she thought and checked her weaponry a third time.

A man with green eyes extended his hand."My name is Garen"

She took his handshake with a big bright smile in her face.

"Hi Garen! I'm Arieta,from the blast trooper, nice to meet you!"

Than she noted that a lot of people had already departed.

"Hey man, I mean, Garen, I think we are being left behind... Bye bye!!!"

So she dropped Garen's hand and ran like a crazy towards the Exit.

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Vixen wasn't interested in any of the other members of her unit, she was there for one thing, and one thing alone, to see Eden. She got done with her gear check, making sure all of her weaponry was in working order. She walked past the man that just introduced himself, as if she didn't even notice, but she did. It was time to get ready and off this hunk of metal, not time to sit about and talk.

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And then there were three.... Katsumi mused briefly, her eyes watching as Arieta left the vehicle followed shortly by the blue haired sniper. She returned one of her two backup pistols to it's place on it's holster and stood up stretching. "Right then," she said to the remaining people in the room, one of which introduced himself as Garen. Now that she thought of it, she had seen his face around, although she never really talked to him.

"I'm Katsumi," she said, passing by with a naturally quick walking pace and heading to the exit. "Pleasure to work with you, however brief it may be," the words were spoken with a grin and a light, joking tone even though they had such dark implications. Well, that was her attempt to lighten the mood, though truth be told she was quite anxious for this expedition. So many people were depending on them to return with a cure, and if they don't do it in time, they all die. That is also assuming the key to the cure could even be found in Eden. Lovely.

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Quiet finished checking his guns, stowing back in the shroud wrapped around his chest and shoulders. He had sat here and watch everyone pretty much ignore everyone else during the god damn twelve in a half hour flight It had taken to get here; and they had been riding on the fastest Flyer model in circulation. He honestly wasn't all that surprised when they landed and Everyone then continued to ignore one another. In fact, they had all left now; it was only him and Garren left in the Personnal Bay. How interesting... this observed behavior suggested an extreme disfunctionality as a team could be expected in the future...

"Don't die," Quiet said cryptically in an emotionless, mono-toned voice as he walked past Garren, heading towards the exit himself now. his Shroud, a pitch black garment adorned with silver decoration, billowed out behind him like a cape as he walked. He paused just before he reached the ramp however.

"And don't expect anyone here to die for you." with that little bit of advice derived from his recent observations, he exited the craft and walked off the Boarding Ramp, effectively leaving Garren completely alone in the now empty space.

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Garen sighed once more. It seemes that it was something he'd be doing a lot with this team. He stretched his arms out a final time before preparing to leave the ship.

"It seems that nobody here is very outgoing... Still, I've learned a little about them simply by their responses, however short they were. First is Arieta, the blast trooper. She seems a bit eccentric and maybe a little too excited, though it's too early for me to make that judgment now. Besides, she was the only one of them who returned my handshake. That has to count for something, right?"

He pulled his helmet over his head, letting his ponytail hang out the back.

"Next was the sniper. She didn't mention her name, though she acts just as I suspected she would. She's a loner type, which makes the sniper role rather fitting, since she'll be away from the group. Still, I'd like to get to know something about her."

He walked towards the hatch, double-checking his equipment.

"Third is Katsumi, the other scout. She seems somewhat familiar, though it may be my imagination. Still, she seemed nice enough, if in a bit of a hurry."

He squinted as the hatch opened, along the light to enter once more.

"Finally, the mystery man. His black cape reflected his mood. He seemed rather pessimistic and cold. That's something I hope I can change."

Garen walked down the ramp into the outside air, feeling at home once more. Soon he'd be entering a different world, a place in which he could make discoveries of his own, just as the explorers had so long ago, on planet Earth.

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The Eleven Soldiers found themselves standing in the middle of a large forrest clearing, the ground scorched with blast marks from the taking off of various ships in the past. Standing not far from the Loading Ramp was the ESF agent, the monochromatic armor of his Exo-Suit gleaming in the light of the setting sun. Garren was the last of them to exit from the Aircraft, and the minute he had walked off the Loading Ramp, the angled platform was withdrawn back into it's upright position as the two doors to the Personnel bay slammed shut behind it. A moment later the ship's engines howled back to life, and they were left there as it shot back up into the sky, rocketing back into the north and soon disappearing beyond the tree tops.

"Take a good look at the men and women around you, soldiers," the ESF said. His helmet was held in the crux of his arm, revealing the back of a head full of unkempt white-blonde hair. He had his back turned to the eleven other individuals as he continued. "From this moment onward, these are your allies. These are the people who you will, presumably, be fighting alongside when you enter beyond the Gates at Eden. From this moment onward, the twelve of us are one unit; codenamed Chimera 17."

He turned to face them, revealing a rather handsome face with a pair of cold, dark green eyes that seemed to be peering into each of their very souls and immediately seeing their weaknesses. Now that the soldiers could get a look...this guy was actually several years younger than most of them. "My name is Jace Michael Bane," he said, looking at each of them inturn in an acknowledging manner. "Major General of the Esperanza Special Forces, youngest officer to ever hold the rank, and I have completed over 130 combat missions over the past four years. I will be serving as the Commanding Officer and leader of this Squadron for the duration of this mission, spanning from now until the moment this squadron steps over the outer boundaries of Esperanza with the cure." He began pacing back and forth during his debriefing, like a classic military type.

"But I can not guarantee that you will survive this mission," he continued. "Whatever lies beyond Eden is a complete unknown to us. We have no intel, no scout reports, no drones to send in for recon. We are going in blind. What I can guarantee on this mission, however, is that if you do die, that death WILL NOT be for nothing. I will not allow it to be for nothing. And I WILL NOT allow any operative to be left behind in the field to die." he stopped pacing suddenly, looking up at the ruins visible not far in the distance.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering where we are," he said. "Well...as things currently stand, I will not tell you where we, nor which trail we must take from here in order to reach Eden. I had full audio of the Personnel Bay during all twelve hours of that flight. I know full well there was no social interaction between any of at all, and BARELY any once we landed. You all, put quite simply, just sat there and ignored the person beside you the entire time. This is absolutely unacceptable, Soldiers." He had a noticeable accent as he spoke, though it was faint, as if he were attempting to mask it.

"We are going to be acting as a team," he said, his voice rising a tad with anger. "A single unit. Ergo, you must, at the very least, know the names of those fighting beside you. I'm not saying any of you have to be friends. I'm not saying any of you have to even like each other, in fact, I'll be blunt: some of you could be completely at each others throats for all I care; so long as when shit hits the fan, oh, and it most certainly will, let me tell you here and now, you'll have each other's backs without question. Even someone you may not like all that much will make a better ally in the field than a complete stranger whose name you do not even know." He leveled his cold gaze on all of them, there was definitely something irritating him...again, the ESF was far better than the ERC. this...this sheer lack of communication from squad members about to embark on a mission... it simply DID NOT happen in scenarios involving SF; he was completely appalled that it happened here, even given some of these peoples personalities and their personal histories (Which he himself knew like the back of his own hand from extensive Personnel briefings and reading and rereading all of their files from the MoD)...still appalling.

"Here is what we're going to do right now," he said in a firm voice that suggested he would accept no protest. "We are going to go down the line, from right to left, and each of you is going to step up and introduce yourself to your fellow squad mates. You must include, at the very least, your first and last name. If you want to share anything else about yourself, such as why you volunteered for this, for example, then please, feel free to do so. We'll start with you over there, Costanza."

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"Catrin Constanza, but that is the name of what is only a ghost. You will all call me Vixen, no ifs, ands, or buts. Why I am here is my business and mine alone. And don't get on the wrong side of my gun, I don't miss, no ifs, ands or buts." Vixen said, in a cold harsh tone.

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"I'm Zero Pax, best shock trooper around, or at least that's what my mom says. Anyways my reason for coming here..." There was a long pause, what seemed like an uptight guy was full of energy. "is a secret~ <3" he said finishing his last statement and turning the the person next to him.

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"Sarah Answell, but ooh, why can't we hurry," she lightly pouted, wanting to hurry and begin looking for the way to save her adopted parents and get the answers she so desperately wanted. "I have to-- actually, I really don't feel comfortable telling you my reason, it's a bit personal and I'm still learning how to deal with it and all-- but really, can't we talk on the fly?" As she thought about her reasons for coming, her eyes gained a faraway look to them, growing slightly misty. "Please... Can we just... hurry?" she asked, her voice growing quiet and wavering slightly.

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Even considering the light scolding they got from Bane, Big actually thought he liked the style of this Commanding Officer. Putting communication first was something he was not much used from his previous commanders, but he most certainly could use a little talk now. He listened to the presentations quietly, looking carefully at his new teammates behavior. The last girl was sure too nervous (and asking for a new scolding from Bane) so he figured he could help out.

"Eh hey, no rush miss Answell. Too much hurry is an enemy of perfection, that´s a thingy I´ve learned on the field." The Tank said with his usual smile marking this as an friendly warning. Then he stepped forward, looked at everyone and waved a hand to greet them.

"Heyo. I´m Mauro Gomes, professional meat-shield, and the guy you´ll want to be behind when something is trying to kill you. Most people call me Big, but it´s up to you guys." He then looked straight at Sarah again, and for the first time his grin almost disappeared. "By the way, my reason for coming here is that my little sis is got the virus. Even if I look like it, please don´t think I´m taking this lightly, because sure as hell I´m not. We will find the cure and there is nothing in this planet that will stop that, but we gotta do our best and be cool if we wanna do it." With that, the huge man stepped back on the line, curious to hear the rest of the introductions.

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After seeing Maro's and the others introduction, Kenshin can't help but to notice that some of them has personal reasons, reasons that must be so deep that they are force to be here. but that's not why im here for, i do not wish to be involve in petty human drama and other personal issues revolving around my colleagues, my reasons is simply logical and will dictate my course of action.

The engineer steps forth as his orb orbits around. the boy speaks up with a rather bored yet somehow lazy expression on his face "I believe introduction is a must, My name is Kenshin Amano and this my companion drone: b.o.l.t." he said as the drone produce a robotic beeping sound. "my reason is simple and should be sufficient enough to answer your question, i'm here to ensure humanity's future, i believe science can change and revolutionize the world. i'm one of the many who dares to travel in this new world in search of knowledge." Kenshin said with a straight face. "as my credentials on my resume says, i specialize in advance weaponry and engineering. i can provide support fire power to the group and improve your systems as well." Kenshin said professionally as he returns back in line.

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Kyahnna watched and listened to the introductions, quickly assessing her other team members. She wasn't much used to teamwork; most of her job usually consisted of "shoot the vicious animal if it gets too close to anyone" or "go see if there is anything interesting over in this vicious/hostile/somewhat toxic area." She did have a few thoughts on the other members of their little squad, though. She didn't like Vixen; too cold, not enough positive energy. Definitely not healthy to have along, though it could be an act. The next two - Answell and Pax - struck her as green. Odd, that you'd get green people on an expedition like this, so she didn't pass judgement yet. You never knew what people looked like underneath, though it was a pain stripping that external covering off. Big she liked. He looked like the type that took his job seriously, but still enjoyed it, and wasn't a pain to be stuck with. She thought Kenshin should have shown a little more gusto; this was a once-in-a-lifetime mission, after all, and he looked bored.

"I'm Kyahnna Williams," she said calmly, her British accent still not quite erased despite being passed on through generations and a massive distance in space, "and my job is to shoot things. More specifically, I specialize in midrange combat, which is ideal for dealing with all the hungry critters that live out here. As for why I'm here, well. . ." She trailed off for a moment. Her reason for being here struck her as a bit petty after the others spoke. "I want to help the city," she said, letting the half-truth pass for her answer. It was true that she was concerned for the city, but the real reason she was here was because it was exciting.

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Sarah stared at Big, for the first time showing perfect focus in what she was doing. "Look. Your little sister has the virus. I'm here for the same reason, my parents have it. That makes more of a reason to hurry," she snapped after Kyahnna had introduced herself, carefully holding the hand with her mother's ring close to her heart. "I need to find the cure for them as soon as possible, they have answers that I need." With that, she turned away, thoughts roaming to who her real parents could be, if she ever found them. A lone tear fell down her face.

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"Hey, hey, hey, there's no reason to get mad," Kyahnna said placatingly. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to just charge in, but all he's saying is that we need to take the time to ensure we don't die before we can find a cure." She strode over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be alright; all we have to do is pop in, grab a cure, and not get mauled by anything." She was trying to cheer the other woman up; couldn't have people in bad shape like this already.

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Arieta stepped up, a little nervous, hoping to be helpful.

" Hi fellows! My name is Arieta Salazar and..."

Then she relaxed a bit and opened a sweet smile.

"...And I'm here to help. I'm here to do my job as best as I can and to help you guys to find the cure"

She almost said ("if there is a cure") , but decided to keep it to herself. Not a helpful thought.

"I'm from the Blast Troppers and I love my job, so if you guys are planning to explode something I will do it gladly"

With that, the Blast Tropper stepped back in the line waiting for the others to speak.

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Big nodded at Kyahnna´s statement towards Sarah. This lady looked like a good professional, and tat she would go out of her way to help a teammate was a great sign. "Yeah, that´s right. I´ve seen people rushing a little to fast in a mission before and... It generally doesn´t end well. But hey, if that´s your reason for coming you don´t have to worry. Everything will happen in the right time, it always does!" He said that with a huge smile and a thumbs up.

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"If you are dead, you can't find a cure for anybody. If you rush, you die simple as that. Survival is about patience and proper planning, not running in with your head up your arse. If you die, they die here with you, keep that in mind." VIxen said, no particular emotion in her voice. She wasn't trying to be cold, but it was the fact of how life was. Being reckless would only lose more lives than it would save. Though Vixen wasn't here to save lives, she could care less. If anybody knew what she was here for, they probably wouldn't want her on the team and she wouldn't blame them for feeling that way. But it was her detachment from it that made her a better candidate. She had no relatives currently inflicted with the virus, not to mention did she really have anyone she personally knew ((which were far and few between)) that were. There was no reason for her to risk her life for the cause.

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