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A Belated Hello from a Former Pokemon Hater


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I've been posting here for a little while and I figured it was about time to do a proper introduction and tell how I found this place and got into pokemon.

To tell the truth prior to about 7-8 months ago I didn't really give a crap about Pokemon. I've never had any of the Nintendo handheld systems since my brothers and I were always more interested in the console systems; mainly the Sega and Playstation ones thanks to my uncle who had introduced us to video games in the first place.

When pokemon came out it just didn't seem interesting to us at all. We were interested in games where you saved the world, made friends, and did important stuff. Being the very best and catching them all just seemed boring, trivial, and uninteresting. I mean the original tv ad for the pokemon games was an animated vacuum cleaner sucking up the original 151, which just left us thinking ‘what’s the point?’. So naturally when the Pokemon vs Digimon rivalry started up we were hard core Digimon fans all the way. So to me Pokemon had always been ‘the other guys’. To us Pikachu was always that annoying overrated yellow rat who couldn't hold a candle to Patamon and Calumon’s cuteness. It went on like that for a while, vaguely aware of what happened in the Pokemon world but generally ignoring it and wishing they’d come out with good Digimon games and more seasons.

Then things changed when I heard a guy on twitch had set up a game of Pokemon Red where the movements and actions were completely controlled by the chat. Twitch Plays Pokemon just sucked me right in. It was hilarious, mind boggling, and yet very frustrating to watch at times. I fell in love with the lore and characters the fans created. I followed it almost religiously, maybe literally considering how many times we shouted CONSULT THE HELIX FOSSIL, PRAISE BIRD JESUS/THE HELIX FOSSIL! I got invested in the mon and their personalities; sharing in each of their triumphs and tragedies. About halfway through their run through Pokemon Emerald I got that itch, the itch to play one myself, the itch to have my own mon with their own personalities and quirks.

After some searching I found Pokemon Zeta/Omicron. It looked good and the itch needed to be scratched. I fell in love with it. It started right off with you fleeing your hometown from the advancing forces of Team Asgard so it grabbed me and felt as if this wasn't about being the best or catching them all, it was about defeating the menace that was Team Asgard and saving the region from their evil plans. I chose Magby as my starter and the first pokemon I caught was a Petilil, which explains why their fully evolved forms are two of my most favorite mon. I had my own team of heroes and fun characters ready to save the world, no matter how cheap or noobish the strategy used to do it was. The game taught me the ins and outs of the pokemon business. I would never have had made it if it weren’t for pokemondb.net. I finished it about mid-late May.

So with my first pokemon game under my belt, and figures of some of my favorite mon on my shelf, I went back to about normal though with a new realization that even though the Digimon tv show may be better, the Pokemon games are much better than the Digimon ones (especially Digimon World 1 on the PS1, that game got so freakin’ annoying at times with it’s stupid training and digivolution systems, only PS1 game I regularly used gameshark for) (also TOMY still needs to make freakin’ Lilligant figure already). However about mid July the itch returned. I didn't really want to do Pokemon Zeta/Omicron again so soon after the first play through so I searched around online for another Pokemon fan game/hack of Zeta/Omicron caliber. I found some okay ones but nothing that seemed interesting or complete enough for my tastes. That’s when I happened to hear about Pokemon Reborn. I read about how difficult and unforgiving it was but it looked really good and the itch was pretty bad. Besides I’d taken everything Zeta/Omicron had thrown at me and won, albeit with a bajillion revives, max revives, and hyper potions (as well as a few rocky helmets and leech seeds), how hard could it be?

Pokemon Reborn has kicked my butt and forced me to fight smarter with pokemon I might not have used otherwise and even got me to actually take IVs and EVs seriously, something I had scoffed at while playing Zeta. But it has been a blast with every crazy character, mind blowing twist, and how dark it could get and every WTF moment. The mon I've raised here have 10x the backstory, personality, and depth than my Zeta ones ever had. Though it helps that I've been documenting everything that has happened and what my mon have done. The gym battles are balls to the chainsaw hard and frustrating but each of them, and the big team Meteor fights, have been very rewarding, satisfying, and awesome. I've had so many moments of awesome and times where my mon have clutched victory from the jaws of defeat. It has been an amazing ride with this game and I’m excited to see where the heck it goes.

That about catches you up to present day on my Pokemon Testimonial. Below I’m going to list some other facts about me that help you get to know me. Hopefully I didn't bore you with this wall of text.


Occupation: Grocery Store Bagger/Aspiring Writer

Fandoms: Brony, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, American Ninja Warrior, VGCW

Interests/Hobbies: Writing, Legos, music, cropping cool pictures I see online into desktop Wallpapers, Video Games (RPGs, Tower Defense, games like Spyro/Ratchet & Clank/Sly Cooper are the big ones), anime (though not as much as of recent thanks to being neck deep in the pony fandom), Church stuff

Top 10 favorite pokemon (in no particular order: Magmortar, Lilligant, Infernape, Mawile, Gothorita/Gothitelle, Meloetta, Sceptile, Sandslash, Loudred, Swinub

≈10 Favorite Games (outside of Pokemon): Legend of Legaia, Legend of Zelda (OG NES), Katamari Damacy series, Okami, Spyro 1-3, Burnout series, Super Mario bros. 3 (NES), Sonic 1-3 & Knuckles, Toe Jam & Earl, Spiritual Warfare (an obscure Christianized LoZ clone)

Top Movies: 60s/70s Godzilla movies, Aladdin, Ghostbusters, The Lego Movie, Lord of the Rings, Muppet Treasure Island, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, Spirited Away, Star Trek First Contact, Wreck-It Ralph

6 Favorite Anime (outside of Digimon): My Hime, Haibane Renmei, Madoka Magica, Miyazaki Movies, Samurai Pizza Cats, Sailor Moon

Favorite Books/Comics: LotR (again), Chronicles of Narnia, The Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes, Pearls Before Swine, Percy Jackson Series, Harry Potter, Negima!, Mere Christianity

Thank you Ame for making this amazing game.

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Wow. That's a pretty great testimony. I remember being the exact opposite. Digimon was always "those ...other guys" and while the games were fine, it just was more entertaining to watch Digimon over Pokemon due to .....how ridiculous Ash is.

Allow me to be the first...--nevermind...-- one to welcome you to the Reborn community. I'm Hilda, and you can ask me about forum usage and gameplay advice, though there are plenty of others who are just as good to ask.

If you want to get involved with the community, we have our own server on Pokemon Online. It serves as this site's chatroom, and also allows us to run tourneys and other fun events centered around competitive battling. While it may not be up your alley, you most certainly should try it out, and we have many people who would love to help you as far as competitive team building and training is concerned.

If you like forum based role playing (I see writing is one of your hobbies) you might want to speak to our resident RP-Forum Mod, Hukuna. He'll likely show up and say hello.

If you have a question, you can make a thread in it's appropriate sub-forum, ask on the server, or private message Sheep, Vinny, "Dan", or myself.

If you have an in-Reborn team question, we have a wizard by the name of Etesian who can give you loads of advice.

...Also....Socks are very good friends. Wearing them protects your feet from germs on the inside of your shoes!

Edited by Hilda
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Welcome to the forums. I actually dropped by here before, but then forgot about it.

Hilda's covered most of it, but if you find a bug in your time playing reborn, make sure to report it in the bug reporting section.

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If you have an in-Reborn team question, we have a wizard by the name of Etesian who can give you loads of advice.

That would be me. But although you could just contact me directly, you could also take the traditional route and make a topic in the Team Showcase section, if you want to hear more than one opinion.

EDIT: Actually derped and forgot to say this: Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Edited by Etesian
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Nice to meet ya.

I feel I should also say that I was a guy back in the day who sort of hated on pokemon but talked big about digimon. That was until I actually saw an actual episode of pokemon then I wound up liking both even though I preferred the anime of digimon. My thought process was illogical but I guess the fact that I didn't know much about pokemon but knew about digimon lead me to believe that digimon was better.(like I said its illogical don't over complicate this statement)

I was 6 don't judge me.

Edited by Saber12
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Jak: oh those metalheads memories

Also, I believe I did not see Crash Bandicoot in the list.

I played Crash Bandicoot a ton as well as some Jax and Daxter, though I got lost and stuck on #2. I didn't want the list to go on too long. It would be a mile long if I listed all the games I loved. I have a massive backlog of console games, probably because of the 200 hours I logged in Zeta and the almost 240+ in Reborn.

Team wise I think I'm pretty good. Got about 13 main guys/veterans with just as many I'm training up in preparation for future gyms. I seem to be a really fast learner when it comes to pokemon training/strategizing.

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Nice, because I am that guy who like takes years to figure out what he is doing. Pokemon as a game is pretty fascinating if you are actually challenged, there is so much that can be done with the mechanics, but because the games need to be beatable by kids they dumb it down a bit. ((Playing through the Reborn game might actually help my Comp team building.....right now some people think I am good at it, but eh, I think I am butt lol.))

Anyway, I think somebody partially intro'd me already, but I am Hukuna Sensei, Head of the RP Section here on Reborn. It is a great passion of mine, and we are always looking for fresh faces and new blood. Whether you just want to do some Creative Writing, RP along with us, or just read our stories we would be happy to have you. If you have questions on any of that, please do not hesitate to pm me, I really don't mind and taking time off from hammering my keys and doing work here would do me some good lol. ANd really, I don't bite. ((because Crunch's base power is much higher.))

Should note my favourite mon is Farfetch'd ((well he is tied with Houndoom))......and no laughing....I may have to use Crunch more often.

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Has anyone here told this kid to abandon his sanity at the door yet? :3 If not, WELCOME TO HELL KEL, ABANDON YOUR SANITY AT THE DOOR AND ENJOY THE BUFFET. WE'RE SERVING SUSHI AND PINKIE PIE'S CUPCAKES.

Also, *brohoof*

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