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My team Ep.13


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Well, actually, after finishing episode 13, I have this team:

Delphox (Wicked) Lv 71 with Charcoal



-Shadow Ball

-Sunny Day

Clawitzer (Swoop) Lv70 with Splash Plate

-Rain Dance

-Swords Dance



Braviary (Kronz) Lv68 with Silk Scarf

-Sky Drop

-Crush Claw


-Brave Bird

Scrafty (Kratsa) Lv70 with Fist Plate

-Brick Break

-Hi Jump Kick


-Head Smash

Tyrantrum (Crocks) Lv69 with Hard Stone

-Head Smash



-Dragon Claw

Luxray (The Last) Lv69 with Zap Plate

-Thunder Fang

-Wild Charge



Actually, I like all my mebers except for Luxray, which doesn't convince me because he isn't very good, so i would like to know if anyone recomends me any pokemon to replace him, or if you think I should change any attack

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Your team would largely benefit from giving your Delphox that Trick Room TM we got from Radomus, especially because Sunny Day only benefits one move on your team. Alternatively, Light Screen is also a good move to have. A Hidden Power could also be neat. I'd actually recommend swapping Flamethrower with Heat Wave, slightly stronger, same burn rate and both foes in doubles. The accuracy drop isn't that bad, but you could go Yanma hunting. Wild ones have a 5% chance (or 20% if your lead has Compound Eyes) of holding Wide Lens which boost accuracy by 10%, giving Heat Wave 99% accuracy.

You didn't list abilities, but I'd say (if you don't use that Wide Lens) to go with Magician and carry no item. Whatever Magician steals won't be kept after the battle against a trainer/gym leader, but you can use it to remove foes' annoying items. You can also keep items stolen in battles against wild Pokemon.

Like above, your weather move only benefits one move on your entire team. Also Clawitzer isn't a physical attacker at all. You should be taking full advantage of it's ability by giving it Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse and Water Pulse/Surf. With Mega Launcher, Water Pulse and Surf have the same power, but WP has a 20% confusion chance while Surf hits both foes in doubles, so see what Water move you like better and stick with that.

Having 2 offensive Flying moves on it is rather redundant. Instead of Sky Drop and Slash, I'd say you get yourself Superpower and Tailwind.

What Ability you'll use is up to you. Although Defiant would be more useful against a foe with Intimidate or something, Crush Claw is boosted by Sheer Force.

Dragon Dance would be a great move for it. The combo of Dragon Dance and Moxie is what made everyone love Gyarados. Head Smash is also rather unreliable on it, not to mention, despite it's high defenses, Scrafty has low HP, so the recoil from Head Smash would really hurt it. Instead, you can breed Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scraggy to get any of the 3 Elemental Punches on it. There's also Zen Headbutt.

This is another Pokemon which would benefit from Yanma Hunting. I'm looking at you, High Jump Kick. Although if you don't use Dragon Dance, you can just buy a Zoom Lens from the O.Dept Store. That thing boosts accuracy by 20% if you're slower than your foe, so HJK would have 108% accuracy.

I don't think you need another Dark attack, so swap Crunch for Dragon Dance.

If you want to give Luxray another chance, you could go on an adventure to get it a Toxic Orb and Facade from the Game Corner. Just change it's Ability to Guts. I'd recommend trying that. You also shouldn't run 2 Electric moves on it, Ice Fang would be better than Thunder Fang.

I'd really recommend giving the above Toxic Orb + Guts thing a try, but if you really want to change it, I'd recommend Durant, just steer clear of unresisted special attacks and any Fire attack. And make sure it's ability is Hustle, which effectively gives it a 190 Base Attack. If you go back to E12 or prior, you can get it Rock Slide as well via Dwebble. You could get Rock Slide and Hone Claws as well (Skorupi>Dwebble>Durant), but a Wide Lens would mitigate any accuracy issues, although the attack boost is still neat.

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Yeah, well, for first, Clawitzer has 153 atk and 183 Sp. Atk, so I thought it would be good having Crabhammer, but i didn't think of Aura Sphere and

On Delphox, i don't know about Trick Room, he's the fastest of my team with 183, the others are behind 150 but I dont really know.

Scrafty, I don't know also of deleting Head Smash, but it acomplished what I wanted, because I won to Charlotte because of that, so I might put Dragon Dance and with Moxie it would be great.

Braviary has Sheer Force, so Crush Claw gets boosted and more because of Silk Scarf, I'm thinking of putting Superpower to instead of Sky Drop.

I have Tyrantrum with Crunch because of his ability, also, do you think that Earthquake is okay?

I dont want Luxray but instead i want something for Water Types, like a plant type, but i dont know much about these, so i dont know.

The abilities (if you wanna know)

Wicked: Blaze (gonna change it for technician)

Kratsa: Moxie

Crocks: Strong Jaw

The Last: Guts

Kronz: Sheer Force

Swoop: Mega Launcher

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Ahh, so this is why Etesian got his hand tight. Let me throw my 2 cents out of my pocket. Decided to look up your team move pool and this is what I got. The problem isn't the team but rather the moves it got. Although, I'm not Etesian so I keep everything short :P

Delphox: Interesting Type, never seeing Fire and Psychic. Give it Heat Wave, I wish I could had it for my Ninetales. Will-O-Wisp or Light Screen, I like Will-O-Wisp more. Psyshock for STAB and Shadoll Ball for coverage.

Clawitzer: I'm scratching my head thinking "what are you doing?". This thing is awesome: Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse. Water Pulse and with %50 boost power??? that's basically STAB. Tons of coverage too...the only flaw I see about this guy is it speed which can be fix with support. You can choose between Water Pulse and Surf but I would personally prefer Water Pulse (chances of confusing the enemy), Surf is only good for double battles.

Braviary: Take out Slash for Superpower and Sky Drop for Tailwind. Tailwind helps Clawitzer/Tyrantrum/Scrafty sweep for days

Scrafty: Breed with Dragon Dance, with its defense it should be able to set up with not much trouble plus it helps itself on speed. I agreed with Etesian, breed it with Rock Slide or Stone Edge; Head Smash is not so good with Scrafty due to his poor HP. HJK is good and Crunch has well (although you do have lots of Dark Moves so you can switch that Crunch for Zen Headbutt covers Poison and Fighting)

Tyrantrum: Switch his ability to Rock Head so he doesn't take damage recoil damage with Head Smash (you can spam Head Smash for days). Change Crunch for Dragon Dance, it will be able to sweep.

Since you plan to change Luxray for something else I recommended a Steel Type. You have nothing on your team that can defeat Fairy Types

Edited by Smok3iT
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Yeah, well, for first, Clawitzer has 153 atk and 183 Sp. Atk, so I thought it would be good having Crabhammer, but i didn't think of Aura Sphere and

On Delphox, i don't know about Trick Room, he's the fastest of my team with 183, the others are behind 150 but I dont really know.

Scrafty, I don't know also of deleting Head Smash, but it acomplished what I wanted, because I won to Charlotte because of that, so I might put Dragon Dance and with Moxie it would be great.

Braviary has Sheer Force, so Crush Claw gets boosted and more because of Silk Scarf, I'm thinking of putting Superpower to instead of Sky Drop.

I have Tyrantrum with Crunch because of his ability, also, do you think that Earthquake is okay?

I dont want Luxray but instead i want something for Water Types, like a plant type, but i dont know much about these, so i dont know.

The abilities (if you wanna know)

Wicked: Blaze (gonna change it for technician)

Kratsa: Moxie

Crocks: Strong Jaw

The Last: Guts

Kronz: Sheer Force

Swoop: Mega Launcher

Mega Launcher boosts the power of the 4 moves I listed by another 50%. Looking at it's base stats, it's far better off with special attacks, even without considering it's ability.

Trick Room would largely benefit 5/6 of your team, maybe even 6/6 if you don't EV train. As you may have noticed against Charlotte, gym leaders apparently have EVs now as well, so it'll be even tougher than before to outspeed foes, but you can "outspeed" them without problems within Trick Room.

I'd say with swap Head Smash with Ice Punch. We've just beaten all the Gym types Rock is Super Effective against except for Flying (which is weak to Ice) and we've faced only one Gym Ice is Super Effective against.

Uh, yeah, that's also what I typed above. You do that for Superpower and take Tailwind instead of Slash like I typed.

Keep the EQ. Ground is a very good offensive typing, so you should definitely keep it. Not to mention that a Ground move and a Rock move together have almost perfect neutral coverage, perfect neutral coverage together with Dragon (which is also the mandatory STAB move). You'd also be way better of with Rock Head for your ability because of Head Smash. After 1-2 Dragon Dances, you would be able to sweep quite easily, especially if you get Rock Head to prevent recoil from Head Smash. It needs DD to hide it's terrible defenses while taking advantage of that great type coverage and very high attack stat. Without buffs, it's not too great.

Well, as for Grass types, in no particular order, you've got:

Liligant (Own Temp and Sleep Powder, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance and HP Rock)

Gogoat (Sap Sipper and Bulk Up, Leaf Blade, Earthquake and Aerial Ace (AA seems like a weird move on it, but of all the moves it gets, only the combo of those 3 gives it perfect coverage)

Exeggutor (Harvest with a Sitrus Berry (found in the Aventurine Forrest) or something and Psyshock/Extrasensory, Trick Room, Hidden Power and Energy Ball (if you go back to E12 and breed it with a Petilil/Lotad),

Roserade (Technician with Hidden Power, Extrasensory, Sludge Bomb and Leaf Storm/Giga Drain (Grimer (for Sludge Bomb)>Stunfisk>Wooper>Snubbull>Roselia(not Budew)>Exeggcute(for Extrasensory and if you want Leaf Storm (just evolve it at the same level 47 it learns Extrasensory))>Roselia

Leavanny (Whatever Ability and Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Slash and Sticky Web (Swadloon and Leavanny don't learn SW, but Sewaddle does at level 31, so wait with evolving it for a bit)) Give it a Scope Lens and Leaf Blade and Slash would have a 50% crit chance each

Trevenant (Harvest with a Sitrus Berry and Trick Room, Horn Leech, Destiny Bond/Will-o-Wisp/Curse and Shadow Claw (Phantom Force is stronger, but you don't have all the time in the world under Trick Room))

Defensive Gourgeist (Frisk/Insomnia and Leech Seed, Phantom Force, Will-o-Wisp and Protect (the last 2 are both gotten from Yamask in E12) This set easily keeps you alive while wearing the foes down with constant Leech Seed/WoW damage. ...it doesn't really have a Grass STAB, but it is a Grass type.

If you want a counter to Grass types, Electric types would do better due to the fact that the vast majority of Water types carries Ice Beam. I'd recommend Heliolisk. One of it's ability, Dry Skin makes Water attacks heal it instead of damaging it, while another Solar Power, boosts it's Special Attack stat to ridiculous levels and sunlight also halves the power of all Water Attacks. Water/Ground types like Swampert aren't an issue either because it gets Grass Knot from Pansage (breed in E12).

But still, Durant is awesome.

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