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Gym Leader Battle Walkthrough


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For Charolett, I used a simply strat and killed her off in one try.

Open with Greninja w/ Rain Dance (any Poke with rain dance that's weak to grass and faster than Typlosion will work here) and Archeops with Rock Slide. Typlosion attempts to Solar Beam Greninja and gets outsped, allowing the rain to get up and active the rainbow field. Ninetails takes serious damage from the Rock Slide and then I switch Greninja to Pyroar, whose STAB normal type moves get a buff in the rainbow field. Archeops will finish off both of her leads and then Pyroar uses Hyper voice or strength (I have strength just for utility atm, but I'm going to relearn Hyper Voice soon enough). If Archeops falls, send out Flygon and Rock Slide some more. Fool proof.

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3 hit kill Charolett :

Get a archepos, train it max speed and if speed boosting nature. Max attack if you can.

Get something with strong earthquake.

Step 1 archeops out speed both pokemon use rock slide plus rock gem/rock plate/life orb ohko both lead, the other use earthquake plus gem/plate/life orb ohko the next two.

Step 2 archeops use rock slide and GG.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Below you will find information regarding important battles during the game. The information will cover general information, what Pokemon each trainer has, and some strategies that can be used to defeat said trainer. Any of the gym leader battles as well as any boss/admin type battle are included in this list. That means that rival battles involving Victoria, Cain, or Fern have been omitted.

Also, sorry for all the posts. This is a lot of info and definitely won't fit in one post.

NOTE: Details mostly haven't been included yet due to the length it took to create this whole list. It will be updated by the end of the week. Also, I don't know why all of the info isn't aligned properly. It looks fine in editing. I'll look into it later.

But first, there’s a few things that I want to mention.

I haven't decided if I am going to include details of Admin battles since most people don’t seem to have many problems with them. Only the ones that people get stuck on (such as Aster & Eclipse in Route 3) will have details on how to beat them. If you want me to put information regarding every battle, let me know. I’m just trying to save myself some time atm.

Also, this is not 100% correct. Just like the Pokemon Location guide, this will be updated every now and then. I have made some assumptions on certain battles because I could not fish out a particular move or ability that I needed. Please let me know if something is wrong and I will fix it. Mainly held items were kind of a pain to figure out unless it was leftovers..

Hopefully this will reduce the amount of questions brought up on the forums.

Boss #1: Aster & Eclipse

Location Mosswater Factory

Battle Type Doubles with Fern

Field Effect Factory Field

Trainer's Pokemon Magby Elekid

Pokemon Levels 16 16

Abilities Flame Body Static

Moves Fire Spin Shockwave

Ember Thundershock

Smokescreen Low Kick

Feint Attack Swift

Items N/A N/A


Leader #1: Julia

Battle Type Singles

Badge Volt Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 25 obey you. Can use Cut outside of battle.

Field Effect Electric Terrain

Trainer's Pokemon Helioptile Voltorb Voltorb Emolga Blitzle Electrode

Pokemon Levels 12 12 12 13 12 16

Abilities Dry Skin Aftermath Aftermath Static Sap Sipper Aftermath

Moves Mud Slap Charge Explosion Acrobratics Quick Attack Charge

Charge Beam Charge Beam Charge Beam Charge Beam Charge Beam Charge Beam

Thundershock Explosion Rollout Quick Attack Flame Charge Rollout

Glare Sonicboom Sonicboom Nuzzle Thunder Wave Sonicboom

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Lightningrod. Grab a Goldeen or Pachirisu with Lightningrod and it shuts down the majority of her team.

Obtain Kriketot and evolve it to Kriketune and spam Fury Cutter.

Boss #2: ZEL

Location Obsidia Park

Battle Type Single

Field Effect Corrosive Field

Trainer's Pokemon Pulse-Tangrowth

Pokemon Levels 22

Abilities Regenerator

Moves Mega Drain

Acid Spray

Vine Whip


Items N/A


Leader #2: Florinia

Battle Type Singles

Badge Canopy Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 35 will obey you.

Field Effect Desert Field

Trainer's Pokemon Maractus Ferroseed Cacnea Breloom Grotle Cradily

Pokemon Levels 22 22 22 23 22 24

Abilities Water Absorb Iron Barbs Sand Veil Technician Overgrow Suction Cups

Moves Needle Arm Pin Missile Sand Attack Spore Razor Leaf Sandstorm

Pin Missile Sandstorm Pin Missile Mach Punch Nature Power Stockpile

Mega Drain Leech Seed Leech Seed Mega Drain Sandstorm Recover

Nature Power Nature Power Nature Power Leech Seed Bite Smack Down

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Kriketune again with Fury Cutter will wipe out her entire team. Also, its advisable to get Makuhita or Mankey to wall her Cradily.

Boss #3: Taka

Location Malchous Forest

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Forest Field

Trainer's Pokemon Lileep Pulse-Tangrowth Chatot

Pokemon Levels 24 25 26

Abilities Storm Drain Regenerator Keen Eye

Moves Confuse Ray Acid Spray Taunt

Acid Vine Whip Nasty Plot

Ingrain Mega Drain Chatter

Constrict Growth Sing

Items N/A N/A N/A


Boss #4: Taka & Zel

Location Rhodocrine Jungle

Battle Type Doubles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Glaceon Espeon Umbreon Lileep Pulse-Tangrowth Chatot

Pokemon Levels 26 26 26 24 25 26

Abilities Snow Cloak Synchronize Synchronize Storm Drain Regenerator Keen Eye

Moves Icy Wind Future Sight Confuse Ray Confuse Ray Acid Spray Taunt

Quick Attack Quick Attack Feint Attack Acid Vine Whip Nasty Plot

Ice Fang Psybeam Quick Attack Ingrain Mega Drain Chatter

Bite Swift Sand Attack Constrict Growth Sing

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #5: Corey

Location Beryl Ward

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Corrosive Mist Field

Trainer's Pokemon Skrelp Croagunk Grimer Skuntank Nidorina Crobat

Pokemon Levels 27 28 28 29 29 30

Abilities Poison Point Dry Skin Poison Touch Aftermath Poison Point Inner Focus

Moves Venom Drench Venoshock Acid Armor Pursuit Disable Nasty Plot

Bubble Mud Bomb Mud Bomb Smokescreen Venom Drench Venoshock

Acid Sucker Punch Disable Acid Spray Double Kick Air Cutter

Smokescreen Drain Punch Acid Spray Incinerate Bite Venom Drench

Items Focus Sash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #6: Aster & Eclipse

Location Underground Stairway

Battle Type Doubles with Victoria

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Lunatone Magmar Solrock Electabuzz

Pokemon Levels 30 32 30 32

Abilities Levitate Flame Body Levitate Static

Moves Psywave Flame Burst Psywave Low Kick

Rock Slide Confuse Ray Fire Spin Light Screen

Rock Polish Feint Attack Rock Slide Swift

Hypnosis Fire Spin Rock Polish Shock Wave

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A


Leader #3: Shelly

Battle Type Doubles

Badge Cocoon Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 40 will obey you. Can use Rock Smash outside of battle.

Field Effect Forest Field

Trainer's Pokemon Illumise Masquerain Wormadam Heather (Yanmega) Anorith Bugsy (Volbeat)

Pokemon Levels 32 31 32 33 32 35

Abilities Prankster Intimidate Overcoat Speed Boost Swift Swim Prankster

Moves Confuse Ray Bubblebeam Psybeam Giga Drain Rock Slide Struggle Bug

Struggle Bug Energy Ball Giga Drain Air Cutter Aqua Jet Tail Glow

Dazzling Gleam Icy Wind Mirror Shot Struggle Bug Knock Off Dazzling Gleam

Rain Dance Struggle Bug Struggle Bug Ancientpower Rapid Spin Moonlight

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Leftovers


Leader #4: Shade

Battle Type Singles

Badge Omen Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 45 will obey you. Can use Flash outside of battle.

Field Effect Short-Circuit Field

Trainer's Pokemon Gengar Golett Rotom Doublade Gourgeist Chandelure

Pokemon Levels 35 36 37 35 35 38

Abilities Levitate No Guard Levitate No Guard Insomnia Flash Fire

Moves Thunderbolt Dynamic Punch Confuse Ray Gyro Ball Confuse Ray Energy Ball

Shadowball Shadow Punch Shadow Ball Brick Break Nature Power Flame Burst

Hypnosis Magnitude Pain Split Shadow Sneak Leech Seed Shadow Ball

Dream Eater Shadow Sneak Discharge Swords Dance Shadow Ball Hidden Power (?)

Items N/A N/A Leftovers N/A Leftovers Sitrus Berry


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Boss #7: ZEL

Location Blacksteam Factory

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Short-Circuit Field

Trainer's Pokemon Glaceon Espeon Pulse-Muk Umbreon

Pokemon Levels 36 36 40 36

Abilities Snow Cloak Synchronize Protean Synchronize

Moves Icy Wind Future Sight Discharge Confuse Ray

Mirror Coat Quick Attack Muddy Water Feint Attack

Ice Shard Psychic Mud Bomb Quick Attack

Bite Morning Sun Sludge Wave Moonlight

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #8: Cal

Location Pyrous Mountain

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Burning Field

Trainer's Pokemon Infernape Typhlosion Blaziken Charizard Delphox Magmortar

Pokemon Levels 36 36 37 37 36 38

Abilities Blaze Blaze Speed Boost Blaze Blaze Flame Body

Moves Close Combat Flame Charge Double Kick Thunderpunch Shadow Ball Lava Plume

Flame Wheel HP Rock Fire Punch Wing Attack Light Screen Solarbeam

Mach Punch Solarbeam Blaze Kick Dragon Claw Psyshock Focus Blast

Swords Dance Sunny Day Bulk Up Fire Fang Mystical Fire Sunny Day

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #9: Kiki

Location Apophyll Academy

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Machamp Lucario Gallade Toxicroak Scrafty Medicham

Pokemon Levels 38 40 39 39 40 41

Abilities No Guard Steadfast Justified Dry Skin Shed Skin Pure Power

Moves Payback Dark Pulse Strength Meditate Crunch High Jump Kick

Rock Slide Aura Sphere Rock Slide Cross Chop Strength Drain Punch

Submission Calm Mind Night Slash Sucker Punch Drain Punch Ice Punch

Meditate Psychic Swords Dance Strength Bulk Up Thunderpunch

Items Leftovers N/A N/A N/A N/A Sitrus Berry


Boss #10: Aster & Eclipse

Location Azurine Island

Battle Type Doubles

Field Effect Factory Field

Trainer's Pokemon Lunatone Solrock Rhydon Milotic Magmar Electabuzz

Pokemon Levels 37 37 38 38 41 41

Abilities Levitate Levitate Lightningrod Marvel Scale Flame Body Static

Moves Rock Slide Rock Slide Rock Blast Hydro Pump Feint Attack Cross Chop

Psywave Fire Spin Bulldoze Confuse Ray Confuse Ray Thunderpunch

Cosmic Power Psywave Chip Away Twister Mach Punch Thunder Wave

Hypnosis Cosmic Power Iron Tail Recover Fire Punch Light Screen

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #11: Taka

Location Azurine Island

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Factory Field

Trainer's Pokemon Klefki Floatzel Cradily Chatot

Pokemon Levels 42 43 42 45

Abilities Prankster Water Veil Storm Drain Keen Eye

Moves Mirror Shot Bulk Up Ancientpower Heat Wave

Spikes Pursuit Giga Drain Chatter

Foul Play Aqua Tail Confuse Ray Nasty Plot

Draining Kiss Aqua Jet Recover Roost

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #11: Solaris

Location Pyrous Mountain

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Burning Field

Trainer's Pokemon Garchomp

Pokemon Levels 75

Abilities Rough Skin

Moves Stone Edge

Fire Fang


Dragon Rush

Items Leftovers


Leader #5: Aya

Battle Type Doubles

Badge Venom Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 50 will obey you. Can use Strength outside of battle.

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Tentacruel Muk Nidoqueen Gengar Drapion Dragalge

Pokemon Levels 40 40 41 42 42 44

Abilities Liquid Ooze Stench Poison Point Levitate Battle Armor Adaptability

Moves Icy Wind Minimize Earth Power Focus Blast Night Slash Hydro Pump

Confuse Ray Disable Sludge Wave Icy Wind Aqua Tail Sludge Wave

Muddy Water Sludge Wave Icy Wind Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Shadow Ball

Sludge Wave Giga Drain Crunch Sludge Wave Poison Tail Dragon Tail

Items Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge


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Boss #12A: Dr. Sigmund Connal

Location Yureyu Building

Battle Type Doubles

Field Effect Short-Circuit Field

Trainer's Pokemon Raichu Luxray Lantern Elektross Rotom Electivire

Pokemon Levels 43 43 44 44 44 45

Abilities Lightningrod Intimidate Volt Absorb Levitate Levitate Motor Drive

Moves Slam Thunder Fang Bubblebeam Crunch Ominous Wind Fire Punch

Double Team Swagger Confuse Ray Crush Claw Confuse Ray Ice Punch

Thunder Wave Crunch Discharge Thunder Wave Discharge Discharge

Discharge Fire Fang Signal Beam Discharge Double Team Low Kick

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #12B: Sirius

Location Yureyu Building

Battle Type Doubles

Field Effect Short-Circuit Field

Trainer's Pokemon Chandelure Hitmontop Honchkrow Probopass Manectric Seviper

Pokemon Levels 45 45 46 46 47 48

Abilities Infiltrator Intimidate Super Luck Sturdy Lightningrod Shed Skin

Moves Psychic Hi Jump Kick Brave Bird Thunder Wave Ice Fang Poison Fang

Heat Wave Mach Punch Foul Play Rock Slide Thunder Fang Aqua Tail

Shadow Ball Sucker Punch Swagger Magnet Bomb Fire Fang Night Slash

Confuse Ray Fake Out Roost Rest Crunch Rest

Items N/A N/A N/A Lum Berry N/A Leftovers


Boss #13: Bennett

Location Spinel Town

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Larvesta Dustox Masquerain Vivillon Venomoth Butterfree

Pokemon Levels 47 49 49 48 48 50

Abilities Flame Body Shield Dust Intimidate CompoundEyes Shield Dust CompoundEyes

Moves Bug Bite Quiver Dance Silver Wind Sleep Powder Bug Buzz Quiver Dance

Zen Headbutt Moonlight Quiver Dance Quiver Dance Sleep Powder Bug Buzz

Flame Charge Bug Buzz Hydro Pump Bug Buzz Baton Pass Sleep Powder

Morning Sun Giga Drain Roost Draining Kiss Quiver Dance Giga Drain

Items N/A Leftovers Leftovers N/A N/A Leftovers


Leader #6: Serra

Battle Type Singles

Badge Rime Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 55 will obey you. Speed slightly boosted.

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Cloyster Abomasnow Avalugg Lapras Cryogonal Froslass

Pokemon Levels 48 48 49 49 49 50

Abilities Skill Link Hail Warning Sturdy Shell Armor Levitate Snow Cloak

Moves Icicle Spear Blizzard Earthquake Hail Reflect Confuse Ray

Shell Smash Icy Wind Avalanche Surf Frost Breath Shadow Ball

Rock Blast Frost Breath Crunch Frost Breath Freeze-Dry Blizzard

Hydro Pump Wood Hammer Recover Confuse Ray Recover Frost Breath

Items Focus Sash N/A Leftovers Leftovers Leftovers N/A


Boss #13A: Dr. Sigmund Connal

Location Tanzan Cove House

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Jolteon Luxray Lantern Elektross Rotom Electivire

Pokemon Levels 47 48 48 49 49 50

Abilities Volt Absorb Intimidate Volt Absorb Levitate Levitate Motor Drive

Moves Double Team Discharge Bubblebeam Crunch Ominous Wind Fire Punch

HP Ice Swagger Confuse Ray Crush Claw Confuse Ray Thunder punch

Thunderbolt Crunch Discharge Thunder Wave Discharge Low Kick

Signal Beam Thunder Fang Signal Beam Discharge Double Team Discharge

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Boss #13B: Sirius

Location Tanzan Cove House

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Chandelure Hitmontop Honchkrow Probopass Manectric Seviper

Pokemon Levels 45 45 46 46 47 48

Abilities Infiltrator Intimidate Super Luck Sturdy Lightningrod Shed Skin

Moves Psychic Hi Jump Kick Brave Bird Thunder Wave Ice Fang Poison Fang

Heat Wave Mach Punch Foul Play Rock Slide Thunder Fang Aqua Tail

Shadow Ball Sucker Punch Swagger Magnet Bomb Fire Fang Night Slash

Confuse Ray Fake Out Roost Rest Crunch Rest

Items N/A N/A N/A Lum Berry N/A Leftovers


Boss #14: Pokemon Gargantuan

Location Tanzan Mountains

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Rocky Field

Trainer's Pokemon Steelix

Pokemon Levels 75

Abilities Sheer Force

Moves Earthquake

Iron Tail

Stone Edge


Items Sitrus Berry


Boss #15: ZEL

Location Tanzan Meteor Base

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Factory Field

Trainer's Pokemon Pulse-Abra

Pokemon Levels 75

Abilities Magic Guard

Moves Dark Pulse

Hyper Beam

Hyper Beam

Hyper Beam

Items: N/A


Pulse-Abra is Psychic/Steel type.

Edited by Phlytosion
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Leader #6: Noel

Battle Type Singles

Badge Standard Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 60 will obey you.

Field Effect Forest Field

Trainer's Pokemon Cinccino Porygon-Z Girafarig Swellow Staraptor Clefable

Pokemon Levels 52 53 54 53 54 55

Abilities Skill Link Download Sap Sipper Guts Intimidate Magic Guard

Moves Tail Slap Discharge Psychic U-Turn Brave Bird Moonblast

Rock Blast Psychic Thunderbolt Brave Bird Close Combat Cosmic Power

HP Fighting HP Fighting Thunder Wave Steel Wing U-Turn HP Fighting

Bullet Seed Tri-Attack HP Fighting Façade Roost Softboiled

Items N/A N/A N/A Flame Orb Toxic Orb Leftovers


Boss #16: El

Location Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect N/A

Trainer's Pokemon Arceus

Pokemon Levels 80

Abilities Multitype

Moves Recover


Focus Blast

Dark Pulse

Items Leftovers


Leader #7: Radomus

Battle Type Doubles

Badge Millenium Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 65 will obey you.

Field Effect Chess Board

Trainer's Pokemon Reuniclus Exeggutor Malamar Metagross Slowking G.Gardevoir

Pokemon Levels 56 56 56 59 59 65

Abilities Magic Guard Harvest Contrary Clear Body Regenerator Trace

Moves Trick Room Calm Mind Night Slash Meteor Mash Psychic Moonblast

Psychic Ancientpower Superpower Ice Punch Scald Psychic

Focus Blast Calm Mind Reflect Zen Headbutt Trick Room Calm Mind

Recover Rest Psycho Cut Strength Nasty Plot Wish

Items Leftovers Chesto Berry Leftovers Leftovers Leftovers Leftovers


Boss #17: Bennett

Location Iolia Valley

Battle Type Singles

Field Effect Pitch Black Terrain

Trainer's Pokemon Larvesta Yanmega Dustox Scyther Venomoth Butterfree

Pokemon Levels 58 64 63 63 62 65

Abilities Flame Body Speed Boost CompoundEyes Technician Shield Dust CompoundEyes

Moves Flame Charge Protect Quiver Dance Swords Dance Quiver Dance Sleep Powder

Bug Bite Giga Drain Signal Beam Wing Attack Sleep Powder Quiver Dance

Morning Sun Ancientpower Shadow Ball Bug Bite Baton Pass Signal Beam

Zen Headbutt Signal Beam Moonlight Night Slash Signal Beam Giga Drain

Items N/A N/A Leftovers N/A Leftovers Leftovers


Leader #8: Luna

Battle Type Singles

Badge Eclipse Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 70 will obey you.

Field Effect Pitch Black Terrain

Trainer's Pokemon Carpenter (Bisharp) HumptyDumpty (Malamar) Jubjub Bird (Honchkrow) March Hare (Sableye) Bandersnatch (Tyranitar) Cheshire (Umbreon)

Pokemon Levels 61 64 63 62 65 70

Abilities Defiant Contrary Moxie Prankster Unnerve Synchronise

Moves Iron Head Superpower Tailwind Moonlight Earthquake Yawn

Stealth Rock Hypnosis Night Slash Dark Pulse Iron Head Moonlight Night Slash Psycho Cut Roost Will-O-Wisp Stone Edge Shadow Ball

Thunder Wave Night Slash Brave Bird Confuse Ray Dragon Dance Dark Pulse

Items Rocky Helmet Leftovers N/A Leftovers N/A Leftovers


Leader #9: Samson

Battle Type Singles

Badge Fury Badge

Badge Description Attack slightly boosted.

Field Effect Big Top Arena

Trainer's Pokemon Hariyama Mienshao Blakizen Lucario Hawlucha Conkeldurr

Pokemon Levels 66 66 67 66 67 73

Abilities Guts Regnerator Speed Boost Steadfast Unburden Guts

Moves Brick Break Poison Jab Bounce Bullet Punch Swords Dance Drain Punch

Smack Down Brick Break Protect Brick Break Fly Poison Jab

Knock Off U-Turn Brick Break Extremespeed U-Turn Knock Off

Heavy Slam Bounce Blaze Kick Swords Dance Roost Bulk Up

Items Rocky Helmet N/A N/A Focus Sash N/A Leftovers


Boss #18: Aster & Eclipse


Battle Type Doubles with Aya

Field Effect Factory Field

Trainer's Pokemon Solrock Lunatone Golurk Aromatisse Rhyperior Milotic Vespiquen Vileplume Electivire Magmortar

Pokemon Levels 67 67 67 67 68 68 67 67 70 70

Abilities Levitate Levitate No Guard Aroma Veil Solid Rock Marvel Scale Pressure Effect Spore Motor Drive Flame Body

Moves Bulldoze Light Screen Bulldoze Dazzling Gleam Rock Slide Scald Tailwind Sludge Bomb Thunderpunch Heat Wave

Light Screen Moonblast Phantom Force Thunder Bulldoze Confuse Ray Struggle Bug Sleep Powder Cross Chop HP Ice

Will-O-Wisp Icy Wind Rock Slide Wish Rock Wrecker Recover Attack Order Nature Power Fire Punch Thunderbolt

Rock Slide Blizzard Dynamic Punch Aromatherapy Megahorn Blizzard Heal Order Petal Dance Rock Slide Focus Blast

Items N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Leftovers N/A N/A N/A N/A


Leader #10: Charlotte

Battle Type Doubles

Badge Cinder Badge

Badge Description All Pokemon up to level 75 will obey you. Can use Dive outside of battle.

Field Effect Superheated Field

Trainer's Pokemon Typhlosion Ninetails Volcarona Delphox Rotom Ninetails

Pokemon Levels 66 66 69 67 68 74

Abilities Blaze Drought Flame Body Blaze Levitate Drought

Moves Eruption Solar Beam Giga Drain Light Screen Reflect Heat Wave

Solarbeam Heat Wave Quiver Dance Heat Wave Volt Switch Energy Ball

Flamethrower Confuse Ray Heat Wave Flamethrower Overheat HP Rock

HP Rock Flamethrower HP Rock Psyshock Thunder Wave Nasty Plot

Items Sitrus Berry N/A N/A N/A N/A Sitrus Berry


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Hmm... if memory serves me correctly we already have one of these.


Granted it's not as comprehensive as this, but I don't really want to let Antares' idea die either. I might merge the two topics if that's ok?

Also, as this is a lot of work, I'd probably wait until the game is finished before doing it, as gym leaders frequently change their teams and movesets. I don't see a lot of point in doing it before hand, but ultimately I'm not going to stop you doing what you want to either.

Edit: Also you've got Boss 11 down twice.

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Sorry haven't been able to post as of late. Combo of training for the YCS, Obtaining Super Smash for the 3DS and boatloads of AP homework have left my schedule packed. This should be finished by November 10-13

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Pulse abra is a tricky one, having a type that is resistant to dark helps; and heres how.

Get a pokemon like steelix w/ crunch, or someone with sturdy and a super effective move. lead with that. abra should take 2 turns to kill it, 3 if it uses hyper beam on the first move

If he uses hyper beam to finish it, send in a really strong dark or bug type, and nail him with your best move. If not, send out a type resistant to dark, like a fairy type. This will trick the AI into using hyper beam, so that he has to recharge, allowing you to send out your really strong bug / dark type, and get good damage off on him. After you get the 1 free hit, switch back out to a waster pokemon, let him tank a hit. Only send out your real damage dealer when abra has to recharge from hyper beam.

make sure to save beforehand and use f12 to soft reset for better RNG (something I've been quite fond of in my monotype steel run)

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he only uses dark pulse on my team (Torterra, Gardevoir, Escavelier, Medicham, dusklops,arcanine)

only torterra can take a hit from his dark pulse but one EQ is not enough to kill abra

any idea with pokemon i could train up to deal more damage? cant get steelix, i have no link stone

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Onix would work just fine, the main thing is the sturdy. Abra will almost ALWAYS use dark pulse on gardevoir, magnezone, and escavelier.

Train escavelier to level cap, he MIGHT be able to tank 1 hit and get an attack off

At the flower shop in lapis? ward you can get a free fairy type, abra will use hyper beam on that 90% of the time

Get an onix, and train it to at least 31 so that it learns screech (harshly lowers defense). It will be able to get 1 screech off gauranteed due to sturdy

Catch a magnemite in shade's factory until you get one with sturdy (they can have it)

level it to somewhere in the 30s so it learns screech

use both of the screeches to pretty much floor the abra's already lowish defense.

Send torterra out, and get one EQ off, it should deal a LOT more damage now, because it hits physically

Once it dies, send the fairy type out, and pray to RNGesus that abra uses hyper beam

While abra is recovering, send Escavalier out and 1 shot that little bugger with X-Scissor, Escavaliers high attack and abra's now-super-low defense should let you kill it.

If abra uses hyper beam anywhere above, like on onyx, get another screech off. If he uses it on torterra, get another EQ off. You should be able to kill him with that strategy, if that doesn't work tell me and we can think of something else :P

P.S. If magnezone knows screech, you can use an ability capsule (maybe?) to give him sturdy. That's your choice though

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Go for it! If that doesnt work then get the fairy type and use it too with escavalier as a backup, and you should have it!

Honestly, I got it using steelix w/ iron tail to lower defense, then magneton with metal sound to lower spec def, Empoleon with bubblebeam, the fairy type, then take out 75% of his health with x-scissor from escavalier.

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Well, there are a few ways to beat him

First, its not an actual arceus, its a ditto. Therefore, all of his moves only have 5 PP. Buy cotton candy, and basically stall out until he has no moves left to use

Secondly, you could get a quick claw and a wynaut/kricketune, and use perish song or destiny bond

Third, you don't have to beat him. If you side with El, then you can lose the fight and the story will continue, you won't lose any money or anything, but you wont get the experience. Don't worry about the exp though, he doesnt give a ton of it

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