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Need new Moves

Raviel the Phantom

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So I am playing Reborn now and I have a Raichu. It is a great power house, fast too...but one day I'm under the grand staircase and run across a Diglett with Arena Trap. That is when I realized I had nothing but Electric-Type Moves. So are there any moves that would go good with a Raichu? Right now, he has:




Nasty Plot

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Early on? Nothing, really. Fake Out and Disarming Voice are there, but that's it. Later on, there's still not too much. Your best bet in the long run would be a set of Volt Tackle, Brick Break, Grass Knot (breed a female Pikachu/Raichu with a male Pansage that knows Grass Knot in E12 or earlier) and some Hidden Power.

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That'd just make it superbly OP and as we all know, Ame is evil and never lets us have any OP movesets. qq (considering if it was fast enough, Pika/raichu could just surf all ground types into oblivion imo... e.e)

EDIT: and yes, I have pretty much every decent TM that ame has decided to put in-game as of the last two episodes. I just need to find HM surf now... e.e (cuz dis nab hasnt played reborn for too long :c) --- Also, imo I think volt tackle is too much of a health hazard for Raichu, given that it has (although decent) awkward defenses. Nuzzle/ElecBall works good (I use that on my emolga), and I think I agree on the grass knot or hidden power coupling with that, considering you already have nasty plot on your raichu.

Edited by Lynxiechan
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