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Pokemon Reborn Mafia (Team Meteor is Victorious)

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  On 10/18/2014 at 7:16 AM, ZephyrEnyalios said:

... Dang. Welp, I'm out of leads, yet again. Now Ex just looks like he's rambling and killing time for the sake of the Mafia... how would he even know who Lin is?

i refer you back to this

  On 10/18/2014 at 6:47 AM, EXLink32 said:

The use of Lin are two

One is there one is new

thats all for tonight ima sleep

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  On 10/18/2014 at 6:20 AM, ZephyrEnyalios said:

If I recall correctly the only roles that are allowed to Investigate are Saphira, Cain, Sirius, and Shade.

Ex is being very cryptic... I don't even... If he claims to know the identity of anybody here he's either Shade or Sirius, considering that it's Night Two... or he's just rambling to confuse us all.

If hes Shade: Since shade is a neutral role it wouldn't be so bad if he dies.

If hes Sirius: What was he thinking when he voted for himself?

If hes a town drunk: He was a threat anyway and did not help us.

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Snap Crackle Pop is replacing Neo

Night 2 will happen now. I will give until Noon EST for anyone who has yet to submit moves to do so. ExLink appears to be the lynch but an official count of who's vote went where is always appreciated.

Finally, Night 3 will take place SUNDAY 11 EST as to not shorten day 3 too much.

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OK Everyone has submitted their moves.

ExLink was about to be locked away in the basement of the Rail Network, but Saphira decided to spare him. ExLink was NOT lynched.

Team Meteor swarmed around Murdoc and before he knew it he was left to starve amongst the caged the pokemon. Murdoc was Archie.

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  On 10/18/2014 at 5:31 PM, Hukuna said:

I see. I was actually curious if Saphira would be revealed when she pardoned a lynch....She isn't it would appear. That changes a lot in the scheme of things.

Come on Hukuna I thought you out of all people would get this by now, but if you ask nicely I'll spell it out for ya! ;)

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Day 1: Nova (Police Chief) was killed by a meteor Hit. It seems like Nova was randomly targeted.

Sparky (Charlotte) was Lynched. We foolishly voted at random. Thus we killed a civilian.

Day 2: Exlink was saved by Saphira. It looks like Saphira knows the identity of exlink. Exlink is very unlikely to be just a townie.

Murdoc (Archie) was killed by a meteor hit. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) Murdoc was silenced. It is possible someone knew his identity.

The ratio is 9:4:1

9/14 or 0.64 chance to kill civilian

4/14 or 0.28 chance to mafia

1/14 or 0.071 chance to kill shade (holy shit!)

It seems like Saphira can keep using her pardon lynch power. If so, there is a way around this problem.

We can tie the votes and force a coin flip. This method can work.

There are a few people who are laying low right now. That is Hilda, Azery, Sir_Bagel, Sparky (replaced Secundum) , and Snap Crackle Pop (replaced Neo).

That is all I have right now, Felix reporting out.

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^Archie wasn't a special role I think. It may just be another random hit.

  On 10/18/2014 at 6:00 PM, EXLink32 said:

Me drunk? I'm under age, how could you even insinuate I would stoop so low as to go drunk.

Because you claimed everything to be going according to your plan while you made an earlier remark that said either you force us to vote on you or you do it yourself. I thought you wanted out of this game so I voted on you. This is contradicting yourself in my book. Plus you didn't make any sense. (I've had experience with drunks and they behave just like that hence I made that remark)

Oh and by claiming this was all a plan and that it's working is painting a giant target on your back. If I give you my exact thought on this I may as well pull the trigger myself, but I still believe you are a townie so I'll refrain from that.

My only question is: do you even want to participate in this game?

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Eh, I tired of waiting, how I'll tell you my secret. What I said about Sheep before was true, he is Lin and I am 100% sure of. How because a certain gem found out and that certain gem told me. When I 1st accused I had no idea it was true, that is until this morning. I bet you'll all wondering who this "gem" is, well who would want to veto my lynch after I voted for myself. Why, who is the only person insane enough to vote for themselves without a plan. Plus with me being "lynched" the mafia would not think twice about trying to kill someone besides me. Then on what night does the "gem" get an all seeing investigation, last night. What if I told you that this "gem" indeed found this Lin of which you speak, and she has. He is none other than the sly shepherd himself Sheep.

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  On 10/18/2014 at 7:03 PM, EXLink32 said:

Eh, I tired of waiting, how I'll tell you my secret. What I said about Sheep before was true, he is Lin and I am 100% sure of. How because a certain gem found out and that certain gem told me. When I 1st accused I had no idea it was true, that is until this morning. I bet you'll all wondering who this "gem" is, well who would want to veto my lynch after I voted for myself. Why, who is the only person insane enough to vote for themselves without a plan. Plus with me being "lynched" the mafia would not think twice about trying to kill someone besides me. Then on what night does the "gem" get an all seeing investigation, last night. What if I told you that this "gem" indeed found this Lin of which you speak, and she has. He is none other than the sly shepherd himself Sheep.

So basically you are telling me you and Saphira shared roles behind the scenes? Because that's what it sounds like.

I was thinking the same thing as Hukuna since, if you still wanted to participate, it would be a big guess as to Saphira would save you or not. You might have gotten away with it if you refrained from bragging about it.

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