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Team Assistance - Round 2


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Weeks ago, I posted my team here - in hopes of getting tips for improving my team. It was really successful - and I got more-than-decent amount of help (especially from Etesian) - and I 'remade' by team with new moves, and I just finished EV training my last member. Naturally, I'm pleased with the results.

Since Episode 14 is probably still a while away, I thought I would try to remake my other Reborn teams so I was wondering if I could receive advice on them as well. Your help would be much appreciated!

Same rule applies - I'm not planning any changes to the team - and I'm mainly seeking advice on moves, natures and/or held items.

(I realized I haven't paid any attention to natures at all here...)

1. Chesnaught

Nature: Careful (+Spd, -SpA)

Held Item: Fist Plate

Ability: Bulletproof

Moves: Hammer Arm, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Body Slam

2. Lopunny
Nature: Sassy (+Spd, -Spe)

Held Item: Black Belt

Ability: Cute Charm

Moves: Bounce, Jump Kick, Strength, Charm

3. Flygon
Nature: Naive (+Spe, -Spd)

Held Item: Scope Lens

Ability: Levitate

Moves: Rock Slide, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Bulldoze

4. Houndoom
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)

Held Item: Brightpowder

Ability: Flash Fire

Moves: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot

5. Gardevoir

Nature: Bashful (-)

Held Item: Shell Bell

Ability: Synchronize

Moves: Psychic, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind

6. Altaria

Nature: Bashful (-)
Held Item: Quick Claw

Ability: Natural Cure

Moves: Sky Attack, Cotton Guard, Dragon Pulse, Moonblast

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Chesnaught: Breed it with Stone Edge/Rock Slide rest of the moves seems fine to me. I personally like Stone Edge, although Rock Slide have more accuracy but less power and do work in Double Battle; your choice from there. I would prefer Adamant Nature on him, 64 speed is argh, terrible. Since he's going after the opponent you can use Zoom lens to boost the Stone Edge accuracy.....

Lopunny: interesting move pool..... I would run her with

-Mirror Coat (not that much HP, so she's isn't' bulky)

-Thunder Punch

-Jump Kick

-Fake Out (STAB)

Take opinion from someone else about this one though, I never been good using Normal-Types :P

Flygon: It's a discrimination that a Ground-Type Poke doesn't have Earthquake....so breed it and don't evolve it until it learns Superpower has well (or spend a Heart Scale and evolve it until it learns Earthquake). Dragon Claw and Rock Slide will do.

Houndoom: ....why are you giving him Shadoll Ball when Dark Pulse will do the same work and with STAB? Breed it Sludge Bomb, you have nothing that can destroy Fairy-Types. Rest of the moveset are fine.

Gardevoir: .....good.

Altaria: I would breed it with Dragon Rush, Aerial Ace, and Steel Wing. The other move, definitely Dragon Dance (*realizes you can't breed it with Dragon Rush due to the pokemon for breeding aren't available yet*)...... I let someone else to give you opinion on this one xD. Although, Sky Attack and Cotton Guard is a no go from me.....

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Don't have a lot of time, so I'll cut this one short.

I'll agree with Smok3iT, get a rock move. Chesnaught should roll with Curse, Hammer Arm, Wood Hammer and Stone Edge. Give it a Zoom Lens to make SE's accuracy 96% or a Scope Lens to make SE crit 50% of the time. Not terribly bulky on the special side to begin with, nature won't help much with that. Get Impish/Adamant/Relaxed/Brave.

I'll disagree with the above, Lopunny has low health and high Special Defense, the inverse is required of a good Mirror Coat user. Return has max 102 Bp based on friendship, better than Strength. Jump Kick and Bounce can stay, but an Elemental Punch should be your third move, Thunder or Ice. And make it Jolly or Adamant or something.

It's quite a task, but get a new Trapinch and don't evolve it until level 67 for Superpower or at least 55 for Earthquake, ditch Crunch. Scope Lens is a really weird item for something with no high-crit-ratio moves. Go for Jolly or Adamant.

Houndoom really has nothing good for a 4th move, Hidden Power or Sludge Bomb, maybe Destiny Bond, but definitely not Shadow Ball. Make this guy Timid or Modest. And B.Powder isn't that great.

Give it Trace and Modest. Trick Room can also help against very fast foes. And send that Shell Bell over to Flygon/Houndoom.

Neither Dragon Rush nor Steel Wing are available, not even through breeding. But even with those Fluffdra is terrible. I guess you can get it Ice Beam via Remoraid>Horsea and give it that Flamethrower TM. And make it Modest.

But let me say that Kingdra or it's variation Crit-dra would be much, much better than ol' Cotton-wings here. You can get a Scald, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Dragon Pulse set via Panpour>*insert any Water1/Field Pokemon*>Remoraid>Horsea. Or the 100% crit chance Focus Energy, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse/Agility (just make sure it's ability is Sniper to make crits do x2.25 damage).

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Download EP12 and you will be able to breed pokemon with TM moves. Train a male Rhyhorn to Lv.52 and it learns Stone Edge.

Rhyhorn>Chespin for Stone Edge

EDIT: I was look it up what Poke you need to breed Stone Edge and didn't notice Etesian reply xD

Edited by Smok3iT
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