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Standard Attention-Grabbing Title That Peaks Ones Interest


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Hey there reader, I hope my very creative title is what spurned you to action in clicking this topic, haha. But in all honestly, I'm GotWala and as a fan of Pokémon Reborn and a generally bored person, I figured joining this site might be a cool way to pass the time on occasion. So without further adieu, I'm going to lay out some facts about myself in a relatively orderly fashion (Just because I'm used to that type of junk with other forums I've tried out, haha) and hopefully you'll get a better, if not a hell of a lot wordier, picture of me.

Appearance: I'm about 5'11" and weigh a good 130 lbs. My state of fitness is mediocre, but passable for all intents and purposes. I've got short, brown hair that's so dark that it looks black. My grey-blue eyes and pale as hell skin really complements my bone structure and the large, purple bags under my eyes. Other than that, I wear a lot of purple, grey, black, white, brown, and green. Shorts don't exist in my world, but jeans of some kind are basically standard. Lastly, I find dress shoes and other slip-on shoes to be the best. Oh, and I'm also a dude who identifies as a dude, if that wasn't apparent already, haha.

Occupation: I used to work at two different McDonald's and a Kroger. The McDs' jobs were terrible, but it was money. As for Kroger, it was way better than the McD's and paid about the same, so no real complaints. I had attempted college, but I lack the ability to apply myself to most things, so that tanked pretty quick. Good news is that I'll be in the US Navy for about 6 years coming this March, so that'll give me something to do, right? My job there will be working with sonars... And that might be all I'll be allowed to say! As for after that, I've got no real clue. Used to be I wanted to be a teacher but I've got enough problems as it is before I'm ready to inspire others to fix theirs, haha. I'll see what road this military service takes me before I think about it any further. Yeah, that sounds like a plan to me.

Personality: As for the quick and easy run-down of what kind of person I am, here are some helpful labels for that: ENFP, 2w9, and IEE. There, that should cover a basic idea of what I'm like for those who are familiar with Myer-Briggs, Enneagrams, and Socionics, haha! Though if I had to go into length, I'd say that I have a greater concern for things around me than for myself. I've tried to remain as self-sufficient as possible in life (To the point of being homeless on a few occasions, haha) and to never be a burden. Other than that, I'm very accepting of differing ideals and beliefs and have thick enough skin to let most nonsense roll off me like water off a duck's back. I also attempt to cease conflicts around me, rather than start them or contribute to them. (I refuse to do anything to perpetuate the state of war while I serve.) So overall, a rather friendly, loyal doormat, haha!

Things I've Done: In the ways of travel, I've been to a handful of states (Arizona, Maine, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and every state in between to get there. As for other countries, I've been to many European places (Germany, Luxembourg, France, and England) and the Bahamas. Other than that, I haven't done much world travel. I've graduated high school with mediocre grades ( Number one quote from my teachers was always "You're so smart, but you never apply yourself!") and haven't done anything with my life for the past 2 years since then. As for now, I've been enlisted, so I'm sure I'll have a couple more things worth mentioning then, haha.

Interests: So Judging by the various musical artists in my profile, I tend to listen to a lot of videogame music but have a variety of tastes when it comes to jamming out. If you can find any musical value in something, then I probably like it. I've played a lot of games in my life and the ones that have impacted me the most are by far those with an amazing soundtrack and an in-depth story. So if I sound pretentious as hell, I apologize, haha! I also have had a profound love for roleplaying for as long as I can remember, and while I've gotten more jaded about how much the fantasy realm matters, I still find the time to love drifting from reality for a bit of escapism. As for other interests, I tend to fixate on large conflicts of ideals around the world and throughout time. Usually, I find things I can either relate to or find understandable from both sides, though I usually just daydream about solutions for them. Oh, and if "story-rich" wasn't an indication regarding things I like in games, then I also have a fondness for the printed page. (Though not of any particular genre)

Well then, I believe that just about covers everything that comes to mind, though with some prodding I'm sure I'd remember some details I may have left out. I hope this equivalent of a Wiki entry on me didn't burn your eyes out on words, haha! Reading it again, I realize I've forgotten to mention any history about myself, but none of that seems worth going back to type out. I suppose if anyone wants to know, I could elaborate, assuming you haven't already gotten sick of my long-winded shenanigans! Anyways, I hope this was a sufficient introduction with as little typos and grammatical mistakes as possible. (Though I'm sure I've boned my grammar a few times throughout in an attempt to convey a sense of intellect, let alone erudition of a certain degree) I look forward to giving my two cents on some topics and possibly taking part in this Zero Alliance game.



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Ayyyy Welcome to Reborn!

I see you like Roleplaying so you can hit up Hukuna, who is like our RP Sensai 'round these parts.

We hang out on Pokemon Online, so download that if you like.

If you like competitive battles you can join PRCL and or Pizza.

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Welcome, GotWala.

I'm Hilda. You can ask me about gameplay advice and forum usage.

If you have questions, you can ask them to Sheep, Dan, Vinny, or myself. You may also post a thread and leave it up to the community.

Shopping Cart skates are a terrible idea.

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Heyo, I am Hukuna Sensei, Head of the RP Forum here at Reborn! If you have any interest in RPing be sure to drop by. Whether or not you join up for one, or if you just read along is up to you, it would be nice having you either way. We also are the current home for Creative Writing, so if you ever feel like sharing a story feel free to post it up there. If you want to get into RPing if you are new, or hosting an RP, PM me. I would be happy to help you get started and learn the ropes. Don't hesitate to ask, I don't bite. ((because Crunch has much more base power)).

We also have a forum based Mafia game running in the RP Forum, while it is closed to new players as it has already started, more may happen in the future. Feel free to watch the antics and backstabbing unfold though!

Well, enough of my flapping my yap, enjoy your stay here at Reborn! Hukuna Sensei out!~

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Haha, wow! I didn't expect this much of a response from all of you. I'm happy to see such a supportive environment here, especially considering my status as a nobody, haha. Either way, I've done a few forum based RP's before with... Mixed results. Though that was about 5 years ago so I'd be willing to try again in the near/distant future. I suppose since I keep hearing about this Pokémon Online thing, I should probably sign up. As a final note, I've tried shopping cart skates a few times while doing carts with about a 40% success rate, haha!

Also, I had to go with the Viridian Alliance, since you guys got my two favorite types in the games!

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Heya, welcome to the jungle. To survive, just pretend you're insane, and if you are, then don't pretend. Glad to see your intro grabbed a good amount of welcoming.

Also, you win the award for the longest introduction topic ever made. Your prize is a cookie. Unfortunately there's no digital transport system for cookies on nowadays' internet (I hope they're working on it), so I'll do the same I do with all the awards I give away and eat it for you.

Anyway, ya welcome. No one ever leaves.

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Song mixes, remixes, the radio, simply checking out other songs linked to certain YouTube videos, watching videos, then enjoying them and looking up what the song is; searching by genre, reading YouTube comments suggesting artists, my brother, band's forums, band's Facebook pages, Pandora, (in one case a suggestion from someone in Reborn), and song recognition software making a mistake... As far as I know, anyway.

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This. Was the longest intro. I've ever seen. You could have got away with a tl;dr after every section.

Welcome to the forums though, I'm the aforementioned Sheep, and a good person to go to with questions.

If you're ever interested in getting some outside opinions on your ingame team, team preview is the place to go.

The only other thing I have to say is if you're interested in helping with the reborn game, and don't have any super hacker skillz, why not just report any bugs you might have encountered? I like to think that each one reported counts for something.

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Haha, I'm glad everyone took the time to read through all of that tripe without having to get their eyes checked! Once again, I apologize for just how much I put in there. I'm happy to accept a theoretical cookie for my effort though. As for team rating, I've been attempting to catch as many Pokémon as possible this run so I can build a specific team for countering every major obstacle in the game... With mixed results, haha. Being the "funny jackal" that I am, I decided an RP format would be a fun and detailed way to put myself on the map, and I'm glad it seems to be paying off! Now that I've taken off my shoes to stay awhile, that song that Ark posted is a good listen. It had somewhat of a Madeon feel to it, and that piano is what really hooked me! Most things with a piano and/or violins really sucks me in. I hope to have a fantastic time here while I enjoy my stay in Chez Reborn, haha!

Oh, I also looked at your intro, Iowayshay, and it's pretty impressive in it's own right, length-wise! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to gush on this thing! (No offense, haha)

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  On 10/17/2014 at 8:17 AM, GotWala said:

Now that I've taken off my shoes to stay awhile, that song that Ark posted is a good listen. It had somewhat of a Madeon feel to it, and that piano is what really hooked me! Most things with a piano and/or violins really sucks me in.

I'll keep that in mind. And you will enjoy the stay, guaranteed.

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I hope so, if it means great stuff like that! Hell, I should return the favor occasionally while I'm at it, haha. My friend Kosta tells me I have a good ear for music but I think he might be over-praising me a little.

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