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Playthrough of POWER

Quattro Staravia

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.

Whenever I hear of when there were still "Good Pokemon" back in Reborn, one version I keep hearing of is 10.5. Since it has stuff like Riolu/Lucario, Magby, Early Ralts, Early Zubat, and of course, Gyrados, to name a few.

The reason why I am posting this in Team Showcase is because I am planning on doing a Log Run of this Power Playthrough, at least up to Randomus, if not longer. (So that I could get some help finding pokemon that were in that version but not in Episode 13.

I am missing but one ingredient. 10.5 itself. That is where you (Whoever you may be) come in.

EDIT: Unfortunately, I had to download Episode 9 instead of 10.5, due to it being available in another thread. I will post my first log soon after.

Edited by Quattro Staravia
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Power Log 1: Apreciation for what we have now.

As soon as I started up Episode 9, I first noticed that the Normal Gem on the rock was not available, but that turned out to be the least of the changes I first noticed. Now, I knew that the 6th Gen starters would not be available, but what I did not know was that as soon as I chose my starter (A Chimchar named Jolyne) I would be forced to leave. It has blaze, but I am planning on breeding it with a Magmar for Fire Punch. Also, I noticed that in this episode, one cannot easily see their IVs and EVs. I saved before getting the Karp, noticing that I could get it right away for 3000 smackaroos. While I'm certain the nature was not favorable, it did have rustled, so it was all good.

When I opened the pokemon screen, I noticed there was a lot of light blue. Perhaps Ame was in a good mood making episode 9? After I saved normally, I learned to appreciate the missing toggle keys.

(Oh, and if this sounds likes old news to you, I started Reborn with Episode 11, so this is all new to me.)

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I have a ep.10 download for you but I don't know how to upload here

so I wil redirect you to a thread with the download for ep.10.1


or the direct link to the download


Have fun and don't forget about elekid (BerylWard, stormy weather, rooftop)

Edited by Cornerman
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