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SO apparently a good intro title goes here?


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Hello everyone :D I have posted a few times already but I couldn't find an intro thread for the life of me so here I is :D

I am a Youtuber albeit a rather small one about to do a LP of Reborn Episode 13 and is the main reason I joined the forum, to interact with other people who have had adventures in Reborn, for advice, feedback, and of course SHAMELESS SELF PLUGGING :D

Generally I am a nice if sarcastic person with a dry sense of humor and a bit of a temper in games (Damn near punched a hole in the wall at that damned Cradily from Flobot) but otherwise I am an easy going person. Also I like bacon so I am automatically cool and things :P

So yea, so ends the obligatory introductory thread of awesome, I am going to go back to thinking about how the hell to negotiate the beginning of the game for another time if my subs pick a water type starter for me o____o

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Nice to meet ya Butters! Usually sheep does the big welcoming intro but I guess I'll try subbing for him.

-The Reborn forums houses every discussion about the reborn game. If you're looking for something specific like team advice or how to catch certain pokemon we've got subforums for that. You could also talk to Hilda. She has good advice on that as well.

-Since you're looking to get to know the community you could either download PO or click on Reborn Chat in the upper left hand corner to see what everyone's up to.

-There's the research and competitive battling section in case you're into to battling on PO.

-If you're interested in roleplay and storytelling we have that section as well. Hukuna's the one with the details on that.

Anyways we've got plenty to browse about so good luck to you're LP and enjoy your stay. :)

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Hello, fellow Youtuber (yes, I am one too)

Welcome to Reborn, enjoy your stay, please.

I am Faust, you can ask me questions about stuff and I'll try to answer them. Otherwise you can ask Sheep, Vinny, Dan, Hilda and other friendly staff members about anything that you may need or want or something like that.

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As Saber has mentioned above, I am Hukuna Sensei, the head of the RP forum here on Reborn! I am the guy to ask about all things RP. So if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite! ((cause Crunch has a much higher Base power.)) We are always looking for new blood there even if they just read reading along with what we write. It is also the current home of the Creative Writing for Reborn, so feel free to share any stories or things you have written with us as well.

Enjoy you time here at Reborn, Hukuna Sensei out!~

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Aye, welcome to the forum Youtuber. Hope you bring joy and all that good mushy stuff to Youtube. I am Antares (read the name derp) but I float around alot, just helping every so often. I am not very active but I'll give any advice to recompleteing the game since I am doing so right now.

G'day to you.

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  On 10/16/2014 at 5:28 PM, Saber12 said:

Nice to meet ya Butters! Usually sheep does the big welcoming intro but I guess I'll try subbing for him.

10/10 couldn't tell that it wasn't actually me welcoming him.


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Welcome! In case you get to choose your water type if your fans decide on that, mudkip and piplup were the easiest for me to get through the beginning with. Piplup has seemed to help more often just from sheer bulk, while mudkip makes Julia pretty easy but Flobot harder.

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Thank you Hilda and Krim xD If they voted water I was thinking of Mudkip because if I get Damp and a Common Candy I can sweep Julia easily and my first play through I had no supply of Water or Ground moves which screwed me multiple times. I am thinking of a team (At least early game) of:


Litleo (Until I get Growlithe)

Koffing/Trubbish (leaning Trubbish because Acid Spray Toxic Spikes)

Noibat (Because Dragon and Flying xD)

Espurr (Because as far as I know its the only Psychic type pre-corey) Either going Gothita or Jynx later)

Klink (If you get them early and mainly for Corey) or Shinx if I can get some VOotorb Flip going xD My friend buakki_xy will kill me if no Shinx is used xD

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Ah, welcome Butter! I'm happy to see another Youtuber for Reborn since it could use the publicity for being such a great game. Note that I'm not actually a Youtuber myself, but I tend to spend way more time than what's considered healthy there, haha. Anyways, I'm not sure if I can be as much help as the other staff, but I'm capable of being a friendly face and an overall great listener.

Oh, and as a side note: Trubbish/Garbodor actually carried me for awhile all things considered thanks to the black sludge they carry and acid spray. (Of course, that was when stat changing moves affected the stats twice in a row for no particular reason but hey, he'll still be a good poison for those looking for poison, haha)

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