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Your favourite pokemons in 3d sprites!


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Whats poppin ppl

So yeah i was bored and i decided to try and get some 3d sprites into the game, and it seemed to work

This is how it looks :


[bad quality due to gif conversion :s]

I am currently working on making ever single poke in 3d, won't take long until i release the whole thing

Q : Where can i find the folder that holds reborn's sprites?

A : \Graphics\Battlers

Q : How can i edit a sprite?

A : Just bring the image to the folder and make sure it has the exact same name of the default image


Songs used :

Darude - Sandstorm

Edited by LedzQQ
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Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us

Many people while like this very much and chant your name in joy ^0^

I hope a custom folder for moving sprites while come to light when the game is finished.

Although I can manage pretty well without them

Also one quick reminder for people

You do have to change with every update the static with moving sprites

and they may have a different name so keep that in your mind

to prevent any funny business from happening

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That noibat noivern (damn I'm dense today) sprite is amazing. It was so weird that at first I thought you photoshopped it. Awesome job you should keep up, really.

Sadly, I guess reborn's gonna play a lot slower than usual? This game is not known precisely by its speed (but that's beyond essentials developers control I think). It looks awesome still, more research should be done on this.

Edited by zimvader42
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I could see right away why they havn't included these sprites - Its because it takes a lotta time..

For now, i'll just do some sprites for people if they ask me to. In the meantime, i'll try to make sprites for everything sequently

@zim i have noticed nothing worth mentioning other than some delays (~200ms) when managing pokes in the pc but i guess it's bearable

Edited by LedzQQ
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Yeah, there isn't any lag with 6th gen sprites, but they're not positioned correctly to sit over the tile that they should be sitting on. This results in some pokemon appearing half way down the screen and others are floating, it happens with both the front and back sprites.

That'll be an issue until someone goes through and manually edits the sprites so they sit right (assuming that's possible). If that's what you mean by it'll take a long time, then good luck. If you just mean renaming the files, then there's already a download with all of the 3d sprites with the correct name that I can find for you.

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The files are in there. There are a few issues with it outside of pokemon spacing though.

Firstly, this is a composite effort from two different people. The initial sprite package had all of the pokemon obtainable in Omicron/Zeta in it, but none of the others. This means certain 6th gen pokemon were not in the original package. The creator of the original package increased the size of all of the front and back sprites, so this change has been made to all of the pokemon present in the Omicron/Zeta package, but not the ones added after for Reborn. To get a good idea of the issue, look at the difference in size between the Aurorus sprites, and the Gogoat sprites. The person who resized them increased the front sprite size to 125% and the back sprite size to 175% but I'm not sure that the second person sourced their sprites from the same place so that may not help.

The second issue is that some (maybe all?) gender differences have not been implemented in the package. You'd still need to add a second sprite in for any pokemon with a gender difference (and a second shiny sprite) if you're looking for a complete package.

Hope this helps.

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So this does not make reborn go slower, huh? Well that's good to hear, it means I'll be looking forward to the progress of this project. I can't wait to have my gourgeist all 3d-ish on reborn, she will look so ungodly cute ^^

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I got some gifs made by some dudes on reddit and it looks really promising

Only a few are missing and the numbers are messed up i'm currently working on it, it should be ready soon

[3d gourgeist intensifies]

Edited by zimvader42
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Do you read every post that has been made sheep

and if yes, not everyone does

Funnily enough I actually do. I read everything that gets posted in every section that isn't Onyx Arcade or Roleplaying.

Besides, just calm down mate, I was only having a light jab at him.

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I wasn't that serious tho

but i just wanted to say not everyone

like me and you read everything.

Ey I remembered just one thing, the pulse pokemon are reborn exclusive so they don't have a 3d sprite/model

so not all of reborn's pokemon can't be in it's interity in 3d models.

Edited by Cornerman
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Think i'll give some update about this : only ~80 pokes reamin!

Now imma set some things str8 :

In truth everyone's game DOES lag while exploring areas no matter how beastly your machine is

While using these 3d sprites you might say that a 1 gig folder compared to a 33 megabytes folder sure will make the game laggy asf but actually no

The game will only load the sprites during battles, evolution screens, in the Pokédex, in the PC and in the team info so the only time you'll have some slight delay is there (and i really mean slight, roughly about 100 milliseconds)

Fyi i have 1gb ram definetly it is not-so-monster ram lol

About the pulses, sorry they'll remain png's as i have enough on my plate as it is, also i don't think i can build top notch gifs either

Either way there are only a few pulses (Abra, tangrowth and muk?) so only 3 pokes that YOU EACH FACE ONCE (cept for tangrowth) will be 2d compared to 700+ 3rd pokes so what the heck ppl

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I also have added 3d sprites to my game. I am missing some of them though(about 15 to 20) pokemon. I did add the female differences also. I use the Zeta sprites and just looked for the missing ones. I am also missing some of the backs of the 3d sprites, which are the ones that were not in the Zeta sprites. I found a file with all the 3d sprites(front only though) and added the female different sprites to my folder after correctly naming them. The only problem, stated above, is that some Pokemon appear half way down where they are supposed to appear. Also, the 3d sprites don't lag at all for me. The game lags the same amount when I had the 2d non moving sprites. If you want any of them, let me know (also let me know how to upload them because I have only uploaded images before, not an entire folder).

Edited by gamesontv
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I finished spriting almost everything, thanks for the Pulses Beatit definelty including those

Also S/O to everyone who supported this thing

I'll make sure that everything is looking nice and clean and adjusted accordingly, because i rushed in some sprites

I might upload the package tomorrow if i get the time

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