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What to do?


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This is really a direct spin-off of Tempest's topic, but more localized. He raised a good question in, "What would you do in the Pokemon world?"
Or at least I thought it was a good question, if only because I hadn't an answer for the life of me...

We all talk about what Pokemon we'd really keep, and what we like, and such, but when it comes down to it, what would you actually try and accomplish? Take on the gym league- the typical? Or maybe you would want to be a gym leader yourself? Or a coordinator, breeder, something else?

Be creative; really think about it. What would you do? Ignore that most people don't even know what they want to do in this reality, let alone another... I think it's still a topic worth humouring.
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And id try to catch as many as i could and travel the world with a group of friends just like the show (but watch my parents not let me -3-)

Other then that after owning the entire world id becomes a professer and study as many pokemon as a could and since id have caught so many its now a snap! (Professor Mika milkshake makes all the pokes come to the tall grass)
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I'd probably lead up a vigilante group that shows up to places just to trounce team rocket. So... I guess what I'm saying is I'd be the Batman of the Pokemon world and there'd be some other guys to be the equivalent of the lame superheroes that make up the Justice League core.

Either that, or I'd be a part of team rocket. Taking what I want, but enforcing my own methods and rules. Hmm... =/

Barring those... probably a poke-cop. Something to do with semi-frequent battles, challenges, and travelling.

Any which way, I'd use my favorites and cultivate their potential. (Also, no 4 move limit as in the game.) So, I'd have blastoise, torkoal, gengar, and others. With a psychic type- Mewtwo or Alakazam- to telepathically relay my strategies, thoughts, and emotions to my team. Cuz hey, it's kind of a disadvantage if your screaming out attacks lets your opponent anticipate them and perhaps counter them. Plus, it's not like pokemon would actually have to be ordered to attack to use one. So with their connection to me, they see what i envision, and perhaps be inspired to come up with new techniques on their own.
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Probably a mix of Pokemon researcher and Gym Leader. Playing through Black & White has really expanded on the notion that Gym Leaders do the battle scene plus something on the side, like painting, being a model, flying planes, etc. The Gym Leader part is pretty straight forward. The research would probably revolve around the natural habitats of Pokemon, how they behave in the wild and how entering into the Human world under trainers changes them. The thing I would do most differently from the games is raising more than just six Pokemon like I normally do for playing the story. I'm going to raise all of my favorites and keep them all on hand for my research, traveling and general companionship. Despite that, I would probably settle on a single type to use in the Gym, just to be fair. I'd probably piss challengers off by not being in the Gym 50% of the time, but tough luck. I'd also give away an awesome TM, like Earthquake. Oh! Or make my own TM. If Bugsy can do it then so can I damn it. All in all, Gym Leader who researchers the natural abilities and habitats of Pokemon and how they train when they find a trainer.

And of course start my own branch of the Pokemon G-Men. Though that would probably just be a Gym Leader Alliances. We'd do shit like the Leaders in Black & White unlike [i]some [/i]other Leaders *glares at Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh*
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  • 2 weeks later...
[spoiler]Travel the world in order to find a lost Gardevoir's original trainer.[/spoiler]
After that I'd probably just aimlessly travel... See the sights, maybe write a few books on my adventures with my Pokémon...Maybe I'd get involved in a league or two out of boredum, but I'd mostly just be the wandering writer.
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  • 1 year later...
I would look for the ice cave I dreamed of, which was full of cookies and Snorunts. With me I would bring a Munchlax, Deino, Glaceon, Krabby, Archeops and Drifloon.

After getting there, I would turn it into my secret base and place it as a Fly landmark for the Archeops. I would live there for a while, then get a bit bored of being in solitude (which I actually like half the time). I would then search for a Latias and Regice, which would be recently announced in a news report, and travel many miles with just as many breaks (cuz I'm classified as an official Munchlax, because I'm lazy) in order to find them bro(Latias is a girl, but whatever)fisting in a giant UFO ship with a cinema, flying over a plain field with no pilot... I don't even...

Then, I would return to the Snorunty Hollow (official name for the win!) and park the UFO outside the cave. Since the cave just happily turned out to be on the last piece of non-ice sheet land, I could use the UFO as a good overseas and overland scout... and there's a cinema and free soda. I would work together with Regice (though it was hardly a team effort because I'm just THAT lazy (I felt kinda guilty...)) to build the runway for the UFO (it's a weird one). I would then take the UFO overseas with the Munchlax and the Regice (and the cinema! Which has no films... you need DVDs) to fetch a Cyndaquil and bring it back home. We would then party at the Snorunty Hollow with all the Snorunts and the robot (for no reason) and my buds for all I've done. I would THEN be lazy and soliditary for a bit longer with my buds... then realize that I should exercise, so I travelled to the random Pokethealth-whateverit'scalled dome in a nearby region with Cyndaquil and Munchlax, and JUST save our lives.

By the way, this would all happen in the span of 3 months, because I said so!

And that's part 1. If I think of what I would do more, I'll post a part 2 and so on... hope that's ok!

P.S: The UFO part was inspired by one of the only two dreams I remember, and that doesn't include the ice cave.

[img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/124/0/2/i_don__t_even____by_roothesnorunt-d4yigr5.png[/img] Edited by BeaverRoo
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I'd be an aspiring trainer looking to take on the Pokemon league. I'd travel alone, cause I prefer it that way. My goal is rather simple, just beat all the gyms, take on the league. I would start in Hoenn and go from there, conquering all the regions and their respective leagues. Though, unlike Ash, I'd be successful. I'd pull some heroic stunts here and there, really just if needed. I'd only roll with three Pokemon, Chomps, Umby, and Septus. A Salamence, Umbreon, and Sceptile respectively. But, yeah, after beating the league, I'd settle down, relax at home, enjoy being super rich from all my winnings. Sounds like a Poke-Plan. :P
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[u]How I would actually do it.[/u]

I think i would probably just live my life. I'd like to maybe have some strong Pokemon that i keep with me at all times throughout my entire life. i probably wouldn't ever battle unless challenged. Maybe I'd live in a house in a suburban area, maybe even a little less populated. and id like to do work my pokmon could help me with, like landscaping and other stuff.

[u]The Dream[/u]

I would probably start out like any other trainer and try to become a league champion. preferably in the Hoen League. My dream team would be Blaziken, Crobat, Alakazam, Zapdos (realistically Altaria), Ludicolo, and finally Scizor.
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