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Welcome to reborn. I'm your friendly interactive signpost, otherwise known as Sheep.

I'm a good person to go to if you have any questions about the game, or the site. The rest of the staff are also capable of answering questions, as well as Faust, Hilda, and Vinny. Alternatively just make a topic, the best places for them are Reborn City, and On the Hunt, depending on the nature of the question.

If you have a desire to get your ingame team reviewed, head over to team preview, if you want a critique on a competitive team go for RMT.

Hukuna runs the local roleplaying/creative writing sub forum, and any questions about that should be directed at him.

Bugs get reported to the bug reporting section, if you're stuck because the game has glitched you somewhere then you want to post your save file in troubleshooting.

That should be enough directions, have fun here.

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Hey there! It's good to see another friendly face around here, haha.

I'm not sure how much I can help with things like Hukuna, Hilda, Sheep, Vinny, or Faust, but I'd like to think I'm a generally down-to-earth and friendly person. So just know that you'll always find a friendly face in me, haha!

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