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EV Spread for the Blue Bunny


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I got a perfect IV Marill while breeding today, and I can't decide the EV spread between 164 HP/252 Atk/92 Spe or

240 HP/252 Atk/16 SpD or 92 HP/252 Atk/164 Spe. I also have a Scolipede with speed boost, I am thinking of changing the nature to jolly or timid, redo the EVs to make it bulkier and replace steamroller with substitute to make it a pure support so that I could baton pass with a +2 speed to my slower Pokemons such as Azumarill for sweep. I don't know if the gym leaders in Reborn have perfect IVs and proper EVs on their Pokemon, is the 92 or 164 speed EV investment for Azumarill necessary in Reborn?







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Also, was this sheer luck, or are Gen 6 breeding mechanics like Destiny Knot passing 5 IV's now a thing?

Destiny Knot is definitely working. Both of the parent are 5V and I had one holding Destiny Knot and the other holding an EV-enhancing item. 5IVs are passed down to the child and the last IV is randomly generated, so it also requires some luck to get the perfect IVs.

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1, destiny knot works perfectly.
2, gen VI breeding mechanic is awe-some (even without TM moves)
3, the "perfect IVs" is just for competitive ONLY. You don't need perfect 5 or 6 IVs to "rampage" through Reborn. So you shouldn't worry about EVs spread at all, 92 or 156 EVs speed both are fine (the only reason to compare these two is the existence of Jellycent in OU environment, but this is IN-GAME, not competitive). You will see that both of these EVs spread will work exactly the same (especially you use Aqua Drum combo, and/or you want to winged-up this little blue killing machine by Speed boost)

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