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Masochistic return

Tomas Elliot

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Hi everyone!

It's me, Tomas Elliot, your friendly daydreamer-slash-writer wannabe who spent some time here back around the time when Gen 6 first came out! I used to be in love with this community and the game alike, hell it had actually caused me to return to the competitive Pokemon scene after a long hiatus (some of you may remember my RMTs I posted here)... And then I suddenly and utterly disappeared.

Why did I just vanish without even saying goodbye? Well, it's a long story.

It all started when my PC got a virus. It never recovered, and I was eventually forced to buy a new one, and just throw the old one in the trash... Along with 10 episodes of Pokemon Reborn, with all the save data of the awesome team I had built, which was eaten by the virus (imagine my pain). At least that experience taught me to keep all my save data for all my games in a USB key.

After a short while, just when I was about to make my return to Reborn, I broke up with my girlfirend after 3 years of (seemingly) idilliac love. What does it have to do with Pokemon, you ask? Easy: my girlfriend LOVED Pokemon, and she had discovered them thanks to me. I had introduced her to the games, I had taught her the basics, it was a passion we would share together. Because of this, I had made a point of always playing as a female in all my Pokemon games, naming the PC "Miriam" (like my GF) and giving all my Pokemon nicknames based on songs that were important to us (classic rock mostly, a gender we both loved). So yeah, after braking up with her, I tried to play X/Y to relax, but my PC there was named Miriam; I tried to play some competitive Pokemon on Showdown, but all the Pokemon on all my teams there followed the aforementioned nickname pattern. Because of this, I just grew sick of the whole thing, and abandoned Pokemon altogether for a while.

And then I just forgot about everything involving games, as more important stuff happened in my life: I successfully completed the first part of my studies at university, and I had to move to a different city to start the second part... As you can imagine, getting settled in the new environment wasn't easy, specially with the exams I had to pass all the while, so I really didn't have any time for Pokemon or other games for that matters.

And then, just like it had come, the storm ended. I am really "reborn", in a way: I am starting a new life, (relatively) new studies, in a new city, with new friends, and I am slowly coming to terms with the end of my 3-years-long love story. And I started missing this place: the nice people, the fun roleplays, the chit-chat around the forum, the funny status updates, and most importantly the best Pokemon game ever, developed just for us by Ame & co.

So here I am, I've come back: it was quite a masochistic decision on my part because, due to some crap that befell me during the aforementioned storm, I don't have my 3DS anymore, which means that, as ORAS come out and people start going crazy about it, exchanging friend codes, suggestions and impressions all over the forum, I'll be forced to just sit in the sidelines, biting my hands in frustration for not being able to join the fray. But alas, I still have Reborn. If this community is still half the great place I remember, I won't need anything else.

Long story short: I am back! I wonder if the people I used to know (Ame aside, of course) are still around? There are a couple in particular I would love to talk to once again...

EDIT: GAH how do I remove that trainer card from my sig? The name on it is still "Miriam"!

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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Not sure if it can be. Ask Ame or one of the auths though, I am sure they will give you a hand. And heyo Man, it been a super long time.

Good ole' Hukuna has leveled a bit since you last saw him though, I am know the guy who runs the RP forum. Heck, I have even earned the nickname Sensei from the guys due to my general attitude of wanting to teach as many people to RP as I could if they wanted to. We have come a long way since those old days, heck I have my own RP up and running as well by the name of Graterras: A World in Peril, based on a world I have spent at least 4 years of my life on. Nice seeing you again, you kinda dropped off the face of the earth and you were one of the first people I met here. Every once and awhile you would just pop into my head sicen I was worried since you vansihed. Glad to see you are alright and stuff. ((and don't worry, I still don't have a 3ds, so not only have I sat here through the X and Y stuff, I will do it for ORAS and The New Smash as well XD.))

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  On 10/18/2014 at 3:08 PM, Hukuna said:

Not sure if it can be. Ask Ame or one of the auths though, I am sure they will give you a hand. And heyo Man, it been a super long time.

Good ole' Hukuna has leveled a bit since you last saw him though, I am know the guy who runs the RP forum. Heck, I have even earned the nickname Sensei from the guys due to my general attitude of wanting to teach as many people to RP as I could if they wanted to. We have come a long way since those old days, heck I have my own RP up and running as well by the name of Graterras: A World in Peril, based on a world I have spent at least 4 years of my life on. Nice seeing you again, you kinda dropped off the face of the earth and you were one of the first people I met here. Every once and awhile you would just pop into my head sicen I was worried since you vansihed. Glad to see you are alright and stuff. ((and don't worry, I still don't have a 3ds, so not only have I sat here through the X and Y stuff, I will do it for ORAS and The New Smash as well XD.))

If the trainer card cannot be removed, I would like to at least change the name to Tomas Elliot...

And hi there, Hukuna-sensei. I am genuinely glad to see you after all this time, and I am particularly happy to see you in charge of the RP section. As always, week-ends are kinda odd periods for me, but starting on monay my activity here will skyrocket, and I'll make sure to drop by and play a bit. Incidentally, you know I am good at RPing and you know I am always up to helping people, so if you need a hand with anything just ask away. I would love to celebrate my return by making myself useful...

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Read the Rulebook in the Zero Alliance Sub-forum, and the initial announcement under Mews and Announcements. It will give you a basic Idea. But is is basically a game of treachery, and battling. I can fill you in in greater detail once you read through those if you need it.

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Ok, thanks a lot...

Well, if it is something that has to do with battling on the server, then I'm afraid it will have to wait... Currently, I have no WiFi, I am relying on an internet key which has only 2 GB per month, and for this month I am already halfway to expiration... I cannot even download Reborn, let alone downloading and playing on PO!

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Hello there Mr. Elliot! I'm just a newcomer here, so I'm sure everyone you previously knew would be a much better help to you than I, but I'm still willing to offer my services as a friendly face and a good listener. I'm sorry to hear about those despairing events that have befallen you, but I can assure you that your bonds between your friends and your family and your time still on this earth will cure any ailment. Though I'd hate for that to sound presumptuous of me... In which case I deeply apologize, haha.

Either way, I hope that your time here will be quite pleasant!

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Thank you all once again!

Also... I've tried like ten times to update the damn trainer card now, I can see the page that is supposed to edit it and I put all the new info in, it says the card was succesfully updated... And then I still get the empty card with the "Miriam" name. Am I doing something wrong? O.o

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Not sure if you can delete it. Perhaps you can fill it though, so you get distracted from the name.
Anyway, welcome back. We'll be happy to accomodate your needs here. Go to RP, and perhaps you'll find happy stories to participate.

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  On 10/18/2014 at 10:38 PM, Maelstrom said:

Welcome back. Click customize your sprite, the look again on the links on the left and use the create your own trainer card to put in new stuff for it.

I did exactly that, and I got a message "the card was edited successfully"... Except it wasn't ;-;

And thanks to all the others who posted :D

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