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Current/Fututre TEam Post ep. 13. Help?


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Well here it is so far, I love Dark types so imma stick around with them, might shove a non dark type here or there...

Right now Im fighting Noel. To give you were I am at.(Some of the moves are future soon to be moves.


Modest/timid(Havent decided yet)

Dark pulse Extrasensory

Lick(changing to ghost tpes is amazing) Hydropump

It Currently knows waterpulse lick, round, water shuriken



Adament or defense one.

Toxic Spikes Cross poison

Night Slash Hone Claws




EarthQuake Cunch

Outrage Swagger


Flash Fire


Nasty Plot Flamethrower

ShadowBall Dark Pulse(knows Inferno currently)




Sunnyday Raindance

Hail Weatherball

Now here are the ones I will have in the future.


Ice Veil

Hail Weatherball

Blizzard Shadowball


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Hmm.. It will be difficult for you to defeat fighting type gym leader samsun at agate circus . It will be piece of cake in your next gym where gym leader uses psychic. I think you should catch and train a psychic or flying type pokemon

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Personally, I'd say you need to work on Greninja and relace Castform with something a bit more defensive. A steel type might work well. For Noel you might want an inner focus poke to destroy Cincino. You should definitely get something with a fighting type move to kill troublesome walls.

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Well then:

Greninja can get itself the Surf HM if you prefer it's vastly superior accuracy. If you go back to E12 or earlier, you can also get your Greninja Ice Beam via Remoraid. You could also get it Dig (E12-), since you seem to like switching to Ghost on predicted Fighting Attacks, you could do the same to Electric attacks. And yes, Dark Pulse is a TM which you can get sorta-soon.

You should also go Modest, Greninja is plenty fast already.

Instead of Hone Claws you can get it Swords Dance from Ninjask in E12-, along with X-Scissor. If you don't want X-Scissor, at least get it Bug Bite and keep it at least until you beat the 2 gyms after Noel. SD Drapion can sweep those easily. Fell Stinger also since E12 (or 13) works properly, but it's far, far less reliable than Swords Dance. Also, Night Slash and Cross Poison each have a 50% chance to crit if you give it a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Dept. Store, and Sniper will make those crits really hurt.

With Swords Dance, you won't need the extra attack that much, so go for Impish on it (Def+, Sp.Atk-). Without SD, Adamant or Impish is the way to go, maybe Jolly.

Swords Dance, Night Slash, Cross Poison and X-Scissor would be the best set IMO.

Give Krookodile a Jolly Nature, Moxie will give it the needed power, so Speed is what you need to sweep. Also, get it Rock Slide/Stone Edge through breeding in E12- with Rhyhorn/Camerupt or Drilbur. I'd actually recommend Rock Slide, the extra accuracy and the flinch rate will make a Moxie sweep all the more likely. You can even make it have 99% accuracy if you go Yanma hunting, wild ones have a 5% chance (or 20% if you lead with a Pokemon with Compound Eyes) of holding a Wide Lens, which boost all moves accuracies by 10%.

Make it Timid. It'll have power with Nasty Plot, you need Speed. Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse have the same SE coverage, but Dark Pulse gets STAB, thus it's stronger. Instead of SB, you could get it either a Hidden Power or even better, much better, Flame Charge to boost Speed with, just breed it with a Cyndaquil/Ponyta/Tepig.

Honestly, Castform sucks. Really

If you'll use Froslass, definitely give it Cursed Body as it's ability. Also, go for Frost Breath, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond and Spikes or Wake-Up Slap. Though it's unfortunately not that great.

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Well then:

Greninja can get itself the Surf HM if you prefer it's vastly superior accuracy. If you go back to E12 or earlier, you can also get your Greninja Ice Beam via Remoraid. You could also get it Dig (E12-), since you seem to like switching to Ghost on predicted Fighting Attacks, you could do the same to Electric attacks. And yes, Dark Pulse is a TM which you can get sorta-soon.

You should also go Modest, Greninja is plenty fast already.

Instead of Hone Claws you can get it Swords Dance from Ninjask in E12-, along with X-Scissor. If you don't want X-Scissor, at least get it Bug Bite and keep it at least until you beat the 2 gyms after Noel. SD Drapion can sweep those easily. Fell Stinger also since E12 (or 13) works properly, but it's far, far less reliable than Swords Dance. Also, Night Slash and Cross Poison each have a 50% chance to crit if you give it a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Dept. Store, and Sniper will make those crits really hurt.

With Swords Dance, you won't need the extra attack that much, so go for Impish on it (Def+, Sp.Atk-). Without SD, Adamant or Impish is the way to go, maybe Jolly.

Swords Dance, Night Slash, Cross Poison and X-Scissor would be the best set IMO.

Give Krookodile a Jolly Nature, Moxie will give it the needed power, so Speed is what you need to sweep. Also, get it Rock Slide/Stone Edge through breeding in E12- with Rhyhorn/Camerupt or Drilbur. I'd actually recommend Rock Slide, the extra accuracy and the flinch rate will make a Moxie sweep all the more likely. You can even make it have 99% accuracy if you go Yanma hunting, wild ones have a 5% chance (or 20% if you lead with a Pokemon with Compound Eyes) of holding a Wide Lens, which boost all moves accuracies by 10%.

Make it Timid. It'll have power with Nasty Plot, you need Speed. Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse have the same SE coverage, but Dark Pulse gets STAB, thus it's stronger. Instead of SB, you could get it either a Hidden Power or even better, much better, Flame Charge to boost Speed with, just breed it with a Cyndaquil/Ponyta/Tepig.

Honestly, Castform sucks. Really

If you'll use Froslass, definitely give it Cursed Body as it's ability. Also, go for Frost Breath, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond and Spikes or Wake-Up Slap. Though it's unfortunately not that great.

Well you see, I am not fond of chain breeding and I do not have access to previous episodes, so I cannot aquire most moves through previous episodes you mentioned. I forgot about surf, which will replace HP.

And how much does it cost, shard wise, to change the nature of the pokemon. Also, in the Dept. Store, do they sell the --ev berries??

With Drapion, I tend to get the scope lens. I mean 50% chance is pretty good... And again, I cannot get past episodes and not fond of breeding constantly. And I shall wait for the TM's to come out for X-scissor and SD....I mean I would love a sword dance drapion.

Thats what I thought about Houndoom. Yeah Hidden power seems to fit. You get that from Noel, right?

I have beasted with Castform. Send out Ninetails drought, if she dies and it still sunny, castform raindances changes field to rainbow(This has won me battles by changing the field many times!)

So how would Metagross fit in the mess? Or What about Bisharp? Orr a super luck Absol?

I would love to have Weavile or Hydreigon....but they are not available ):

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Well you see, I am not fond of chain breeding and I do not have access to previous episodes, so I cannot aquire most moves through previous episodes you mentioned. I forgot about surf, which will replace HP.

And how much does it cost, shard wise, to change the nature of the pokemon. Also, in the Dept. Store, do they sell the --ev berries??

With Drapion, I tend to get the scope lens. I mean 50% chance is pretty good... And again, I cannot get past episodes and not fond of breeding constantly. And I shall wait for the TM's to come out for X-scissor and SD....I mean I would love a sword dance drapion.

Thats what I thought about Houndoom. Yeah Hidden power seems to fit. You get that from Noel, right?

I have beasted with Castform. Send out Ninetails drought, if she dies and it still sunny, castform raindances changes field to rainbow(This has won me battles by changing the field many times!)

So how would Metagross fit in the mess? Or What about Bisharp? Orr a super luck Absol?

I would love to have Weavile or Hydreigon....but they are not available ):

You can easily find links for earlier episodes just by searching around the forums. But If you don't want to breed, that's that..

I had SD Drapion since around Aya, who knows when we'd get something as good as Swords Dance, if ever. Oh well.

Yup, HP from Noel.

4/6 of your team is Dark. Whether something "fits in" isn't something to think about :P

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Also, last time I checked, which was in episode 13, you can change the natures of your Pokes with a guy in 7th Street (you'll get there after another gym or two. After Noel I believe you have one more gym before 7th Street). His price is one Heart Scale, which yo ucan obtain via mining or a low chance on finding it on a wild Luvdisc. I would recommend getting a Compond Eyes poke and a Frisker. Put the Compond eyes poke in the first slot of your party and let it die. Put the Frisker in slot 2 with a Smoke Ball. You will get the Compond Eyes boost and you'll be able to check if the pokemon has the heart scale in turn one. If they don't, run away and try again. Also, there are tons of threads around with older Episodes. I started in 12 and I have obtained Episodes 10.5-13 just by looking around. It's really helpful.

Edit: For example, you might try this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10463

Edited by AuthorReborn
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