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Help Me My Team is All Over the Place T^T


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Okay...so I've just finished saving Luna and am about to go down her tree, and I'd like some feedback on my current team...and also help to make it actually work. It's not like I completely relied on status conditions, item spam and critical hits this entire time.


Light Clay

Ability: Magician


Light Screen



Shadow Ball (I regret replacing Psychic just for Radomus)


Ability: Simple



Air Slash

Calm Mind

Shadow Ball


Silk Scarf

Ability: Anger Point



Zen Headbutt




Ability: Torrent




Rain Dance



Ability: Unburden


Night Slash

Sucker Punch

Fake Out



Ability: Intimidate


Lightning Fang (ugh when will it get Wild Charge ;~; )

Charge (I hate this move so much)



There it is. In storage I have:

Raticate, Kricketot, Bidoof, Pidove, Vulpix, Pachirisu, Carnivine, Electrike, Lillipup, Scatterbug, Beedrill, Eevee (planning on turning him into a Sylveon), Pidgey, Spinarak, Espurr, Skitty, Minun, Mankey, Swirlix, Glameow, Happiny, Meowth, Klink, Gulpin, Cubone, Emolga, Ekans, Phanpy, Ponyta (SHINYYYYY). Growlithe, Dedenne, Spritzee, Hariyama, Houndour, Numel, Chingling, and Carvanha.

Edited by SuperCat8D
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Looking good.. You will be battling luna next who is a dark type gym leader.. May be you should train your hariyama?? best way to train physical attackers is battling against Taurus/Bouffalant. bouffa yields 2 atk evs each if you defeat him.. Yoy can even catch Heracross in route 1 event. Its big event though and it takes too much time.

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I'm thinking of replacing a few members, mostly because Liepard always dies to something not weak to Dark, and same for Swoobat. Not sure if I could improve their movesets, or just replace them altogether. Also, for some reason Simple doesn't cause stat increases to change like it should for Swoobat....

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A fairy type addition would be good. You can trade Growlithe for Azurill in jasper ward or you can get Ralts from Underground railnet . Right, you have spritzee too.. It will come in handy too

Edited by Sharath Bhat
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Well Sylveon doesn't have the most offensive stats, so the best role for it to fill is a Wish-protect user with Moon Blast, which works fine if you've got nice walls or hyper offense. Really what your team is lacking is any sort of wall. Also you should go to the Hidden Cove, and start tearing through luvdics to get a heart scale to relearn Psychic. Also lake of the Light clay so magician can actually help.

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This is kind of assuming but it looks like Luxray is your toughest guy here next to Tauros. Also not a lot of type coverage. I tried a team with no fighting type in it a couple playthroughs ago, I made it to Charlotte before my comp crashed but it wasn't a pleasant drive. Hariyama isn't the best type since his awful defense makes him a rather poor tank if fighting something that fighting isn't strong against. You could get Sraggy whose defense and typing are pretty nice, his movepool is decent and that could replace Liepard. If you want to keep Tauros (I don't know enough about his uses to say yay or nay) then change his ability to Intimidate or Sheer Force. Get rid of Simipour (imho any pokemon with less than 500 bst is useless in Reborn) You can replace it with Swampert who has a decent movepool and only one weakness in the not so common Grass type. (Mudkip is found in Byxbision, Rainy day to talk to nerd on stairs, Sunny day to find him in Tauros ride section. Must have all pokemon faint while riding Tauros or have Teleport both require use of Byxbision heal center) Or you can use Piplup which can be gotten from 7th street who becomes Empoleon who has a less than great movepool but only weak to fighting and ground. There's my two cents feel free to use or toss in the swear jar and good luck.

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First of, Heracross reKs Luna with his STABs and Moxie.

Well Sylveon doesn't have the most offensive stats

It has 110 Base Special Attack! And Pixilate! And you can set it up to fire off a 390 BP move, a trick only it and Mega Glalie's Refrigirate Explosion can pull off!

You don't even have to breed it to make it good (sorta don't). But you have to keep it as an Eevee until 45 to get it Trump Card.

See, Trump Card gets stronger the less uses it has left, it goes 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 BP if you have 5+,4,3,2 and 1 use left. But Pixilate multiplies a Normal moves power by 1.3 and makes it a Fairy move which then gets a 1.5 STAB multiplier. So Trump Card actually has 78, 97.5, 117, 156 and 390 BP!

Moves to go with it would be Shadow Ball, Light Screen or Hidden Power and Moonblast (to have a stable attack).

Oh, and no Wish. That's a competitive move, to be used in a competitive environment because healing items aren't available. We have healing items.

Anyways, looking at the rest of your team, Swoobat, Simipour, Tauros and Liepard could and should go. A few gyms from now (dunno if you can do this before or after E14's gym) you can get yourself a Toxic Orb and utilize Guts Luxray which is best Luxray. I'd wait and give that a shot, but if you don't want it anyways, that's 5 team members to be replaced.

Now, 2 things I see are that you 1)dislike breeding, so I'll keep that in mind with my suggestions; and 2)want to have a tank somewhere. Now, you don't need one. There is no need for any "roles" at all. I've got an all-out attacking team and am doing just fine. But nonetheless, if you insist, Sylveon, especially with Light Screen is a wonderful special tank, and I guess I'll add some other ones you could use down there vvv:

Now, team members. We've already got your Delphox (for which Flame Charge would be an excellent move) and Sylveon. Let's look at their (in my opinion) optimal sets:



Flame Charge/Light Screen or Will-o-Wisp

Shadow Ball/Hidden Power







Trump Card


Light Screen

Shadow Ball/Hidden Power

We're past the Psychic and Ghost gyms, so you could use some HP instead of Shadow Ball.

For the third member, my go-to recommendation for everyone is Durant. It's fast, it has great base defense and a Steel typing, and the Hustle ability essentially gives it 190 Base Attack. I'd recommend breeding it with a Dwebble (will be reached soon after Luna) to get it Rock Slide or a Skorupi for Hone Claws to make this thing even more of a monster, but you said you don't wanna breed, so go with:





Iron Head


Crunch/Retaliate (Retaliate is in the game corner and online Voltorb calcs do exist, if the game troubles you)

As for a good number 4, I'd go with a Tyrantrum, but only if you'll breed for Dragon Dance (Altaria/Horsea) which, believe me, definitely pays off. Seriously, this guy is so good. 1 Dragon Dance + Rock Head + Head Smash spam = Badge get.



Rock Head

Dragon Dance


Head Smash

Dragon Claw

But if you REALLY don't want to breed, go for Archeops (Dragon Claw, Rock Slide, Acrobatics and Endeavor).

Next up, 5th:



Sap Sipper

Bulk Up

Horn Leech/Leaf Blade

Brick Break/Aerial Ace

And for the 6th go for:



Dry Skin


Grass Knot (if you have the TM/beat Florinia before E13) or Hidden Power (Ice would be perfect)

Dark Pulse


....or that's what I'd do. Do tell if you'd rather not use any of these guys and I'll try to see what could replace them.

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I can see your reasoning Etesian, but...the only Pokemon I actually like among your suggestions is Archeops :/ *gets killed by a mob of Tyrantrum, Durant and Helioptile fans* Sorry I have bug phobia and a distaste for non-bird/mammalians. ;~;

And craaaaaaap I evolved my Sylveon before it could learn Trump Card I'm doomed T^T

You're all a great help though, thank you!

Edited by SuperCat8D
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Your team is all over the place indeed. I'm surprise you manage to pull through this far.....

I agree with Etesian, replace everyone except your starter.

I can see your reasoning Etesian, but...the only Pokemon I actually like among your suggestions is Archeops :/ *gets killed by a mob of Tyrantrum, Durant and Helioptile fans* Sorry I have bug phobia and a distaste for non-bird/mammalians. ;~;

I keep this in mind suggesting replacements

PS I'm not mad that you dislike my favorite Electric-Type Heliolisk...not mad at all :D

Since you don't want to breed I keep it simple

Sylveon will do work for sure, so train that.

Get Mudkip to replace Simipour

Get Archeops to replace Woobat

Get Rotom to replace Luxray

For Tauros....IDK, really. I would recommend one of Etesian suggestion of Poke.....Although, Heracross would do work if you just get over that bug phobia....

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I got by through sheer luck, Intimidate, Light Screen and Will-o-Wisp spam :v

*Takes notes* Hum hum...k....that..and....wait. No...nonononono anything but Luxray D: I used craploads of time and effort gathering enough coins for that Shinx have a really close bond with it. ;~;

Although, I've suddenly taken a liking to Dewgong......*gets beheaded by a Swampert* sorry!!!! You're just not furry cute enough D:<

Edited by SuperCat8D
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I suggest you keep using the Pokemon you like. Every Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses - and imo its possible to play Reborn with whichever Pokemon you wish to travel with. Obviously, some will make the journey a LOT easier (Gyarados, Blaziken, Heracross and those sorts) while some... (although I don't want to say this) are pretty useless (Luvdisc, Corsola, Unown etc.)

Try deciding on your final team of 6 (or more), that you would like to train (you could consider some of the options other people have listed above). If you need help with their movesets/natures/items, I'm sure others will be glad to help (myself included - but I'm probably not too good at these things hehe)

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I suggest you keep using the Pokemon you like. Every Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses - and imo its possible to play Reborn with whichever Pokemon you wish to travel with. Obviously, some will make the journey a LOT easier (Gyarados, Blaziken, Heracross and those sorts) while some... (although I don't want to say this) are pretty useless (Luvdisc, Corsola, Unown etc.)

Thanks for the words of wisdom~







Flame Charge





Misty Terrain (Cuz no Trump Card....and Field changing moves are nice)

Shadow Ball

Light Screen





Dragon Claw

Rock Slide

Endeavor (?)


Intimidate (until I get my hands on a Toxic Orb)


Wild Charge




Dewgong (Sue me if you must)

Thick Fat

Not sure what nature would be best...

Aqua Tail (until Surf)

Signal Beam

Ice Beam

Aqua Ring


Sap Sipper


Horn Leech

Bulk Up


Brick Break

So....what do ya think? :D

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I would get rid of the Swoobat and Liepard. With Delphox you already have a Psychic-type and Liepard does not seem to cut it in higher levels. Perhaps you could train up that Phanpy for a Donphan and Earthquake; or some Ground-Type with Earthquake. And perhaps you throw in a Steel-Type. Steel is versatile and help against any rogue fairies.

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Right...I'll still need a Steel Type.....ugh...no Fairy counters....

Time to go in search of the non-existant cute yet strong Steel-type...unless I'm missing one here...


I think I'll use Excadrill~ Forgot about that cute lil' mole~

Edited by SuperCat8D
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There are actually quite a lot of strong steel types in this game, surprisingly. You can get Mawile, Excadrill, Aggron, and Bisharp. Also, it is possible to obtain Lucario if you revert to pre-Episode 11. There's a download link floating around somewhere on the forums for Episode 10.5 if you're interested.

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