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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Previously on Graterras! Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed!


The Seas were rough ever since they left Nevermore Harbour. The waters seemed restless as they kicked and revolted from something. The dark murky waters of Nevermore were long gone as they had been traveling for a few months now over the seas. Of course Bjorn was happy about this, and the crew of the ship knew it.....because he kept trying to put himself into their line up, and was constantly yelling about how they were doing everything wrong or inefficiently. At the end of the month, as they approached The Shattered Hills, the waters calmed. They were a beautiful Crystal blue and shone with the light of the sun. Whatever it was, it seemed to calm down for now. It felt like a good sign, however the group couldn't help but worry. Were the things they fought against so powerful that even the elements of the world could feel it? The Templars could definitely feel their elements reacting due to their connections to them, but it would become clear to even those who weren't connected as such that it was happening.

They arrived at a small harbour town, it was a rather quaint village, with not much more than small stone cottages with thatched roofs. The Place smelled like Salt Water, so much like any port town that was this small. It didn't seem to active though, other than the crewmen docking the boat, they didn't see many other souls around. A few people here and there, but not many. It was odd as it was getting towards Spring now, surely this is what the place would be like in the Winter, but during the Spring? Something was definitely up, as the place felt abandoned, but what? A Dock Worker came up to some of the Sailors at this time. He was a rather unassuming man, rather average. Nothing about him really stood out in anyway. He was just your average joe, and not much else. "What brings you folk to Crestwood? Haven't you heard the news?" he said.

This is when one of the sailors spoke up. He was an older man, bald with a small scruff of beard. "What news? We are only here for the Annual Fish Pick-Up, oh and dropping off a few passengers."

"Oh I see, well tell them to be careful, there have been strange reports coming from the other human settlements around, apparently the Goblins and Orcs in the area have been more active lately. And what is worse is there are reports of Dire Wolf Attacks."

"What? Dire Wolves? You mean like the ones that this Lady brought aboard the ship?" said the Sailor.

"Yes, a lot like them, though they look much meaner then that one does. Most Dire Wolves wouldn't even want to be around people, so I am sure most of the towns folk will be fine with that one." said the average joe, seeing Hunter.

"Oh, well that is good. Though I guess this place was always full of animals, including even crazy stuff for pets." The Sailor said.

"Well the Shattered Hills are a tough place, and yet one that is the most in-synced with nature. It is only logical people attach to the animals of the land, even if they aren't Rangers. It would help them to survive."

"I guess you are right there lad." said the Older Sailor, rubbing his bald head.

The average Joe then walked over to the heros group. "Hello, What brings you folk to Crestwood? We don't usually get visitors this time of year since it is still thawing out."

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"no need to worry savy, i can assure you, all animals we brought here are tamed..including myself" Akuma puts his hood down and reveals his scarred bird face. "my name is Akuma, my goodman"

"now that you mention it, we're indeed infact looking for something "Akuma pause as he looks from left to right trying to be discrete of what he is about to say next "an ancient artifact to be precise" Akuma said as he pulls out a bag of coins.

"you're a man of trade, i think we can work something out... how about you tell us any leads or information regarding to the shard of this place" he said to the man.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Um, sir, I have no idea what you are talking about, and I don't want your filthy money. What is this? A scam?" The Average Man said. Luckily, he wasn't shouting, so no one really noticed.

((*facepalm* remember what the Wizards said, average people won't know much about the Shards, if they even know about them at all. Be careful who you ask about it. This is the only warning.))

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((welp it was worth the shot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯))

Akuma raise a brow as the man responded, The birdman plays it cool as he release a hearty laugh and compensate his out of the blue bribery . Obviously this guy doesn't know anything about what they're seeking for.. "Sorry to bother you lad, that's just the liquor talking." Akuma said as he tucks away the pouch. "Anyways, I mean you no harm, for i am a trademans myself"

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Dru brusquely pushed aside the sailors in his path, striding down the gangplank of the ship and arriving on the dock. As he arrived, he drew back his hood, revealing a face that was familiar to some folk in the Shattered Hills. He elbowed Akuma sharply, shooting him a glare that could pierce even the Gentleman's armor. Under his breath, he said sternly to the berserker, "Do not tell anyone why we are here! The Shattered Hills, despite its beauty, is one of the most dangerous continents in all of Graterras. Let someone who has lived here for many years make our introduction," He looked at the dockworker and shook his head, gesturing to the birdman. "My apologies for our friend here. He is simply a bit overzealous to be off the ship, as we all are. I know that I, for one, am happy to be home." He paused for effect, giving the man time to think through the sorcerer's apology.

"I am Drug'thok Grunara, a traveling sorcerer of these lands. I am deeply troubled to hear of the problems your town has had with the wild orcs and goblins of late. Usually they are not so aggressive at this time of year. Who can best tell us more about that problem? It seems like my sort of business," the half-Orc said with a disarming chuckle, hoping to win the dockworker over.

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"It would depend, we aren't have so much trouble out here yet, it is Farreach that is mostly. They are the ones that are having the wolf attacks. It would be best to go there and talk to Mayor Briarthorne." He said, seeming to forget about Akuma for now. "Oh, and not to be offensive, but you shouldn't show your face so freely around here sir. Others aren't as comfortable with Half-orcs as we are. Crestwood is used to all sorts passing through, the other towns are not, therefore it is best you lay low. Especially, if you ever go into the Dwarven territories. Anyway, will you be needing a guide to get to Farreach, or do you think you can handle the trip yourselves?"

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Dru nodded, pulling his hood over his head once more. "Thank you for the warning, friend. I had hoped that I had done enough for this land that I would be able to walk without hiding my face. Evidently I have yet to make the Shattering Hills safe enough for that to occur," he said solemnly, bowing to the dockworker. "I think we should be fine without a guide. I have called this land my home for many years. It would not reflect well on me if I could not even get from here to Farreach, now would it?" he said, his tone quickly changing back to his more jovial one.

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The ranger on board drew in a deep breath. It was home.Whether that was a good thing or not, she wasn't sure; nay, she would only feel home once they reached the Forest of Knives, where she'd hidden for a lifetime. Yearning to get off the boat, she'd followed the Half-Orc sorcerer and Kenku immediately, with Hunter tailing her. The sunlight was warm and she itched to remove the robe and the hood but kept them on still; for all she knew, somebody would recognize her.

Scarier than he? Hunter looked quite miffed at the comment, but nevertheless let it slide. His main concern was Helze; he could feel her apprehension as well as her longing all at once. You'd think that growing up with her would get you used to feeling mixed emotions, but...

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Xavier sighed in irritation. Confined spaces didn't agree with him, and one thing was starting to stack up on another. Stuck on a ship, and with that infernal Wind Templar no less. Now, they had the privilege of traveling through dwarven territory. He wouldn't have an issue with the short mountainfolk if they didn't have issues with him, but during his few encounters with them he hadn't exactly been treated with respect. Odin was different, of course; he had proven himself to be a good person, and he felt he owned the innkeeper besides. Now, the birdman simply blurted out their errand to the nearest passerby. He followed the path that Dru created through the sailors before they recovered. Xavier simply stood on the dock for a short while, enjoying standing on something that didn't float for a moment.

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Sigurd woke up from his nap on deck and yawned loudly. He stretched for a moment before walking over to where Dru was. He enjoyed the sea breeze and being on a ship reminded him of back home when warriors left for raids. The only exception was that the warriors didn’t have any annoying elves on board. He reached Dru and Akuma and measured up the town. “Nice place, but it can use some more snow,” he joked. “Now, where are we going?”

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As the orc socerer talks to the average man, Akuma turns his attention to Sigurd and Helze dicussing matters privately. "welp it seems to me that this village is pretty mundane to be the hiding place of what we're looking for" Akuma said as he cross his arms and continued "now farreach, that's another story...from what ive heard from these sailors.. dire wolves, goblins and orcs are causing rucuss in that place" he said "that could be our lead from where should we start...oh and dont worry about directions..im sure Dru and miss helze got it covered" the birdman said to Sigurd.

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Marcus got out of the ship slowly, despite the hurry he was in to be in land again. The reason was simple: being sea-sick for most of the trip was taking it´s toll in the young Templar. Yeah, he grew up amidst the sea of sand in the deserts of the Shifting Sands, but being over waves that actually moved had always been a trouble to him. Glad to stretch his legs, he moved towards the rest of the group.

“Now, where are we going?”

"To a place that doesn´t shake like a ride on a crazy horse, I hope." He answered Sigurd making a face despite already starting to feel relieved from the seasickness. He then changed to a more serious tone. "Ok, now seriously: Is it just an effect of this hell of a ride, or do you guys feel something... off too?"

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Dru chuckled at Sigurd's attempt a humor, putting a hand on the Templar's shoulder. "Friend, we will head to Farreach soon enough. Why don't you take a little time to relax while we still can? Once we hit the road we'll have to be on guard at all times. There's no telling what Orcs, Goblins, or Dire Wolves might try to take advantage of a group like ours." He then looked around and put his tongue to his finger, feeling the direction of the wind. "The weather should hold for us until we begin our journey. We must travel South a great ways to the center of the Shattered Hills where we will find the city of Farreach."

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Oarloff was the next passenger to stumble off the boat, a look of wonder and amazement covered his face. He had spent his hole life in the city of Nevermore always dreaming of seeing the world and now here he was out in the world. He quickly pushed his way through the sailors and made his way to the rest of the group.

"Ooooh, it is so beautiful here isn't it guys!" He said while continuously looking around, not keeping his eyes on anything for more than a few seconds. "Misturr Dru and Miss Helzebeff you two is so lucky to be from a neat place like this!"

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Nero stepped off of the docks, making his way towards the group, where he hung behind. He appeared bored, and his jaw was set grimly, meaning that everything was perfectly normal with him. He ran a gloved hand through his silver hair, taking a look around. These were the Shattered Hills, the resting place of the first shard. The landscape in the distance was rather beautiful, an unusual thing in Nero's eyes. Based on what Dru had said, they were traveling to a place called Farreach. True to its name, it was quite a distance to the South. He adjusted his coat as he waited for their departure from the docks.

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"I'd advise you all to keep your cloaks on... hoods as well, just to be sure," Helze added, when she glanced at Xavier, Oarloff, and Blue. "The Dwarf folk here aren't the nicest to those who aren't dwarf or human or gnome." Turning to Dru, she said, "Personally I feel that we should move quickly, sir. It doesn't feel safe even here, but... That might just be me." The wolf that stood by her side rumbled in agreement, already surveying the surroundings warily.

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"I agree. Our errand is an urgent one, we must be off." Xavier quickly checked himself over, ensuring he hadn't forgotten anything. He pulled the straps on his armor and sheath tight one last time, before stepping off of the dock and waiting for the rest of the group. "Lead the way, m'lady," he said, with a slight bow.

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"how about a talking bird?" akuma added."im sure i have no problem dropping them into the ground once they have issues with me" Akuma shrugs his shoulders as he puts his cloak "welp better safe than sorry after all this is an unfamiliar territory for me." the birdman said as he hides his face as well. "speaking of dwarfs, where is Odin?"

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"I think you lot will mostly be fine with me taggin' along. Thunderbrew is a big name around here, or at least it used to be when my Pappy was around." Odin said.

"I am ready to see more of this land Sister, and I get to be Nemesis's eyes, so I got double the people to see for." said Jupiter with a smile.

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Dru looked around and closed his eyes, asking the Earth what was near him. It felt good to be home again. The Earth's call felt more natural to him here. No darkness lying in wait and nothing tainting the Earth. Just the ground he'd learned on all those years ago. No danger, he concluded. At least not in our immediate vicinity. The half-Orc nodded to Helzebeth, mirroring her sentiment. "Agreed. The less time we are here the better. However, we must get supplies first. I do not think anyone in town will attack us, but nonetheless we must keep our guard up. Then we can begin our journey to Farreach," he said with a smile that the others had not seen on him yet. It's good to be home, he thought to himself.

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Helze nodded to her sister. "The Shattered Hills are beautiful... though in my opinion, the forests and mountains moreso. And perhaps the locals will admire your signature brew," she said, turning to Odin with a slight smile. "As for supplies, preferably we should keep up our own supply of food and drink... I don't think we'd be too welcome at an Inn."

((I had to resist saying health and mana potions))

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"Aye, I'll get the supplies, then we get on the trail quickly. We don't got a lot of time to lose if we are going to find your father." Odin said. "Time is of the essence lads and lasses, we can't afford to dilly dally."

The Dwarf shuffled off towards what appeared to be an inn, leaving the party to their own devices for awhile. But after a short time he emerged with a few bags of goods. He passed them out to the people with the lightest loads. The Crew would be set for a little while, having a good amount of dried goods and other trail food. It would at least take them to Farreach, without running out of supplies.

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Dru raised his hand in the air, quieting the murmuring of the group. He looked each of them in the eye, establishing his need for their undivided attention. "The Shattered Hills are not a place where survival is a given. It is earned here. As such you must be sure to be on your guard. And as simply as that, we begin our journey," he said with a warm smile, beginning to lead the group out of the town and onto the road going South.

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Deciding to lead the sorcerer lead the group instead of herself, Helze hung back somewhere in the middle of the line of travelers, so as to be close to the back as well as front, in case trouble came up. It was standard procedure to immediately have your bow and arrow at the ready in the Shattered Hills, whether you were home or not-- even a pleasant stroll could unexpectedly become a fight for survival.

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Dru led the group along a simple dirt pathway. It was nothing fancy, just like the building of the towns around here. Everything felt simple, down to earth. These were rural people carving out whatever life they could from the lands here. It was now spring, or at least close to it, but the Wilderness here didn't seem to match it. Spring usually felt lively with the flowers blooming and the Trees regaining their leaves. The Shattered Hills however, was still craggy and rocky. Not much foliage grew in the dirt because the rocks crushed the life out of them. Would be sparse patches of grass or other weeds, but not much else. It was like a stubborn old man, stuck in his ways. "It was just Winter not to Long ago....I will get around to changing when I please." it seemed to say. Even the air felt defiant, though it probably had more to do with Air and Earth being opposite container elements. However, it made the place feel off, like a fight could break out any minute. It set most people on edge, a rather nasty quality to the Shattered Hills.

Sigurd however could feel the Air had something else it was fixating on, something else it threw it's hatred at. But he didn't know what it was. For Dru, he wouldn't feel it, it was as if the Earth didn't know, or didn't care. Sadly, the Cinder Knights, they didn't get much either. Fire wasn't an easy element to come by in it's pure form, and as it was still spring it wasn't hot enough for them to be able to read the heat. Only really in the lands of Shifting Sands was there enough latent heat for a Cinder Knight to read his element like other templars anytime of the year. Otherwise, they would have to wait until Summer, and even then it was hit or miss.

Dru knew they would they come across a fork soon in the path at a small town named Forkroad. Form there he would have to choose which path they would travel. The shorter path, led to a town named Wounded Knee. Dru knew form past experiences, this was not a friendly town. With as many non-humans as they had in their group it would be surprising if they didn't attack them as they came up the road, thinking them a raiding party of some sort. They were surely even more on edge due to the Orc attacks of late. However, the other path was just as dangerous. It was long, and unguarded. Not only was it a prime target for Highwaymen and other undesirable, it also was frequently attacked by a group of Scaleborn Kobolds ((Draconian kind of Kobolds, look like little Lizardmen.)). And if that wasn't enough, it was near the plains, were it made it easy for a mighty beast to wander into your path, whether by accident, or if the beast were looking for an easy meal. It led to the town of Hawk's Roost. The road was mostly abandoned due to the dangers, but it was still there for merchants brave enough to travel it. Merchants carts would not fit on the narrow and craggy path to Wounded Knee, so they still had to go the other route. The decision could be made once the party reached Forkroad.

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