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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"Is something the matter, why have we stopped?" asked Bjorn.

"Looks like the lady with the wolf and The Half-Orc are having a bit of a kerfuffle." Chauff said in his sly voice.

"I am sure everything is fine you old coots." Odin said. He walked over to the two. He tried to seem serene so the others didn't get concerned, but they most likely would due to the group stopping. "Oi, what's the hold up?" Odin said under his breathe. His expression then changed, like something dawned on him. "Don't tell me, is Wounded Knee still a shithole full of bigots? I was a wee lad the last time I was there, I would have hoped the years changed their outlook. You would think after 100 years, a town would change. I guess not."

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Dru turned, sighing wearily to Helzebeth. "Very well, Helzebeth. I believe that those who have knowledge of the area should be those who vote, though. It would not do to have the blind leading the sighted." The sorcerer leaned to the side, looking out among the group following him. He then turned his gaze back to the Ranger. "I for one favor the road. I am much more confident in my ability to dispatch those who I know are hostile. I have no use for prying eyes and needless hate." He then called out to the group.

"Who here has knowledge of this area? Any who do, step forth and let us hear what you have to say. Any who do not, kindly remain silent for those who do."

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"Well, I have some workings of the area, used to live here as a lad." Odin said. He was already standing close to the two.

"My knowledge has passed, I have only ever been to Crestwood. Never liked this place back when I was sailing." Bjorn said.

Chauff didn't speak up, probably clear that he didn't know the area either.

Jupiter also remained silent, Nemesis sitting next to her started preening her feathers, knowing it would be a bit of a wait.

"I don't care if we get on with it.....kinda want to stretch my legs. Well, I don't have muscles so I can't really do that... But you get what I mean!" said the Crimson King. Still being in "civilized" areas, it was clear that he didn't want to be in his normal form. However, it was probably stifling have been a book for the last month.

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"Unfortunately," the ranger said to Odin. Turning then to Dru, Helzebeth agreed with the Half-Orc sorcerer. "Wild beasts and bandits are easier to deal with. A town of them is worse. We will just need to have even more watchful eyes travelling along the path going to Hawk's Roost."

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It was about time for the group to reach their decision. They had reached the town of Forkroad, a rather quiet little town. It was a pretty unremarkable place, and it was rather small even though it was right in the middle of the paths connecting the other cities. It seemed like a small rest stop, meant for travelers to rest their weary bones for a night. However, it was still early morning when they reached it, so plenty of daylight was left to burn, it would be a waste to stop now. The group had one choice to make, take the safe road to the City full of bigots, or take the abandoned road to a safe city.

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"Aye, but a town of sure enemies versus a path where we aren't guaranteed enemies. I would personally take the latter." said Bjorn

"Same, for once I agree with that old coot." said Chauff a silly smirk on his face.

"You ever going to cut me some slack you old codger?"

"Nope, you will always be Fishbrain Bjorn to me." Chauff said, laughing triumphantly

Jupiter also spoke up. "I agree with them besides, Nemesis can watch for danger, even though she can't see her sense of smell is super powerful, it is rather strange for a bird, but she does have it."

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Dru nodded, taking each party member's opinion into account. They seemed to have reached a unanimous decision, and so as the guide Dru spoke up. "Good. I am happy that we have avoided conflict on this matter. We shall take the road through the wilderness, straying away from the hostile town. However, this means that at night we will need to keep watch in pairs in order to avoid the fate that befalls those who are not fit for the danger of the Shattered Hills." The sorcerer pointed in the direction the road they needed to take, grinning at the prospect of traveling deeper into his homeland.

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"Nemesis, could you go ahead please? Make sure it is safeish if you can." Jupiter said, smiling at the Giant Bird. Nemesis cawed in reply, and started to run. The Big Bird would need some momentum to get airborne. She spread her giants wings as she flew off. The air current suddenly generated caught a few passersby off-guard, and their butts promptly greeted the ground beneath them.

"If there is any apparent danger, Nemesis will let us know."

"Good to know." said Abraham.

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Immediately Hunter took off after Nemesis, a burst of dark, furry energy running into the distance after the huge reptilian avian. "He'll look after her... and well, I didn't have to tell him, he just... Doesn't want to be outdone by his friend, it seems," Helze said, quirking an angled smile.

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"Those two, just as inseparable as us it would seem." said Jupiter chuckling. She also smiled warmly.

"Two Spirits as wild as the lands around them look after us, we are in good hands." Bjorn said as he watched the two Beasts dash off into the distance. "One in the Sky, the other on land....now all we need is some Ranger that befriended a Dolphin and we will have all terrain covered!"

"Really Fishhead, you mean you haven't yet?" said Chauff, snickering.

"At least I would have a chance in hell of befriending an animal, most would run at the sight of your ugly gob." mocked Bjorn, crossing his burly arms.

"Really? You aren't all that pretty yourself Fishhead." Chauff rebuttled, that sinister grin of his plastered on his face.

Bjorn was visibly fuming, but he clenched his fist, and then beamed a big smile.....these 2, it was hard to tell if they were actually friends or hated each other's guts. "Says you Chief Saggyass, now got off your old butt and let's get going, can't let these youngsters show us up."

Chauff grumbled, but did as Bjorn said, falling in line next to the big burly Man.

I don't get those two, are they really friends?" Abraham asked Odin. He looked puzzled.

"Apparently. Listen Abe, I have been traveling with them longer than you and I still don't get them. I think is safe to say, some friendships are not meant to be understood." The Dwarf father remarked, with a big guffaw.

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It was readily apparent this road was the one less traveled. Unlike the somewhat well trodden roads from before, this one felt a bit more rough. It was also slightly overgrown. The group realized the further inland they went, the more foliage started to appear. It was a clear sign they were getting ever the more close to their goal, Farreach, and after that, The Forest of Knives. FOr now the Bandit's Path seemed, empty, abandoned like the road was said to be. However, that made it all the more unsettling, because something could happen at anytime....but what? Nemesis and Hunter didn't seem to notice any danger, at least at current, as neither had returned for the time being.

It was at the point a red light flashed in the middle of the group. "Wow. I really need to stretch these bones....being a book for a few months really takes it's toll." said the Crimson King. The Book had turned back into the Red Skeleton they had met back in the Shadowed Isles. He wore the same Violet Robe. Not surprisingly, Bjorn, Chauff and Abraham all looked stunned, they hadn't seen him in this form before. Jupiter, while also not having seen him before must have realized he was no threat, as she didn;t even react to is appearance.

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In all honesty, Helzebeth was surprised at her sister's nonchalance regarding the ghastly and admittedly amiable Crimson King. She had to admire her guts as well. "It appears that the path ahead is clear... For now." Reaching out to Hunter, she could feel no spikes of anxiety, other than the underlying, omnipresent sense of paranoia that was common and necessary to those who chose to traverse the Shattered Hills. "Do watch out for the flora," the ranger said, "they may be beautiful but some wouldn't hesitate to try taking chunks out of you. And do not, under any circumstance, touch the Knifeweed-- the things've jagged leaves that look like they've been laced with blood."

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Dru nodded, seconding Helze's warning about the Knifeweed. "It's an incredibly powerful toxin. One that we should make a point of not being on the receiving end of, I might add," he said, his low voice rumbling in comparison to Helzebeth's. "The wildlife here also features several ambush predators, so we should be on guard at all times," he reminded the group. "Especially you, Boney. Wouldn't want your leg ending up in some eagle's aerie where Sigurd might have to go up and fetch you back, now would we?"

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"Psssh, as long as part of the Simulacrum remains It can be repaired. All I need is fresh snow, which I is probably the limit of the magic I have with this projection. So no need to worry about the old Crimson King, though I am touched, I feel like my heart would melt at such a warm gesture, If I had one still." he said, taking a grand bow towards Dru.

Nero felt a new presence near him however. perhaps scared by the Crimson King, Abraham appeared near him. However, clearly he had some intent other than getting away form the Crimson King, Nero could see it in the man's eyes. They typically looked completely lifeless since the Burning of his inn, but right now a small spark of resolve could be seen, enough that his eyes had some feeling in them again. "I meant to talk to you back at the inn, but I couldn't bring myself too. You are a Darkwinter, aren't you?" He said.

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The Crimson King's last phrase managed to get Marcu's curiosity as a thought passed through his head. "Hey Boney, where you really alive at some point? I mean, normal guy with a beating heart, blood and stuff?"

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"Of course, a Lich is a wretched form of Undead, one that extends their life into immorality....." he paused, though he had no facial features, Marcus could still pain on his face. It was even in his voice, it was strange and not like him. "But it isn't worth it."

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"Oh. Well, I'm... gonna keep that in mind." Marcus managed to say, surprised by the sudden change in the King's behavior. He might have hit a sore spot there, and was a bit unsure how to proceed without hurting the dead man's feelings... Wait what?!

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"Good, don't make the mistake I did, no matter how appealing everlasting life may seem. It isn't worth it....we are meant to die." he said, once again without the usual grandiose tone in his voice. Only for a second, Marcus could have sworn we saw the form of The Crimson King Shift. His Skull seemed to turn into that of a dragon.....but there was no change. Was he seeing things?

((only Marcus saw that flash...if it was real or not I can't say))

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An abrupt rustling. What was it? Silence came over the group. Clang! The sound of metal.....a fight up ahead? Bandits? Or Orcs?

Quickly these ran through their heads, as fast as the situation had started, whatever was fighting would soon be upon them.

They saw a mass of Stone moving up ahead smashing green masses of muscle and skin. They exchanged blows, 1 against many. It was skill Dru recognized....was it him? No, it couldn't be, there was no way. Still what were they to do? Orcs were overwhelming this being of stone, was it safe to assume it was someone they should save?

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Xavier drew his blade, the steel ringing in the air. "I don't know about you, but I don't think letting this band escape will help the area, regardless of that creature's feelings toward us. If it comes to the worst, that being is already wounded; we could defeat it if we had to. Now, let's do this!" He charged forward, blade held at the ready.

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Nero turned to Abraham, his face revealing none of the shock he felt right now. This man knew of his family? And perhaps of the events that had taken place...? He would definitely need to talk to him later. But for now...

"It looks like we'll need to save the talking for later..." Nero muttered, his voice quiet and emotionless. "I'd stay back unless you can fight..."

With that he unsheathed his sword, closing his eyes and beginning to focus. His body shimmered before slowly fading away, until he could no longer be seen.

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