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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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" Right, let's go." Marcus started, before an idea came to his mind. "Wait a bit..." He looked to the archers, and then to the easily flamable rooftops of the town. "Hey girls, why don't we try putting a distraction for them? I can light some arrows for you, and if we start a fire we may get some extra time for the run."

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"I think we should just get moving as fast as possible. I don't want to be standing on this longer than I have too." Jupiter said. And who could blame her, she was standing barefoot on Earth that devoured bodies....not one of the more pleasant feelings in the world one could imagine.

Helze could hear Blue again. "Don't bother with that just go. Most of them are over here with me still trying to explain this stuff to me...though it is clear they don't really understand it. Other than a small amount of patrols, you should be in the clear."


Jupiter looked back to the Patrol Gnoll she saw approaching them earlier...when she realized he was know running the opposite direction now. He was booking it for some reason. Maybe he shared the opinion of the Gnoll that got mauled earlier, and saw his chance to escape. Now they had theirs. "Guys Let's go, that Partol headed towards us just ran off, we got a gap and we won't get it back, we need to move now." She headed off towards the treeline.

"Aye let's go," said Bjorn to the Old Farts.

They started to make off towards the treeline, with Jupiter scanning the horizon for threats.

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There goes that plan... nevertheless, so far so good is better than a battle in this case. Quickly and quietly, the half-Elf followed her sister, also looking around keenly. The wolf at her side resisted the urge to growl-- barely, if you would put your hand on his throat, you could feel the vibrations-- as he ran by Helze's side.

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Dru began to run toward the treeline, every fiber of his being screaming at him to get the hell away from whatever this Grave Earth was. He moved surprisingly quickly, his cloak lifting behind him in the breeze as he followed Jupiter. Well, I have apologies to make, he thought to himself as he looked back toward the group, making sure they were keeping pace.

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Nero started after the others, muttering a spell as he ran. He was silencing their footsteps, making sure that any loose leaves and brush would not make a sound if they passed over them. As soon as he finished, he began working on the next incantation. He waved his hand, releasing the spell. The goal was to make them more difficult to see. They would appear blurred with their surroundings, so that one might question the integrity of what they were seeing if they happened to look this way. It wasn't invisibility, by a long shot, but it was better than nothing.

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Oarloff scuffled after the rest of the group, though all of this excitement was hardly any good for him. In all honesty Oarloff had very little idea of what was happening. There was a funny looking guy that everyone was talking about, but instead of making friends with him or even beating him up, he and his friends were always just running from him. In fact it was so confusing to Oarloff that he felt compelled to ask the group about it, but due to all of the running he was doing, Oarloff had too difficult of a time catching his breath to make any words come out. Instead he continued to clumsily run after the group following Dru to the treeline.

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Marcus raised his shoulders when Jupiter told them about the fleeing patrol. Welp, at least that solves the problem.

Afterwards, he waited with his shield in hand. It would be more useful in the rear of the group in case of an attack, so he gestured for everyone to go before him, and after the last of the group passed he would follow.

((In case I'm not here when this happens assume he is running along))

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It definitely felt too quiet. They had reached halfway down the field when that silence broke. A Warhorn sounded, breaking the silence hanging in the air. The army of this Ashnard, was raising an alarm for some reason, Did someone spot the party? However, it didn't seem like it after a few seconds. A small patrol of mixed races ran off down the path the gnoll had taken. They must have seen him flee his post and they were hunting him down. However, the raised activity in the camp wasn't good, it meant the chance of them being seen went up very high.

Upon diving into the treeline, Jupiter placed a finger over her mouth, indicating the group to be silent. They would have to wait and hopefully go unnoticed. The camp was too active right now to move from the cover of the trees. Nemesis appeared walking on the ground, the bird "looked" around as it came to a stop. Jupiter patted her on the head smiling, but otherwise didn't make a noise.

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Keeping quiet herself, holding Hunter and stroking his fur to keep the wolf from lashing out at anybody who would come dangerously near their cover, Helze observed the troops. A hand lingered over her short sword in case a passing animal or a Gnoll decided to inspect their area..

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Dru stood quietly in the brush, trembling after what had occurred with the Grave Earth. Nothing should ever taint the Earth like that. What kind of dark magic is this? he wondered, amazed by the sheer power it must have taken to create such an evil entity. We may soon find ourselves gravely outmatched if that is the case. I must prepare myself for battle, he thought silently, staring off into the distance.

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Xavier let the glow of his blade fade for the moment. He was glad that his armor wasn't brand new and shiny like some freshly-minted knight who hadn't seen real fighting yet. He wanted to attack the "people" responsible for destroying that village, but it wasn't exactly the best decision considering the relative strengths of the opposing groups.

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At the edge of the treeline the group could hear a Goblin and a Gnoll yelling at each other. "You fucking idiot, how could you let this happen? Why did they put one of you shitdraggers in charge of the patrols?"

"Oh, shut it fleabag."

"I am in charge here shitdragger and you best remember that."

"Fine, whatever you say Sir."

"Now, get the Patrols out there looking for that bastard! We can't let anyone leave this area, or get near it. If word gets out of what happened here, Ashnard isn't going to be happy, and you know what happens when he isn't happy. He dashs yer brains out like he did to ol' Righteous boy over there. Speaking of which we need to dispose of that body, It smells."

The camp was busy trying to find the scout that ran off, and seemed to not have noticed the group of heros at all in the commotion. However, it wasn't good. They were still on high alert and there were patrols everywhere. They would have to sneak through the treelines and stay out of sight for the time being. they couldn't risk being caught. It seemed only an army stood between them and Farreach now. This would extend the travel time quite a bit as they would have to be careful at least on the journey there. The Forces of Ashnard probably would only go out so far even if they had to find that scout. The Area would notice them for sure, as there were Gnolls in their force, not a race normally seen this far south in the Shattered Hills. They typically didn't leave the Forest of Knives, well at least the native ones. The force was also probably much more well armed than the Orcs and goblins in the local area. They were kitted out like an army, so it would be a surefire tell something was up if they got near Farreach. Those that knew the area, knew Farreach was much more fortified than Hawk's Roost. It did lie on the Edge of the Forest of Knives, and it had a wall. It probably could mount enough of a force to give the Forces here enough trouble they wouldn't risk it.

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"We have to get going," Helzebeth hissed under her breath, to Marcus, urgency written all over her face. "Farreach is our best shot. The bastards won't risk attacking a walled city. We can't stay-- the cursed earth here will devour us eventually, if the Gnolls don't get us first." Her knuckles were white, fist clenching the hilt of her short sword. "They're going to spread the parameter of search for sure."

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Oarloff glanced over at Helzebeth, he had had time to catch his breath and had also had time to take in what was going on. Unfortunately for the ogre, he didn't like what was happening, "But ... but what about the other peoples who live here?" Oarloff questioned the young ranger, "Won't they die if we leaves now Miss Helzebeff?" His voice seemed broken and scared, but not scared for himself, scared for the lives of everyone who resided in this town.

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Dru sadly put a hand on Oarloff's shoulder, shaking his head. "My friend, there are wicked beings in this world. And one of them saw to it that the people of this town would never be able to tell anyone what they'd seen. They're dead, Oarloff. All we can do now is get to Farreach as quickly as possible and warn the people there of the danger we face," he whispered. The half-Orc looked toward Helzebeth, making eye contact with the ranger. The sadness in the sorcerer's eyes was more telling than anything he'd said to Oarloff. "Flint, I trust you have also felt the evil that now inhabits this Earth. Do you know anything about it?"

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"No, i have never seen it first hand. All I know is it was rumored to come into existence over the sites of mass graves. Due to the bodies not being properly buried the souls get caught in the Earth, causing it...to change. But otherwise I know no more than you." Flint said. His face was clear he really didn't. It also had the look of disgust.

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There was much sorrow in the Sorcerer's eyes... personally, Helzebeth herself couldn't tell whether she felt the same way or felt appalled at how... at how the ground easily gulped down the body... so disturbingly like how it ate her in her own dream. "Oarloff, if we don't go now-- if we don't escape now-- those bad men-- they'll-- they'll catch us... and f-feed us to the ground." Her skin was a sickly shade-- you could imagine the green at the edges of her distraught face. Anybody who knew Helze-- or, at least, traveled long enough with her-- that her losing her cool, collected, seemingly unflappable demeanor and behavior so badly that she looked like she could throw up any moment knew that she was dead serious, even desperate to go.

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Oarloff bit his lip. It was all the generally jolly fellow could do to hold back his tears. "But... but, we is heroes..." anyone could tell he was on the verge of breaking down, it was all too clear from his crackling voice and reddening eyes. The ogre grabbed Magni's hammer and gripped it tightly as tears started to stroll down his face. "If...if we leaves now does that mean we will come back? Maybe... maybe we can find help and then we can beat up these bad guys?"

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Dru smiled sadly at the ogre. "Oarloff, I would like nothing more than to make all these wretched creatures feel the true wrath of the Earth for what they've done to her. The most important thing now is that we warn other people of what has happened so that they can be prepared and prevent it from happening again." He then looked pensive for a moment, trying to find the right words to explain it to the gentle giant. "We are heroes, Oarloff. By warning people we'll be saving them. Only after that's been taken care of should we think about revenge. That is a path that is only traveled in one direction."

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"The Patrols are gone, at least for now. We should get going, stay in the treelines." Jupiter said. "We can't risk being seen now."

She was right, most of the patrols had gone out already. While the camp was less manned now it was still a number to great to fight, and the Grave Earth was still around, whatever it was. The average Patrol size Jupiter noticed was around 5 to 7 members. while they as a group would have more, any fighting would be dangerous, it could attract more squads and none of these soldiers were rabble. They were well trained, and Jupiter could tell. They marched in formations and scouted using quite typical military practices...strangely they seemed to use a combination of Human, Elf and Dwarven tactics. Flint enlightened the group to this fact. Having been around long enough to see some grizzly wars he had seen all 3 of the races forces fight before, and unmistakably this mixed force used some of their tactics. The Gnolls seemed particularity adept, and had a fervor to find this other Gnoll. The group began to wonder if a lot of them shared the opinion of the Gnoll that had fled. Were there others among them that were appalled by what their allies did? It didn't matter now though, the town was already gone, no good intentions now or disagreements would bring them back.

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Marcus noticed Helze's sickly appearence, and then Jupiter's warning about the patrols. He got nearer the Half-Elf, taking the liberty to put a hand on her shoulder. He felt a little awkward at first, but still felt that was the right thing to do. "Don't worry Helzebeth, we're leaving here now." Then he walked past her, all senses awake to search for enemies. "You guys better lead the way though, I'm not sure what's the right path to Farreach." He said, refering to Dru, Helze and Flint.

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Nodding to the group, though still not recovering from her sickly pallor, the Half-Elf gestured in a certain direction. "We take this way. It should bring us away from Hawk's Roost and towards Farreach." As she walked to the head of the group, she passed by the Fire Templar and, just as awkwardly, put a hand on his shoulder, though it came off more as a pat due to her current anxiety. Her eyes, though stormier than usual, softened at the edges to express her gratitude. "Let's hightail it out of here," she said with a serious tone, nodding to Jupiter and Dru (and glancing at the Dwarf) as she trudged forward, with her ever-loyal Hunter by her side.

((OOC: The Dwarf being Flint, that is))

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