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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Dru walked at the front of the line next to Helze. The sorcerer was, after all, curious about the other Shattered Hills native in the group. "Helze, you call the Forest of Knives home, yes? That is a wild land, and an inhospitable one at that. Your father must be a talented ranger to have forged a living for his entire family there."

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The ranger in question glanced at her sorcerer companion for a second before looking forward once more. "Yes, he is. My father visited and played it in frequently when he was a lad. Sometimes he tells me he was raised by a pack of intellectual wild beasts, and that he has always lived in the Forest of Knives," said Helze, with a hint of a smile. "What about you, sir? You also hail from these Hills, right?"

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Dru nodded. "Yes, although I hail from the mountains. Life is harsh there, but it is where I first began to commune with the Earth. I think that is the reason I have such a strong connection to her. My mother was human. My father... Not so much," he said wistfully, his eyes becoming slightly misty at the memory of his parents. "Flint was more of a father to me than anyone else I've known. To see him again is more of a blessing than you could possibly imagine." He put a reassuring hand on Helze's shoulder. "I know how you must feel. Do not worry, though. We are all here to help."

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Helze resisted the urge to tilt her head, having an idea of what gave Dru his Orcish heritage, but in all honesty she wasn't really sure. "I've never met my mother. Or, at least, I don't remember much of her, other than her being a beautiful Elf maiden," she said, looking at the... teary-eyed man gently. The ranger was surprised that her usually tough comrade could be emotional like that, but revealed nothing of her astonishment. "According to my father, she was a spellcaster. An illusionist, like Sir Nero, to be more precise." Normally, Helzebeth wouldn't have been so open with her thoughts and stories... funnily enough as well, the ill tone of her face was gradually beginning to fade away.

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Dru nodded in understanding, blinking away what few tears were in his eyes and clearing his throat. "Neither of my parents were magically inclined, so they were naturally a bit surprised that their already-misfit son had an affinity for sorcery. It didn't exactly make them more popular with the townsfolk, but then again nothing they did would have helped with that sort of situation."

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((we are moving along here, so you aren't all that close to the town anymore.))

"They were run off by the locals...weren't they?" said Flint. "Some of them never learn. I don;t know why the Dwarves and the people of this land hold onto those grudges. It was long ago in the past where the tension of our people were high. hell none of the humans from that time are even alive any more they are 2, 3 generations out. Uh, it saddens me, instead of carving a new path, they stay in the same rut they cut into the stone years ago. I am going to be honest with you. I have killed Elves, I was a solider during the times that war was actually a thing. And let me tell you I never looked down on the elves once. They probably had a real reason to fight. The dwarves...it was just greed that drove them. I was still solider at the time. I doesn't accuse my actions, and how I didn't do anything to stop them, but I didn't see them like dirt like the others. So, stop looking at me like I am going to kill ya please, I could care less if you are a Half-Elf, or even if ya were a full Elf. People are worth their weight in character, not what they happen to be."

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Dru nodded at Flint's sage words, continually impressed by his wisdom and grace. "I of all people know this, Flint. It was you who convinced the other Dwarves to take me in. Not because you pitied me, but because you saw in me what others could not see through the hue of my skin. And that has made all the difference." He looked to Helze once more. "I promise you this, Helzebeth: I will not rest easy until we have discovered your father's fate. To be deprived of the person you truly love in this world is a fate worse than death, and I would not wish that on any friend of mine."

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"Dwarves and humans ran my father and mother from home," the Half-Elf said quietly. "What I've observed when visiting the towns on occasion don't help me to feel entirely comfortable around the locals here, either." Looking at Dru's dwarven friend, she continued to say, "It... I can't guarantee an immediate sense of trust from me, as a result. Please don't take it personally." Her eyes were lowered, though she expressed less hostility as compared to before. At least she was looking at the Dwarf now without a sense of being irked.

"You guys heard what that Ashnard fellow said, he was looking fro a Ranger. It has to be him no?"

Crumbling soil seemed to linger in Helze's throat. "It might be, given what Blue said about my father stumbling over the Titan's Skin... but it could be a grave set of coincidences-- another ranger who was at the wrong place and wrong time." But even with those words, the ranger sweat a bit. "We have to hurry," she urged again.

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Just then a rustle came from nearby. Everything went quiet. Something was watching them and obviously slipped up. Nothing made a move for awhile, the forest around them quiet and without a sound. One could hear their heartbeat it was that quiet. After awhile they heard a voice from a nearby bush. It was hard to pinpoint where it came from. "I suggest ye get out of here travelers no matter how well armed you are. I am not sure you are aware...or maybe you are since you are off the beaten path, but anyways, there is a rather unsavory group of fellows about right now, and they don't take kindly to you folk, The Free Races them call 'em or whutever."

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Marcus raised his shield and prepared to unsheate his sword at any moment. "Yes, we are well aware of that, thanks for the advice. Now, we would probably be able to do so with much more tranquility if we knew you won't be attacking us from the back, whoever you are. Would you be so kind as to show up?"

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"No, you will kill me. I am a Gnoll and part of those forces, however I don't mean you any harm. Me and my Boys are just trying to find our friend that ran off before they kill 'em. You wouldn't have happened to see which way he went?" He said from somewhere. "Actually fine, I am will come out, but if you attack me, be sure others will be hear whether I call for them or not. There are a lot of patrols out they will hear fighting. They won't hear a conversation however." he said. He popped his head out of a nearby bush in front of the group. He didn't reveal his whole body, but he was at least showing part of himself, probably more than any attacker would do. "The Name's Cookie. The rest of you boys say hi." the first Gnoll said. A bunch of other Gnolls popped out of trees and bushes from all around the group, it was clear they probably could have offed some of the group if they had wanted too, so it made it clear they weren't here for that. Though it was still kinda creepy that they stalked them, for who knows how long. "That guy over there is Skinner." Cookie said pointing to a gaunt Gnoll with a strangely pale coat. He looked a bit off his rockers. He had an eye patch over his left eye probably since he lost one.

"That big fellow is Tiny." he said pointing to a big burly Gnoll. He merely grunted in response.

"That is there is Vertigo, expert tree climber he is." he said pointing to a Gnoll who was hanging from a tree by his feet.

"He's Montebanke, reaaaaal charmer that one." he said pointed to a Gnoll that seemed to have a mustache, it was only a patch of dark fur on his muzzle though.

"And that is our token Goblin Squirmy."

"Quite the crew huh?"

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Dru sighed in disappointment in himself. "Sorry, friends. If my magic had been active, we would not have been taken so off guard. That being said," he continued, turning toward the gnolls. "Thank you for the warning. Most of your troop would have slain us the first opportunity they had, I take it. So why help us?" he said bluntly.

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"Well, you aren't our enemies. Not everyone under that armies banners thinks The Free Races are all evil. We came from another division that was under the control of a different leader. Besides, you are headed that way right....or are you coming from there?" Cookie said, looking rather puzzled.

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Dru thought to himself for a moment. Had these Free Creatures wanted us dead, we would already be headed in that direction. But to trust them completely would be folly, especially in a hostile land like the Shattered Hills. "We are heading southward. We simply wish to get away from whatever it is that killed the villagers back there," he replied coolly, not wanting to give away their specific destination.

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"So you were there? How did you survive? Eh, what ever doesn't matter. Really though, did you see a Gnoll run off somewhere we are looking for him. He must have made a break for it. He had stood against the orders of Ashnard once before. Lucky for him Ashnard was in a good mood that day. But he might have thought he was going to be killed, so he ran off. He is a friend of ours who also believes that what happened in Hawk Roost...was wrong to put it lightly. We also thought you lot were travelers didn;t want you to get tied up in this mess, but as it seems you are in it anyway, might as well ask you if you seen him." Cookie said.

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Dru nodded, pointing in the direction they'd seen the gnoll running off in. "He went that way. Bunch of patrols went and followed him, so I'd hurry up if I were you. And it's good to see that not every member of Ashnard's forces is as ruthless as he seems to be. Should we cross paths again, I will be sure to remember you," he said, extending a hand to the gnoll.

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"I appreciate it, but we ain't his forces. We are from Ishmael's brigade. Ashnard wouldn't know a loyal man if he saw one. Too busy tearing out the throats of anyone who disagrees with his insanity." he said shaking the Half-Orcs hand. "I hate when they put together task forces like this, always gather people from the other Leaders pools and throw them in with the loons. Ashnard needs scouts they say, well send them Ishmael's. Not like Ishmael's boys hate the bastard." he said with enough sarcasm it could poison a horse.

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Dru nodded. "I see. So there's division within the ranks. Interesting..." he trailed off, stowing that bit of information away for later. He then looked back at the rest of the group, puzzled as to why none of the others had spoken up yet. Surely they had their own curiosities about the gnolls?

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Staring at the Gnoll with a mustache funnily, Helze kept quiet for the time being while Dru handled things. Despite this particular group's Alpha stating that they were no threat, her hands stayed on her bow and arrow. "You say that there are more of you?" the Half-Elf asked.

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"Wot?" Cookie said looking confused.

The mustached one, Montebanke, spoke. "I think he means more of us from Ishmael's troop sir." he said. He had an air of Nobility in his speech. He even stood up nice and proper when he was speaking.

"Oh, if that is what ya mean then yes, not many more here though. If you mean the numbers of our group, just us few here. Well and Curfew, but he is the runner, the one we are looking for."

"Aye we better find 'im quick like or they might make 'im into Gnoll Stew." said the Goblin, Squirmey.

"Ol' Curfew probably tastes like Ass, and he might be a fine bit chewy." said Cookie laughing.

Tiny only grunted.

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"... I see," the ranger said. "Would any of you happen to about... whatever it was that slew the people in that town?" Helze couldn't help herself; the Grave Earth, admittedly, frightened her. The Dire Wolf at her side eyed the group of hyena-like men warily, hunches poised, as though he would strike immediately if he had to.

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Argghh i don't have time for this, Akuma thought to himself with a annoyed look on his face as the gnoll's humor themselves((grumpy Akuma is grumpy)).

its great they're friendly and all but there's something about them he can't trust, "Wait" Akuma step forth ."You said you're part of this 'Ishmael' division.. so what's the catch of not capturing us? are you leading us in a false sense of security?" Akuma said these question eyeing the gnoll's leader, Cookie with suspicion.

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"That stuff? The Creepy ass dirt Ashnard had them spread everywhere, innit?" said Skinner.

"Yea, it was and it was a damned travesty. I thought they was joking about it, but it turned out to be real enough." Montebanke said.

"hmph" grunted Tiny, again....

"Other than it was being tested no, we don't know anything about it. We know it was being created by one of the other Death Angels, and that Ashnard wanted to weaponize it. Other than that no clue, but it is...not savory, something that should never be done. We woulda tried to stop 'im if we coulda, but too many bastards in there. We can't fight the good fight if we are dead as a doornail, no?" Cookie said to Helze.

Then Akuma talked. Cookie looked a bit offended, until the expression on his face entirely changed. He must have realized there was no way on bloody Graterras they could have known. "Listen up Beaks, Ishmael is a person, and he be the only Death Angel worth a damn. We under 'is wing we believe we have to treat the Free Races as equals if they are to ever respect us in return. We can't slaughter their kin, and expect them to not come and slaughter ours. The is a reason they see us as monsters and not people and it is because for too long we have acting that way. But no more I tell ya. You remember that they once saw your people that way, but they got over it faster since the Kenku were peaceful for the most part. Unfortunately, our kin are stupid give in to their wild sides a bit too much. We want to change it, but not all think that way. If we were after somethin' we would have killed you already, or at least attacked you and you slaughtered us. Either way, somebodies life's blood would be pouring into the ground. I am not asking ya lot to trust us, not yet anyway, but just get the hell out of here. If you were at the town when that happened, you know well enough that their be patrols all over these hills right now. Get caught by one of them, you might not be so lucky."

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Ashnard. Death Angel. Those were two things Helzebeth's mind focused on. He was also the one who mentioned a ranger. Also, if she wasn't mistaken, it seemed that these Gnolls were more than unhappy to work with this bastard. "No, it is not savory indeed," the ranger said, with a little ice in her voice. "Would you happen to know where this-- person-- is headed now?"

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