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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Dru agreed wholeheartedly with Dia's sentiment. "Yes, you are correct. However, through the Divines many are able to at least gain some understanding of this. There are still those who would seek to destroy or abuse the elements. All too many sorcerers and wizards use the spirits only as tools to their own whims. There is a greater calling for the elements than such paltry uses as war and pain, but many are unable to see this. That is why there are magic users like Flint and myself. We find that the most powerful spells are those that cooperate with the spirits instead of bending them to a separate purpose. During our travels I met a Victonari named Brass," he thought. The half-Orc focused on everything he remembered of the wise man, particularly on his teachings. "He knew the cost of not believing in what you know to be true. And in the end his faith is what saved him during the Battle of Passthrough."

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((change of plans folks, that small group, things are about to get interesting.))

A howl came from the forest, it was low but it could definitely be heard. And Helzebeth easily saw it's source. A white wolf. It looked like a wild snowflake standing amongst the trees. It eyes stared directly at Helze. She could...recognize its stare. It looked at her like Hunter did. It looked at her like it had been looking for her. And while it wasn't as complete, she could feel the Ranger's Bond enough to know this wolf meant her no harm, in fact, it was searching fro her. It turned it's head slowly, seemingly gesturing to Helzebeth to follow it.


"You were in another battle? How much fighting do you do Dru?" Dia asked. She had a genuine curiosity, Dru could feel it. "Oh, I am sorry. I don't mean to pry. But, you say the elements aren't just for fighting. This means you are forced to fight for now, doesn't it?"
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A beautiful wolf stood in the forest, its pelt, white as the petals of the little flowers in her bag, stark against the lush green and brown and gray of the surrounding flora. Where did it come from? "You guys-- bring these back to camp," the ranger spoke as she handed the tiny blossoms to Jupiter or Marcus-- whoever was right next to her, she couldn't tell, as she was transfixed by this mysterious snowy wolf. "I'll follow back afterwards." Her tone made it clear that she thought that they oughtn't follow, lest they scare the wolf away. As she walked towards the beast, she wondered where it came from... It didn't make any sense for a white-furred wolf to dwell on the Shattered Hills.

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Dru thought for a moment, deciding to let the memories of all of his battles flow to Dia. "Too much," he answered honestly. "There is so much hate and evil in the world that it is oftentimes unavoidable. However, that does not mean we should not try our utmost to avoid it. That's what our quest is," he continued. "We are trying to save people from dangers they know little about. To do that, we must fight. And in the end I am sure some of us will end up returning to the Earth once more. It is for the good of Graterras that we do this and for the sake of all the Divines."

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Marcus had just finished hiding the Emerald Rose when Helze turned to look to the white wolf. Jupiter was nearer to her, so she would be the one to pick the blossoms

"You sure? This place might be still filled with enemy troops." The templar asked. Though she was the one who knew the surroundings better, he was still worried with his elven comrade.

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Evidently the Fire Templar was concerned; surely her sister would be, too. Not one to waste words (most of the time, anyway), she simply turned to look at them over her shoulder, and nodded with what she hoped looked like a look of tranquil confidence. Then she faced forward and continued moving towards the strange wolf.

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"Marcus, you should go with her. I will take Oarloff back to the group and tell them what is going on. Even if she is going to be stubborn, you have to for me please." Jupiter said, she smiled softly, trying to hide how worried she was. She took the Half-Ogre's hand gently. "Come on Oarloff, I am sure your father is worried about you, lets go back. Miss Helze and Marcus have some things they need to do first."


The Wolf kept staring at Helzebeth. It wanted something from her clearly, but what? She couldn't quite tell. It kept it's distance however if she ever got to close it moved back before staring at her. It wanted her to follow it, but to what?


"Well, maybe you won't have to someday. I hope you it comes. You weren't made to fight." Dia said.

When a rustle came from the nearby bushes. It was Flint. The Old Dwarf had been quiet most of the last fight, and it was clear why. Most of his golems weren't here so he wasn't very powerful at the moment. Not to mention Anchor Flint was still damaged. "Boy, feeling a little blue again? Or you just still like lounging on the outside of camp?"

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Marcus nodded to Jupiter. "Right, I'll keep an eye on her. Don't worry, we should be back any minute." He said with a confident tone.

On the other hand though Helze probably didn't want to be followed, therefore he tried keeping some distance when following her to preserve a bit of her privacy. At the same time he was close enough to quickly help in case of an emergency.

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Helze noticed something new with the White Wolf. All of a sudden, it panicked. Not because of her or anyone else. It was reaction she noticed Hunter would have if he knew his master was in pain somewhere. The same reaction...the one Hunter used to have when her father was harmed. For awhile after he had disappeared, Hunter still felt him. When he was in danger Hunter got upset, visibly so, but he didn't know where he was. The wolf got upset, ran around the small cottage everywhere. He didn't sit still. This wolf all of a sudden got the same look on her face. She gave Helzebeth a long stare, one that she could interpret due to her long care of Hunter. It said one thing. "My master is in trouble. Follow me and help." And then she bolted. She started to go running through the woods, not looking back. She assumed Helze would follow her, after all that connection Helze could feel...between her and the White Wolf...while it wasn't complete, it was one she knew.

This White Wolf... she belonged to her father.

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The look on that wolf's face.

The shock she sensed, the abrupt fear.

It rocked her to her core and she was torn in between being petrified and running after the wolf. But the wolf decided for her-- she ran away after looking into her eyes, the message clear an unmistakable: Help.

Running won out. The half-Elf hit the ground running after her before the Fire Templar-- the ranger knew he followed, not that she would've put a stop to it so long as he didn't spook the beautiful beast-- could decide what to do.

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((going to assume Marcus follows, so I am going to skip your reaction to this, unless you would like to include it later.))

It was tough chasing a Wolf trough a forest. The creatures had four legs and were made for running and sprinting. Humans and others of the Free Races? Not so much. The White wolf bounded through the forest, quickly, desperately. It was headed for her master and whatever danger awaited them.


A crash and a loud voice could be heard...one that was animalistic and full of rage... a particular rage they had heard once before.


It was the same voice they had heard outside the inn, the one of the supposed werewolf. More crashes, more bangs, more fighting. They were getting closer. The White Wolf, and the Half-Elf Ranger. And of course, the Cinder Knight following them.

"You'll never get it out of me devil. I can tell this is something not meant for your hands and I will die before I make it easier for you to get to it."

It was him, that voice it was so familiar and yet...so foreign. She almost couldn't believe she was hearing it again. So many years he had been gone. But, now was no time to reminisce. He was under attack.

And then a loud crash sounded, one of a tree collapsing. It was close. And then she saw a scene she didn't want to. A werewolf standing over her father, a collapsed tree nearby. Lucky for daddy, it didn't land on him, but a werewolf might have been the worse of the two options of death. "Where is the Titan's Skin? I know you know where the Spine of the World is, I suggest you tell me."

The werewolf asked. No response.


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'What the...'

Marcus was a little taken aback when what he expected to be a calm sightseeing stroll in the woods turned in a crazy run. He didn't lose a moment in going after Helze, after all he had to look after her for Jupiter. It wasn't as easy as he thought though, because the half elf was really fast despite him being stronger. He managed to keep up, but that was the best he could do.

((Ninjad XD))

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... It couldn't be.

The world would've been kind to leave her thoughts there and allow her life to flash before her eyes, but no-- a fear-stricken No, no, no! followed immediately after. Her breaths were short, eyes wide, her body shook. Fear had its cruel grip on her... then... The half-elf gritted her teeth. Anger. How dare that pack of scum attack her father? Try to kill him? Insult him? The grip on her bow and arrow tightened till her knuckles went completely white and her gasps turned into harsh, hollow breaths. Marcus could practically feel the heat rising from the ranger.

The girl opened her mouth and made a move to spring from their cover. If Marcus didn't move quickly, Helzebeth would probably get herself and everyone else present killed.

The Dire Wolf returned from his patrolling and settled down by Odin and Nemesis with a grumbling stomach, having smelled the gumbo from his rounds. Yawning, he noticed Helzebeth, Jupiter, and one of the others were gone. Oh, well, they were probably gathering herbs--

Then he felt it all. Surprise. Disbelief. Adrenaline flooded through his body as he shot up from his relaxed position. Dread-- no, even worse; fear washed over him. That did it; he howled, then tore back into the woods without waiting for anybody else, picking up the pace as he felt Helzebeth's rage boil inside him. Something was wrong; something was very, very, horribly wrong.

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'Oh boy. It keeps getting worse.'

Ok, now things were getting serious but... He clearly heard the voice of the werewolf and the words Titan Skin mentioned. So, this was the guy responsible for what happened back in the town? Anger started to build up inside him, just as it was happening to Helzelbeth. He unsheated his sword and sent a jet of fire towards the sky, hoping that the rest of the group would see it as a distress signal. Then instead of stopping Helze, he charged forward past her and sent another jet of flames towards Ashnard, obviously high enough to avoid hitting the man on the ground. "Stay behind me." He told Helze as he passed by her. Close quarter fights were his specialty after all, and she would be more help offering arrow support.

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The Werewolf walked over to the man and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "Well, are you dead? Worthless Ranger you are if you fall out of a puny tree and die. I will get that information even if I have to drag your pathetic ass to the Illithids and probe whatever fragments of your knowledge exist. Whether you are dead or alive I am going to find out." he said, dropping him to the ground. Her father made no attempt to stop his fall, he was either out cold...or dead. Or a third option. He was faking it. He had taught her how to do it once or twice. To Feign Death. It was a useful trick out here in the wilds. Many of the creatures here weren't very interested in dead meals. While some scavengers existed, most animals were fresh meat hunters. Most bacteria and and fungus, other nasty crawlies in the the rapidly chilling corpse of a dead animal were savage. They were almost as deadly as the creatures themselves. One never should eat something that has been dead more than a day in the Shattered Hills, it was likely to kill you. So, feigning death made animals lose interest. They didn't want to eat corpses, because they were highly dangerous here.

Then a lick of fire hit Ashnard's back.

He bolted around, clearly not amused. He didn't say much. He only charged directly at Marcus. He aimed a downward strike right at his head. "Your interrupting a business meeting!!!"


Jupiter came peeling into the camp. ((I am just going to assume Oarloff listened to her, if not just tell me, I won't be mentioning him in this post so either way is fine with me so long as I know soonish.)), she had started running when out of sight of Marcus. She didn't want him to see her worrying that much. Hunter ran past her. That was frightening. It confirmed to her Helze was in a lot of danger. "Helzebeth is in danger!" she shouted at everyone. A lot looked around startled by a sudden wolf howl and a frantic woman running up to them shouting. Nobody made a move, they were all locked in position. ((that only applies to NPCs, go ahead and act as if you were fine or however your character would react. I am just blanket statementing the NPCs right now. Your guys reactions wll affect theirs most likely.))

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Marcus quickly reacted to Ashnard's move, raising his shield as if to block the strike. It was a feint though, for as soon as the werewolf hit it, he'd use the extra impulse to jump sideways and roll away. That tactic would hopefully give him a chance to measure the opponent's strenght, put him in a good shooting position for Helze and buy some time for the others to arrive.

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The blow did serious damage to his shield. ((not sure if entirely metal, or partly wood...so going to have to cover my bases here.)), It wasn't a clean break, but it warped the metal. It would be possible to block with it, but it would be dangerous to so now. Nothing like a shield breaking and sending shrapnel towards your face. That would most likely happen with how powerful this Werewolf was.

And if Marcus knew one thing, it was that this brute was immensely powerful. A normal person could never dream of doing that kind of damage with his bare fist. This wasn't going to be pleasant.

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Marcus had to mentally whistle as he rolled and got up again. This guy was ridiculously strong, he had to give him that. "Hey, this shield is a family heirloom, you know? Now I have one more reason to kick your ass off, doggy." The templar teased the monster, trying to make it not notice Helze and at the same time circling and backing away from it. With this much strenght, he'd do better attacking at a distance until Ashnard got tired, and if he could turn the wolf's back to Helze there was a possibility she could snipe it from behind and finish this... Though he felt it wouldn't be this simple.

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Dru jumped up as he heard shouting near the camp, the Earth carrying the sound to his eager ears. Helzebeth is in trouble? he thought to himself. "We will continue this conversation later, Dia. My friends are in need." He then turned to Flint. "Old man, if you must know there is a stray spirit from the Grave Earth trapped in my mind. But this is not the time for such things! I must go to Helzebeth's aid at once." With that he ran back through the camp, following the sound of claws on metal through the forest. Hopefully he would arrive in time to prevent any friendly blood from being spilled.

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"Stop moving worm!!!" Ashnard shouted. He was seething with anger and rage. It was like Akuma's, except he had control over it to an extent. It wasn't a true Berserker's rage, it was the feral rage of an animal. The White Wolf stared, it wouldn't even move. She wouldn't attack Ashnard even if her master was in danger. Werewolves had a similar empathy to wolves as Rangers could with any animal. It conflicted their interests and locked them in place. The White Wolf couldn't decide and was paralyzed on the spot. Though it was about to not matter.

"If you won't stop moving I will force you too. THUNDER SET!!!" a green bolt of lightning struck Ashnard in the middle of his back. Small sparks crackled everywhere on his body. Somehow he retained the bolt within himself, at least for now. Seething pain was all over his face, but it was still overridden by his rage and madness. He howled in equal parts agony and rage. "Eletrico Cage." and with those words, the lightning dispelled outwards from his body. A horrid green box surrounded Him and Marcus, along with the Ranger who had "fallen". The space was extremely small. "There is no running now." Ashnard said, as he punched the cage wall. A deadly shock permeated his body as he touched it. Well, it would have been deadly to him if he wasn't used to carrying lightning within himself. What was worse, the wall didn't even budge. Ashnard had busted 3 of his knuckles on that punch, and blood dripped from his right hand like a crimson stream. In fact, it was the same fist he landed into Marcus's shield...how was it not more damaged after slamming into a sheet of metal, being his shield? There was no way his hand could only be injured from the punch to the cage wall...unless he was regenerating.

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The Earth Sorcerer, if he ran fast enough, could barely see Hunter far ahead of him, dodging and weaving between trees, his four nimble paws flying as he ran. Every time he made a turn, he would disappear, but would also reappear just enough for Dru to know where to pass.

Before the ranger herself could scream and charge, Marcus went ahead. His agility and fury astounded her for a moment, shocking her out of blind rage, allowing her to think. Glancing over, she saw the form of her father, impossible as it seemed to be, but he was there. While the Fire Templar distracted the brute (how dare he call her father "worthless" before looking in a mirror himself), the half-Elf crept as stealthily as possible, circling the the area until she got to a good vantage point. Admittedly angered as she was when she realized that Marcus had told her to stay back, she figured that he was going to fare better in close-range combat than she was. She only had so many silver-tipped arrows, the metal used to produce the arrows expensive and hard to come by. Her shortsword was iron; it wouldn't kill the beast, and she was no swordswoman.

Lightning arced in the air and made her hair stand on end, but now was the moment; the ranger let fly a silver-tipped arrow just as what looked like a green barrier close over the three.

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Dru followed Hunter through the trees, bounding over roots and ducking under branches as he made his way toward the battlefield. Eventually, he made his way to the edge of the clearing where the battle was raging between the Fire Templar and the werewolf Ashnard just in time to see Helze's arrow bounce off the lightning cage. Unfortunately for Marcus, he seemed to be outmatched and overpowered by the feral beast. Dru felt along the ground and detected that the lightning magic had originated from Ashnard, much as he had expected. "As though a werewolf weren't bad enough, we have to contend with one that can use Lightning Magic. Now you see what I deal with these days," he thought to Dia, exasperated but strangely glad for her company. "If you have any suggestions, now would be the time to speak up. Meanwhile..." his thought trailed off as he began stomping his feet rhythmically.

He felt beneath the Earth, not taking his abilities for granted anymore after the incident with the Grave Earth. "Terra arbalocoxe!" he shouted, effectively announcing his presence as he raised his hands and stomped both feet on the ground. Four stone pillars rose from the Earth at the corners of the lightning box in an attempt to dissolve the cage to give Helze a better shot.

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Akuma quickly wakes up the moment he heard Jupiter's voice. without wasting little time, The birdman sprinted into action as he follows Dru throughout the woods, hoping to find the ranger, the fire templar and that source of that eerie howl.

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That did it. The ranger cursed, her frustration hitting breaking point. This stupid werewolf was using cheap tricks to isolate himself, Marcus, and her father from the rest of the world; not even her silver arrows could pierce through them. She didn't notice Hunter approach at all, the Dire Wolf eyeing the enemy, then the new white wolf. Confusion hit again when he realized that they were fighting a werewolf, to make matters worse; he struggled to straighten out just who the enemy and the ally really was.

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