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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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The Lightning cage didn't budge, as the Earth beneath it didn't even move. Dru could feel it struggling to no avail. It gave up. It told Dru, there was no way to bring down the cage without killing everyone inside, and the Werewolf would probably survive due to it's regeneration. It would only be a loss if he did, and the Earth wouldn't help him, it wouldn't kill two men for nothing.

"Let me try something." Dia said in his Dru's head. "I don't want to use your body, but I have an idea that I don't have time to explain."


Ashnard charged Marcus, running full speed for him. Both hands reaching to just grab a hold of the Templar. The attack, it was meant not to harm him, but to grab him. Choices, a werewolf, or a barrier of solid lightning.

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Oarloff had tried to listen to Miss Juniper, he really did. He followed her as fast as he could, but he was tired from fighting earlier and she was a very quick misses. Luckily that left him a good bit closer to the site when he started hearing the trouble and started seeing Marcus's flare warning. He quickly turned around and rushed as fast as he could to go help Mister Marcus and Miss Helzebeff.

The ogre huffed and puffed as he arrived, at where he thought he had heard them. Unfortunately for the jolly giant, he'd have no time to rest. As he looked he saw what looked to be a really big mean wolf running right at Mister Marcus. Thinking quickly Oarloff turned and picked up the biggest stick he could find and threw it over top of the wolf's head, yelling a boisterous and hearty "FETCH!"

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Marcus started to realize how bad his situation was when Ashnard's cage appeared. It seemed he wouldn't have the luxury of support against this beast... Not until they figured out how to get through the lightning barrier.

Anyway, now he had to focus in the battle ahead. Ashnard came running towards him, and he knew a hug from that thing would be lethal. More than that, with it's apparent regeneration skills, he couldn't afford trying a non deadly hit so...

Marcus waited until Ashnard got close and threw his shield - lit aflame - at the werewolf's face with full strength. Without a moment of hesitation, the Fire templar leapt to the ground using Xavier's jet trick to get even more speed. The idea was to duck beneath the beast's arms, roll behind it and turn to a sword strike to it's head as soon as it passed by. The shield was supposed to distract and maybe even temporarily blind the werewolf with it's light.

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A shrill whistle came from Helzebeth, aimed at the beast in the green force field of sorts. "Hey! You disgusting fleabag! You call others worthless, yet you use cheap tricks to cower behind electric barriers? Speak for yourself! Are you so frightened of taking on more than one person?!" screamed the ranger, partly out of anger, and partly because she wasn't thinking. But some remaining reason in her told her that Marcus would need all the help he could get: if that help could come from distracting the furry bastard, then she would have to provide it, no matter how improper it would make her look.

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Dru was baffled. "You just claimed to know nothing of the Earth and its spirits and now you wish to wield their power? Show me what you mean to do and I will carry it out properly," he thought at Dia.

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Nero stood in place at the tree as some of the others ran past. He was unmoving, eyes closed and arms crossed. So Helzebeth was in trouble. What did that matter to him? What did any of them matter? Why should he endanger his own life for the sake of somebody he barely knew? The others had rushed by instantly, but what drove them to do so? He was a man of logic, and he saw no logic in charging into a fight blindly. They had no idea what they were up against, yet they still rushed to help her. He had seen humans do such things many times in his travels, but he never knew why. Humans were creatures of strange habits. Why do they fight for each other? He couldn't help but wonder...

But despite his reserves, he couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't moving. If this was some human habit, why was he different? Why was he unable to rush in to help like the others? What separated him from the rest? He couldn't care less about his own life in this world, yet he had used the preservation of his own life as his reasoning not to help. Why was he so reserved about this? Could he not be the same as the others? Was he truly human if he couldn't feel the same emotions as the rest?

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"I am not going to use Earth Spirits. I am going to use the Lightning ones he used. Can you do that? If not, let me. We don't have time, you need to trust me or those men will lose their lives." Dia said Dru. He could tell she was serious.

Ashnard seemed not to notice the others screaming at him, he was focused on the one in his box, the one he was fighting. A Flaming shield? It wouldn't even harm him. So he ignored it, and grabbed the Templar as he went underneath him. The flames Marcus was using lit Ashnard's entire arm on fire, but he didn't even notice. He just stared at the Cinder Knight as he lifted him level with his face. "I caught you now, Rabbit." The shield even hit him in the head, But it clattered to the ground, not doing much to the Werewolf who was holding Marcus. "Hope you like being well done, cause you will be once I am through." he said. He then tossed Marcus against the back wall of the Barrier. Lightning arced everywhere around the impact. Marcus found himself next to the downed Ranger, Helzebeth's supposed father. Ashnard was pacing over towards him, attempting to put out some of the flame on his arm as he slowly lumbered towards Marcus. Would this be the end?

Marcus felt a slight tap on his boot. As if something metal had collided with it. It was probably a hatchet or a hammer of some sort considering the size of it. But, where did it come from? The only logical place was the Ranger, but wasn't he dead or out cold? Marcus could see for an instant, that he wasn't, as he winked at him with his left eye. But he knew why the Ranger was playing dead now. His Left leg was eviscerated. Muscles were hanging out, though no bone could be seen. It was clear why he hadn't helped this entire time. He couldn't have in his condition. But now he handed something over to Marcus. It had to be important. And it was. A small Silver Hatchet, adorned with a wolf's head. Marcus could actually hurt the beast now.

Ashnard kept lumbering towards him, and was starting to pick up the pace now that his arm was mostly under control. He was coming to finish the job, and kill Marcus where he laid.

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Dru sighed and began an intense meditation, one that allowed him to commune with the Earth spirits without the burden of his body. "I hope you know what you're doing," he said as he handed her control of his body.

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"I don't, that is why you have to trust me." Dia said. He could feel her own mind racing trying to figure out something... He watched images of the Lightning strike Ashnard, like it did a second ago. "I think I can retrace the magic he used... and undo it. When I saw the Earth Spirits in you...I understood how elemental magic worked. I can see it in my mind. I am not sure... if you know what I mean. I can see it's intent, and I can revert that intent I think. But I only really understood today. I have no idea if this will work. Trust me." Dru could feel her trying to reach out to the spirits in the lightning. But, not in the way he did. She was essentially asking them to reconsider their orders. Ashnard clearly wasn't one who cared what the elements wanted, so maybe Dia could just convince them to change their minds as they were most likely forced to do this rather then decide for themselves. "I don't know how long this will take, the magic he is using to compel them is very powerful. I am trying to unravel his hold on them, but it could take awhile."

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Hollering insults at the damned werewolf didn't work. The ranger cursed again, mentally. At least this time her thoughts were a bit clearer after venting out her frustration, though her heart still hammered in her chest. It threatened to leap into her throat when she saw her father move and hand something shiny-- was that his silver hunting knife?-- to the Fire Templar who lay on the ground next to him. Even then, how helpless she felt; she wanted to call out to her father, but even then it wasn't like he could escape... Especially not with that electric cage or-- oh, gods, what happened to his LEG?! No... No. Trying to steady her breathing, Helze realized that it wouldn't do to panic. It never did. That was something her father taught her, one of the most basic rules in survival. You don't panic. You don't do things without thinking. Helzebeth realized as well in shame that she'd broken that rule there and then a few moments ago; all the more for her to calm herself down as much as she could now. For the time being there was nothing she could do except hope that Marcus or Dru could somehow disable the electric cage.

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Then the air going out of his lungs.

Then pain.

Marcus felt as if he was ran over by a chariot and hit by a lightning bolt right after. His muscles were slow and weird to respond to his commands, and it took a little time for them to get back to normal.

He felt the light tapping on his foot. So the Ranger was actually trying to help?Well, that was good. One guy with no leg and another with probably a few broken ribs, sure they would do it... But despite the helplessness of the situation they were in, or maybe exactly because of it, even more anger and resolve raised within Marcus. Screw everything, he would take this monster down or die trying. That was what he was made for right? To do what no one else could, to go where no one else would. Right?!

He grabbed the hatchet with his left hand. His sword was still on his right, so hopefully it would catch Ashnard's attention a little more than his new, smaller weapon. He made a motion as if he was trying to get up - with his right side towards the enemy - with difficulty. He had some strength left, but the werewolf didn't need to know that.

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Xavier swept up from behind Nero and shook him. "Come on, man, we haven't got time for you to get all philosophical! We can't just leave Helzebeth out there!" After essentially shouting this in the sorcerer's face (though this was less anger and more a result of the hurry he was in), he tore off into the woods, resisting the urge to speed himself up with a jet of flames.

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Ashnard came over Marcus. He hovered over him, a hulking giant of a beast. He went to grab him by his neck with his giant claws. He would stare into his eyes as he gutted him, like he always did with victims he began to hate. Needless to say, Ashanrd didn't even notice the passing of the weapon, or even that Marcus took it. He had no idea the Cinder Knight had it. He fell all to easily into the trap.

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Marcus turned blazing fast in the opposite way that one would expect judging by his sword hand, slashing with the hatchet towards Ashnard's head. He was aiming for the kill, or at least to severely injure the beast.

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That was the sound of a hatchet colliding with the skull of a werewolf. Rather satisfying, pretty weighty. Ashnard made a bad decision. One that knew him, well, it wouldn't have been much of a surprise, he was a bonehead. He saw Marcus's irregular movement, only problem? Rather than try and avoid the attack, he charged in just the same, as if nothing had changed. Dodging it would have set him back from getting his claws around his victim, and he wouldn't have that. Unfortunately for Ashnard, he wasn't killing somebody who couldn't defend them self this time. It crushed a lot of the left side of his face as the hatchet crashed into him. He definitely lost that eye, the silver made sure it wouldn't properly regenerate. However, the werewolf traded his eye, for a hand around Marcus's throat. And even if he wasn't a raging werewolf, one tends to either pass out from that kind of damage, or be really really pissed.

"WORM!!!" the wolf shouted loudly. The veins around his other eye looked as if they were about to burst. He squeezed Marcus's throat. "You are going to look at me while you die!!! Enjoy the pain while you can, it will be the last thing you remember of this world." and with that he jammed his entire hand up into Marcus's rib cage. His strength easily broke apart the armour, and he lodged part of his arm into Marcus's gut. He laughed madly while he did it, getting a euphoria from it blocking out all the pain he was feeling.


"MARCUS!!!" Jupiter shouted. She had just arrived as well as Odin and Cookie. She started to run fro the barrier, but Cookie grabbed her.

"Don't throw your life away."

"Let GO OF ME!!!" she protested, she struggled for a bit, but Cookie wouldn't let go of her. He knew this reaction all too well. She was distraught still, but she knew Cookie wouldn't let go.


"Shit, I wasn't fast enough." Dia said into Dru's mind. "I have to break trough, or he will kill that other man too for sure. He have to get to them."

and all of a sudden, The lightning started crackling. The Barrier was starting to lose it rigidity. It started to recede, but it was slow. Ashnard noticed worst of all. "You think you can undo it? Fine by me, I have my way out of here." He laughed sniveling like a fool. He was on a high after what he did to Marcus. "THUNDER SET!!!" He shouted as another bolt appeared in the sky. It collided with him yet again. "Thundering Chariot!!!" and with a snap of lightning, he was gone. At least far enough that he was out of line of sight anyway. A puddle of blood landed where he was standing. It confirmed that thing he just used at least hurt him as he got away, but that didn't matter much as he was a werewolf.

The Lightning was still receding. The barrier would be gone soon. ((let you guys react a bit since a lot just happened there before repealing the barrier entirely.))

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Helzebeth could've cheered when the silver met its mark. But the cheer in her heart melted into acid when the foul beast began strangling Marcus. Impaling him with his arm. And just when she herself was about to let loose a cry, she heard Jupiter's scream. Immediately rushed to her side to hold her back. "Sister, no! Running into the barrier will kill you!"

Then thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and the werewolf was gone. It took a while for the half-Elf to find her voice as the barrier began to recede, and when she finally did, she screamed to the heavens, unable to help herself with all the fury she felt: "COWARD!"

Hunter swayed and shook himself briskly, snapping out of his trance abruptly when Ashnard disappeared. The great wolf's head and ears throbbed as Helze's voice rang clear as day through the forest. Discombobulated still, he glanced at the white wolf and turned to run to Helzebeth-- she came first before any other wolf, no matter how beautiful she looked.

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"Excellent work," Dru commented to Dia as he rushed toward the two fallen men. "Slow, but excellent. Had you not succeeded at all Marcus would likely be dead." He knelt next to Marcus and looked back toward the rest of the group. "Don't just stand there gawking! Both of these men need help!" he barked abruptly. The sorcerer looked at Marcus's wound, wincing at its sheer width. "Dia, is there anything you can do for him?" he asked quickly. He then looked down at Marcus. "You're full of surprises, Cinder Knight," he said quietly. "Not many would face down a werewolf by themselves, let alone one of Ashnard's reputation. Bards will sing of this battle, you know."

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((psst, not sure you realize how massive this hole is. and not sure if you are familiar with disemboweling, but that is basically what just happened, only Ashnard just did it with his arm rather than a sword or sharp instrument. Marcus's organs are quite literally lying all over the place. I just wanted to keep it a bit pg-13, but he is totaaaaaaaaaaaaaally boned right now, a.k.a he has a few terribly agonizing moments until he bleeds out because he is about 100% dead in a bit.))

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Nero shook Xavier off. The elf ran off towards the others, but Nero still stood in place.

"Another one tearing off after the others..." he thought. "Why...?"

He thought about the Cinder knight's words.

"Come on, man, we haven't got time for you to get all philosophical! We can't just leave Helzebeth out there!"

So the elf could read Nero's doubts... Were they that evident? He struggled with his thoughts for an instant more before tearing himself from his place at the tree.

"Blast it all..." he muttered, walking at a brisk pace. "Blast it all! I'll go, but there's no logic or reason behind this!" He sped up to a jog as he followed the elf, making his way for the others.

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The young man felt triumph when his blow hit it's mark... And then pain again, tenfold. It was weird, the feeling of being broken beyond repair in this way. He had no empty hopes as he fell to the floor - he had died once after all, and he knew what it was like.

The rest passed in a blur for him. Ashnard leaving, the other's presences, more pain (though that was already starting to recede as he began to feel numb.)... One thing that got his attention was Jupiter screaming his name. 'Oh hey' he thought. 'Maybe this could have worked after all.' He let go of his sword and reached for his sack, for the flower. He just held it in his closed hand, but somehow it was comforting.

Then came Dru, kneeling beside him and speaking of bards. Marcus grinned through the pain he was feeling. "You... Think so? Good, I... always wanted to be in a song." Would they sing it on the Shifting Sands? Would his father, mother and brother know that he'd done something worthwhile in the end? He hoped so. Not that it mattered now, the numbness was

"So... sorry guys. I screwed up a little bit here. You'll have to finish the bastard up for me right?"

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Screwed up...? Finish the bastard for him? The half-Elf gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. Would Marcus have been put through this if she'd followed the white wolf? It was just now she realized-- in horror-- just how torn apart the Fire Templar was. Literally. The ranger had seen many deaths, some more grisly than others... But nothing like this; this was even worse than her nightmare. Or it made her nightmare worse-- she could imagine the Fire Templar's life seeping into the earth, giving it more power, more strength... Helzebeth wanted to say something-- she wasn't sure what she wanted to express, more of her anger, or the despair that was slowly pouring in to crumble her resolve, or concern over her father's mangled leg.

But all she knew was that if Marcus hadn't followed her, he wouldn't be dying before their eyes. "You shouldn't have... shou-shouldn't have..." she tried to say, breathing harshly now.

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Dru put a hand on Helzebeth's shoulder in solidarity as he looked down at Marcus, nodding grimly. "Don't worry, friend. We'll see that Ashnard gets back tenfold what pain he's wrought this day." He reached out to the spirits of the Earth, taking comfort in their presence. "Your soul will rest well, Marcus. We've left the Grave Earth far behind us." He then fell silent and looked at Helzebeth, allowing her to say her farewell to the dying warrior.

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Akuma saw the huge thunderbolt from the sky as he quickly rush in to help the others. but he was too late, the damage has been done as Ashnard flees the scene..leaving Marcus in a critical condition as Helzebeth and Dru tends to bury their fallen ally.

"Shit" Akuma muttered as he brutally smash his fist at a nearby tree in frustration, removing a portion of its bark, clearly he was upset that he never got the chance to help the cinder knight when he need him the most. The Birdman then approached the Orc and Ranger as he silently stood behind them and pays his tribute to Marcus from a distance.

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"MARCUS! I told you NOT to follow me, damn it!" The half-Elf meant it to be a scream, but her voice broke. Somewhere deep inside, a part of her questioned her grieving. After all. Marcus was not somebody dear to her, unlike her father, Odin, and Jupiter. The Fire Templar was only there, somebody she barely knew, somebody whom she'd met by the hands of War and Fate, somebody whose destiny was suddenly intertwined with hers, with those of other strangers'.

So what was the swelling pain she felt in her chest? Why were tears streaming down her face? Why did she feel anguish, then and there? In no time, the young woman's nose and eyes were red, her throat hoarse. She let her pale face fall, not bothering to shrug off Dru's hand from her shoulder.

Hunter stood there, whining and whimpering at Helzebeth's feet. He didn't know what was worse: the waves of powerful emotions coursing through his being, swaying, or the grief that his companion felt. All he knew was that one of their allies lay, along with bits of him, strewn across the ground, soaked and dying in a pool of his blood.

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"It was my fault, I told him to follow you." said Jupiter. There was no emotion on the girl's face, she was... trying t be strong, but she knew she couldn't. She broke and it wasn't very pretty. She leaned over him, and cried. "Don't leave me, I don't want you too." She said as she sobbed over Marcus. She had came to like him, and that was hard for her. Especially since he was now being taken from her.

Cookie walked past, he didn't even look. He knew Marcus was done for. He had healed many wounds, and there was no coming back from that one. There was somebody he could heal here so he wasn't going to waste time on the other. He began work on the ranger's leg. repairing the flesh on his leg with the magic he had left. Knitting the flesh back together along with the nerves and muscle. His leg would function properly again after some rest. "Don't move, you will pop the magic and your wounds will reopen."

"Then move me over to my daughter."

"Who? Her? You sure she is even a woman?" Cookie said, surprised at who the Ranger man pointed at.

"Yes, I would know my little Kestrel anywhere."

"Hey, Earth Shaker!!! Give me a hand over here! You too Beaky. We need to move this guy over to his daughter, and be careful not to pop the healing spell on his leg or I will clobber the both of ya." Cookie said.


"I didn't know him. But, Your sadness makes me feel it as well. It is my fault he is dying. I wasn't fast enough." Dia said in Dru's mind.

Odin didn't say anything. He only looked at the man before him. He had lost one of the ones he started this journey with. It was a surreal feeling. They had been bound together, by the acts of the Gentleman, and now, one of those people was gone, at least for now. Odin's eyes they didn't burn like the fresh embers did. They were low again. He couldn't believe he had lost another. Even if he was just a friend, he still lost somebody else.

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