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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Two Gnolls charged, one attacking from the front the other striking from the back. They attacked at EXACTLY ((for emphasis.)) the same time, as if they were communicating telepathically. It would to hard to block both attacks, let alone dodge out of both.

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An arrow flew towards that other Gnoll attacking the Elf Templar. The ranger then looked for a good vantage point, opting to climb a tree nearby. From there, she provided support and fired at the Gnolls. In the meantime, the Dire Wolf stalked the battle, looking for an opportunity to strike.

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"hello" shouted a Gnoll in the same tree as Helzebeth, he aimed a kick for her head trying to knock her down out of his perch. ((and they are surrounding you...totally not being a jerk here lol. They haven't fired a shot yet because they were setting up.))

A Team of gnolls headed for the back going after Abraham and Bjorn. They were looking to spread the group thin and get in some cheap shots or force them to get sloppy.

Nemesis swooped down grabbing one of them, she carried him off as he tried to stab at her scaled under belly. He didn't make much progress. She dropped him fro a great height. He tumbled end over end plummeting to the ground.

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Xavier ducked downward and threw himself into a spinning motion, blade scything at the approaching gnolls' legs and releasing an expanding spiral of flame. This flame, however, wasn't a simple wave of harmless sparks like the previous attack; it was fire hot enough to sear flesh and set someone who happened to be covered in something highly flammable (say, fur) alight.

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((fur while flammable doesn't just go up as if it were a flammable gas.)) The vortex caught the Gnoll attacking from the front he was lit aflame. He rolled backwards attempting to put out the flames. lucky for him it worked. He brushed cinders off of himself before going back in for an attack. The Gnoll from behind's blade bit down into Xavier's shoulder. It didn't go deep due to his armour stopping it, but it definitely broke flesh. An arrow hit him in the shoulder however, Jupiter losing it without hesitation. She continued to fire support elsewhere afterwards, figuring Xavier could take the 2.


Oarloff blow went wide, as the Gnoll dashed to the side. He made a sweep fro the ogre's legs, attempting to bring him down.

Another Gnoll team moved up on the unarmed friendlies now that the others were occupied with Oarloff and one was carried off by Nemesis.

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The gnoll thought he would bring the big guy down due to the lack of training he perceived him to have, but apparently he underestimated him. He took the blow to the skull not knowing it was coming. Unfortunately for Oarloff his blow didn't land true and was only a glancing blow. The gnoll however didn't retaliate, as he was thoroughly stunned for a second before coming to his senses.

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((and remember kids....don;t yell hello at someone who has no idea you are even there. Even trained bad guys are dumb sometimes XD.))

The Gnoll struggled with Helzebeth, trying to wrap his pegs around her neck so she couldn't throw him off. He clung onto the tree with his claws. It made him incredibly hard to dislodge. He kept tussling and flailing about making it hard for Helzebeth to get a good grip on the guy.

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Akuma rage begins to build as he release an intense bird like screech, This is what he should have done in the first place when he first lays eyes on those enemy gnolls, I was playing too careful back then, no more hiding. Akuma's vision turns blurry as his hatred consumes him. his body was set to tolerate even the highest of pain, The birdman was ready to wreak havoc.

The Kenku set his sight on the enemy near the group, i think? can't really tell if its an enemy or not from my state right now, everything is red dammit! if they're smart they've move out of the way. The berserker spread his wings and sprint forth towards the fray, swinging his warhammer wildly, ravaging anything that is set infront of him with non-stop blows.

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Dru gulped, afraid to reestablish his connection with the Earth. Instead, he reached into his cloak and pulled out two small stone bars with a large piece of metal on either end. He held these each in a closed fist and closed with the gnoll that had attacked Oarloff, giving the furry enemy a swift blow to the side of the head and knocking him unconscious. "Good work, big guy! Let's see who else we can clobber, eh?" he said sardonically. He stood near Oarloff, waiting for the newest addition to the group to make his move.

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In utter irritation, Helzebeth did what every girl would in self-defense. While the Gnoll wrapped his legs around her neck, she simply lunged forward with her elbow forward; if it worked, the Gnoll wouldn't be sitting down comfortably for a good while. Even if the Gnoll brought her down out of the tree, Hunter was down below and it wasn't too high up away from the ground.

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A rush of air came out of the gnoll as Helze blow landed right in his stones. He gasped for air and if it weren't for his Claws being dug into the tree he probably would have plummeted to his doom. Quite clearly angry he reached for a small blade, a pocket knife as he tried to cut in towards Helzebeth.

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The half-Elf was too close to not be slashed at. Although she withdrew her arm as fast as she could, the stupid thing managed to cut her arm right where it wasn't protected. And that was when she realized that she could've used the blunt ends of her bow this whole time. Having backed up as far away from the blade as far as she could, though it left her very little space to maneuver, Helze held her bow up high with both hands like it were a spear or staff. She aimed for the Gnoll's neck and jabbed downward with the bow's length, ready to raise the bow again to strike if it would work.

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He dodged out of the way, but lost his footing. Slipping back he barely caught himself. He dropped his knife as he tried to hang on with his claws. He got back to even footing but now had no weapon ((other than his built in claws.)). He tried to make a strike for Helzebeth, but it was clearly out of desperation and would just make it harder for to strike back at him rather than do any real damage.

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Sigurd noticed the team of Gnolls that targeted Abraham and Bjorn. He made his way over and positioned himself between enemies and allies. “Stand back, Oldtimers,” he taunted, “Let me show you how youth fights these days!” He raised his blades in a defensive stance and waited for the Gnolls to make first move.

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Akuma crashed into a Gnoll, bloodying the bastard pretty badly, but not killing him. While he was berserk, the gnolls had the advantage of numbers and being quicker than him. Though he would do much more serouis damage landing a blow then they would. 2 Gnolls circled around the bird, alternating attacks cutting at whatever they could without over-extending. Most of the cuts missed they were waiting for him to make a move if they could.


The Gnoll Nemesis dropped now hit the ground with a sickening crunch as most of the bones in his body broke. He screamed in agony as he couldn't move and was in a world of pain. His blood curdling screams could be heard throughout the battle.


2 more Gnolls cut in towards Dru and Oarloff. Both circling waiting for them to make a move.


Now the Gnoll archers were set up as well. They began firing from the trees. Most were shooting at the closest targets trying to do some damage. Others tried firing towards The Unarmed party members. And yet others fired shots at Jupiter seeing as they could see her out in the open. Jupiter ducked back for cover trying to get out of the line of fire and tried to pick out the archers in the trees, it would be important to attack some of them.


The 2 Gnolls came towards Sigurd quickly. One feinted towards him, only to switch his attack mid-strike. The other skirted around him, making a bee line towards the Unarmed. Blue intercepted him however as a wall of water came up between him and his goal. It crashed down into him pushing him back. Odin then came in beside Sigurd. "We got this Lad." he said as he struck down towards the gnoll striking a blow towards Sigurd. The gnoll cut off it's attack short to dodge the blow coming for his abdomen. The team of 2 nodded to each other, as they went in to renew their assault.

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Coldly, the ranger glared at the Gnoll. Before she made a move, however, she asked, "You're nothing like Cookie, are you?" Then she shook her head. "No; I bet you're not even worth an arrow." Grabbing onto the trunk for support, she aimed and threw a kick at the Gnoll's face.

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Dru looked at the two gnolls, gulping in anticipation. I'm a sorcerer. I'm no melee fighter without my magic. I'll need to do the only thing I know how to with the Earth I have available. "Oarloff, now!" he shouted. He regretfully took a pouch of ritual sand out of his pocket and flung it into one gnoll's eyes, hoping to blind him as he rushed the gnoll and attempted to tackle it to the ground.

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The gnoll went tumbling head over end when Helze kicked him from the tree. His some of his claws were left in the truck having torn off from the force of the kick he wasn't expecting. He landed with a sickening crunching sound, either dead, or knocked out from the force of the landing.


The gnoll took the sand right in his eyes, unfortunately for Dru they had a good sense of smell though. He collided with it, but he didn;t take him down. He felt the Gnoll's Claws dig into his skin as they began to grapple. It must have known he was coming, though it's reaction was barely enough to catch him. The Gnoll without it's eyes for now would be at disadvantage, as he wouldn't be able to counter his movements, but the claws were incredibly painful and made the gnoll hard to remove. The other one leapt back noticing the assault on his team mate. He circled around Oarloff in a way so that he couldn't easily get struck at by Oarloff. However it took him longer to get to Dru. Oarloff could intercept him and cut him off still.


A cry came from the frontlines as Montebanke took a horrid gash to his abdomen. He clutched his stomach in pain. Squirmy fought desperately tooth and nail to keep them from his friend. He flailed about taking on 3 gnolls by himself, that is until Tiny arrived. The giant Gnoll crashed through them knocking them every which way. He fought a lot like Akuma did using the force of his body to crush opponents. He was covered in shallow wounds bleeding everywhere and yet he stood. He was a machine of death and war and everything in his path bent or got the hell out of the way. He punched a gnoll he knocked to the ground so hard with his Cetus that his foe's exploded into a shower of grey matter. It was as if he had popped a watermelon, only a lot more gory. Tiny took Montebanke's place in the melee coordinating with Squirmy to protect him, they fought with vigor and a fervor like no other. Cookie and Curfew then fell in behind them covering Montebanke on all sides. Cookie's twin swords spelled the doom of the Gnolls that tried to close. While Curfew used the full extent of his chubby body to clobber his opponents. His longsword was used more as a bludgeoning tool then as a real blade. One couldn't help but wonder why he didn't use a mace or an ax. Though it became clear on further inspection his sword was actually a Falchion just like one of Cookie's. It was a sword made for hacking and weighty blows much like an ax.

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"Oh no you don't you big meanie!" Oarloff screamed as he charged at the gnoll. Though it didn't appear as if Oarloff was preparing to strike with his mace at all. Instead as soon as the half-ogre though he could make the jump, he leaped into the air and spread himself out as though attempting to body slam the creature.

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