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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Going downward didn't work, so Xavier launched himself sideways on a blast of fire, angling it in the general direction of the enemy archers (though he didn't really expect it to hit them, just throw off their aim). Skidding into a sort of armed sprinter's stance, he threw himself at the gnolls he had just moved away from, a slicing blade of flames followed up closely by a physical blade driven by both arms. The cut on his shoulder had made him aware that these gnolls wouldn't fall to simple tactics, but he was not overly concerned. He fought with a primarily two-handed grip anyway.

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Akuma didn't flinch from the pain as the gnolls dance around him, delivering cuts to most of his body. Mostly wounding his massive wings. it doesn't matter tho, as long it isn't fatal, its just a flesh wound to him. Akuma remains sturdy as he knew these gnolls won't stop and try the same shit over and over again until he is cut to bits, the Kenku is not gonna wait for that.

Akuma feels like he has to separate the two gnolls, just to desynchronize their attacks, but nah, who needs strategy? when you have brute strength and high tolerance against pain, The berserker charge right in, like a train, delivering a frenzy of heavy blow at the two with his hammer. As long as Akuma doesn't falter, anything that the enemy can dish out, means nothing to him and will be caught in his warpath.

((I feel like Akuma is gonna die if i keep this up..lol))

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Dru grunted in pain as he grappled with the gnoll, taking stock of his situation. He threw around his natural Orcish bulk with ease, doing his best to control the fight on the ground. Maybe he's like a dog! Here goes nothing! he thought as he wound his arm back, balled his rather large hand into a fist, and began to punch at the gnoll's face repeatedly, hoping to hit his nose in an attempt to more fully deny him use of his senses.

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And now to take out the competition. There were archers in the trees... easy enough to pick out. In case she was screwed over and needed an escape route, she looked around; there was a close enough tree to leap to so that she could swing on the branch. All good then; the ranger began sniping at the Gnolls with bows, ducking ever so often to hide in the leaves.

Down below, Hunter waited for the archers to fall, patiently as a predator stalks his prey.

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Snot and blood flew all over his fist as Dru punched the Gnoll in his nose. It couldn't see the blow coming, it could feel it so it didn't break it's nose, but it did quite some damage to him. He threw Dru from him in a heave of primal strength, but didn't have much to follow up on with it. It wiped at it's eyes in the moment it had to get the sand out of them. They watered heavily and were bloodshot, but he could see. He attempted to get up before the orc could get back to him, but his legs were failing him.

The other gnoll the Oarloff was running towards leapt up using all the strength in his legs, he spun over top of the Half-Ogre grabbing him by the head. He then used his momentum to swing himself over Oarloff. He ran towards Dru, his blade in hand ready to strike at the Half-Orc's back. However, he met a nasty hatchet on the way. It slammed into his face with terrible force lopping off an ear. Odin laughed as he charged the bastard, his other hatchets in hand. He clashed with it wildly Knocking it off balance and eventually to the ground. He gave it a swift kick to the head, putting him into a nice long sleep.


Helze had trouble shooting the gnolls in the trees. They sent arrows back and forth at her, and her returns usually met wood rather than flesh. The one in a nearby tree revealed himself Going for a kill shot on Helze, he drew to full draw ready to send his black arrow into her heart. But then One landed in the base of his skull. A silver arrow tip came out through his right eye skewering it on the end. He tumbled out of the tree, His arrow flying uselessly off away from the battle. The Archers in the trees were all occupied fighting each other, so the Gnolls couldn't fire at the ground forces anymore.


The gnolls dodged out of the way of Xavier's blow, they knew the fire was very dangerous to them, but soon they renewed their attack. They must have sensed an opening...or something had changed. That was when Xavier saw a glint in the distance. It had a soft glow....like that of glass. The Victonari had stepped forward now and was standing in view, he was far away still but the glint came from something Xavier would have recognized from the Shifting sands. He held in his right hand a Walking cane....but it was no ordinary cane. It was a Sniper Rifle, and the glint was that of the scope being hit by the sun's rays. The Victonari stood straight up, with a solid stabilization mount that reached all the way to the ground. He yelled in a snively voice, that sounded like he was so amused with himself. He shouted "Sayonara!!!" as he depressed the trigger. A faint purple glow shined in the distance as a blast of purple energy surged towards Xavier at high speed.


Akuma ravished in the popping of a skull. Corpses lay around him scattered and broken. The adrenaline pumped him up more and more. The gnolls started to take more care of him, giving him a large birth. They didn't approach now trying to cause him to run into trees and over objects to get to them. They starting throwing knives and using the cover they could to confuse the raging bird. They attacked from many angles, trying to never give him rest. They relented almost as much as he raged.


For now the runners held Montebanke was still terribly wounded. They fought off all attackers. Lucky for them the archers were busy otherwise they might be dead by now. A scream could be heard from a nearby tree as Skinner had taken out another archers, knocking him form the tree. Skinner worked best were he could not be seen. He leapt back down seeming to vanish. He was horrifying to watch in action, like a phantom that purpose was to kill. Luckily for the group..he was pointed at the enemies and not them. The only thing one could hear of Skinner was his horrid hyena laugh. It seemed to ring form bloody everywhere on the battlefield, it filled everyone's ears, and made it impossible to know where the bastard was in the rest of the din of combat. Nero knew that the Gnoll was using a rather low level illusion techinque to extend his voice everywhere in the area. As it was pretty hastily put together he could tell the gnoll wasn't a true mage, but used the little he had to strike terror into his victims. It was....rather unpleasant to think about, but Cookie trusted the guy so he couldn't be that bad.

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Dru was flung to the ground several feet from the gnoll. However, he was able to get up quite easily despite the cuts on his back and arms and once again rushed his opponent. This had better finish him off, he thought to himself as he closed the gap, extending his arm with the intent of delivering a crushing clothesline.

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Dru looked around him at his embattled comrades and decided he had no other choice. Here goes everything, he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and began to channel his innate magical energy, once again attempting to build a connection with the Earth so that he could use his Earth magic skills.

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He felt his connection returning, the Earth heeded his call. But he felt.....something else.....something different from before. It skirted on the edge of his senses....it didn't feel like an earth spirit.... it was strange almost alien to him, but it only was because it wasn't in his view. Every time he tried to find it it ran away. Until it freaked out. He heard a female voice in his head, it was loud and clear as if her mind was overlapping with his, his thoughts started t become hers for a second. "Where am I? All, I remember is earth crushing me swallowing me....where am I now? WHERE AM I?" The spirit was frantically thought of things, images of her life flashed in Dru's mind. People she knew, places she had been, all of it, but it was too fast to comprehend. This spirit was freaking out within his own soul. He had control of his body, but his mind was fighting him the woman, whoever she was didn't know what was happening. She probably didn't intend it though, Dru didn't get a malicious feeling from her. But it was bad. Everytime he tried to move she pulled back his own body, like she had partial control over it. However, Dru had the stronger control, he could override her actions, but it made doing things tough....this was a bad situation for this to happen. The middle of a battle was no place to calm a spirit.

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Oh, how she hated fighting in the trees as a result; how tempting it was to set her arrows on fire, but that would've been reckless. Luckily, somebody had her back-- Jupiter?-- and gave her some cover. It would probably be best to get a better vantage point if she wanted to go for the targets in the trees. The ranger climbed down the tree and dropped onto Hunter's back when she was near enough to the ground. Darting around the trees on Hunter's back, she traced back where she remembered the arrows flew from and fired at them from down below with some of the obsidian arrows she'd kept from the battle back in Brinestar; they were sharper and well-made, so she expected them to cut through the foliage that hid them with ease. Meanwhile, the huge wolf kept his senses open for any nearby enemies, ready to leap out of the way or strike.

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Dru struggled with the spirit in a form of mind-wrestling that was as subtle at times as it could be brutal at others. He controlled his breathing, being sure to retain focus so as not to completely lose awareness of his surroundings. Of all the times for this to happen! he thought to himself. I must rid myself of this spirit or calm it quickly. He began to clear his mind, putting his thoughts aside as he focused deeply on the Earth. After much effort, he managed to turn his head toward Odin. "Odin!" he said painfully slowly. "Spirit in head. Protect me," was all he managed to say before he had to return his full attention to controlling the rampant flow of memory and emotion from the spirit. Your family, he projected toward the spirit. Family. He recalled his own mother and father and every scrap of good feeling and love toward them that he could, praying to the Earth that it would be enough to allow the spirit to focus itself.

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Dru saw flashes of a house and a small village, along with that of faces. They were clearer than ones from before, but he didn't recognize any of them. "Where am I, and who are you? And where is my body this one isn't mine why I AM HERE?" the spirit was still frantic, but it calmed down enough that it focused itself. Dru could probably talk to it now, but it was still struggling, it was obviously spooked and scared, it wasn't trying to harm him, but something happened to it that horribly traumatized it.

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Dru gently reached out to the spirit, his heart breaking at the visions of the spirit's past. "Do not worry. I am not here to harm you. Somehow you have become trapped inside my mind. I am Drug'thok Grunara, a sorcerer from the Shattered Hills. You must do your best to remain calm. We are in the midst of a battle. Should you panic and I get killed, I do not know what will become of us. So I would ask that you do not panic. What is your name?"

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Marcus jumped into the battle - quite literally - as he slashed with his sword at one of the gnolls attacking Akuma from the back. He intended to break their tactic and buy some space for the Kenku to wreak havoc with his impressive streght.

((soorry, didn't think of that.))

Edited by Notus
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Xavier's eyes widened as the magic bolt flew at him. A gunslinger? Here? He was starting to regret choosing a fighting style that didn't involve a shield, though the thought was pushed out of him as he threw himself toward the trees and away from the various threats approaching him at high speed. He only hoped he had reacted fast enough. . .

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Akuma sense an enemy nearby as was about to turn around and strike it down with his hammer, fortunately he manage to stop in the nick of time just before he was about to hit his ally.. it was Marcus! the berserker can't really tell which one is which right now due to his unstable rage. luckily for Marcus, Akuma can still recognize the cinder knight's flame.

Still alert from the current situation they're in, Akuma cloaks himself and Marcus in his wings as he protect themselves from the projectile of daggers, the kenku's wings is badly wounded and is filled with cuts and pieces of knife.

"Kill, i'll be the bait." all he can say to Marcus as the kenku pointed the gnolls. asking for back-up.

Still on a rampage and enduring all pain. Akuma leaves Marcus as he grabs a nearby sword from one of the corpses and sprinted towards one of unfortunate knife-throwing gnolls as he pounce and drove the sword into its skull.

Akuma draws his hammer as he seek his next target, as his massive wings serves as a shield from this storm of daggers.

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Nero stepped out from the treeline, his invisibility spell completed. He walked slowly across the battlefield, taking his time, keeping a watchful vigil all around him, despite his invisibility. He drew his sword, letting it hang from his arm as he walked. He took a look around, trying to find the most efficient chink in the enemy formation to strike. He stopped for a second as he heard the echoing sound of a voice amplified by Illusion. It was a simple spell, and it seemed that one of the gnolls was using it purely for effect. "Wasteful" was all Nero could think of the matter. He turned his gaze to the treeline, picking out a gnoll that had left itself all too visible. He closed his eyes, whispering imperceptibly as he cast his spell. He was messing with the gnoll's vision, altering it so that the gnoll would see itself tilting, when in reality it was still straight. While trying to "right" itself, it would likely fall out of the tree, where Nero could finish it.

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"D...D...Dia." said the woman's voice. "I am sorry, all I remembered was being swallowed by the earth and thousands of people screaming....and now I don't know where I am. I...I...will let you fight, I am sorry." she repeated I am sorry quite a few times, but stopped trying to fight Dru's control. She was still clearly upset and volatile, but she because she didn't want to harm Dru, she kept quiet. It was strange, Dru had been used to speaking to spirits of the Earth, but this was entirely different, everything she felt, he felt almost as if he was feeling it. He could barely tell her feeling of grief from his own feelings. Her thoughts also clouded his, but a lot less then when she had first arrived. He could think clearly enough to keep focused on what he was doing. It was strange, as if he had somebody else's soul affixed to his somehow. Now wasn't the time to dwell on it though, he would have to find out more later, for now Gnolls were all over trying to kill him and his friends. This, Dia, must have felt that resolve in him, it must have been what how she knew he wasn't lying to her. She could probably feel all of his feelings, just as much as he could feel hers.


Unfortunately for Akuma, Berserker's Rage did sometimes play tricks on the mind. While he did hit the gnoll he didn't hit it where he though he did. He hit it directly in the jaw shattering it's bones, but it still lived, it grabbed onto him trying to hold of for dear life, it sunk of it's claws into him trying to wrestle him to the ground. However, Akuma's Gambit payed off. The other Gnolls, they focused on him, they stared in terror and in awe. Some fled, others....well others couldn't even move. They held their attacks for fear of hitting their comrade, but others yet threw whatever they could. ((that means you have an opening Notus lol.))


Xavier barely managed to avoid the bolt, it seared past him after going trough the chest of the gnoll that was in front of Xavier a moment ago. The bolt kept going, until it was caught in a bubble of Water, it dissolved into steam before it did anymore damage. The Victonari made a quite loud noise of disgust as he missed. It was impossible to know just how many shots a Gunslinger had left, but Xavier reckoned he didn't have too many as he would have probably been firing a lot more liberally if he had a huge supply, however, that wasn't the best thing to assume. Gunslingers were known to be dangerous, and he could have been saving his presence as a trump card.


The gnoll Nero bewitched did exactly what he thought it would. It tumbled out of the tree head first landed on the ground with a terrible thump. It scrambled to regain it's senses. It hadn;t been high enough to die from the fall, but it would have taken significant head trauma. It looked around dazed and confused as it tried to gain it's bearings.

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Dru sighed in relief as the other spirit stepped aside. Good. Now I can work, he thought as he took stock of the situation. Xavier was fighting against a purple Victonari that was using a strange form of magic Dru had never encountered before. However, it seemed to revolve around the use of some type of magical projectile in combination with a focus held in the hand. Water. Just what I didn't want to deal with after an invasive spirit. He stomped the Earth, waves of comfort coming over him as he once again felt his uninterrupted connection with his favored element. "Terra lacquoom!" he shouted, his voice heard over the din of battle for the first time since he addressed Oarloff. He stomped his right foot on the ground and brought his hands together, interlocking his fingers and tightening them against the backs of his hand. Rocks seemed to grow from the earth beneath the Victonari's feet in an attempt to encapsulate them, locking down its movement completely.

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"Well shit, didn't think this would be a challenge." the Victonair said, as the earth enveloped his feet. He punched the stabilizer out from under his rifle with his hand. He then aimed it at the ground. "Going up boys, toodles." he said as he shot the ground. It flung him up into the tree line breaking the stone around his feet, as he landed in one of the upper branches. He aimed his Cane-Rifle towards Dru now. But this time, his shot was different. He shouted "Chaos Shot!!!" the Light lavender beam exited the end of his Cane-Rifle once more, but half way down it's path it separated into 9 different beams. They all went in every direction spiraling around trees and obstacles as if they were seeking something. They were slower than the first shot, but they looked just as dangerous.

"Aquais Victus!!!" shouted Blue, it was yet another time his voice was heard by the party. A Bubble of Water appeared over the area they were in. The Bullets hit the water and for a time seemed to fizzle out, but eventually they wore a hole through the barrier. It wasn't like the last time where the water cancelled out it's energy. They seemed lethargic now though, moving slow as if they had lost most of their energy. But then they reconverged. 3 of each combined, making 3 bullets. They moved with the same conviction as the 9 before them, recycling the energy lost. One headed for Dru, another Xavier, and the third for Blue.

"Aquasis Barictus" said Blue as he caught his in yet another bubble. It fizzed as the bullet bounced around on the inside like it was stuck in a small room. It didn't break out this time, and fizzled out of existence. All that was left was steam hanging in the air were it had been.

"We best we quick, I am running out of strength to soak his attacks." Blue said to the group in their minds. He sounded ragged and tired.

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Nero walked toward the gnoll where it stood confused and disoriented, and in a quick motion, he swung his sword at the creature's throat, taking advantage of the situation. He had seen the battle happening near Blue, and the Victonari seemed to be the real foe here. Nero would have a slight advantage with his invisibility -- perhaps he could get in a sneak attack to finish it before things got too out of hand.

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This time, Xavier retaliated with a ranged attack of his own. He swung his blade in a wide upward strike, the tip of his blade appearing to cut the air and release flames from where it had traveled. He then made another strike, this one horizontal, which caused the line of fire to expand and fly at the Victonari. The bolt was approaching rapidly, however, so he turned to face it and waited until just before it would strike him, then leapt backward, using a burst of flames to give himself an extra bit of momentum.

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Dru watched as Blue trapped the shot in the bubble, getting an idea of their opponent's abilities. So if it rebounds enough it will eventually fizzle out. I think I know what to do. He watched as the chaos shot lazily drifted toward him, feeling around him as best he could. With an area that's seen as much seismic activity as this, there's bound to be some somewhere... he thought to himself, searching frantically through the earth using his magic. He grinned triumphantly, then frowned a little as he realized just how far down it was. "Terra locoxe!" he shouted, stomping his foot and bringing both hands skyward from knee level.

A large chunk of obsidian broke through the ground some seconds later, obscuring Dru from the shot's apparent trajectory. Now to set the trap. He began moving his hands, chanting rapidly in a low tone as he motioned similar to a child making a ball of clay. Suddenly, there was a loud grinding noise emanating from the obsidian as it began reforming into a small, incredibly dense sphere that was roughly the size of the half-Orc's head. He appeared to plug a finger into the imaginary ball in his hands and the obsidian chunk mirrored it, creating a small entry tunnel into a hollow center. The sorcerer quickly moved the sphere toward the chaos shot, attempting to catch it inside and close the sphere immediately after.

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