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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"It sounds like something that is a problem for the Cinder Knights, does even you order not know?" Jupiter asked.


A brilliant smell wafted throughout the camp now as Curfew put on the gumbo. The smell of crushed red pepper and other spices lazily spread throughout the the area. It slightly singed the eye, not enough that it would hurt, but enough that you could feel the heat. It was actually invigorating, and it really got the senses moving. The smell would have cleared even the most clogged of sinuses. It mingled with the scents of the forest, the two actually playing well off each other. They didn't clash, in fact they played together in a very strange way. The grass was complemented by the spice. The other Gnolls in the group ((and Squirmy!!!)) started to gather around Curfew. And Curfew's hum became that of a song. "Oh great winds of the goddess carry us home~, Our feet are weary and blistered, and just want to come home.~" he sang out into the world and soon the other Gnolls joined in another verse, even Tiny did some singing. He hummed deeply, not singing any words, but adding a booming base. "Queen of the Nomads, show our paws and our feet where to go, for we have lost our way. Our swords and our spears let them stay where they lay. We have killed too many brothers today.~"

"We can never go back to the place where we were born, for our brothers we have scorned. But, we still wish to go home all the same. Please Queen of the Winds, show us the way for wherever you guide us, it shall not be astray."

"Guide our feet for they are blistered and weary, Great Nomad Mother, we sons didn't get along today. They still have a land a home to home even if it bleak and dreary. So, please lead our feet to somewhere they can lay."

Squimry now started to sing on his own, perhaps a verse that he added, the others hummed softly behind him. "Really friends, where are you going? Lost you say? Well, Perhaps I can find the path.~, He was a lone goblin lad, come across a group of gnolls tired and sad. He asked them where they went, all they they nary knew anymore."

They all started to billow back into song. "And that was how the Runners were formed. A group of dastardly Gnoll cads"

"And Squirmy, a cute Goblin lad!" the goblin quickly injected.

"Who had a song in their soul. It told them to Run from the plight. But nay, THEY SAID NO!!!"

"We will clog the damn machine with our bodies and souls, The Gentleman or the Death Angels aren't go to get what they want for free, Not until they pay the Runner's Fee!!!"

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Despite the cheery singing in the camp, Dru elected to sit outside the bounds and meditate. He began by calming his breathing, being sure to keep a slow, rhythmic pace in order to set his mind and body at ease. He then began to feel around inside his mind again, seeking out the spirit. Come out, he called. We are safe for the time being. I wish to communicate with you.

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"Weell, yeah, we don't know much really. We know there are some gunslingers roaming the Sands, but they never seemed like an organized bunch... It's more likely they are simply different people who managed to salvage some weapons from the ruins." Marcus scratched the back of his head while answering to Jupiter.

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"This Body....it isn't mine...is it?" Dia asked Dru.


"So, they are something that isn't fully understood then. Perhaps they are just like us then people with their own goals and values. I don;t think they are all evil like that one was." Jupiter said.

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"Dunno, but I hope you are right. It seems those things can pack a punch." Marcus said, massaging his back a bit. It was still sore from the shot, but slowly getting better. "So, what are we looking for exactly? I... we don't have much forests in the sands you know, so I really have no idea about medicinal plants."

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Dru sighed inwardly and sent his recollection of the Grave Earth to Dia, being sure to show her piece by piece so as not to alarm her with the severity of what had occurred. "I am truly sorry for what happened to you," he said to her. "No one deserves a fate like that. I believe when I made contact with the Grave Earth your spirit must have crossed the magical 'bridge' that allows me to channel the power of the Earth."

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"We're looking for... Ah, here we go." Gesturing for the two to bend down with her, her fingers brushed the small white petals of a flower blooming on the ground. "These little flowers are named in honor the beauty of the Wind Goddess Aelia. There's... If I recall correctly, there's a certain lore about them, about how the deity herself blessed these blossoms for them to scatter all over Graterras... But I don't remember it now." Straightening up after plucking some of the flowers, she continued, "They'll help with bruises and whatnot. And I think that we can find some nuts on that tree there."

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"I remember a maelstrom of wailing people, and damning howls. It was like I lost myself. My thoughts weren't my own and all I could feel was a collective rage at anything that was living. Is that what happened? Did I become part of that monster? And if so, why was only my soul saved? So many good people died. Why am I here?" Dru could feel her despair almost as if it was his own. But, he felt her hopelessness at that last question. Like she gave up on herself. "Why am I here? I wish I could have just faded away and one of the others had a chance." he could feel a large feeling of self-loathing from the girl. Images of rather.....unsavory things flashed through his mind. Quite a few tragedies. But, mostly a crushing weight of self hatred. The sorrow was all but replaced. It was still there tinging the feeling, that was it's origin, but most of it was the self-hatred.


"They are very pretty, can such a pretty flower really heal wounds?" Jupiter asked. She said this as she placed one in her hair, right above her left ear. She swiftly helped collect more, picking them up as she went along.

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Dru shook his head, then remembered the spirit would not be able to understand the gesture. "It is not your fault that that animal decided to create that monstrosity at the cost of your people. However, you now have a unique privilege and a duty to those who were not so lucky." He paused in thought, trying to piece together the words to make her understand her role. "Your guilt is a sign of your compassion and your good nature. It is natural to feel this way. You must use it to your advantage and forge it into something new. And I promise you that together we shall avenge the people of your village. They showed us hospitality in a land in which there is little. To answer your question: You are here to see justice done so that the souls of the lost may find peace in the Earth."

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"It's almost as if you have a head of white blooms," Helzebeth said, smiling so much more freely with her sister close by. "And you'll be amazed what power this tiny bloom holds in her petals. It is as if Aelia's grace and power is infused in it. But, what we'll have to do, is to mash the petals in a bowl and apply the resulting mash to the bruises." After some thought, she added, "My father once tried planting them in the Forest of Knives, since there are very little to none of them in there. It, well, unfortunately didn't go too well. Probably because of the harsher environment."

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Marcus stopped a bit when Jupiter put the flower in her hair. It was... Very pretty indeed, the white of the blossom matching her silver hair. Quickly he turned away though - afraid of looking weird just standing there -, and resumed picking the little flowers with a little too much focus on the task.

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"There you is!" Oarloff cried out bumbling over towards Marcus and Jupiter, a fresh red bump throbbing on his over-sized head. "Oh me has been looking and looking for yous! Oh, it was just so silly, let me tell you! First me and Misturr Dru is fightin' the bad gnoll peoples when me tries to tackle one. Well, that tricky little bugger maded me miss and next thing me knows me head hits a rock! Next thing me knows me is waking up and you all is nowhere to be found!" Oarloff chuckled for a bit then walked next to Marcus. "So is you picking flowers for Miss Jupiter?"

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"Oarloff?" Helze cried out, with astonishment in her voice as she followed the couple two away from the patch of Aelia's Beauties. "Oh dear, that's an awfully large bump... worry not, we've got what we need to treat that." The ranger showed him the little white flowers in her hands.

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Jupiter blushed. "Oh no Oarloff, it is nothing like that. We are picking them to use for the medicine for the injured at camp." she said with a smile. Her face was pretty red though.

((Oarloff would totally be able to see the flower in her hair by the way. Anyways, once we are done with this little interaction we will move back to the camp etc... get that stuff squared away.))


"But why me? How can I do anything thing? I was just a poor lonely girl that had no skills in life. And now I don't even have a body anymore. Why did I get saved from there, when anyone else could have?" the spirit seemed distraught, Dru could see glimpses of her past and feel some of her thoughts as if they were his again. The most common image...was a noose hanging from a low ceiling. But, it turned quickly away, as the vision of the one he saw it through ran from it. Other things flashed before his mind, but they were incoherent. They flashed by in an instant before fizzling into the abyss of spiraling emotion. Only very strong images could he pick out of the maelstrom. Ones that defined her life more or less. And things were not pretty. This girl....whoever she was in life was pretty broken. She lived a horrid life, and tried to take it from herself on multiple occasions. Needless to say, she was in a rather distraught state again. Dru could feel that she could have probably taken over his body, but he knew she wasn't going to do that. She didn't want to harm him in anyway, he could feel that as if he himself was. "Do, you think there is a way for me to get out? I don't want to impose this on you." she said after a bit of time.

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Sigurd observed the Gnoll Chef for a few moments, not wanting to interrupt with the meal preparations. “Say, Curfew,” he said when he couldn’t keep his mouth shut anymore, “why did you decide to run on your own instead of waiting for your friends? Surely you knew they would come after you…”

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Dru was stricken with sympathy as he saw the state of the girl's life. It was not unlike my own before Flint, he thought to himself as he felt the hopelessness and despair the spirit presented him with. He pondered her final question for awhile, not saying or thinking anything as he wrestled with it in his mind. Finally, he arrived at the only answer he had. "I don't know," he answered frankly. "I have not dealt with anything like this before and I do not wish for you to be trapped on this plane of existence any longer than you have to be. I will ask Blue," he told her, sending her all his understanding of the Illithid. "Perhaps he will know more."

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"Sometimes we make mistakes." Curfew said as he continued to stir the pot. His face got a rather somber look, as he pondered what next to say. He looked in on himself trying to determine why he did what he did. The puzzled look on his face revealed he didn't really know himself, but he thought he had a start. "I am not the bravest of souls, I mean I am just a cook after all." he said with a nervous chuckle. "One day, we were going to have to start running though. What we aim to do, it was all but inevitable. So, while I might have caused this to happen earlier than it should have....it would have happened anyway." he huffed a little, having relieved the pressure he was feeling. "We won't let them kill all of the Free Races. It isn't the right thing to do. For so long our races, the Forsaken......" he said fumbling to find the words at first. "Well, we have been oppressed so long, we forget that the Free Races have good people too. We have become the monsters we are selves fight, the Free Races who wish to eradicate us. All this hatred needs to end. All this hatred over a silly war that took place thousands of years ago. And what's worse is it is founded on the bones of a dead people. The Umbranari didn't deserve their fate just because the one who created them went mad. They clearly hadn't. It was the rest of us that had, burning the countryside, calling for war. So maybe, that is why I ran. I didn't want to fight under a false banner. A Banner so vile, and so misguided."


"Yes, you look very pretty Oarloff!" Jupiter smiled seeing the ogre put the flowers in what hair he had. "Perhaps we should take the rest of these back to camp so the others can be pretty too!"


"He seems intelligent." Dia said after awhile of being quiet. " I hope he knows something for both our sake. I don't want to burden you like this with my presence."

After while she also asked one more question. "Dru, do you know Earth Magic? I can feel the spirits. They aren't as wrathful as the others I have met."

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Marcus went full red after Oarloff's coment on the flower picking, but luckily (?) Jupiter intervened before him. It was a great thing that the half ogre was as skilled in provoking laughter as he was with putting Marcus in awkward situations though, and soon the young man was laughing along with everybody. Though...

Actually, it could be a good idea. Jupiter seemed to have liked the little flowers, so maybe if he found a really pretty one it would please the silver haired ranger

Purposely falling a little behind, the templar started looking for it.

((Huk, up to you if he finds something.))

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He found something rather special when he looked. It hid amongst the white flowers almost in plain sight. It was strange, for it looked like a rose, but it was a brilliant emerald green. At most angles it completely disappeared almost invisible in the foliage and underbrush. But, Marcus could see it now, plain as day. It sparkled like a gem when the sun hit it at certain angles. It was an Emerald Rose, a very popular flower in the Sands to give to a special friend. They had to be shipped special from the SHattered Hills, or from the Kingdom of Solarium. From what Marcus heard, he knew they were strange flowers that tended to grow amongst other flowers. Their green hue was to protect them from herbivores that grazed on common plant live as they blended in with their surroundings, and just looked like part of the stalks and grasses nearby. However, up close it glistened like the gem it was named after. It was given to a special person that one could see their inner beauty, a gesture that was most noble and pure in the Sands. It seemed to beckon to him to pick it, it wanted to be seen by him. Would he?

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Oh, he would.

Marcus looked forward to the trio (Helze, Jupiter and Oarloff) and after being sure that none of them was looking, quickly got down on one knee and picked the Emerald Rose. Obviously it wasn't that uncommon in the Shattered Hills, but for some reason his mind skipped that piece of deduction and all he could think was how lucky he was for seeing that. After quickly hiding the blossom in his bag - taking a lot of care not to hurt it - he followed after his companions. He would wait for the right time to give this one for Jupiter.

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Dru grinned as the spirit inquired about the Earth. "Yes, in fact I do. Although I dislike the term 'use' when referring to the Earth. I prefer to believe that the Earth lends me its strength. I am its conduit, so to speak," he commented. "The Earth spirits you feel are the ones that I love most. They are gentle yet firm. They are what guides me in my task."

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"I am sorry if you took it that way. I didn't know until today that the Earth was...alive." Dia said. Dru could see fleeting images once more, though this time, he couldn't really get a clear picture of anything. I made it very hard to identify what Dia was feeling. It was...strange having this much of a connection to a person. The Earth spirits he dealt with every day of his life, they weren't so multi-faceted. They were very logical beings and they tended to b lethargic and slow. They weren't the most energetic around that was for sure. But, Dia was like talking to Blue, but even more so involved. Where Blue projected his thoughts into the mind, that person couldn't see his. For Blue, it was like reading a book. He could see the mind layed out before him and read into it. For Dia, her soul, mind and knowledge, and was all swimming within Dru. She couldn't really hide anything from him, and he couldn't hide it from her very well either. Most of their lives flashed in incomprehensible pictures, and the other didn't gain much from it. But, every emotion they felt it was like the other felt the same along with them. "So, the other elements must be alive too. To think, only those who used magic would ever know the world around us lives almost like us. I never knew myself until today."

((you guys may just precede to camp if you wish, I don't have an update for that yet myself.))

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