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Graterras Chapter 4: Shattering Realities. [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Warily eyeing the Dwarf, Helzebeth nodded before turning and pointing down the road. "Right. Let's get moving-- we're burning daylight." It seemed that he'd known the Half-Orc for a while now, but local Dwarves... The ranger stood in her place, waiting for the group to carry on.

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Dru shook his head at Sigurd. The poor lad will never get on with anyone if he keeps up the brash attitude, he thought to himself, stifling a laugh at Flint's indignance. "I am glad Spindal did not accompany you. It would have killed the old man if I of all people had rescued him," he said, his expression remaining deadpan. "And don't you think I didn't see you fall out of that tree, Little Flintie," he joked as his usually gravelly tone turned to a happier one. "Still, I didn't expect to see anyone from the Encampment all the way out here. You should travel with us for a time. It'd be safer than on your own, and if the Orcs come back I'm sure they won't be happy that I've returned."

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"Yea, it would. I will the fighting if there is any to these strong handsome devils you got with you." he said jokingly. "Oh and those 2 are pretty ladies, they good friends of yours?" he whispered to Dru, so Jupiter and Helzebeth couldn't hear him. He raised his eyebrow a little while saying this.

Lucky for the Crimson King, Flint was too absorbed in talking to Dru to notice him right away. Quickly, he changed the form of the Simulacrum again, turning back into the small book. He flashed his eyes on and off, hoping Sigurd would see him signaling him, or at least somebody would and pick him up off the ground.

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"Umm, Misturr Marcus? Does ... does you think you could teach me how to fight? Me doesn't really know how to."

Marcus turned to Oarloff as soon as he heard that, a little surprised. For some reason - probably the Half-Ogre's size and strenght - it had never crossed his mind that he didn't know how to fight. Now that was obvious though, he probably spent most of his life peacefully singing at the inn after all.

"Oh, sure Oarloff!" He said with a smile. Having an apprentice would be fun. "We'll have to wait till we make a stop to actually practice, but you can start by telling me if you ever tried using a weapon of any sort, or if you have one you'd like to try... We can figure out where to start from then."

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Dru laughed, clapping the old Dwarf on the back and smiling broadly. "Yes, my friend. I met them both during my travels in the Shadowed Isles. We have all been traveling together since the incident at Brinestar, but Lady Jupiter did not join us until we reached Passthrough." Upon saying the last part, Dru frowned. "Flint, my old friend... We have discovered something truly disconcerting. An evil is stirring, one so dark that the very fate of Graterras hangs in the balance. We will speak more of it later, but suffice to say that we are going to need all the help we can get." He then looked back toward the group and cleared his throat.

"Let's get moving. We need to find a safer place to make camp by nightfall," he said, beckoning to them to begin on their way again."

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Oarloff smiled, he knew Marcus would be the right teacher. "Umm no me only has me harp for a weapon and me has never had a weapon. Papa said that me didn't need one at the bar," Oarloff looked away for a moment as though he was thinking of a dream he had never been able to fulfill, "Though me thinks me would be good with a sword. But, one of those small skinny swords that pirates always have in the books, oh yes they is my favorite!"

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Sigurd ignored the dwarf, for now, and picked up Boney. “What an ass that guy is,” he mumbled, “and who the hell does he think he is demanding what I can or can’t say? His ego must be very big…” He glared at the dwarf and didn’t notice he stood next to Helzebeth who could’ve easily heard him.

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It seemed that the Wind Templar had some misgivings of his own about the Dwarf... though she couldn't really blame him or complain, herself, when she too couldn't quite warm up to the Dwarf. And yes, although she considered Odin to be like her father, that didn't change the way she saw the local Children of Stone around here. There was a reason she lived in one of the deadliest forests of the world-- perhaps the deadliest of them all, even-- and always wore a thick, hooded robe that her face and feminine figure would be concealed. "Are they nearly finished? If he would like to join us, then so be it, and let us get a move on. The beasts and bandits could hear all this racket and sniff us out from afar," she hissed under her breath to Sigurd, that only he and perhaps Jupiter could hear. The Half-Orc seemed to be having a reunion of his own with this Dwarf, which normally would be all nice and well with the ranger, but her father could well be wasting away with the time that they were letting slip at the moment.

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"Though me thinks me would be good with a sword. But, one of those small skinny swords that pirates always have in the books, oh yes they is my favorite!"

"Eeeh..." A sabre out of all things? Marcus would expect Oarloff to use a war-hammer, axe, or mace, something that could use his sheer strenght. The weapon he chose was definitely not the right one to his body... But looking at the gleam in the Ogre's eyes, marcus just couldn't bring himself to say a straight out no.

"...Well, it will be a bit hard to find one of those around here I think, so we can start practicing with other stuff. Maybe we can make a provisory mace if we find a three hard enough for it... But I can show you some sword moves anyway, so when we find one that suits you, you will be all ready!"

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"I am sure he means well." Jupiter said. "I think that Dwarf is kinda like Dru's father, from the way they are acting. Hehe, it is actually a little cute, never expected to see this much emotion from that big Half-Orc, he always seemed like the Cold, Stand-offish type." She said, giggling.

At this point the group started heading off back down the trail.

Flint at one point got a good eye on Odin, and he seemed shocked for a second. "A Thunderbrew out here? Thought your lot was done with the Shattered Hills? Doesn't matter I know you, you are the Son of old Morderith Thunderbrew, I remember you back when you were a wee babe Odin." The older Dwarf laughed. "Ya got your father's Face, bold, noble. However you got those fiery eyes and orange hair from your Mother. Good old Hammalyn Brightforge. She looked like an Angel made from the flames of the forge, fitting since the Brightforges were the top Smithing family at the time. Your old man was a lucky one, married a lass way out of his league."

"I don't care much for the caste system, and neither did he." Odin said.

"Of course, that is why he and Hammalyn left, and took you with them. They wanted opportunity rather than the stagnation of the dwarven caste system." Flint replied, the subtle sound of offense in his voice.

"How would you know?"

"I knew your Old Man, he was a good friend. Saved my sorry ass many a time. That was back in me soldiering days, before I learned the magic of the land. He was the reason I left to live in the Outpost. I figured if Mordie was out there making something of himself, that I should be too."

Abraham started to hover near Nero, not really sure how to strike up the conversation that had been interrupted so rudely by the encouter with the Orcs.

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With some afterthought, Helze nodded. "I suppose that I can understand that.... though I'd like to hurry up, as we've lost enough time as it is." Restless, she picked up her pace a bit, whilst looking in the general direction of where the Forest of Knives would be.

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"Oh, thank you so much Misturr Marcus, me just knew you would be the bestest teacher! Oooh me is just soo excited to learn how to be the strongestest fighter ever. I can be brave Misturr Marcus, even though me has never fought before me knows me can be brave if me has to." Oarloff continued on for a while, rambling about how he would be a great warrior and how he wouldn't run away as soon as trouble came. He fully intended to prove himself to his new teacher and intended on keeping talking until something stopped him.

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"this isn't a game" Akuma interrupted the Ogre babbling. "a weapon is only strong as its wielder, keep that in mind boy. i don't know how you are chosen as the champion of Barthimus, but you need to learn to defend yourself when the time comes." the Berserker said as he couldn't help to hear the discussion between Marcus and Oarloff as he gave out an advice.. no more like a warning to the Ogre.

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Nero turned to Abraham as the man approached. It was clear that the man wanted an answer to his earlier question, but felt uncomfortable asking a second time.

"Yes. I am a Darkwinter," Nero said abruptly, giving the man what he wanted. "Nero Darkwinter, former heir to the Darkwinter manor." A suspicion came into his eyes, as he searched Abraham's face, looking for any clue as to how the man knew him. He expected to get an answer of his own in the trade. "Might I ask how you knew?"

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"Well, I didn't know for sure. You just have your mother's eyes. Your reaction told me I was right." Abraham said. "You probably never knew me, but I used to work for your family, I was one of the Stewards that worked to maintain the finances and that type of upkeep for the Manor. I wasn't much of a children type then, so I kept to myself. You weren't the only one that survived that night. I did too, as well as your Uncle Jude Darkwinter. We were going over paperwork when the attack started and managed to sneak out amongst the terror. We came back to the ruins to find any survivors, but no one was left alive. It wasn't until much later I heard the rumors of a boy surviving that attack. You must have gotten away a different way then we did."

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"Yes..." Nero began, his voice seeming even quieter than usual. "I escaped with Scuro. You might remember him. He was the sorcerer, the one who was always locked away in the library." He paused, thinking back to those days that seemed so long ago. So Abraham had worked there when the raid occurred? The man was certainly living an eventful life.

"So my uncle lives?" Nero asked. "Do you know where he is now?" He had never been terribly close to his uncle, but he still wanted to know. He had lived all these years thinking that he was the last of his family alive, only now discovering that his uncle had escaped as well.

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"I am not sure, he left Nevermore one day, just saying he had business to take care of, he never told me where he was going." said Abraham. "And as you know, your Uncle was always a rather sheltered man, never really made friends and certainly never revealed his plans to anyone even if they were a friend."

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"Akuma is right, Oarloff." Marcus said after hearing the Kenku's intermission. He couldn't shake off the feeling that it had been a bit harsher then it was needed, but nonetheless it was a sensible warning. "When we are training it might as well be fun, but in a real fight you gotta keep focused and serious, else your life is on the line. But that's exactly why you were right to come and ask for help!"

The Fire Templar added this last part with a grin and a thumbs up to encourage his companion. Then he looked back to Akuma as he realized something. "Hey mate, why don't you practice a bit with us when we stop? I for one am in need of a little training after all that time in that damned ship, and I'm sure it would be useful to Oarloff if he learned something about war-hammers like your's."

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Oarloff's face wrinkled when he heard Akuma speak, it nearly fell apart when Marcus spoke. He was deflated, all of the energy and desire to begin training, gone. All because of one word 'warhammer.'

"Just because me is an ogre doesn't mean me can't use a sabre. Me is not a dumb beast." Oarloff blurted out, his usually jovial tone replaced by a more venomous one. "Me has been called a big oaf all of me life, but me is tired of it! Me just wants to help and me does not want to be treated as a simpleton." Oarloff glared away angrily for a moment before realizing the error of his ways. He had overreacted entirely, it wasn't their fault for suggesting a warhammer, they were merely trying to help.

Oarloff quickly turned back to the group and tried to apologize and explain himself before he could really hurt any of his new friends feelings, "Me is sorry for going off like that. It's just... me has been called stupid and simple all of me life. They always say 'oh Oarloff can pick up that heavy thing, but don't trust him with the nice things cause he will break them.' Sometimes it makes me sad." Oarloff sighed, "But, I guess if it's the only way for me to help, then me can use a warhammer."

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"A Hammer may be the tool of simple man, but it is just as honorable as a sword." Odin said, coming into the conversation. "You see this Hammer Oarloff? This is the hammer my son used. He was a mighty Paladin. A Hammer is the weapon of a Warrior, one who needs not glory or fame, but one who fights for his friends. Though the hammer maybe a simple weapon and not as fancy as a sword, it is still beautiful and elegant. Even if you use a Hammer Oarloff, we will not think you are simple, and it doesn't matter what weapon you use, we know that you will fight alongside us." Odin said his flaming eyes ablaze. "Here. Take this." Odin said. He handed Oarloff a small vial on a chain, it was full of ash. "This ash is from my son, and I give it to those friends of mine that are special to me. He died so that I could still be here standing next to you now, and I want you to have this to remind you that we are in this together. I trust you to take good care of it." Odin said with a smile.

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What's got in to him? Akuma question himself as he watch the ogre fret about his past and Odin comfort him.. perhaps the way i deliver my advice, i know it sounds harsh but its better than to sugarcoat it with comforting words,and lets face it.. being chosen as a champion of the God of life is a huge responsibility, i don't think Oarloff is ready...well not yet anyway.

"Fine, accompany you with your training... but i wont go easy on you guys, the boy needs to adapt if he wants to be warrior, a lesson without pain is meaningless. " Akuma said to Marcus as he agree to train with them.

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"Oh-hey, no problem Oarloff, and sorry if I ofended you." Marcus told the Half-Ogre after Odin's speech. Once again the good Dwarf handled things smoothly, and the young man was glad for that. "If you prefer the sword it is fine, I just think you should give a try to the greatest number of weapons you can at first, at least to learn how to properly counter them. Besides, Odin is right, many a great warrior used warhammers, axes and this kind of weapon. It has nothing to do with being "simple" as you say. Anyway, let's focus in swordplay first then." He said to calm his companion.

After that, Marcus stretched his arms upwards and placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed motion, putting a grin to his face again. "Hehehe, we'll have a good sparring session then, all of you. I'm really itching for a good fight!"

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Oarloff smiled at the old brew master. "Me will cherish this forever Misturr Thunderbrew. Magni was a very, very nice boy me remembers. Me will miss him as well. "The ogre leaned down and embraced the dwarf, giving him another warm hug, unlike the hugs the ogre had given out at the inn and more like the hug he had given to his father after his home had been burnt to the ground. He then stood, placed the ashes in a safe spot in his bag and slung the hammer behind his back, right on top of his harp.

The ogre then turned his attention to his new teacher, Marcus. "Me thinks Magni's hammer will be enough for me, though me is sorry for being unhappy." The ogre quickly smiled at the fire templar, "You is my teacher now, me should know better than to question you. But, you is right Misturr Marcus, this will be a very, very good training session."

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“Someone doesn’t like Dwarfs except Odin,” Sigurd remarked after hearing Helzebeth. He wasn’t paying much attention and missed the conversation about training Oarloff. Maybe that was a good thing for the friendly giant considering the Wind Templar would come up with harsh training. “Anyway any idea how far we have to travel before we reach your forest?”

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