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[Interest Check] Fate: Full Moon


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They can be either, historical figures have been very powerful servants in the past. The one that instantly springs to mind is Alexander the Great.

As far as Berserker goes, the only real requirement for qualification is that the heroic spirit in question would either enter a battle rage like state, or they were actually insane. The class skill of Berserker is mad enhancement. This works as an activated skill, that doesn't start on but as soon as it is turned on it cannot be turned off again. Depending on the rank of the servant's mad enhancement skill when it is turned on some/all of the servant's stats get a + modifier (this dramatically increases their stats) but they lose all reason and cognitive functions. This can also result in them being unable to activate certain skills and noble phantasms due to the fact that they can't create the thought processes required.

As a side note, because Berserker's stats are so high once mad enhancement is activated the mana drain on the master goes through the roof. This is to the point that in the previous 5 holy grail wars, 4 of the 5 masters that summoned Berserker died due to mana exhaustion. In all honesty, if you're looking to win the war Berserker is a terrible servant, but it's easily the strongest class in terms of pure stats.

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Well, Beowulf doesn't ever really enter a rage at any point; he's actually pretty calm given the monsters he faces down.

Now my issue is that all of the historical figures I can think of were rulers which are hard for me to mentally fit into one of these classes. I'll look up Alexander.

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Now my issue is that all of the historical figures I can think of were rulers which are hard for me to mentally fit into one of these classes. I'll look up Alexander.

For more information about Alexander this is the page you want: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Rider_(Fate/Zero)

For more clarification on how stat increases work I'll put a table ripped straight from the wiki here:

Rank Value + ++ +++

A 50 100 150 200

B 40 80 120 160

C 30 60 90 120

D 20 40 60 80

E 10 20 30 40

Now hypothetically we have a Berserker with a strength rating of C. He activates mad enhancement, now his strength rating is C+, this is now higher than a rank of A. If he had a weapon which increases his strength as his noble phantasm, his strength would rank up again to a rank of C++ and is now borderline ridiculous.

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the thing about Sauron as a servant is well first off he is not even a figure of our world(which is the Fate world they just have magic a stuff.) which would make it very unlikely that the Throne of Heroes would have him in it. and to he hits me as a servant that would kill his master right after he was summoned.

Lets see historical rulers. Charlemagne, King Richard the Lionheart, Willam the Conquer, Caesar, any Pharaoh from Egypt, Nero... (um no not him...) King Henry One through Eight or how ever many there where.

and once again Sheep is much better at explaning things then me by far.(god damn numbers.)

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Oh the Sauron thing I have 0 intention of using, somebody just mentioned LoTR so my brain was just trying to make Servants out of the characters lol. I wouldn't be using them

If anything though Rusty, I know you at least totally understand it even if you can't explain it well lol. Your Caster is freaking brilliant IMO, even though the RP didn't work out.

Ah okay, and thanks my Caster is my pride and joy of all the servants i made for my RP.

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You could just PM it to me, unless you believe it should be in this thread. but yea I can totally wait lol, it just bothers me that I can't figure out what the hell is going on with the Magic in this series, because I am usually pretty good at that stuff lol.

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I mean, I would totally have been stoked to use your Caster in that RP....if my brain could functionally process how magic works in this damn series lol. I don't like using things that I don't understand very well.

That's understandable fate magic is not to easy to pick up with if you just go off the anime and a bit a research. and i was worried for anyone if they picked her just because she isn't designed to win in a simple matter.(there's a reason her master wanted to keep as many of the other servants alive for as long as he could.)

Do you want me to write a summary on how magic, thaumaturgy, and command seals work? Even if you do it'll have to wait for a while.

Actually Sheep i think that would be extremely helpful for everyone since most of the people are going off of the animes. so it up to you(i would like to have it explained just because your explanations are a lot clearer and simpler.)

Edited by rustytengo
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Each Heroic Spirit is a unique existence, "the one and only", who each stood out from the others of their time by performing deeds and possessing qualities that no other possessed. They are mostly limited to individuals born before the end of the 19th century due to the development of modern weaponry, but people from modern times and even the future can still become Counter Guardians through contracts with the world. While modern weapons are powerful, it would not normally be possible to summon a "warrior from the future loaded with modern weaponry" because it is difficult for such people to become classified as Heroic Spirits. Modern weapons grant ease of use with the advantage of "anyone can use them as long as they were trained", so those who use them are "faceless heroes" who lack any qualities because they possess "expertise anyone can achieve through sufficient training." Heroes loaded with modern weapons would not become the Heroic Spirit, but rather only the weapon being worshipped so long as it harbors a soul.

Hell no wonder people miss this all the time its so hard to find on the wiki. its in the "Heroic Spirit" part which basically tells you what makes a servant(since servants are copies of heroic spirits not the real person.)

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As many have said before, the primary issue with a Fate RP would be the number of potential players with sufficient knowledge about the world. For example, I personally only really understood the magic system in Fate after reading through all the material like seven times. Not to mention you would have to define arbitrary statistics. For instance, exactly how divine would you have to be for a Divinity rank of A-?

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Each Heroic Spirit is a unique existence, "the one and only", who each stood out from the others of their time by performing deeds and possessing qualities that no other possessed. They are mostly limited to individuals born before the end of the 19th century due to the development of modern weaponry, but people from modern times and even the future can still become Counter Guardians through contracts with the world. While modern weapons are powerful, it would not normally be possible to summon a "warrior from the future loaded with modern weaponry" because it is difficult for such people to become classified as Heroic Spirits. Modern weapons grant ease of use with the advantage of "anyone can use them as long as they were trained", so those who use them are "faceless heroes" who lack any qualities because they possess "expertise anyone can achieve through sufficient training." Heroes loaded with modern weapons would not become the Heroic Spirit, but rather only the weapon being worshipped so long as it harbors a soul.

Hell no wonder people miss this all the time its so hard to find on the wiki. its in the "Heroic Spirit" part which basically tells you what makes a servant(since servants are copies of heroic spirits not the real person.)

So, for example, the average Marine wouldn't qualify, but someone like the Red Baron who stood out miles from the rest might?

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To paraphrase what is being said in the paragraph Tengo quoted, modern heroes don't exist because modern technology makes it too easy to achieve grand feats. Essentially what it is saying is even the most unlikely of events now won't match the deeds that the heroic spirits of old supposedly performed when you take away the advantage of technology from each, and look at what was achieved solely through the individual. With the Red Baron, I don't really know if he'd qualify or not (assuming we put the recent nature of his actions aside), this is mainly because his track record, while very impressive, isn't really comparable to some of the other heroes. He had the advantage (or disadvantage) of being born into a time in which being the best may simply be because you've practiced the most. In the days when the heroic spirits were doing their thing, to be the best you had to be born special, as evidenced by the myriad of demigods roaming around the place.

All of that is seemingly unimportant when we look at the fact that unless he made a deal with the world and became a counter guardian, he's not eligible due to being too recent. What's a counter guardian? That's... honestly really complicated and I'd prefer to avoid the topic if possible.

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What about characters that already made an appearance in the anime? It's been a while since I watched it but I remember the one with Gilgamesh and how Lancer 'died'. I think it would make an interesting story if that Lancer made an appearance again.

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First off, wow... so mayn replies so suddenly... I certainly wasn't expecting that ^~^


What about characters that already made an appearance in the anime? It's been a while since I watched it but I remember the one with Gilgamesh and how Lancer 'died'. I think it would make an interesting story if that Lancer made an appearance again.

And yup, you can use already established characters if you want to.

@Murdoc: I'm kinda reluctant to let you summon that guy... It just somehow doesn't feel right

@rustytengo: I'm still working on the idea with two opposing sides in the war. MA magi could either act as a group until they take out all the other magi, or they could each roam freely but be prohibited to engage against other MA magi until the loners are exterminated.

I'll recheck again what others wrote and then I'll reply to them as well

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the one with Gilgamesh

You're gonna have to be more specific. :feelsgd:

But seriously, I'm assuming you mean Fate/Zero's Lancer. Personally I prefer Lancer from Fate/Stay Night, but I don't think there should be any rule against reusing characters.

Aaaaand ninja'd.

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You're gonna have to be more specific. :feelsgd:

But seriously, I'm assuming you mean Fate/Zero's Lancer. Personally I prefer Lancer from Fate/Stay Night, but I don't think there should be any rule against reusing characters.

Aaaaand ninja'd.

I just looked it up and I completely forgot what happened in Fate/stay night xD Also that Lancer doesn't look very interesting to use.

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