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[Interest Check] Fate: Full Moon


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  On 10/24/2014 at 2:00 PM, A Lucky Elf said:

Whist I probably won't be participating myself, an interesting idea for rider or Lancer is St George, of the legend St George and the dragon :3

Saint George was actually summoned in one of the wars already ~ And yup, he's a Rider

And we already have a Rider for this war.

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Out of curiosity, do you not like Rand because he's a WoT character or because of his abilities? I've been trying to come up with options but I can only think of Sabers and maybe a Caster or two based on my knowledge, and I have the feeling everyone is going to want Saber.

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Honestly I haven't seen much interest in Saber thus far. The most promising ones for me at the moment are Archer and Berserker, assuming Rider is taken (which is fine, the same servant can fit into archer).

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personally, as I said before, I prefer interesting over something like Saber or Lancer. They are much too shoehorned for me to want them for a Servant. I would prefer Berserker, Caster, or Assassin as I feel I can do more with those servants over Saber and Lancer. ((Caster only once I understand the bloody magic lol.))

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The imbalance (4 lone Magi vs 3 MA Magi) isn't really much of a problem as MA magi have better connections between themselves. The other Magi wouldn't know about their foes' coalition before actually being attacked by them. The group of lone Masters would be far less organised. Also, MA Masters get special treatment from the MA, including objects that might aid them during the war.

Okay, I guess this is the moment when I should try and explain what I think the magic is like in that universe after reading about it extensively on the Wiki. (feel free to correct me, those of you who know about it more than I do)

So, in Fate, we have Mageraft or Thaumaturgy and Magic. The same way, we differentiate Magi (practitioners of Magecraft) and Magicians (Magic).

Magecraft is recreation of phenomenon using your mana that can be triggered in a different way, through science, while Magic is basically making impossible phenomenon possible. There are 5 true Magics in the world, but there is only a handful of people who can actually use them, and many of them can only do only a fraction of it.

When casting spells (Magecraft), an incantation is needed, but not a specific one. Each Magus has their own incantations for various spells, because they are used to help put oneself in a trance in which it's easier to make use of the Magic Circuits in one's body. The strenght of the spell is determined by the lenght of the incantation.

Now, there's this thing called Thaumaturgical Theory that I don't really get. They apparently engrave some kind of a Thaumaturgical System onto the world. I think Reality Marbles fall under this category. (I assume you do kind of get what Reality Marbles are if you've watched Fate/Zero... it's Alexander's Noble Phantasm)

Dunno how helpful that was. For more info you should refer to the Wikia.

Also, I've prepared sort of like an example of a Servant's info. The one I'm going to show you is for Rider.

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In the Skills department, the first letter shows what his stats would be like if he was summoned by an average Master, or an above average Magus. The second letter shows his stat after being summoned by his Master.

@rustytengo: Feel free to pm me about your Servant if you want to ~

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  On 10/24/2014 at 11:13 PM, Hukuna said:

I will let Sheep get around to it....cause no offense....but that didn't really help, cause it didn't explain anything lol.

Yeah, I am not really up to the task, lol XD

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Basically, a Mage uses their mana to perform a miracle of sorts (that is possible; example would be summoning a gust of wind or fire of sorts) while Magicians can accomplish feats such as time travel or stuff regarding parallel universes and crystallization of a person's soul (all things seen as impossible at the time).

Incantations and certain magical objects (like Tohsaka jewels, I think) make stuff more powerfull.

I feel like Im just repeating myself... xc

Sheep, you can take over the explanation from here. I believe you already mentioned you could do it, so please do. It'll be helpful for everyone ~

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A full explanation of how magic works in the Nasuverse would probably take about 20 pages of material, including examples, and a lot of headache. Just saying. Perhaps everyone should simply post the areas of the system which they are confused about for others to answer?

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so looking at your Rider.... Bfroger class and personal skill ranks usually would not be affected by having a weaker master.(Sabers are the same for Shirou who is a very poor master and Rin who is a very strong master).

also a B rank in Charisma skill(which in its self is a very rare skill) would put your Rider on the same level as Saber.

the Charisma skill is usually only given to servants who where rulers. B rank is for a servant who didn't have enough influence to rule a empire but enough for one who ruled a single country.

and your riders magic resistance(which out of the four classes that get that skill theirs is usually the weakest) of b is only a rank down from sabers whose magic resistance is the highest out of most every servant because of her dragon blood.

though i could be entirely wrong with my brain here given i don't know who your rider is but he seems a bit off to be ruler.

and familiars for a personal skill is a bit weak given a caster or most Mages can summon a simple familiar with out much problem.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 2:02 AM, rustytengo said:

and familiars for a personal skill is a bit weak given a caster or most Mages can summon a simple familiar with out much problem.

Depends on the nature of the familiar, and in particular how strong it is. Ordinary mages can't really summon any sort of familiar that might be dangerous without extreme difficulty, so if this thing is something to be feared it would make a fine personal skill imo. Bit weird for a Rider to have it, but that's what you get when mixing predetermined classes with individual histories.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 4:48 AM, Sheep said:

Depends on the nature of the familiar, and in particular how strong it is. Ordinary mages can't really summon any sort of familiar that might be dangerous without extreme difficulty, so if this thing is something to be feared it would make a fine personal skill imo. Bit weird for a Rider to have it, but that's what you get when mixing predetermined classes with individual histories.

yeah i understand that though for me the ability to summon something dangerous like say a pack of hunting dogs would be more in the area of a NP then a personal skill.

a personal skill in my head is something that the heroic spirit is capable of on there own. like you wouldn't have a weapon as a personal skill but you would have weapon training as one. i hope I'm explaining that right and you get where I'm coming from with it.

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His personal skill; Nature of a Rebellious Spirit (Localized as Restless Soul) gives one the temperament of a lone wolf, unable and unwilling to settle in one place or serve one master. This person will never be able to follow greatness, yet is incapable of finding greatness on his own. This skill negates the effect of Charisma skills of the same rank.The skill was sealed as this skill will very likely make him betray his Master. It is a rare example of using the correct characteristics of the Berserker class.

Honestly it would seem unlikely that one servant could have both since it seems that it would cancel out each other. since a lone wolf really doesn't inspire people which is what Charisma does. and that would be a wast of two slots for personal skills. and most likely like it said that servant would kill the master he was summoned by.

also in this case the non localized name really changes the meaning of it since restless and rebellious are to different things.(translation fail)

http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_%28Fate/Extra_Rin_route%29 this is the link to the page that has this on it.

hopes that helps.

Edited by rustytengo
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I was just toying with the idea for one character. (He steadfastly dislikes authority and rebels against any attempts to control him, but leads an almost fanatically loyal army.)

I've been working up a few "stat blocks" for characters that I'm considering. I might PM them to Bfroger and maybe you or Sheep to get second opinions on them.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 5:02 AM, rustytengo said:

yeah i understand that though for me the ability to summon something dangerous like say a pack of hunting dogs would be more in the area of a NP then a personal skill.

I do agree with that.

  On 10/25/2014 at 5:56 AM, King Murdoc said:

I've been working up a few "stat blocks" for characters that I'm considering. I might PM them to Bfroger and maybe you or Sheep to get second opinions on them.

I'm open to that. If you want me to critique them then I'd be happy to.

Now, I've just got an exam out of the way, so what better way to wind down than to throw myself headfirst into the confusing world of the Nasuverse in an attempt to make heads or tails of this magic system? I already know a lot of the basics, but I'm gonna have a read over the material first to make sure I don't miss anything out.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 5:56 AM, King Murdoc said:

I was just toying with the idea for one character. (He steadfastly dislikes authority and rebels against any attempts to control him, but leads an almost fanatically loyal army.)

I've been working up a few "stat blocks" for characters that I'm considering. I might PM them to Bfroger and maybe you or Sheep to get second opinions on them.

yeah some thing like that could work i guess if say the Charisma is ranked higher but in general the two don't mesh well. and well since Charisma is not only inspires but also makes good leader well the other leads to one working alone but can't achieve anything on their own....ugg it feels like my brain is just going in circles with this.

anyway feel free to pm them to me if you want if anything at least i am good at making servants i hope.(it the only thing i feel i did right in my RP)

  On 10/25/2014 at 6:08 AM, Sheep said:
Now, I've just got an exam out of the way, so what better way to wind down than to throw myself headfirst into the confusing world of the Nasuverse in an attempt to make heads or tails of this magic system?

yep perfect way to keep your brain sharp or turn it into mush.

Edited by rustytengo
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I could definitely put his familiars as his NP. Its just that its pretty much connected to the legend, and his familiar is also his means of transport so yeah. I should probably drop the Charisma tho entirely ~

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  On 10/25/2014 at 9:09 AM, Bfroger6 said:

I could definitely put his familiars as his NP. Its just that its pretty much connected to the legend, and his familiar is also his means of transport so yeah. I should probably drop the Charisma tho entirely ~

then defiantly it would be part of his NP if its his mount as Rider and is specific to his legend.

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