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[Interest Check] Fate: Full Moon


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I see I see still going to quote it just because its one of my favorite scenes.


"Thou losest labour:

As easy mayst thou the intrenchant air

with thy keen sword impress, as make me bleed:

Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests;

I Bear a charmed life, which must not yield

to one of woman born."


"Despair thy charm;

and let the angel whom thou still hast served

Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb

Untimely ript."

((also the reason my caster would do well against him is because she is quite good with causing madness especially paranoia, well as long as he his with in her territory which is like five to seven miles given the size of the place she is from))

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Potentially. Perhaps she could cause the activation of his mad enhancement though, or cause him to perceive others as Banquo in order to manipulate his actions.

I dunno really, depends on the specifics of her abilities.

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its more like Sheep said likely she would cause him to go in permanent Banquo rage mode potentially killing him and his master through mana drain or use his madness to fuel her second NP which relies on to growth of her First one. most likely would fall somewhere in the middle of those two. She would probably keep his madness slightly controled so it can fuel her second NP well using him as guard for her territory.

well that depends on the events which happens with in the story and which side i decide her to be on. as loner or a MA goon.(most likely loner just cause how she works.

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It is constructed by magic, and serves as excellent protection but ultimately isn't powerful enough to be listed as a noble phantasm.

I don't remember if who made it is ever revealed.

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Alright I see that point, however I am going to reckon Caster has to know Macbeth's Identity to make it is so it flips the rage switch. I would reckon so since knowing what her aura does ((from when I saw it last time.)) it couldn't be directly targeted until Caster knew who he was since it seems to just generally play on peoples insecurities, without her knowledge of them. I would reckon however that if she knew that person's triggers she could manipulate them though. SO I think Caster would have to figure out he was Macbeth to directly target that so it triggered his Banquo Rage mode. ((which upon discovering the first time, triggers his 2nd NP. So it is going to be a clusterf*ck of crazy the first time these things happen.))

and what about it Murdoc....that was kinda vague.

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The question was "why is it absurdly impractical from the waist down." She could probably gain an entire rank in Agility if she wasn't wearing a platemail dress.

Also, is it bad that I'm already seeing counters pop up? Not sure what Sheep's Archer is gonna be like, but he'll probably counter my Servant, and Caster doesn't sound like they'll be able to stop my servant, and so on.

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Murdoc the only answer to that question is Anime. Anime and that it still looks cool XD.

And there is bound to be "counters" but if you think of it as Black and White like that it is simplifying it a bit. While Caster "counters" Berserker here, she only does so in her area. Not to mention, Macbeth will go into a blind rage and will to anything to destroy the object he is perceiving as Banquo. ((which he as to be able to see, or perceive in some way.)) So, it could very well backfire in some ways for Caster to make him go off the wall. Also, the servants don't really know each other's NPs or most of their abilities at the start, so they don't know what is up your sleeve.

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That's kind of what the war is. Saber is at a massive advantage vs Caster because of magic resistance, Rider may well struggle against Archer due to their greatest strength (mobility) being pretty much useless in a fight with that servant and so on.

Edit: As Hukuna said though, everyone has personal strengths and weaknesses, so it isn't straight forward either.

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Hell, in Fate/Stay Night Assassin ((well kinda Assassin he was summoned by Caster so it didn't really count so he isn't a true servant.)), could only defeat people because he fought them in a place where he had the upperhand. ((the staircase. He fought here because he had the higher ground, and with his defensive style he didn't need to move to attack. Therefore, he would wait for the enemy to attack into him, because if he placed a blow towards their head, they were forced to dodge back, therefore loosing ground.)) Archer was dead already in this storyline, so there wasn't a Ranged Fighter at the time and therefore this made him not able to be beaten at the time. ((trying to as spoiler-free as possible lol.))

So even if you have a "disadvantage" you can still get the upper hand in the right circumstances.

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Alright I see that point, however I am going to reckon Caster has to know Macbeth's Identity to make it is so it flips the rage switch. I would reckon so since knowing what her aura does ((from when I saw it last time.)) it couldn't be directly targeted until Caster knew who he was since it seems to just generally play on peoples insecurities, without her knowledge of them. I would reckon however that if she knew that person's triggers she could manipulate them though. SO I think Caster would have to figure out he was Macbeth to directly target that so it triggered his Banquo Rage mode. ((which upon discovering the first time, triggers his 2nd NP. So it is going to be a clusterf*ck of crazy the first time these things happen.))

and what about it Murdoc....that was kinda vague.

you would reckon right Hukuna except that shes a Caster and she has familiars (which given who she is would most likely take the form of spirits) which she can use to gather information and you second NP has a distance limit. and second her first NP is not an aura its a bound field placed down upon the place she claims as her territory. which if he entered it on his own most likely would cause Banquo Rage to happen more often on its own. at least that's what i think.

The question was "why is it absurdly impractical from the waist down." She could probably gain an entire rank in Agility if she wasn't wearing a platemail dress.

Also, is it bad that I'm already seeing counters pop up? Not sure what Sheep's Archer is gonna be like, but he'll probably counter my Servant, and Caster doesn't sound like they'll be able to stop my servant, and so on.

cause anime and make people fight in very impractical clothes there's probably a troupe for it.

yeah that happens but it really all depends on the development of the story be for anything else though her first NP may not do much to yours but her second one is a whole other story.

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Psst, I know how Caster works. I have already considered said things lol. The problem is we don't know how things are going to go down yet, so we can't spitball too much since the story has yet to start. ((where nobody knows any of the NPs, or who any of the Servants are.)) anything can happen.

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Psst, I know how Caster works.

That brings me to a question. How will this story be told? Will everyone have access to all of the information for every servant, and then we let our characters gradually acquire the information that we already know as the story tellers? Or is it more if you want to know you have to find out?

The reason I'm asking is I now have a large amount of information on Saber and Berserker, and some information about Rider and Caster, while I myself have been very tight lipped about Archer. It doesn't really seem fair from the point of view that we're all against each other, and potentially with everyone having access to everything a better story could be told, as we have many different opinions being thrown around about how battles should go down.

I totally don't just want an excuse to parade my servant.

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yeah i should set a max of her territory as well probably go with Five miles that would seem about right(and in a densely populated country like japan its quite a lot of people too)though it seems a bit small for it as well hmm...

That brings me to a question. How will this story be told? Will everyone have access to all of the information for every servant, and then we let our characters gradually acquire the information that we already know as the story tellers? Or is it more if you want to know you have to find out?

The reason I'm asking is I now have a large amount of information of information on Saber and Berserker, and some information about Rider and Caster, while I myself have been very tight lipped about Archer. It doesn't really seem fair from the point of view that we're all against each other, and potentially with everyone having access to everything a better story could be told, as we have many different opinions being thrown around about how battles should go down.

I totally don't just want an excuse to parade my servant.

i am actually fin with everyone seeing everything(down side it takes away some of the mystery of it but its would be a bit fairer in the long run) it might help clarify some things as well as help fine tune them all.

((oop accidentally double posted could either delete the first one or combine them Hunkuna))

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And just who do you think I am?

Sheep, the Type-Moon Nerd from the Land Down Under who I forgot was a mod...so thanks.

One thing i noticed people forgot killing the other servants in a battle isn't the only way to win you could just ignore them and kill the masters instead(well except for archer since Independent action.)

Edited by rustytengo
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I might join. I had a few busy days so I really didn't have time to read Sheeps guide yet. I see the two classes I prefered are still available (I'm leaning towards Lancer) so I'll see what I can come up with.

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I might join. I had a few busy days so I really didn't have time to read Sheeps guide yet. I see the two classes I prefered are still available (I'm leaning towards Lancer) so I'll see what I can come up with.

Lancer unfortunately got taken already by Flynn. He sent me a pm while I was asleep. If you want to join, you're gonna have to have an Assassin.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Well damn, I had ideas for Lancer xD

But Assassin is fine by me if I can find an idea I like. And now I can backstab people without feeling guilty.

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Hey Bfroger, can I draw your attention to this? You are the guy in charge after all, so you're the one I was asking.

That brings me to a question. How will this story be told? Will everyone have access to all of the information for every servant, and then we let our characters gradually acquire the information that we already know as the story tellers? Or is it more if you want to know you have to find out?

The reason I'm asking is I now have a large amount of information on Saber and Berserker, and some information about Rider and Caster, while I myself have been very tight lipped about Archer. It doesn't really seem fair from the point of view that we're all against each other, and potentially with everyone having access to everything a better story could be told, as we have many different opinions being thrown around about how battles should go down.

I totally don't just want an excuse to parade my servant.

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