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[Interest Check] Fate: Full Moon


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Hey Bfroger, can I draw your attention to this? You are the guy in charge after all, so you're the one I was asking.

Yeah, sorry. You did post that when it was 6am for me, and I only just now got home and had a good look at all the new posts.

I agree though, it would definitely be fairer to reveal all the Servants' identities. I planned on keeping them all secret at first, but then Hukuna posted his Servant for everyone to see, so yeah...

By the power of my Command Spell, I order you all to post your Servant profiles (keep their NPs hidden if you want to, I know I will) in this thread right now (or wait until I make the Sign up thread and then post their profiles along your PC's profile)!

Rider is Sindbad, btw

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Lawful Good

Strength A+

Endurance A

Agility C

Mana D

Luck E

Phantasm D

Magic Resistance C

Riding D

Battle Continuation C (Continues to fight after lethally wounded, but still succumbs to wounds inflicted.)

Eternal Arms Mastership B (Is renowned as the greatest fighter of his time, period.)

Bravery A+ (somewhat redundant with the above, but he faces down a dragon, solo. Come on.)

Charisma C (becomes King of the Geats, but the territory is not overly large.)

Monstrous Strength B (Adds another plus to Strength if unarmed.)

Naegling, Blade of Giants D (Anti-Unit)

Normally wielded as a normal sword, Beowulf recalls the "sword of giants" used to kill Grendel's mother to existance and delivers one mighty blow with it, Naegling roughly triping in size. After the initial strike, the blade melts away into acid until it has returned to its original size.

Giant's Hilt, E (Anti-Unit)

A talisman in the shape of an oversized sword hilt, it allows Beowulf's attacks to strike phantasmal species with greater force.

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Sorry if I seemed a bit pushy Bfroger, I just noticed you'd posted after mine but hadn't addressed it.

Well then allow me to present Archer:

Spirit: Arjuna Pandava.

Class: Archer.

Alignment: Lawful Good.

Strength: A
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills: Independent Action: A
Magic Resistance: C
Personal Skills: Charisma: D
Divinity: B
Eternal Arms Mastery: A
Military Tactics: C
River Blessing: A
(River Blessing: A: Arjuna was blessed by a Naga princess to be invincible in bodies of water. This manifests itself as Arjuna’s ability to walk on water, and while doing so his endurance parameter ranks up).
Noble Phantasms: Gandiva: (Anti Unit) B
Mohini: (Anti Army) C
Sammohana: (Anti Army) E
Maheshwarastra: (Anti Unit) A
Varunastra: (Anti Unit) D
Varunapasha: (Anti Unit) A
Vajira: (Anti Unit) B+
Indraastra: (Anti Army) A
Brahmaastra: (Anti Country) A+
Pashupatastra: (Anti Divine) EX

Gandiva: The moon bow created by the god of creation Brahma given to Arjuna by the god of water Varuna. Every time it is fired it makes a sound like thunder, and comes with two inexhaustible quivers of arrows. The bow is indestructible, and has up to 100 bowstrings, depending on how quickly the user can fire.

Mohini: The divine weapon of the god of love Mohini. It dispels any thaumaturgy of an equal rank or lower in the area of effect.

Sammohana: The divine weapon of an unnamed god. It induces sleep in all lesser beings inside its area of effect. Unlikely to work on heroic spirits.

Maheshwarastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of destruction Shiva. It embodies the power of his third eye, and fires a fiery bolt of energy at the intended target, inflicting heavy damage.

Varunastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of water Varuna. It summons a torrential volume of water to the battlefield in a rush.

Varunapasha: The other divine weapon belonging to Varuna. It sends ropes capable of binding gods at the intended target.

Vajira: One of the divine weapons belonging to the god of weather and Arjuna’s father Indra. It takes form as an electrical strike of B+ magnitude.

Indraastra: The other divine weapon belonging to Indra. It calls down arrows of light from the heavens over the target area.

Brahmaastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of creation Brahma. It is essentially an enormous explosion of energy.

Pashupatastra: The most powerful divine weapon in the Mahabharata, belonging to Shiva. It manifests itself as an explosion more powerful than the Brahmaastra, and is fully deserving of its Anti Divine rank.

Despite being a demigod, by far the scariest thing about him is his diversity with a whopping 10 noble phantasms. The thing that'll be holding him back is the fact that he fights fairly, with honour, and only displaying power deserving of his opponent.

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@Sheep: It's fine, you didn't sound pushy or anything. I usually write mundane posts while I'm at school and then answer the more pressing matters once I get back home :)

Btw, Noble Phantasms coming up ~

Seven Journeys' Worth of Luck - A

Increases the Servant's Luck stat tremendously (up to EX).

Bird of Prey - B

Summons the mighty and gigantic bird known as Roc. As a Monstrous Beast, Rider cannot control it or ride it as his Riding skill is too low. The most his presence ensures is that the bird won't strike him nor Maria.

Golden Staff of Allah - D

A gift from Allah's angels received by Sindbad on his seventh journey. Apparently helps replenish the user's prana, as well as serving as a potent weapon to drive off Phantasmal Species due to its divine properties.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Alright so I've been playing around with an idea: Cleopatra. A powerful woman who uses poison / her power as a queen and authority / seduction / crocodiles and servants to do the dirty work.

Could that work for an Assassin? Because I don't want to use one of those Hassan dudes.

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Alright so I've been playing around with an idea: Cleopatra. A powerful woman who uses poison / her power as a queen and authority / seduction / crocodiles and servants to do the dirty work.

Could that work for an Assassin? Because I don't want to use one of those Hassan dudes.

Nobody likes the Hassan dudes ~

Assassins are... complicated and stupidly difficult to find, so much so that I would actually give you permission to use Cleopatra as your Assassin. It would certainly be an awesome change from all the boring Assassins we've had in Fate so far.

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Should note, I have no intentions of winning this thing, so I didn't mind putting Berserker up where he could be seen. ((not to mention his NPs need to be seen a bit, that way you don't think I am totally pulling them out of my ass. Cause the 2nd one would be super annoying to just have randomly trigger.))

So, the Complete Macbeth.

Spirit: Macbeth

Class: Berserker

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: C ((C+)) {C++}

Agility: D ((D+))

Endurance: C ((C+)) {C++}

Mana: D ((D+))

Luck: E ((E+))

Noble Phantasm: B (( C ))

Class Skills: 1

Mad Enhancement: EX, under effects seals Macbeth's Charisma, Insecurity, and Weakens his 1st NP. Activates Paranoia, and Banquo Rage

Personal Skills:

Charisma: D.

Insecurity: A.

Paranoia: A.

Banquo Rage: A. Macbeth will seemingly fly into insane rages. This happens when he starts to perceive something as Banquo and he will try relentlessly to destroy it. This increases his master's Prana use, but gains another level in Strength and Endurance.

Noble Phantasms:

"Weird Sister's Prophecy.": B ((D)) Passive Effect.

Immune to all attacks of X or lower Ranks, significantly resistant to higher level attacks. ((X is the current level of the NP.)). Anyone fulfilling the prophecy ((One not born of Woman.)) can deal full damage to Macbeth with any attack.

"Curse of the Scottish King": B. Anti-Unit

Upon discovering Macbeth's Identity. or saying his true name, the victim's Luck perimeter becomes E--. This effect is triggered in a Bounding Field Centered on Macbeth that extends 1200 ft in any direction. Every 30 ft away ((starting at 200ft)) from Macbeth the Victim is, their Luck Rank rises by 1 until it reaches it natural level. ((this is considered D for masters.)) If Macbeth can see the inflicted, it counts as if he were right next to them, giving them the full curse. As soon as he loses visual it reverts back to the Distance Calculation. Master is immune to this effect.

This is here for completion's sake, that way if you want Bfrogs you can gather the Spirit Bios together and put the bios somewhere easy to find them again.

weird.....I swear Rusty used her for assassin back when we tried to get this running the first time lol.

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Really? I didn't pay much attention to it the first time and didn't read the story. I based my idea of Reign (a series, not sure who knows it) where the Queen uses her power and money to get things done including dirty jobs.

Edit: I just looked it up and Hukuna is right.

Edited by Chimchain
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Ah, I see. Well, got a bit of a head-start on the creation then I guess lol, or at least osmebody can help you out with it.

And trust me Chim......pretty much nobody likes those strange dudes that are Assassin in like most of the Fate stuff.

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Ah, I see. Well, got a bit of a head-start on the creation then I guess lol, or at least osmebody can help you out with it.

And trust me Chim......pretty much nobody likes those strange dudes that are Assassin in like most of the Fate stuff.

I like the class but when I did some research and most of them were those Hassan dudes... I want something completely different. Someone who can backstab and can blend into a crowd. And since I will most likely go after the PCs and avoid direct combat I want to combine it with things like poison. Cleopatra was my choice because I can do a lot of stuff with her like summoning servants to do her dirty work. (They won't be strong in combat but at least it gives my PC a chance to escape)

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