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[Interest Check] Fate: Full Moon


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Alright, so my stat sheet for Archer is in, but I fully expect it to be rejected due to him being an overpowered servant. If he gets the approval though, well I'm definitely going to have to join the solo team. This guy cannot be allowed to work with other servants.

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I mean suits Archer to work alone though, amiright?

Very much so. I gave him an Independent Action rank of A.

s'okay, my Servant will just rip his arm off

Yeah, even I don't fancy Archer's chances in close quarters with your servant. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, or maybe hopefully it does. I'd prefer a good story to winning the war, though this servant would give me a good chance of both.

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Same here. I don't see myself winning, actually, for a number of reasons. Certain personality clashes between my planned OC and Servant play a part, as well as my Servant's abilities in general having certain gaps in them. I won't say any more for fear of spoilers.

EDIT: I wonder if Uther Pendragon as a servant would work out? And would he be genderbent?

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Macbeth, First Draft.

Strength: C ((C+)) {C++}

Agility: D ((D+))

Endurance: C ((C+))

Mana: D ((D+))

Luck: E ((E+))


(( Stat )): Stat under Mad Enhancement.

{ Stat }: Stat under special circumstances.

Mad Enhancement: Possible EX, Macbath's Insanity was his most powerful attribute. Increases all of his statistics while under Mad Enhancement, but robs him of most sanity and weakens his "Weird Sisters Prophecy" NP. He can talk in very simple words but can't form full sentences,((most typically the Shout of "BANQUO!!!!!")) but rarely does as his mind is completely preoccupied with his paranoia that somebody is after his power. He also is haunted by the "ghost" Banquo. When he sees the "ghost" he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he can quell the ghost and make it disappear. This rage state vastly increases the prana drain on his Master, while increasing his Strength one more level. ((what I mean here is that his paranoia is so great it causes him to perceive objects or people as the "ghost" of Banquo, he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he destroys the object he is perceiving as Banquo.))

((I kinda wanted to include Banquo somehow, as Banquo's ghost, even if it isn't really him, it is what accelerates Macbeth's Insanity. It is the manifestation of his paranoia and causes him to spiral even faster down into insanity. I can change this bit if it seems super OP, but I think it isn't really all that bad. ))

"Weird Sister's Prophecy": Physically represented by a Bloodied Crown. Works regardless if Macbeth has the Crown or not. Macbeth resists all attacks of B Rank or lower. The Mad Enchantment reduces the Power of this significantly causing Macbeth to resist only Attacks of D Rank or lower. Anyone fulfilling the prophecy attacks Macbeth as if he didn't have this NP. ((reasoning for the the Letter assigned for now. I feel B is pretty high, but that is due to the Prophecy being more powerful before his decent into madness, and inevitably of said Madness setting Macduff into action. However he still cannot be defeated by just anyone which is why I choose to have it stick around even if just in a degraded state.)).

"Curse of the Scottish King": Upon the revelation of Macbeth's Identity, usually by saying his name aloud, the victim's Luck stat temporarily becomes E-- ((or as I will be defining it, negative Luck.)). The very world will conspire against this person or servant, with it doing everything in it's power to bring harm and ultimately death to the victim. To remove the curse, the victim must do 1 action 3 times, spit over their Left shoulder, and then utter a single curse.

So, that is the first draft of Macbeth, what you guys think?

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I don't see any reason for Uther to be genderbent.

Arthur and Mordred both being genderbent was what prompted that.

@Hukuna: The only issue I see is the luck thing, though it fits with the legend. Perhaps it should simply weaken over time as one gets farther away from Macbeth?

By the way, how many people wanted to wait to start?

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True, true, it is a hard thing to figure out since it is a curse lol. Will definitely change it to that then. I actually only left that as a placeholder since I wasn't sure what the heck to change the parameter for breaking it to be. ((guess I would need to figure out how big the area of influence would be.))

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Macbeth, First Draft.

Strength: C ((C+)) {C++}

Agility: D ((D+))

Endurance: C ((C+))

Mana: D ((D+))

Luck: E ((E+))


(( Stat )): Stat under Mad Enhancement.

{ Stat }: Stat under special circumstances.

Mad Enhancement: Possible EX, Macbath's Insanity was his most powerful attribute. Increases all of his statistics while under Mad Enhancement, but robs him of most sanity and weakens his "Weird Sisters Prophecy" NP. He can talk in very simple words but can't form full sentences,((most typically the Shout of "BANQUO!!!!!")) but rarely does as his mind is completely preoccupied with his paranoia that somebody is after his power. He also is haunted by the "ghost" Banquo. When he sees the "ghost" he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he can quell the ghost and make it disappear. This rage state vastly increases the prana drain on his Master, while increasing his Strength one more level. ((what I mean here is that his paranoia is so great it causes him to perceive objects or people as the "ghost" of Banquo, he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he destroys the object he is perceiving as Banquo.))

((I kinda wanted to include Banquo somehow, as Banquo's ghost, even if it isn't really him, it is what accelerates Macbeth's Insanity. It is the manifestation of his paranoia and causes him to spiral even faster down into insanity. I can change this bit if it seems super OP, but I think it isn't really all that bad. ))

"Weird Sister's Prophecy": Physically represented by a Bloodied Crown. Works regardless if Macbeth has the Crown or not. Macbeth resists all attacks of B Rank or lower. The Mad Enchantment reduces the Power of this significantly causing Macbeth to resist only Attacks of D Rank or lower. Anyone fulfilling the prophecy attacks Macbeth as if he didn't have this NP. ((reasoning for the the Letter assigned for now. I feel B is pretty high, but that is due to the Prophecy being more powerful before his decent into madness, and inevitably of said Madness setting Macduff into action. However he still cannot be defeated by just anyone which is why I choose to have it stick around even if just in a degraded state.)).

"Curse of the Scottish King": Upon the revelation of Macbeth's Identity, usually by saying his name aloud, the victim's Luck stat temporarily becomes E-- ((or as I will be defining it, negative Luck.)). The very world will conspire against this person or servant, with it doing everything in it's power to bring harm and ultimately death to the victim. To remove the curse, the victim must do 1 action 3 times, spit over their Left shoulder, and then utter a single curse.

So, that is the first draft of Macbeth, what you guys think?

I love it. I love all of it. I really like the idea of his EX ranked mad enhancement specific to him. As for the prophecy phantasm, maybe include damage resistance to attacks greater than the specified value so that it works in part against everything? I also agree with the curse getting weaker with distance from Berserker.

By the way, how many people wanted to wait to start?

Just me as far as I know. Notus said he'd love to participate, but he's having to drop other RP's already until things calm down a bit for him.

Edit: Just researched the prophecy, are you referring to the one where "no man born of woman" can hurt him? If so, how do demigods and other partially divine beings interact with this?

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So, have the Prophecy resist higher level attacks and I agree with the curse thing for sure, so it is basically a bounded field that centers around him that triggers upon someone figuring out his Identity by either saying his name, or the first time just thinking it. The further from him you get, the less effect it has until broken. Can be activated anytime his name, Macbeth, is said by that person afterwards, but will not trigger upon just a thought on that victim again. Can safely be referred to as "The Scottish King" or just Berserker.

Been really interesting figuring this guy out lol, maybe I should try making some other servants sometimes since it is actually a super interesting challenge.

Macbeth Revision ((this will be spoilered from now on, just to prevent some clutter. Revisions are in Red.))

Class: Berserker

Strength: C ((C+)) {C++}

Agility: D ((D+))

Endurance: C ((C+))

Mana: D ((D+))

Luck: E ((E+))


(( Stat )): Stat under Mad Enhancement.

{ Stat }: Stat under special circumstances.

Mad Enhancement: Possible EX, Macbath's Insanity was his most powerful attribute. Increases all of his statistics while under Mad Enhancement, but robs him of most sanity and weakens his "Weird Sisters Prophecy" NP. He can talk in very simple words but can't form full sentences,((most typically the Shout of "BANQUO!!!!!")) but rarely does as his mind is completely preoccupied with his paranoia that somebody is after his power. He also is haunted by the "ghost" Banquo. When he sees the "ghost" he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he can quell the ghost and make it disappear. This rage state vastly increases the prana drain on his Master, while increasing his Strength one more level. ((what I mean here is that his paranoia is so great it causes him to perceive objects or people as the "ghost" of Banquo, he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he destroys the object he is perceiving as Banquo.))

((I kinda wanted to include Banquo somehow, as Banquo's ghost, even if it isn't really him, it is what accelerates Macbeth's Insanity. It is the manifestation of his paranoia and causes him to spiral even faster down into insanity. I can change this bit if it seems super OP, but I think it isn't really all that bad. ))

"Weird Sister's Prophecy": Physically represented by a Bloodied Crown. Works regardless if Macbeth has the Crown or not. Macbeth is immune to all attacks of B Rank or lower while resisting greater attacks. The Mad Enchantment reduces the Power of this significantly causing Macbeth to immune only Attacks of D Rank or lower and lowering the high mount of resistance to more powerful attacks significantly. Anyone fulfilling the prophecy attacks Macbeth as if he didn't have this NP. ((reasoning for the the Letter assigned for now. I feel B is pretty high, but that is due to the Prophecy being more powerful before his decent into madness, and inevitably of said Madness setting Macduff into action. However he still cannot be defeated by just anyone which is why I choose to have it stick around even if just in a degraded state.)).

"Curse of the Scottish King": Upon the revelation of Macbeth's Identity, usually by saying his name aloud, the victim's Luck stat temporarily becomes E-- ((or as I will be defining it, negative Luck or Cursed Luck.)). The very world will conspire against this person or servant, with it doing everything in it's power to bring harm and ultimately death to the victim. The effect is a bounded circle centering on Macbeth that triggers anytime his name is said by the person and triggers once upon the discovery of his Identity. ((only triggers on the one saying his name, or realizing his identity the first time.)). The further from the victim gets from Macbeth in increments of 10 feet approximately, ((not going to be super strict on it lol.)) his luck raises back one level, until reaching it's normal level. For Masters, while they don't typically have stats, this value is considered to be D. Upon reaching said value the curse is broken for that activation of the Curse.))

And to your concern there Sheep, if they are born of Woman or the Mother is a mortal being they are not exempt from the rule I would imagine. I only say this since Demi-Gods are just Mortals given Immortality, so they would still be Man ((human.)) therefore if their Mother was also mortal I think He would still resist them, however if their Mother was a Goddess or a divine being then they do full damage to Macbeth.

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Not intending to participate, but as a note of help regarding Luck; it's fine to make certain Noble Phantasms have LCK as a sort of base for either how powerful it is or it's chance of hitting; Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg states, for example, that to avoid it, you need more of a high Luck stat; agility doesn't matter as much. It's that sort of thing that let Arturia survive against it when he first used it.

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Okay, Macbeth is also approved ~

That means we now have Archer, Saber, Berserker, Rider and Caster. We still need an Assassin and a Lancer.

About the delayed start; sure, we can do that. If people don't have anything against that, lets delay it so that Sheep (and possibly Notus) can also enjoy the rp. ^~^

Edited by Bfroger6
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Hmm... Archer got approved. Well, that means you guys are gonna have one hell of a servant to tango with, as if you didn't already. Powerful, and very diverse, but I'm not going to let anything more slip.

I didn't expect it, but I'm glad he got through. This is going to be a fantastic character to write.

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I really don't mind too much Sheep lol. I mean I kinda picked Berserker to just do crazier stuff rather actually try and win. ((though this Berserker seems pretty cray for a Berserker in terms of power, while it may not be raw power, he seems a lot easier to control than other berserkers until he goes "Banquo Rage" mode. ))

Oh and Rusty got his Caster it would seem. Have fun with that one guys, his Caster is bloody cool lol. ((I wouldn't say OP, but definitely interesting.))

and yea, Murdoc, Homonculi are immune, they aren't really "born" they are made, therefore they could harm Macbeth as if he didn't have his Prophecy NP, though I didn't expect it to come up that is why I didn't specify it.

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I really don't mind too much Sheep lol. I mean I kinda picked Berserker to just do crazier stuff rather actually try and win. ((though this Berserker seems pretty cray for a Berserker in terms of power, while it may not be raw power, he seems a lot easier to control than other berserkers until he goes "Banquo Rage" mode. ))

Too bad :I Now you won't die 'cause of prana exhaustion...

I've thought up a way to compensate for my Rider's lack of power and I've also made some changes to his parameters.


Strenght: D

Endurance: C

Agility: C

Magic: E

Luck: EX (cuz of his new Noble Phantasm)

Noble Phantasm: B


Magic Resistance: D

Riding: A


Resourcefulness: C (mainly referring to his ability to make useful stuff from a narrow seletion of resources [example: on a deserted island] and his ability to get out of tricky situations)

Restless Spirit: A (cannot sit still and cannot settle down; he is constantly in need of making his life dynamic and adventurous)


???: A+ (passive Luck enchantment)

???: B (summons his ride)

???: D (???)

p.s. Maria has Wind affinity.

Edited by Bfroger6
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You know, it seems like we've got a lot of interest already. why not open up a signup thread?

Dunno, peeps said it'd be easier for them if we waited a bit.

Although I could do it anyways. We just wouldn't actually begin until everyone was ready

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Since I realize I didn't assign stuff to his NPs, or give him any personal skills. A little bit more Macbeth, this probably won't effect anything, but here you go. ((check the spoilers for a description of the Personal skills.))

Personal Skill

Charisma: C ((lost during Mad enhancement.))

Macbeth was a respected General before he went mad, at least enough that in the play King Duncan trusts him. Therefore Macbeth was suited to lead forces, but not much more than that.

Insecurity: A ((lost during Mad Enhancement.))

When Macbeth's Masculinity is called into question it causes him to react, increasing his Strength by a level and causing him to seek out that task until it is finished. ((this is what caused Macbeth's descent into madness. His wife doubting his Manhood nd bringing it into question since he couldn't kill Duncan until she convinced him this way. this is more here if he got summoned other another Class, but I doubt he ever would.))

Paranoia: A ((only active after Mad Enhancement.))

Macbeth is suspicious of almost everyone as he is convinced somebody is trying to steal his power from him, this heightens his awareness but also causes him to connect things that aren't there. It is a double edged sword, as the Paranoia is what robs him of most of his reasoning and pretty much all of his sanity.

"Weird Sister's Prophecy": B ((D under Mad Enhancement.))

"The Curse of the Scottish King.": B

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It would help to have the signups a week or so before the planned start anyway, so you can process applications and such.

I'll post the thread once I write everything needed for it ~ Maybe tomorrow then, as it's already late now

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You did quite a good job on Berserker Hukuna. Yeah making servants makes for a fun challenge.

and the Banquo rage isn't super OP just super exploitable for my caster hehehehehehe.

though i have to ask you guys do know why Macduff was able to fulfill the prophecy despite being a man whose mother was human right?

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