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Help vs Charlotte


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My team is severely under leveled, the only two pokemon that stand a chance is houndoom and manoswine.

1. lvl 62 houndoom @ flash fire

-nasty plot


- dark pulse


lvl 66 azumarill @ huge power (pseuudo choice band set) except equipped with mystic water

-aqua tail

-aqua jet

-play rough


lvl 24 panpour ( need to train)





lvl 36 golduck ( need to train) @ swift swim


- aqua jet

- zen headbutt

-screech ( possible could be rain dance)

lvl 64 mamoswine @ thick fat

-icicle crash


-ice shard

lvl 65 honckrow @moxie

-sucker punch

-brave bird

- night slash

- roost

leaving in box: lvl 66 blaziken, lvl 67 cofagrigus, lvl 65 magneton.

Is there a good place to train the lower leveled Pokemon and how do i disable the super heated field.

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Rain Dance or Water Sport, I don't know if any attacking moves would do it like Surf, but I know these do.

You can train your pokemon in various spots. For Panpour I'd start with Unowns under the Grand Staircase in Lapis Ward.

EDIT: It seems water attacking moves generate steam, and will lower the accuracy of all pokemons attacks. Did you do the Aqua or Magma Gang side of the quest earlier in the game? That will determine when you get Rain Dance.

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Azumaril learns rain dance. why dont you go to agate circus and make azuu relearn rain dance? it will be helpful or you could get rain dance tm if you had joined team aqua

Edited by Sharath Bhat
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Try using Sheep's guide:

I've got a neat suggestion for you. There are 3 pokemon that we are given in close proximity to where you are that when working in tandem can destroy Charlotte. You're gonna want a Mienshao, a Bronzong, and a Rhydon. Make sure the Bronzong has heatproof, that way it should be able to take one flamethrower from Charlotte's Ninetails. Teach Bronzong the trick room TM you got from Radomus and the rain dance TM you get from the gangs, and lead with it and Mienshao. Fake out the Typhlosion turn one, and set up trick room. Then use rain dance to destroy the feild. Then when one of your guys dies next turn send out Rhydon and trick room earthquake/stone edge your way through her whole team.

It helped me out. You can also use the houndoum you have too with its false fire ability. And instead of Rhydon u can use diggersby/golurk too.

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I beat her using trick room. I have chandelure with trick room.. Scrafty with moxie sweeped her team with hjk. i also have tyrantrum.. both made use of trick room.

Edited by Sharath Bhat
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Azumaril learns rain dance. why dont you go to agate circus and make azuu relearn rain dance? it will be helpful or you could get rain dance tm if you had joined team aqua

You can get both Sunny Day and Rain Dance TMs, just the timing differs depending on who you joined.

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Use Blizzard to take out the feield, it's not important it just makes thing easyer. And don't use water mon they don't work, some attack like surf dosen't work and other loses there power because of the heat. Use rock, ground and one flying type. And if you have Flygon and a flying type then they won't get hit by earthquake, and earthquake will be the best move. The flying type is ther because of Volcarona. If you need more help buy cottencandy in Ageta, the revive to full hp, works great.

And last just try, find a strategy that works for you and have fun.

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