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Ummmm so I'm battling Noel with honor and disciprin and I notice that his Clefable is fast which is whatever but for curiosity i check its base stat and his speed is pathetic. He's like outspeeding my magneton who isn't a speedster either but he's way faster that clefable who isn't even normal so I call shenanigans! (I know clefable was voted to stay) but seriously what's the deal?

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It's not EVs. It'll just be the IVs. The only pokemon who have specific EV spreads atm are Charlotte's iirc, and even if the Clefable did have specific EVs do you think they'd be in speed? All pokemon that random trainers have come with an IV of 31 in each stat though, so that's likely why you're getting outsped. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a speed reducing nature either.

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