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A Fistful of Field Effects


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  On 10/26/2014 at 11:54 AM, Bessi said:

yeah!!! all non water pokemon get KOed because they cant dive underwater!!! That would be the most evil thing ever.and very logic.because it would be stupid to fight underwater with non water pokemon.Something similar like the sky battles!!!restricted to only water pokemons

That sounds extremely painful- doing a temporary Water mono-type just to be able to battle underwater. And I don't have enough Water-types in reserve to have more than a team of two. That sounds even more painful.

We'll be getting some sort of underwater field, I'm sure, but it'll need to be a bit less restricting than this idea.

You know what Reborn needs? Inverse battles. I'd be game for that.

  On 10/26/2014 at 6:07 PM, nickcrash said:

Radomus had the outfit anyway.

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I have a need to draw this.

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hey, can someone plz plz plz tell/remind me who blake is? the name sounds oh so slightly familiar, but i have no clue who he/she is. someone please enlighten me. as for speculation for the gym leader betrayal, imma have to make a few guesses

Aya: She gets her soul stolen, and forced to work for team meteor, BUT! waaaaaaaaaaay at the end of the story, We summon Arceus and he restores Aya's soul. Just a theory, but definitely a possibility.

Shelly: Agreeing with what someone said above, shelly has to make a decision about heather that forces her to join team meteor, for letting heather go or something like that. We free her at some point or something, but in all honesty, i don't think shelly would actively fight for team meteor, more or less become a captive in exchange for heather.

Laura (not a leader, but even stronger): remember she goes running off due to her loss of position? What if team meteor finds her and like convinces/tricks her to fight for them in exchange for her position back?

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  On 10/26/2014 at 10:41 PM, KingRyan said:

hey, can someone plz plz plz tell/remind me who blake is? the name sounds oh so slightly familiar, but i have no clue who he/she is. someone please enlighten me.

He's Cal's brother. In the intros when you boot up Pokemon Reborn, he's the light-blue hair'd guy


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With these field effects it's getting almost to the point with gym battles that you have to target the secondary type and avoid the traditionally super effective mon like the plague. Fortunately I've been training a few off-type mon in the between times to take care of some of the future gyms. Still, Aya will be annoying when I eventually replay this. Though I'm going to hold off on replaying until it is complete.

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That Earthquake/Magnitude penalty is kind of ridiculous, though at that point it's fairly difficult to have Earthquake anyway. That Skuntank and Drapion she will inevitably pack are going to be a pain. I wonder if/how Kiki will take advantage of the free Sand ability activation? Sandslash can pretty much sweep her team after a Swords Dance boost or two, so I might train another one if I start a third file for Ep .14.

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Another Gym Leader will join team meteor.

Hm, well last I checked, Blake seems to use Ice. And we have an Ice leader already back in Spinel town. So, isn't Blake invalidated? Unless they decide they want to kill Serra for some reason. Which I highly doubt Bennet would let happen without a fight, seeing as he has ties with Elias/Team Meteor and would know about it.

Also, Ame I have to ask. Is that a PULSE Clawitzer at the top of the site page in the heading? :)

Edited by Zane0144
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Corey turns out to be alive and joins Team Meteor again.

It's definitely going to be Shade. Duh. I wouldn't put it passed him, though. >.> Now in all seriousness, I wouldn't put it passed any (alive xD) Gym Leader. It could be Julia or Saphira or Hardy or even Shelly. I dunno, I just don't feel like I know enough about any of the Gym Leaders to trust them not to join the bad guys. And don't get me started on Shade.

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Oh, looks like I'm late to the party. Field effects, oh boi! Betrayal by a gym leader? If Blake were a gym leader that would be my obvious choice but that isn't the case. Aya would be kind of obvious too, as she's behind enemy lines and brainwash and whatever would be effective probably. Hardy would probably do it to protect Aya. Saphira and Charlotte I'm convinced wouldn't. Julia doesn't hold enough significance, and Shelly wouldn't do it to her own will. Flo-bot maybe because of Fern's betrayal, but that's the only legitimate reasoning I can think of. Radomus could easily betray us as his side really doesn't have much of a fine line for us. Only that he isn't a fan of EL really is the only thing that puts him on our side. But his ownership of the Amethyst Pendant is definitely suspicious. Titania has some link to Meteor whether it be that she's a double agent or 100% on our side. Amaria would probably do it since she probably has nothing to live for now that she knows Titania doesn't love her. And the triumvirate is so irrelevant to the Meteor storyline currently that I don't think betrayal from them would even make sense. Luna, absolutely not, same with Noel.

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I'd cross out Shelly. We already have an E4 Bug trainer that turned evil. Giving them 2 doesn't make any sense. Thinking type-wise, we have Sigmund as the evil electric boss, Sirius for some poison, Fern for grass, so I would not expect Julia, Flobot or Aya to join. That leaves me with Radomus and Titania. The latter wouldn't surprise me much, as we've seen her secret meeting at the woods and we know she does have some connection. Radomus seems nice but he knows too much and reveals too little. He could be a sad father, who adopts Luna at the loss of his real daughter due to the meteors (sidestory: Anna is his daughter, but she was kidnapped at early age, he was asked for ransom, they told him she died, so she would not have any legitimate parents and give her to Sigmund)

Serra is a viable choice. Either she joins to protect her son, or she is promised the beautiful world in which she's relevant again.

The others:
Shade: I don't really think that he really has any reason to join them. Usually Ghosts are neutral and care only for themselves, neither good nor evil. Otherwise, he is a pretty nice character, since he helps Anna. It wouldn't make any sense for him to join.
Agate trio: Samson didn't even know Kiki died. No connection to the meteors. Ciel lives for the circus and Terra, oh Terra, she is quite crazy, so even if she wanted to join, they might not let her.

Noel: Too cute and innocent to be the evil mastermind behind the whole sceme, who is the real reason behind the burning of the Tanzan cove house, and conspired with Sigmund to get all the children into custody, while appearing to be one of them, yet never participated in any experiment. Noel doesn't play with your rules, HE CREAtES TEHM!!! He uses Clefable in a normal team, and that tells you all you need to know about him. Hail Seadra!

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  On 11/1/2014 at 8:18 PM, ! HC ! PokeLuke said:

(maybe) Perfect strat for the Cave field in a double battle... Make a Greninja use Mat Block and the *whatever Pokémon* use Earthquake... and BOOM!

Field effects that KO active Pokes don't bypass Protect?

Also, the strategy isn't recyclable.

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Wait wait wait, let's make some spectulation based on "The Cave" here......the only leader who benefits from that field is Hardy......


okay sorry for caps .-. BUT SRS SPECTULATION *grabs more water pokemon*

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