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You guessed it,Charlotte Help!!


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Well, I am getting completely boned by her. I can kill the first two, but the next two kill me with HP Water ;-;

My Team.

Ninetales Lv 60


Nasty Plot Wil-o-wisp
Flamethrower Extrasensory

Pyroar Lv 61


Flamethrower Endevor

Dark pulse Hyper Voice

Krookodile Lv 69


Earthquake Outrage

Crunch Foul play

Drapion Lv62

Modest(Didnt have another heart scale)

Cross Poison Night Slash

Toxic spikes Hone Claws

Houndoom Lv 67


Dark pulse Nasty plot

Flamethrower Strength

Greninja Lv 67


Extrasensory Surf

Dark pulse lick

In box

Pachirisu, Glameow, swirlix, happiny, snubull, pansear, egg, growlithe, spiritzee, buziel, lunetone, smoochum, meowstic(f), sunflora, drifloon, ditto, panpour, vanilla thing, castform, victorybell, abra, jigglypuff, roggernrola, timbr, clefairy, delibird, pawnird, treveant.

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Hmm well the first two pokemon need to be Grinded, and I don't think Pyroar will take you very far against Charlotte. The classic strategy is to teach a pokemon Rain Dance, and your best pokemon for that right now would be Greninja, I'd probably take off Lick for that. As for Pokemon swaps? I'd suggest taking out Pyroar for a trained up Floatzel. Does your Ninetales have drought? You don't want that in this battle, it will only help her. Once you get rid of the sun with Rain, you can easily leave Krookodile in to EQ everything, but it'd probably be best if you had something to go along side it that is immune to it like a Flying type.

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  On 10/25/2014 at 3:39 PM, Jericho said:

Hmm well the first two pokemon need to be Grinded, and I don't think Pyroar will take you very far against Charlotte. The classic strategy is to teach a pokemon Rain Dance, and your best pokemon for that right now would be Greninja, I'd probably take off Lick for that. As for Pokemon swaps? I'd suggest taking out Pyroar for a trained up Floatzel. Does your Ninetales have drought? You don't want that in this battle, it will only help her. Once you get rid of the sun with Rain, you can easily leave Krookodile in to EQ everything, but it'd probably be best if you had something to go along side it that is immune to it like a Flying type.

I dont have Rain Dance... I didn't know i would get stuck in agate Circus...and i couldnt beat the Aqua leader yet, so i was going to wait...

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Also, Pyroar will actually be an excellent choice for Charolette because the rainbow field that will be created through the combination of rain and sun will give a nice extra 1.5 boost to his STAB Hyper Voice, which should hit both of her Pokemon. Strength would work too though. When you see one of her Pokes going for either Solar Beam or expect to take a fire move on your Bronzong or something, make sure to switch into Pyroar which will eat it up and be ready to start sweeping through her team. The Moral of the story is when you've got a nice, strong, Special Attacker that can outspeed a level 75 Arceus while at level 60, don't box it. Keep it trained up and ready for battle, esspecially since you can quite easily create the Rainbow Field while working with the weather. If it's sunny you can make it. If it's rainy you can make it. The Rainbow Field is an easily manipulated field that you would do well to utilize with Pyroar.

Also it really surprises me how many people forget about this tactic. I didn't even have Hyper Voice on my Pyroar, I had strength, and it killed four members of her team and then Archen and Flygon cleaned up.

Edit: It just came to my attention that you said you didn't have any more Heart Scales, so really the only choice you have for getting rain dance, which is essential, would be Castform through level up. Make sure you ALWAYS go back and get TMs like this in Reborn guys! You won't want to backtrack and grab TMs like Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, and Flash.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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Castform will switch to Fire, Water, or Ice type based on the current weather. But beware, because some of her Pokemon probably have HP Rock or HP Ground to deal with fire types. If you have a quick claw, give Castform that so it can possibly get a priority on Rain Dance and outspeed everything else.

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Beat her with Fist plated SD/HJK speedboosting Blaziken + bright powder Dancing/sleep powdering/ huricaning vivilon + belted EQ/rockslide Flygon and and a plated nasty ploting shadow ball levitator mismagius.

Wasn't that hard if you EV trained your team properly

Edited by jrookie
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  On 10/28/2014 at 4:11 PM, AuthorReborn said:

Don't even need EVs for this fight, seriously.

The battle is more difficult for some than others. The most common strategy is using Rain Dance and neutralizing the field. EV's can put some teams over the edge whereas others wouldn't necessarily need them.

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