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Let's talk Furret


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I'm assuming you mean in game in this? Power-Up Punch and U-Turn are not yet available in the game IIRC. If this meant to be a competitive set, then this is in the wrong place.

If you're looking to discuss the competitive aspect of Furret please post it here in the research center with the thread for Furret. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=639

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....I see....a COMPETITIVE spread, so I don't know if you're talking about your in game team here. If you are, that's grand...if not this probably needs to be moved somewhere else.

Furret's a cutie pie, and is my favorite HM slave, should I use one, but I don't think it will find much grace outside of NeverUsed.

  • It -Is- fast though, and it has a very nice priority move in Sucker Punch. If you are dealing with Girafarig or something of the sort, Furret can come in with that move and probably do well as a revenge killer.
  • You -most- definitely are going to want Frisk.
  • I like the Scarf - but perhaps you go for Return over Power-Up Punch. The reason behind this is Furret would get a 102 BP move with STAB right from the go, and it won't get KO-ed early for trying it like PupPunch.
  • U-turn is definitely a good move for this Pokemon. Frisk allows you to essentially find out the set that's being used on your opponents pokemon, and it gets away from it scott clean with some damage.
  • I -personally- think the scarf is more helpful to Furret than it would be harmful to the opponent, so I don't like Trick here. This Pokemon does however, get Quick Attack...
  • Your EV spread is fine.

Might I suggest my own set?

Furret - Jolly/Adamant - Choice Scarf


- Sucker Punch

- Quick Attack

- Return

- U-Turn

This set is ALL about revenge killing and priority. and with only 75 base Attack, it's probably going to need to focus on being a Scout and this retaliation role. Safe switch it in to Frisk the opponent's items, and U-turn out to a Pokemon that can better do the job initially. If a Pokemon faints and your opponent is low on hp, Furret can come in and use a STAB Quick Attack to clean up. Sucker Punch gives it something to finish off Ghost type pokemon with.

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Might I suggest my own set?

Furret - Jolly/Adamant - Choice Scarf


- Sucker Punch

- Quick Attack

- Return

- U-Turn

This set is ALL about revenge killing and priority. and with only 75 base Attack, it's probably going to need to focus on being a Scout and this retaliation role. Safe switch it in to Frisk the opponent's items, and U-turn out to a Pokemon that can better do the job initially. If a Pokemon faints and your opponent is low on hp, Furret can come in and use a STAB Quick Attack to clean up. Sucker Punch gives it something to finish off Ghost type pokemon with.

If we're strictly talking for revenge killing purposes. I'd suggest Retaliate > Return. In revenge killing situations, Retaliate's BP is 140 as opposed to the 102 of Return.

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better set imo would be:

Furret @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Trick
- Double-Edge
- Sucker Punch
- U-turn

frisk to shit on stall. sucker for priority. d-edge because without it you hit like piss on a wall. and u-turn to basically have a redeeming factor and to have a reason to use furret instead of lopunny.

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