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Since my laptop is now broken, and I have had to send it off to be repaired, I've lost my original file with everything (for now). So I'm doing a file on my desktop, and I'm looking for replacement pokemon.

I'm looking for replacements for:




Venusaur :(

Any ideas will be helpful. Thanks

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Lucario and Gyarados??....you're f*****

*fixes my throat* You have 2 options

1) Download an old EP that those Poke are available and get them back that way

2) Play the new one (EP 13) you can catch Zubat to get Crobat and you get Bulbasaur through a event so you can get these guys back

Gallade have relative almost the same stats has Lucario, and it learns Swords Dance, Close Combat etc.

Gyarados though? nah, this thing is in a league of it's own, no water Poke can compete with this beast.

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Venusaur has actually been replaced with Meganium, so you can't get that back either. The best Grass/Poison types in the game at the moment are Roserade and Vileplume, though if you don't mind just Grass then Gogoat is a boss.

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Lucario- I recommend Toxicroak. Its quite reliable with decent offenses and will be useful for the next few gym leaders with dat Dry Skin.

Crobat- You need a powerful respectable Staraptor. Its like the opposite of Crobat, its slower, but makes up for it by hitting hard.

Gyarados- Oh boy, not much can match this thing. Crawdaunt is pretty nice. Swords dance Adaptability Knock off. gg.

Venusaur- Try Tangrowth. It has some ridiculous physical bulk, while being able to hit hard too.

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Not the easiest request ever, buuuuut I'd say you go get Gallade/Mienshao, Staraptor/Archeops, Empoleon and Roserade/Liligant/Gogoat/Gourgeist/Leavanny.
Recommendable sets (in my book), in order, would be:
-Gallade, Steadfast, Adamant/Jolly Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Close Combat. Give it a Scope Lens from the O.Dept Store and all but the last move will crit 50% of the time. You can also give it Trick Room, which is always a plus in my book (just don't make it Jolly then).
-Mienshao, Reckless/Regenerator, Jolly, High Jump Kick, Bounce, Knock Off, Poison Jab. No need to say anything here, except for the fact that you have to go back to E12 or earlier for it and once there breed it with a Farfetch'd.
Staraptot, Reckless, Jolly, Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Close Combat, Endeavor. Raw power. Give this thing a _blank_ gem and any foe in front of it will be decimated.
-Archeops, Defeatist, Jolly, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw/Earthquake/U-Turn/Crunch, Endeavor. Jolly, not Adamant. See, Defeatist ruin offences, but not it's Speed, so Endeavor can be used to let you keep on fighting. EQ is gotten from Wooper>Corsola>Archen.
-Empoleon, Defiant, Quiet/Brave, Scald, Ice Beam, Agility, Drill Pecl. Just look at this guy's stats. Speed is the only thing it lacks, but then there's Agility, letting it outspeed any unboosted foe. Panpour>Buizel>Remoraid>Piplup nets it, in order, Scald+Ice Beam+Agility along with level-up Drill Peck, to give it perfect neutral coverage.
-Roserade, Technician, Timid, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, HP Fire. The chain for SB and ES is Grimer>Stunfisk>Wooper>Mauwile>Roselia>Exeggcute>Roselia.
-Gogoat, Sap Sipper, Adamant/Jolly, Horn Leech/Leaf Blade, Earthquake/Brick Break/Aerial Ace, Bulk Up. You just buff your defense and attack while healing with items when needed and start sweeping. It's pretty damn bulky, so setting up on any not-super-effective attacks shouldn't be that tough, especially if it's a physical attacker we're talking about.
-Liligant, Own Tempo, Timid/Modest, Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, HP Rock, Petal Dance/Energy Ball. Just set up a QD or 2 and you're good to go, SP helps you set that up. PD is the best STAB Grass move it gets and it doesn't even confuse it due to Own Tempo, but EBall doesn't lock you into a move. HP Rock hits all of Grass' weaknesses except for Poison.
--Gourgeist, Frisk, Sassy/Relaxed, Protect, Leech Seed, Will-o-Wisp, Phantom Force. I dub it "Death by Status". LS and WoW damage the foe for 1/4 of their health every turn while Protect+PF let the foe hit you only once every 3 turns. The foe gets to ht you once while they're losing 75% of their health. LS gets it health, WoW weakens physical hits and it has great bulk (only super-sized is in the game)which lets it set up LS and WoW with ease, so it'll be nigh impossible to kill unless the foe has a SE special attack.
-Leavanny, Overcoat/Swarm, Jolly, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Sticky Web, Slash/Entrainment. Slash is an extra attack, while Entrainment handles serious threats such as Medicham.

Whoops, forgot to add: Gourgy gets Protect and Will-o-Wisp from Yamask in E12. Sorry 'bout that.

Edited by Etesian
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-Liligant, Own Tempo, Timid/Modest, Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, HP Rock, Petal Dance/Energy Ball. Just set up a QD or 2 and you're good to go, SP helps you set that up. PD is the best STAB Grass move it gets and it doesn't even confuse it due to Own Tempo, but EBall doesn't lock you into a move. HP Rock hits all of Grass' weaknesses except for Poison.

I don't often do this kind of thing, but I actually quite like dream eater on Lilligant. Helps it set up easier by providing damage and recovery provided you're running sleep powder.

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Not the easiest request ever, buuuuut I'd say you go get Gallade/Mienshao, Staraptor/Archeops, Empoleon and Roserade/Liligant/Gogoat/Gourgeist/Leavanny.

Recommendable sets (in my book), in order, would be:

Not trying to be rude, but if you look in my signature, I already have Empoleon. I've tried to set up my rotations/team with having a special and a physical attacker for each "type," atleast Grass/fire/water. Crobat and metagross are my phys, while Jolteon and lucario are my specs. it's too keep options available to me. thanks for all of these though, might try that gallade set, I usually run SD on him.

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Not trying to be rude, but if you look in my signature, I already have Empoleon. I've tried to set up my rotations/team with having a special and a physical attacker for each "type," atleast Grass/fire/water. Crobat and metagross are my phys, while Jolteon and lucario are my specs. it's too keep options available to me. thanks for all of these though, might try that gallade set, I usually run SD on him.

Oh, I did see it, but I just figured I'd list it's best set because I couldn't have known what you're running on it and if it's a Water type you need, nothing really compares to Gyarados, Empoleon is your next-best bet. I guess you could try out "Crit-dra". Scope Lensed Sniper Kingdra with Surf, Focus Energy, Dragon Pulse and Agility, but I'd say Empoleon tops Reborn's Critdra.

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Oh, I did see it, but I just figured I'd list it's best set because I couldn't have known what you're running on it and if it's a Water type you need, nothing really compares to Gyarados, Empoleon is your next-best bet. I guess you could try out "Crit-dra". Scope Lensed Sniper Kingdra with Surf, Focus Energy, Dragon Pulse and Agility, but I'd say Empoleon tops Reborn's Critdra.

Oh, the trolling I do with critdra. But I'd have to revert episodes. and Idiot me deleted the previous episodes. WHY DID I DO THAT? But I think I know what I'm going to do with a phys water. Smash-Bar. The destroyer of worlds.

EDIT: Oh BTW Sheep, thanks for your help on the other forum post. Didn't realize how much of a blunder that I had made.

Edited by ShadowDefender
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